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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by greythope

  1. Know what you mean about the work. I am back Monday as well and I am sure the shite is piled up at my door. Luckily I have been logging in from home to keep the emails down anyway.

    I still feel rotten. I told everyone I was having my gallbladder out. I wonder if the recovery from that is as rotten as I feel?

    I had a bad night. I don't know if it was from lifting the wee man when I know I am not supposed to (what are you supposed to do if the world's cutest toddler wants up if your lap?!) or drinking milk too fast after eating Jello, but I had a terrible stomach ache. I think the top stomach is bothering the bottom stomach if you know what I mean. LOL my mom said - you're stomach used to have a job. It liked it. Now it's bored and has to get up to something doesn't it?. Her response when I asked her why I was feeling so sick!

    BTW, I am Jenni. Greyt is a play on the word great. I have greyhounds.

  2. I have been getting this weird shoulder pain in the afternoons. Wonder if it was from driving. Anyway was wrecked after we got home (FIL over from Ireland so I was taking him shopping).

    Amanda it is sore isn't it? I would head over to the chemists in the morning (as you say over there) and get something for gas. I got some maalox which helped and some soluble solpadeine.

    Now if I could just figure out what's the story with my shoulder. I am almost a week post-op surely this isn't those gas pains people talk about? I actually have gotten them AFTER walking around. Odd. Can't believe I am back in work on Monday. Hope my recovery speeds itself up soon because I don't feel like I can concentrate at my desk all day by any stretch of the imagination.

  3. Hi Amanda

    Glad you're well minus the shoulder pain. Stay strong re the cigarettes. It probably won't feel so good swallowing the air that will inevitably go down your stomach. Plus you will heal slower. Might as well try to see if you can stay off them. As a reformed smoker I know that if I hadn't take the opportunity to quit when I did i would still be on them and sometimes now it's hard, especially if I've been drinking.

  4. I have lost 16 pounds. 12 I think pre-surgery and 4 since.

    And a pair of short that didn't button fit now so hurrah it's real weight :)

    I am going to work my butt off to make sure I can survive on will power before the first fill. I am glad I had to do the pre-op diet to get used to not stuffing myself all the time.

    Although I am a little dissapointed that my stomach grumbles are still so pronounced.

  5. Funny when I initially posted this thread I was planning on telling no one except my husband, mother and a close friend. But as I got closer and more confident I told more people and I don't care. If they want to judge me as sad for having to resort to this I don't need to know them anyway! And everyone has been really supportive which is great. No one minus a girl who just had the surgery knows about it, they think I out this because I had my gallbladder out on Friday but am just not ready for people to know there plus there are a few who want it and i feel bad for them because my insurance through DH covers it and our company insurance doesn't and I am the HR/Benefits Manager. I have no control but still I don't want people to resent me.

    Maybe when I get a lot thinner i will fess up. But for right now I am happy. My inlaws will find out next week since my FIL is coming to visit. I am sure they won't quite get it but will be supportive.

  6. I messed up a bit too, but was good most meals most of the days. My birthday fell during the middle of it and I drank wine, ate not a lot, but still ate carby things and have cake for Breakfast the next day. But I stuck to it the next week, lost 10 or so pounds and had my surgery Friday and all was well. Just keep at it.

    The best thing about it for me was it got me off of the carb addiction somewhat and I feel better for it. dinner of a chicken breast and lots of veg stirfry tasted wonderful and I did just fine without rice. Now since that is how we'll have to be eating for 95% of the rest of our lives it's good to go ahead and start now. Plus it makes it easier post surgery although I must admit I am hungry or at least something in there since my tummy is rumbling a lot.

    Keep at it, we all know it will be worth it!!!!:cursing:

  7. How about a vodka with cranberry since that doesn't have any carbonation as a suggestion. I like wine but will be waiting a good long while before I have any.

    I am surprised the girl in the video didn't realise vodka tonics were carbonated. Glad to get the explanation though more than just 'it will hurt'

    Oh and beyond the interesting lesson about the pouch, am I the only horrified by the doctor digging around with the needle looking for the port? Sweet jesus that looks like it hurts!

  8. Okay Greythope, I understand the fear that someone has been made to feel bad their whole life because of weight. However, if you're surrounded by overweight people on this site, don't you think that's the PERFECT place to get honest advice? Please don't say I came off sounding "holier than thou" because I'm far from it!!

    My only worry would be some people would feel even more hopeless. Sort of like 'oh my God I surrounded by overweight people who haven't been able to lose and keep weight off and I am an even bigger LOSER than them, it's hopeless!' But yeah people need to know the whole whole truth since this isn't a cure-all for someone who goes from eating a bucket of chicken to the band to getting fabulously skinny overnight.

    You're right about the tough love of course - we all need a dose of it sometimes. It's just harder online because genuine care in our voices can't be heard when you write things.

    Anywho I had my surgery yesterday. I did ok on pre-op diet minus my birthday. But surgeon said it was a text-book operation so I get all was well.

    However even better than surgery prep, the beauty of the diet is to realise how wonderful I felt eating not only low calorie but high Protein. Day three I realised it was like I was detoxing. So the pre-op diet is giving me the inspiration and happy boost to keep this eating up.

    PS sorry for the holier than thou comment. It's just in my nature to take up for people even if they don't want/ need it :)

  9. My surgery was yesterday and I am not a happy camper. I have liquid vicodin that is just about taking the edge off but it is still pretty painful to lie down and get up. I am lucky because I don't have the shoulder gas pain but I feel like I've been punched in the stomach repeatedly and stabbed five times! But it is better than last night so hopefully tomorrow will be better. No advice except to give your misery some company.:)

  10. That's super! I was able to walk no problem and do what I needed to go to get the heck out of the hospital last night but I have to admit I feel like I've been in a bar fight that ended with getting stabbed (you should see the other guy LOL!). Oh and I couldn't see to well either. But I've taken a lot of pain meds in my time so I think I might suffer a little more than you guys. But still I am much better after a night's sleep and walking is no problem.

  11. Surgery Friday around 5:00pm, so let than 12 hours ago since my PC clock says 4:00 a.m.

    I was told to report at 10:00 a.m. and did so all day of waiting was difficult. Once I got into pre-op around 4:00 I was very anxious but was soothed a bit by a sweet pixie doll an anesthesiologist (yay Julie at Methodist in the Med Center!). Not with drugs (yet but with sense of humor and kind words :thumbup:. Got the IV in and then chit chatted with the man across the room who was bored too. Eventually the doc and surgical nurse and Dr. Pixie can back in and I got upset but was melting a little less by the time I got into the ER and a minute or two later life was a happy place :smile2: Not going to lie to you folks I am a big baby and this was first time under general since I was 4 for my tonsils.

    Then the mask went on and next things I know I was being wheeled into recovery already talking about stuff (v. odd dreams I had that I can't remember). I was nauseated though in a lot of pain so the gave me some zofran (miracle drug for nausea, took while I was pregnant) and some sort of pain med that didn't help too much but enough. After being told to breath deeply a lot I eventually got back to my room around 7:00. I was told I needed to pee twice and drink before I could leave. No problem I was parched. 8:30 allowed to leave.

    Prior to surgery I told doc I REALLY wanted to go home that evening and he said that should be fine if I woke up ok but normally the hold up is the x-ray. But he said in all the ones he's done there have never been any problems and I can just have it at my post op next week. So glad to be home to my own bed (even if I am up right now). I think I willed myself awake to get home to my little man (21 months), my mom, and they greyhounds who were happy to see me too!

    Odd thing is I do feel hunger but I suspect it is more to do with my brain thinking the pain (it's a bit like burning from the inside) and a bit of gas. Good news though is there doesn't seem to be gas anywhere is so the pain is localized. Not worried about not having the x-rays because I can drink no problem. Most soreness is with the port, on the right side.

    Pain meds helping take the edge off, hopefully I will be ok after another sleep and not feel like I got punched in the gut and maybe stabbed a time or too (OK I told you ladies I am drama queen and it's true since I am obviously if I managed out of bed and walked down the stairs ok to type this :eek: No one else has complained much!

    And I was trying to convince myself a bit of cool whip on my Jell-O would be ok and my mean husband and mom wouldn't let me. :P OK so they're probably right but I LOVE Jell-O and cool whip.

    Can't wait until I can have full liquids on Sunday.

    Delighted I got myself out of the hospital as quick as I did. Hurrah to Dr. Garth for getting it done, and the Dr. Pixie anesthesiologist for being on the money with putting me under just enough not too much plus all the wonderful staff at Methodist I met along the way. Even the guy who wheeled my down to the lobby for DH to collect was very nice. (although the nurse when I first checked in who joked that my pregnancy test ‘wasn’t good news’ freaked me out a bit. Not ‘good news’ meaning I’m not pregnant. A woman in for the band the day before apparently got her surgery cancelled because she was pregnant. Can you imagine?!

    Ramble ramble sorry!!

    (Oh and how many incisions do people have?) I have five. Why did I think there would be four? Did they decide to leave my bellybutton alone?

  12. Everyone worries 'what if' and honestly none of us know what it will truly be like afterwards. Both of my friends who've had it have told me that being on the liquid and restricted diet post-op is easier than pre-op because you're not as hungry. It is still a shock of course I would imagine.

    And I must say that while I am sure meant to be helpful the 'is the lapband for you, are you really ready' comments really do come across and condescending. I have no doubt this website is full of people made to feel like useless pieces of $%^& all their lives about their weight. So we need to be supportive of each other, not holier than thou. And not all doctors are the same and the poster might not have had it explained

    So to pre-op dieters here is my message - WE CAN DO IT!

  13. My surgery is tomorrow. I am very excited. Not too worried about the pain, just the pre-surgery anxiety. I figure if it hurts that's what the pain meds are for :biggrin:

    My big worry is caffeine withdrawal. As I type this I have just finished a cup of coffee. I wonder how bad it would hurt?! I don't if I could take the headache of no caffeine. We'll see though. Maybe I will just dope myself up through the pain lol! Send me the left over codeine Syrup laides!!:teeth_smile:

  14. Last time I was thin (around 31-32) I wore short skirts but they were the type I'd wear with tights so that if the wind blew I wouldn't show off my knickers to the world. I would also wear with flat shoes so I tended to look more like a kid than someone trying to be sexy in a short skirt. I also wore beachy sort of skirts that came above the knee with sandals in the summertime, but of course never to work.

    Even fat I have nice calves, no point in hiding them. I plan to dress about the same when I get the weight off this time. (I just turned 35).

    I think it depends on the person and how they look. I might be in denial but I don't think I look particularly matronly and mom-ish. I look a bit like my avatar if she needed to lose 100 pounds so there are some things I can wear and some things I can't. I have a friend who is 40 and looks like Uma Thurman and she can most certainly wear mini-skirts!

  15. Thank you so much Cathy :tongue2:

    That is the truth about looking forward to the future. I want to look like my avatar since the haircut alone isn't enough.

    Friday seems AGES away. On the good news from I have thinned down a bit for sure, trousers feel better. And I am sleeping better and have generally felt better all over in lots of different ways. Imagine how I will feel in 100 pounds. WATCH OUT WORLD!

  16. I am really sucking at my diet. REALLY sucking. OK maybe not but I am still beating myself up. In addition to my three shakes and sensible dinner I had about 6 bites of sons potatoes this evening. Plus a piece of sausage and just had some fruit salad. The birthday weekend did not go well. I had a lot of wine on Saturday and had cake for Breakfast Sunday morning.

    I am still down 10 pounds but am really worried that I haven't been perfect like I should. DAMMIT I have been starving. Pray for me Thursday when I HAVE to be on Meal Replacement drinks only. YUM.

  17. I told everyone I had gall bladder surgery...same scars. It explains a lot and no one even questions

    Same here. Although I did finally tell most of my friends since I have nothing to be ashamed of. With work it's more of a protecting my privacy thing. Plus I am the HR/Benefits Manager. Our company insurance doesn't cover it but my husband's does. DOn't want anyone angry at me for being able to have it

  18. Hi gang

    I don't k now if I have fibro, but I do have chronic pain, some explained (bad disk, hyperflexible hips) some not - general aches and pains in my legs and arms with not a lot of rhyme or reason. I have taken vicodin and tramadol for these on and off for the last number of month. I am paranoid that my pain tolerance has decreased. Hope I will be ok after the surgery. I feel really sensitive to pain anyway.

    I too am feeling better on the low carb diet and glad I've had to do this. I have a bit more of a spring in my step. I don't know if losing 100 pounds will cure my pains but at least I won't be putting so much pressure on my joints. I have sleep apnea too and praying before I know it I won't have to use my vader to sleep!

    So I guess while weight loss might not help, it certainly isn't going to hurt :biggrin: If nothing else when I go to the doctor complaining of pain I am not going to be sent away with the 'you wouldn't have this problem if you weren't fat' stock answer.

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