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Posts posted by gg2007BandSTAR

  1. Hey all!

    Wow its been ages since i have been on hear, and this site has really changed!!

    Debbie you did great going back to get a fill, beleive me i have lost track the amount

    of times i have fallen off the wagon, but the most important thing is that we dont stay down

    its dont matter how many times we fall. This is a journey and we all have different paths

    to take to get to our final destination. Im so glad you were able to talk it through with the

    nutritionist. Well done on losing 20lbs!! way to go hun! Thats a good idea to set mini goals,

    i remeber when i fisrt started this journey i had 232 lbs to lose and it was so daunting thinking

    i had all that to lose but i took it 1 stone at a time (14lbs) we weight in stones over her in da UK lol

    it makes it so much easier, and more obatainable than thinking i has 100's to lose.

    Im still battling on!!


  2. Hey!!!

    It really has been ages since i have been on, and you are right time really does fly by so fast. I have not done as well with the band as i as hoped to by this stage over 2 yrs down the line, however i have not gained and maintained my loss... nearly 80lbs ....i cant blame the band...because it me and i am still working on a change of thinking around what i put into my mouth! However, im still going strong and will not stop untill i reach my goal!! How are you all? xx

    Ms GG! x

  3. hey just wanted to wish you all teh best! i have 232 to lose and yes it will be a long journey, but the best thing is that you have started! as someone already mentioned just break it down into stages. as im from the uk we weight in stones and lbs so i just take it one stone at a time!

    You can do it hun!


  4. Hey hun!!

    How did your fill go, did you manage to get it done? Glad to see that you are doing well, i had my second fill yesterday and i have restriction i just pray to God that it stays that way! Before i had no restriction after my first fill and was able to eat everything and anything...but thats all change now!

    Let me know how your fill went!! xxx:thumbup::thumbup:

    Hey Ms GG!!!!

    Welcome back! Glad you are doing better!!!!

    I've still been watching your videos! You're Great!:thumbup: And quite an inspiration!

    I still haven't had a fill yet! I go back to the Dr next Tuesday! I hope he schedules me for one then! I think it will help during the holidays!!!!

    Take care!


  5. Hey!

    You are right hun, there is only so much you can prepare for before you have the band....getting back into the swing on my new band life its taking me a lil longer than expected! Especially the not eating and drinking together...im still getting my head around that one!

    I was about to look for you. I'm glad you're healing, and getting back into a good routine. It's difficult, more than I remembered.



    Im still around hun, i need to go and check in the WOC forum to, not been in there for ages! Will keep ya posted xxx

    Hey gg I'm glad to see you back! I was wondering what happened to you. I'm glad to see that you are doing well. Keep us posted on your progress.


    Its sure is good to be back, i will be keeping in touch xxx

    Good to see you GG!

  6. Hey all!!

    apologies for not being around.....since i went back to work a week after my surgery, my feet havent touched the ground! have been so busy busy busy and didnt get as much time to check in with you all as i would like.

    The past month i have been unwell i had food poisning and then i had the flu.....:frown:so the last month i havent been eating as well as i should and havent been doing any exercise, but i am back on track now:smile:. I used to do weekly weigh ins but it was sooo messing with my head , i decided to focus on getting in regular excercise and changing my diet...if i do those two...the weight has no option but to melt off me lol! and it helps me to stop focusing on the scales...!

    Just wanted to say a big thanks to all my fellow sept samurais for the great support you gave me, will never forget all those msgs...!!! Hope you are all doing well!!

    Ms GG:thumbup:


  7. i THINK THAT girl needs to learn how to eat some food! In bend it like beckham, when she first started out doing films, she a a great perfect figure...looking like skin and bones aint a sexy look...well not in my bood anyway lol lol So how was the film?? lol hubby not a fan then lol

    I ahvent been recording what i eat, i did it for teh first two weeks, and it was really pissing me off...so i decided to stop..! lol It was like everything that touched my lips...opps betta go find pen and paper...and teh weeks i did log everything i still didnt lose weight...so i though ahhh whats the point! I was really good, kept to 1200 a day if not slighly less...but ohh well..

    How are you, you having a nice weekend?


  8. Hey hun,

    my weight has also come to a stand still, i lost 12lbs pre op and 4lbs week after the op,since then i have stayed the same. I have a fill booked for oct 11th so hopefully that will get things moving. It is quite normal for people to pt on weight untill they start getting fills, so keep doing ur thand hun with the excercise, the weight will follow I know its frustrating...but the weight WILL come off. Try not to focus on teh scales to much (like me, or like i used to do lol)

    let me know how you get on xxx

  9. Hun.

    Dont beat ur self up to much....if what u did was "cheating" well i had better join the club, i started all of my stages early purly because i couldnt bare starving myself any longer and was so hungry! I did check in with the doctor and he said as long as i chewed it down...literally untill it was goo..it was fine. Every doctor seems to give different rules.......but please hunny, dont dwell on it. Its time to move on, tomorrow is a new day and nobody is perfect we all learn from our mistakes...like you i was also self pay. But i dont know if its just me....i didnt feel guilty one bit...i couldnt belive how good mash potato i was eating tasted!!! lmao lol

    take each day at a time hunny, and were here to support you! so keep on posting xxxx

  10. Well done on the loss! Thats great!! Wat film did you go and see?

    I think you are right about the afrercare, its really crucial. and as for being on custard solely.....did that woman really qualify as a dietician?? lol

    While i was saving up for my op i took it as a chance to really research everything...im so thankful that i did it, because i know it will be of use to me.

    I know what you mean about the head hunger....sometimes is just out of habbit that you go to eat something, but u really need to ask....am i really hungry??? and the majority of the time, its a no!

    this week i havent lost anything..AGAIN! but i am gratefull not to put on weight, but im just getting frustrated. This morning i was all ready to to book a fill, but im gonna wait a couple of weeks and see how i do. Found out on the weekend, that banana dont go down very well, so will be keeping away from those! Im still new to all this....so im just taking it one day at a time :rolleyes2:

  11. I will take your advice on...will have to try get some more veggie and things like that down...and less of the carbs...i think i need to take a look at my gastric band rule book again. Because ive been doing the opposite and not eating the Protein first.

    lol i manages not to tell family quite easily lol...i think its like you said...i dont need that extra pressure of everyone watching wat im eating, or trying to jusify my self to them. I only told my sister. I may tell other later, but i will decide when the time comes. I felt so sorry for fern...everyone just giving her a hard time. At teh end of teh day she still lost the weight, she still had to excercise and eat teh right things. I think peeps should just leave her be.

    All of my aftercare is done in london, its just the op that is done in belguim. I am going to book in for a fill on monday....teh next appoint isnt till oct...so will still have to wait a lil while.


  12. as already said above, i use it as a dip with raw veggies...carrots, celery etc or i use it as a spead...in stead of using butter or margarine on my bread. I also use it for pitta pizza....

    cut the pitta bread in half, spread the humas over the pita....

    add red onion, grated cheese, sliced peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms, tuna and top with a lil bit of cheese....umm its delcious!! and low calorie.


  13. lol lol Would it be great if they tweaked part of your brain that says that you will never eat any bad food again wouldnt it be great :thumbup::)

    I know what you mean, about the family aspect....its like they will never really 100% understand what its like to have a weight issue. Ive kept in on the hush..and not told others about it.

    My biggest food problem is just food!! :mellow::lol: I wouldnt say that it was one food...when i used to go on my binges it used to be the lot...for sweet stuff...donuts, choc, sweets, cakes, biscuits...but i also loved my savory...like CRISPS!! The times i finsihed of a multi pack to myself in one go i dont care to admit lol lol

    im still quite new the the world of bandits ....but the i was hungry on day 5/6 and had to start the mushies stage early...because i couldnt cope sipping on Soup and youghurt any more lol

    I will be 3 weeks post op on monday, but im finding that i can eat more and more, so i think i need to get that first fill booked up!

    Im a lil scared because i can eat everything without any problems, bread, chicken, Pasta, rice, veggies etc i know its because i dont have any Fluid in my band....but when i do get i fill i still wanna be able to eat the above! Nobody can deny me my carbs... lol lol


  14. hey thanks for replying!

    I having the band is easier said than done, ive said that half of this weight loss journal is a mental thing aswell. Because just because you have teh band, it doesnt give you a brain transplant so to say lol You still need to learn how to change ur eating patterns etc etc

    But it good to chat!

    Do you have msn?

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