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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by blackcherry2002

  1. blackcherry2002

    Women Only! Very Personal!

    See I thought it couldn't hurt, I mean all it would take is a blood test and they were already testing my blood to make sure my thyroid meds were working. And since I already have hypothyroidism, I've gained weight like crazy and can't get it off, mood swings like you wouldnt believe including severe depression, hairyness(quite an embarassing symptom to bring up to a doc) and acne since I hit puberty(at age 8 yay!)....I'm just so confused about why my doc would down and out ignore me. I went to my school doc to get acne meds and I asked about Spirolactone...and I read reviews and a lot of the people that take it say: 1. Their hair and face are less greasy. 2. Excess hair growth stops or slows down 3. Perfectly clear skin 4. Mood swings are diminished. Well I asked my doc this, especially because he gave me antibiotics and I don't want to build a resistance as well as mess with my birth control and it can cause a lot of stomach problems that I really don't want to mess with after having lap band. He wouldn't let me. And this is after I said I wasn't comfortable taking the antibiotics...he basically just said to take them and forget about it. And my regular doc is the one that said that my problems probably weren't hormonal even after I asked if we could check it out just to rule it out as a possibility. Maybe I need a female doctor.....Damn men.
  2. blackcherry2002

    I want my life back.

    Ok so...I realize....I'm only 19(well in 2 days), but the life I used to have is gone. I've always been a lil tubby...maybe 30lbs overweight. But when I hit high school everything went down hill...by the time I graduated i was 240lbs..by the time I had surgery 265...on my way to 270. I've been looking at pictures of people I graduated with. They're all smiling, happy, thin(at least normal) and I have no pictures. I've hid from anything resembling a camera. I haven't hung out with anyone in a year and a half. I've been miserable. And at 19 I really don't have much of anything to live for...I know that's sounds bad but...it's unfortunately true.
  3. Ok so my doctor said that if I drop more than 5 lbs a month then I can't get another fill. Well I did go down past 5 lbs but now I'm gaining. I'm exactly where I was before. So I've lost nothing in a month. I'm also able to eat as much as I want. No pb-ing...nothing getting stuck, no restriction even after eating a lot. I haven't thrown up either. I am at 5cc's in an LG 10 band(is there such a thing? they told me it was a 10cc but it's an LG) Anyway I'm scheduled for my second fill and was wondering if you think it's alright if I tell them to be really agressive...because I have a 3 hour-trip to get my fills and have to skip school to go get them so...I want restriction lol. Also how many of you get a numbing shot before a pill? Because my first fill was the worst pain I've ever felt. It was a million times worse than the tatoo I got on my ankle...getting pierced....it was really bad.
  4. blackcherry2002

    Having a hard time with fills....and losing weight

    they made me lie down flat with my arms above my head and my legs flat/tilted down a little so it pushed my stomach out for them...it still hurt like a b****
  5. blackcherry2002

    Having a hard time with fills....and losing weight

    yeah well the it didnt' take exactly an hour...more like 20-25 for the nurse to do it...and she started out in the completely wrong area...And then I waited another 20 min for the doctor to arrive...then he came in felt around and then jabbed it, wiggled once and got it in. So he was much better at it...but yeah it was painful nonetheless...
  6. blackcherry2002

    Having a hard time with fills....and losing weight

    Well I will be down there for two days after I get my fill...for my birthday. But yeah I went down to 240 and now I'm up to 245 again and haven't seen that 240 ever again. I really hope they give me lydocaine because a simple shot doesn't bother me...but the digging into scar tissue with a needle...for almost an hour...yeah...it hurt.
  7. blackcherry2002

    Any North Dakotans out there?

    i'm at 5cc in a 10 or an 11 cc band..and I have no restriction. Going in for a fill soon. I know I haven't been eating the best foods so that's not the best for weight loss but I really am just eating too much. I can eat bread, salad, rice, as much as I want...I'm wondering if Dr. Bruderer is going to be agressive with my fills...oh and has anyone gotten a numbing shot before a fill from him? Because it was HORRIBLE my first time. And I have a high pain tolerance.
  8. blackcherry2002

    Women Only! Very Personal!

    wow...def. check out PCOS. I had some thoughts that I might have it. Inability to lose weight, excess hairyness, acne, mood swings...when I told my doc that while doing my thyroid check maybe I could check my hormones just to make sure they were all normal...and he said "Honestly that's rarely ever the case" and he refused to test my hormones even though i asked...
  9. blackcherry2002

    Marijuana Use After Surgery

    I'm a end of July bander who does lol
  10. blackcherry2002

    How do I know when it's time for a fill?

    I'm just saying. It's .5 from being underweight. I wasn't being mean. Sorry you misunderstood questioning you're motive to be a 100lb grown woman. It just goes a long with anything else...drinking, smoking whatever. The band is a chance to be healthier, NOT to be as skinny as you can possibilly be. That is why I was questioning it. I'm just saying that a BMI of 22 sounds a little bit healthier. Just like it's a little bit healthier than 29. There was nothing about my post that was mean. And not saying all that have this surgery have Compulsive OverEating or emotional overeating...but there are a number that do. And having one disorder can lead you to have another one...saying anorexia, bulimia or over-exercising. It's all about becoming more healthy and I just wasn't sure if getting down to 100lbs would be healthy in itself or if you would make sure and get down to that weight in a healthy way.
  11. blackcherry2002

    How do I know when it's time for a fill?

    I'm guessing she's 5'1" if her BMI at 100 lbs is 18.9. Which I have to mention, is quite unhealthy. It's right at the brink of underweight. I'd say the perfect(healthy) BMI would be 22 but it defers for everyone, depending on stature and muscle mass.
  12. Ok so I had my post-op check up yesterday. I'm actually only 3 weeks out from surgery...I've lost 20 lbs (including my 3 days pre-op liquid diet). And I think the biggest improvement...which I reallllly wasn't expecting.. My blood pressure:) Before surgery I was always around 120/90 yesterday I was at 102/66:) amazing! And finally, had my first fill. AGH! Don't think I'll ever learn to love those lol. And anyone else get a weird bubbly feeling when they inject saline? After the nurse trying to find my port for about 20 min. digging around in scar tissue...she brings the doc in...who finds it...but jabs the needle in. Oh well it's done and I'm excited to be continuing on my lap-band journey lol:lol:
  13. blackcherry2002

    Post-op check up:)

    I ate quite a bit, and I was eating slower but not THAT slow. But I was still eatting quite a bit less than I used to.
  14. blackcherry2002

    Post-op check up:)

    they've put in an extra 2 cc's bringing me up to 5cc in my 10cc VG band
  15. blackcherry2002

    Post-op check up:)

    haha no. they wanted my legs out straight and my arms up above my head. But after the doc came in, he got in one try so. And my gurgling was right at my port site...or like in my stomach it was weird. Also said not to do liquids or anything right after. They even made me drink some water and eat graham crackers right after to make sure I was able to get liquids and solids down. Which I'm glad about, and I just made a tuna sandwich for lunch, ate 3/4 of it(one slice of bread filled with tuna, mayo, pickle)and I am pretty full now. Before this first fill I was able to eat almost 3 full (one slice, etc.) sandwiches. And before the surgery...I could eat about 5 double slice sandwiches and still be hungry, so I'm noticing some restriction and I'm feeling pretty well.
  16. blackcherry2002

    Back Pain After Eating?

    wow I was just looking up stuff on this...I just got done eating. Ate quite a bit...as I am pre-fill(2 cups). I had hamburger helper...with half the noodles...mainly protein lol... But this is the first time I've really ate this much and it went down fine. Anyway my pain is kind of dull throbbing or a gassy feeling in my chest...just upper chest/back...not my stomach... where exactly in your back is your pain
  17. Ok so I explained my lack of weight loss to my brother and my mother and both were amazed that my scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks. I have been struggling to just get in 500 calories because I'm just never hungry... Anyway is it possible I might just be retaining a lot of Fluid? I'm usually a verrrrrry fast loser...I just always put the weight back on. And my mother has had bariatric surgery and is aware of how things go. I don't drink a lot either...probably not good at all but I'm just never really thirsty either. Also when my mom had surgery...she had congestive heart failure and she ended up finding out (after entering the hospital and being put on lasiks) that she had retained almost 80 lbs worth of water...most of the nurses and doctors were baffled but...my mom's a medical freak of nature so lol
  18. blackcherry2002

    possible dehydration?

    i can get water down, and everything else just fine. But I'm just not thirsty, I've never been one to drink a lot, whether it be pop, coffee or water....though I dont drink pop or coffee...don't like caffiene lol. I'm just wondering if this could be an explanation for my lack of weightloss. I'm drinking maybe one to two glasses of water...so like...32 oz maximum...
  19. blackcherry2002

    My surgery's on wed....im freeking out!

    Let me put it this way...I'm a wuss. I get nasueous and almost pass out from getting a piercing. The surgery was easier than my nose or eyebrow piercing, easier than my tattoo. Just make sure and let your doctors know if you are in pain at all. Or naseous. They have meds for that. I was pretty nervous because it was my first surgery and it was really easy for me. Good Luck!
  20. blackcherry2002

    Teens & Lap Band Surgery

    lanakila - really good point. I have two parents who are overweight/obese and my mother did have gastric bypass surgery and that influenced me a lot. I def. agree that if a teen is going to do this, they have to know it's going to be for a lifetime. I've had the surgery done, and I've lost 17lbs but already, I'd rather lose that next 100 lbs than go have another pizza, hamburger, whatever...I think the older you are, the more medical implications you face. When you are a teen and obese, you may not realize that it's dangerous to be this overweight. Knowing that, you put more of an effort in to being healthy. My mother has a ton of health problems, and it's really scared me into changing.
  21. hey I'm 18 and just got banded like 2 weeks ago. People were actually really supportive, more than I thought they would be.

  22. I'm being careful to chew but I am 14 days post op. Have handled every food I've tried. I'm now starting my soft dental diet. And I'm allowed shredded meat, soft bread, etc. I'm eating a tuna sandwich (one slice of bread, lots of tuna, diced pickle, small scoop light mayo)...Shouldn't be a problem right? Just paranoid about messing up my band. Has anyone ever FELT their band slip? if so, what does it feel like?
  23. blackcherry2002

    Think this is ok to eat?

    I have had a pre-fill..I am at 3cc in a 10cc band. And yes white bread is on the list. I can't have whole grain or itlalian style bread like from subway...too thick/crunchy. I can also have tuna and other shredded meat. I cut back on the bread (one piece folded over) and mainly just put tuna in my sandwiches so I can get some protein in.
  24. blackcherry2002

    Think this is ok to eat?

    ok but...I am following my doctor's orders. I'm allowed soft chewable solids this week. I was just wondering if the bread would cause any discomfort. Obviously no. I am aware of the reasons why I shouldn't eat solids before I'm allowed but guess what? I'm following my doctor's orders. All of the foods are allowed on this week's diet. Thank you for nobody answering my question and instead just giving me a unneeded lecture.
  25. blackcherry2002

    Think this is ok to eat?

    I was just wondering if anyone had any problems with it.

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