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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by DaisyAndSunshine

  1. DaisyAndSunshine

    Food Before and After Photos

    I made "Edamame Falafel" and they turned out yum and taste quite similar to chickpeas version but with better macros. P.S - "Air fried" not deep fried
  2. DaisyAndSunshine


    If you're suspecting pancreatitis, definitely ED. No ifs or buts in case that's what it is and delay may become detrimental.
  3. DaisyAndSunshine

    Bernstein diet after weight loss surgery?

    LMAO I just realized OP had posted this back in 2014 🤣 Oh well, hope all went well with him or her.
  4. DaisyAndSunshine

    Bernstein diet after weight loss surgery?

    You have tried it but went back on regular diet and put your weight back on. Do you think low-carb diet is sustainable for life? I know many opt for Keto and low carb diets but can you personally do it for life? That should be the question to ask. If it isn't sustainable, it isn't for you. After done various diets, I know personally, low carbs/Keto isn't for me. I don't like restrictive diets. They always triggered my binging. So I will always make sure not to intentionally restrict anything from my diet. Of course, a balanced diet is a must. But restrictive diet is a big NO NO for me unless it's something temporary. I won't be able to do it for life nor do I want to make that my lifestyle post surgery.
  5. DaisyAndSunshine

    Bernstein diet after weight loss surgery?

    I remember having done with this diet about 15 yrs back. Lost weight and put it all back on plus more. Ever since that diet, my metabolism has been a wreck. It also triggered binge eating disorder in my case which never really went away with the cycle of yo yo dieting. Dr. Bernstein diet or any other such restrictive diet, I wouldn't recommend it anyone. Dr. Bernstein's diet is not only low carb, but also an extremely low calorie diet. I used to consume around 500ish calories in a day and back then I was too young and inexperienced what that can do to one's biological system. They also don't focus on getting appropriate protein in. Their main focus is to cut down on all macros to make sure you're losing weight. That also meant you would be losing your muscles along with it. I have faced the repercussions of that diet for over a decade. In my case personally, I wouldn't recommend any sorta restrictive diet for life because it can trigger binging which can be catastrophic. One of the reasons, I opted for bariatric surgery is because it does provide restriction on protion control but also helps with stabilizing the hormones and thermostat. I don't anymore have the tendency or feels to binge. My cravings aren't crazy either nor do I think of food all the time. The constant head hunger isn't there nor do I have the constant voice telling me to order this food or that. Anyone who struggles with binging, please do yourself a favor and don't ever take the route of restrictive diets especially after you're given a shot to fix your mess with this surgery. Yes, bariatric surgery also comes with its limitations and lifelong committment, but it is something that is sustainable if you keep your focus. So, in my opinion, I wouldn't recommend it especially Dr. Bernstein's diet. __________ And if you wanna replicate its diet, modify it. Keep it low card but make sure you get enough protein and calories. You also don't need that kinda Vitamin B12 intake. Oral sublingual pills are enough to keep your B12 levels normal. Just got my levels tested 3 months post-Op, and they are in the normal range.
  6. DaisyAndSunshine

    April 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Have you guys looked into this site's formula? Bariatric pal has many varieties with varied flavors too to get you started. Plus they also have baraotric special where you only need to take once a day instead of having to take multiple pills a day.
  7. DaisyAndSunshine

    Something wrong

    You can do that through account ---> Profile and under profile there are options to fill in the details. On the phone you may need to do it with "desktop view" of the site.
  8. DaisyAndSunshine

    Something wrong

    2 and half years? Or 2 and a half months? 🤔
  9. DaisyAndSunshine

    Connect with Low(er) bmi kids

    Ahhh gotcha. Guess body shape matter a lot how one looks. And like the above poster mentioned, gives a bit of a leeway if there's a regain.
  10. DaisyAndSunshine

    Trying to kick Sweet craving and Carbs bread

    For sugar craving, I opt for a piece of sugar free chocolate or 2 tbsp of sugar free ice cream. But if you're the kind, who can't stop after a limited amount, I wouldn't recommend sliding down this route. Oh and I also do hot chocolate with milk, hersey's cocoa powder and sweetener and a pinch of salt. This can also work.
  11. Vegetables also have carbs, so do dairy and lentils/beans. So it really depends. Plus, like few others mentioned, even my program isn't restrictive on carbs or fats or calories. My protein and carbs content more or less align in numbers. So you shouldn't get too bogged down with numbers unless you're eating heavy load of calories. I feel your workout sessions are heavy 1-3 hrs starting in about 5 weeks in. Though your program recommendation may be different. With such heavy workout, you also have to take into account muscle mass which may be replacing your fat loss. Hence slower weight loss. Personally speaking, such exhausting workout, only a month after surgery, sounds a bit too much for me. But if it's working out for you, might as well.
  12. DaisyAndSunshine

    Connect with Low(er) bmi kids

    Why is goal weight 118? Going by your height, it looks and sounds extremely low even for a Bikini body.
  13. 3 week stall is what we call it out here, you can search for it on the forum. Majority of us have gone through it. So have I. I lost weight a week after surgery when I was clear fluids, but 3 weeks nada. I stalled for 3 weeks with no weight changes and thereafter it started coming down. Even after the first month, your weight comes down in steps than a constant decline. So you’ll have those phases when you won’t see much movement on the scale.
  14. That's unfortunate because you do need some guidance intially. If you like, I can send you a PDF version of my program's meal plan. You can try getting some ideas from there. But it is bizarre that they haven't provided any guidance to you. As for food aversion, it hasn't happened to me either. Nor do any food groups bother me per se. But pouch limitation and sticking to the diet plan helps. In my case, cravings have definitely subsided, though at times you do wanna try this or that. But yeh, that's something you do have to control. For chocolate craving, I have piece of small sugar free chocolate or few Tbsp of sugar free ice cream. For spice, I have my usual vegetable made with Indian spices. Feel for anything crunchy, I'll have quest chips (made with whey and high on protein). So you'll have to manage and subside your cravings with items that you can have in the provider portion sizes. Make your own recipes that may help. Everyone's journey will be different, so we will have to figure out what works for us and what doesn't. It can get frustrating at times, but you'll eventually find your mojo.
  15. How does your husband know? Has he had a bariatric procedure in the past? If no, why would you even listen to him instead of your body? And if yes, well his experience doesn't necessarily have to be same as yours. You're only about 10 days post-Op. Because it's just the beginning, you won't have clues of fullness, at least I didn't. During this phase I was on full fluids. Fluids glide through, so I never had much of the restriction then. With full fluids, I was having yogurt, cottage cheese, soups, milk, oatmeal/wheat bran etc etc etc. These wouldn't give you much restriction and you would definitely be able to have many spoon fulls of these items. Also 1st month, your body is recovering along with nerves, so another reason why you may not get the full signal. Go with your provided instructions and you'll be fine than taking on extra baggage of worry. With water, I was also only about to do few sips at a time or 2 gulps. Other than that it wouldn't slide through as it did pre surgery. For protein requirement, try protein shakes or powder. If they don't work, go for Skyr (ice landic yogurt). Skyr has done wonders for my protein goal.
  16. At about 3 months mark, I think I am finally comfortable what works for me. Recommendation of my program is 3 meals and 3 snacks. I found that a bit too much, made it seem like I have to get up and eat every few hours. 4 meals in total work for me with 0.5 to 0.75 cup of milk in between meals, which works as fluid and protein intake for me! I have read various info on the meal size how many can't eat beyond 0.33 to 0.5 cup, not sure if that's only solid. But in my case I can easily do about 0.75 cup at every meal. Ofc half of that includes yogurt majority of the time. Since yogurt isn't solid, may be that's why in total I can manage 0.75 cup per meal. But I love including Skyr (Ice landic yogurt) with my meals, easily helps to achieve my protein goal without having to rely on any shakes or protein powders. So yeh 4 meals in total throughout the day with milk consumption in between. And with that, I am easily able to manage to get my 64oz of fluids in too! This will be my routine until I hit my goal. Hope it helps. Good luck finding your routine. P.S - I also get hungry in a few hours, and that's when I feel comfortable consuming my meal. I like that my hunger signal hasn't completely disappeared. I like feeding myself when I know that my body is asking for it.
  17. DaisyAndSunshine

    Fruit smoothie made with water

    You can definitely count them towards your fluid goal - I like to have my spinach blended in, so many times I would have shaked with or without protein. I make them with half a cup of milk, half a cup of water and about 4 ice cubes along with some blueberries, spinach +/- protein powder. So I would input about 10 to 11 ounces of this blended smoothie towards my fluid goal and also input milk, blueberries, spinach and protein powder in my food log. When I am usually on a tight schedule and can't manage to have solid foods, doing so helps me meet my protein goals and even my fluid goal. And like someone pointed out, even my program has half and half when it comes to 64 ounces of fluid. At least half of it should come from plain or flavorer water and rest can come from other alternatives!
  18. DaisyAndSunshine

    Gastric Bypass

    My advice would be to go in with a positive mindset. Leave your worries home and hope for all to go well. Wish you all the very best. 😊
  19. DaisyAndSunshine

    Long term success

    You must be on maintenance calories though right? I mean you can't be eating same plan as you must have been let's say in the very first 6 months or so.
  20. DaisyAndSunshine

    No Caffeine

    I think initially post-Op, when patients have hard time keeping up with the fluids goal, it can be challenging to have coffee and not have that contribute to your fluids goal. Of course once you start meeting your fluids goal, coffee is doable. Usually a month or two after works.
  21. DaisyAndSunshine

    Normal Bites?

    I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. But I wish you all the best for your post-Op journey in reaching your goal. 🤗
  22. DaisyAndSunshine

    Normal Bites?

    I think I have been able to do normal sized bites. It'll be 3 months end of this month, so I am sure you'll be able to as well with time. I am surprised with your BMI though, 31 and yet they managed to do bypass on you? Do you mind sharing your reasoning behind the surgery and why you chose bypass? Is it a revision one for you or first time?
  23. DaisyAndSunshine

    Should I even try

    I am surprised this wasn't brought up during any of your pre-Op appointments since most bariatric programs strictly recommend not getting pregnant at least until a year or two post-Op. My program recommends no pregnancy until 18 months out and they make sure patients are on double control protection if sexually active.
  24. DaisyAndSunshine

    Gastric bypass and exhaustion

    Of course that's bound to happen initially since we are surviving on extremely low calories first few weeks to a month post-Op. I have had bounts of low energy, fatique and lethargy on and off for the first 5 to 6 weeks. The first 2 or 3 weeks are the lowest given our body is recovering from a major shock. It gets better and it has for me.
  25. DaisyAndSunshine


    I take the same kind and have another bottle to last me 2 more months. Though I am not a huge fan of its taste. Deos the capsule taste not bother you? I usually have it with flavored water and make it work.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
