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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kplant

  1. thanks! what is the name of the book?
  2. I got banded the 1st of dec, swelling or whatever, got me through 5 or so days, after that I feel like I have absolutely no change. I was desperate one morning and ate part of a muffin and threw it up (felt stuck) so SOMETHING is there. I meet with the dr the 2nd of Jan for my first fill. As embarrassing as this is, I have forgotten I had the band many times, ate a very normal sized meal (which is big, in my case) and didn't even chew well because I forgot I have the band. Please tell me this is normal.
  3. thanks guys! I guess I am lucky to get a fill on the 2nd. Honestly, the pb doesn't bother me. It seems, when it happens, I usually avoid that food completely. I now cannot really eat muffins. Only 90 million more bad foods to eliminate.
  4. I lost 18 but all of that was from the 2 week diet and the 5 weeks post op. I would be FINE if I could only drink slim fast.
  5. yeah! I actually still have the cold a little bit but I am 23 pounds thinner and my lapband has been in place for almost 2 weeks. The dr said it was only an issue if my breathing was restricted but they were glad I hadn't taken any meds. It was at NYU so almost a whole floor (about 15 -20 of us) was dedicated to lapbanders and I was put in the "problem" room (one person had a nicked spleen and one was elderly) that had a nurse (all the other people shared 3 nurses). The only issue was that I was coughing some and was allowed one cough drop every four hours!
  6. I can feel a cold coming on and I have my surgery on Mon. My ins approved but it must be done by 12/2! PLEASE tell me they can do the surgery with a cold. No fever or anything severe.
  7. I am 1 week post op (almost) and I gained 6 pounds in the hospital (fluids, I guess) and hadn't lost it yet. I got on the scale today, SAME 6 POUNDS. Suspicious, I got on the scale with an 11 pound cat (she was just at the vet, 11.2 pounds). The scale was stuck!!!!!! I lost the 6 and an additional 4!
  8. I am almost 1 week post op and almost all swelling is down, I am sticking to the liquids (bought TONS of soup) but I hope I get my first fill sooner than 6 weeks post op. On the 3rd day I became so thirsty and gorged on water. I was trying to take it slow but it was a lot faster than recommended. I felt little restriction.
  9. kplant

    Where is port?

    I only have 2 small incisions and the port is sort of between and off to the side (incision between boobs and one just at my belly button). It feels like a large creepy tumor.
  10. banded on 12/1. Didn't get much sleep night one. Last night (night 2) I kept waking up nauseous and with gas/shoulder pain. I was given lortab, is that what made me so nauseous? It was horrible. Also, in general, I am having a hard time finding ways to sit/lay down. Any ideas to be more comfy?
  11. My good friend told me lortab is horrible (made her ill so it must do it to everyone else!). However, I just had a slight wave of nausea so maybe it is a night time thing? I also seem to have heartburn but I am not certain if that is what it is.
  12. I am only 3 days post op and can drink some coffee (with tons of milk), soup and water and some tea at night. All the servings are maybe 1/3 cup. I am most worried about water but it is clear I can't drink a lot so I just take sips.
  13. I gained 6 pounds and it is almost all gone (3 days post op). I know I was on a lot of IV drips for fluids.
  14. I had surgery at 11:00 yesterday. Minimal gas (no shoulder or back pain, etc.), only two incisions, 1 hour in surgery. I am already up and around (more like, up, around for 5 minutes and lay down for 10). I had some percoset (sp?) for the first day and then one small one for a cab ride home. I am sore but ok. I am not hungry but don't feel much restriction. (I stocked up on amazing soups and was dying to have them last week and now I am not hungry!) I was given a bunch of saline and I hope that accounts for why I GAINED 6 pounds in the hospital! Ouch. (how dumb is that to check?) I am slowly sipping a wonderful, warm cafe con leche and have managed to finish maybe 1/2 cup in 2 hours.
  15. kplant

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Wendy! Are you with Ren? I am getting mine done tomorrow as well. I am soooo nervous but very happy to get it done. Oddly, I am most nervous about the fact that I have to get my daughter to school on Wed. Although I can always let her take a day off!
  16. I am scheduled for surgery on Mon. I have to stay overnight. I am in NYC so will take a cab home from the hospital either way but *I* would prefer to check out, get in a cab myself and my husband meets me at home. So, I need to bring my cell phone and debit card for cab. Did anyone bring pjs? I am just wearing comfy, easy to put on clothes. Anything else you were glad you brought? TIA!
  17. thanks! I didn't think about shoes for walking around the hospital. I think I will "invest" in some payless knock-off crocs. and lipbalm! Almost forgot. I don't tolerate pain meds either but I was told they will have liquid tylonal.
  18. thanks! I didn't think about shoes for walking around the hospital. I think I will "invest" in some payless knock-off crocs. and lipbalm! Almost forgot. I don't tolerate pain meds either but I was told they will have liquid tylonal.
  19. yes, the 2nd is the last day I can get the surgery. It is, however, scheduled for Mon the 1st. If I don't get it by the 2nd, I have to file everything again.
  20. kplant

    How much is too much?

    oh, and I say "was" because there are no tomatoes. They *were* wonderful heirloom ones and I am not tempted (at all) by the crap in the stores now!
  21. kplant

    How much is too much?

    I am scheduled for surgery on mon and you know what my wacky weakness was? 2 weeks, 6 slimfast a day and SOME veggies. (wording was "1/2 cup steamed or raw veggies") I bbqed (no sauce, little salt) tomatoes. I would have about 1/2 cup (monster slice) and leave the rest on the grill, 20 minutes later... another huge slice. We have a tomato plant that keeps producing. I actually had tg food and resisted! The tomato plant talks to me in my sleep.
  22. the surgery is on monday. So far, it is just in my nose (more than usual) which seems to result in post nasal drip. I am planning on a slow day today and tomorrow and lots of sleep. I guess I will just have to see.
  23. poodles.me: I have a picky eater too! I will make a few days worth of dinner and breakfast for my husband to heat up for my daughter and at least 2 lunches. (at least it doesn't need to be fresh.) He has no tolerance for the pickiness and they end up fighting.
  24. My husband is not very supportive. Doesn't seem to really care one way or the other but he isn't helping much. My best friend will fly in to help me with my kids the day of the surgery and for a few days after. Should I expect his support or just let it go? He definitely thinks it is some optional, plastic-surgery type thing. I, however, really need to lower my blood pressure. Oddly, after getting approved for lapband, my blood pressure meds kicked in and seem to be working (they weren't before, hence the easy approval).
  25. mine isn't supportive at all. Ins requires that I stay in the hospital 24 hours and he is taking care of the kids (taking the day off) and my best friend is flying in to take care of me. Really pisses me off.

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