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Posts posted by Mitsu531

  1. Thank you for answering. Went to Dr. it was an extract oil I had started taking. Dr. Said to take at night instead of morning. Relieved not associated with surgery. Other then this incident I have had great success with my surgery. Very happy I did it and worth every uncomfortable moment in the beginning.
    I am down 3 sizes, lost 75 pounds, feel so much better. Dr. said if I had surgery to get rid of excess skin I'd loose another 5-7 pounds. Due to limited movement from an injury, I am considering it, as I am unable to do the great workouts I use to do.
    I still see myself as an overweight, obese person. But everyone tells me how great I look. Went to three weddings recently, I look at the photos, cannot believe I see the person in the photo!! It's me and I look damm good!!
    Keep the faith and you will succeed!!20220305_230250.jpg 20220514_165911.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Just trust the process. I am sure that you have lost more than that. You probably still have some swelling. Just stick as close to the eating guidelines as possible. Have you though about doing liquids for a week to try to reset? We have all come so far...
    Yes, I've thought about it. I'll probably try it and do a restart. Thank you[emoji846]

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I've had surgery on both cuffs. You'll get through it. Be sure and do your physical therapy. A friend decided it hurt too much to move. His shoulder 'froze up' and he had to have another surgery to 'break it lose'.
    Just my experience but I gain weight every time I have surgery. They pump the fluids to you. BTW, I gained over five pounds during my sleeve surgery. It was gone rather quickly.

    I just had shoulder surgery, Dr. went in to repair 2 tears and look at a third. Well, the third wound up being a completely detached bicep tendon!! So unexpected! Dr. was talking about it for a few days afterwards. Complete surprise, and a full arm cast later.... Since I was unable to see a Dr. for a few months due to Covid-19, my shoulder froze as well. So I had the 2 tears repaired, Bicep tendon reattached with a screw, a few Bone spurs ground off, arthritis removed and the frozen shoulder worked on. PT has been rough, but need to do it and deal as I don't want to have to go under again to undo frozen shoulder.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Hiya fellow august rebirth people
    well its been two years for me and i would not change a thing started this journey at 361 lbs i no longer take any meds i excise every day eat for fuel not for comfort or depression any longer the head work has been more important to me than anything dont get me wrong i still have my moments of depression and try to move forward with that and learn from those every day most of the time i am helping others and focusing on them and i have relied on there problems and the fixes for them to help keep me busy and not focus on myself which has been a problem for me always put others ahead of my self (the problem solver) well i see a pattern returning with that .so with that said i really need to stay focused on me first then i can help others .
    today i weigh 186 lbs this morning and have a new out look on life the tool i was given has changed me
    for the better for me and my future life thanks for giving me a place to not be judged and let out emotions that dont come out of me in person to person conversations i am getting better at letting people in my bubble still not good at it
    Hello All, I've been out of touch as I hurt my shoulder back in Feb. Have been continuing Physical therapy for my broken patella (broke in 1/2 last year June) Finally able to see Dr. about my shoulder in May, had to schedule surgery 7/9. Today is 4 weeks post op on shoulder and 7 months 1 week post op for sleeve surgery. I'm now in a full arm cast for the past 4 weeks....2 more weeks to go(hopefully, Dr. said may need 8 weeks).
    I've lost 41 lbs. to date. Been a bit rough with stalls I've had and junk eating during height of covid-19.
    My biggest problem is getting my veggies in. I average 40-50g Protein and 40-48 ounces Water a day. Had bloodwork done, my Cholesterol went up!! I've never had high cholesterol! Good news blood sugar went down. Dr. took me off metformin. Soooo happy about that. Since I had my shoulder surgery, had to cancel 6 month post op with stomach Dr. I'm trying to work on getting Cholesterol down before I see him.
    Does anybody have any suggestions?

    Also, congratulations to everyone who's doing so well. I've read all the posts a b d seems like its going good for all.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Hello All,
    Been busy sheltering in place. Not fun at all, but it is working. I find I'm looking for something to eat all the time. I'm trying to keep busy working on projects/crafts, but I keep feeling I want something to eat. I am continuing to loose weight, but only .5, .2, .4 at a time....a little disappointed. I started at 235 day of surgery....12 weeks later I am at 200....I am soooo looking forward to breaking 199....
    Today I had chicken for dinner and.....I just spit up a bit, it was sitting at the top of my stomach and had pain.....was fine with it before....not now....And yes I chewed it a lot. I will most likely go back to soft foods and soups....I seem to do really well with them. Stay healthy everyone

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hey! I had the sleeve done 1/7/20. I’m official down 60 pounds! I did just come off a three week stall which was so frustrating, but then I lost 7 pounds in 4 days [emoji23] crazy how this works.
    I don’t get all my Fluid, but I try to get close. Only food I’ve had a problem with are the greasy meats. Sausage, bacon, brats, etc.
    other than that things have been great!


    You look fantastic!!! A whole new you!!! Congratulations!! I had my surgery 1/16....seem to be loosing only 1lb. a week, if that....a little down....hoping only temporary.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Just checking in with everyone. Hoping your all doing well and staying healthy. I'm 9 weeks since surgery. Averaging a pound a week loss since allowed to eat anything. Something I found this week is I love bread, Danish and Cookies. Never realized it before, but this past week I have eaten quite a bit. Therefore I gained a pound....[emoji26]. With sitting around house, not doing much....this is not good! Sooooo.....starting fresh today, making sure I eat Protein first, fill up on that. Getting my fat butt up and going for a walk outside!! And keeping busy so I don't snack! This shut down is going to play with our heads....making us want to snack cause we are bored or feel we need to eat. I'm pulling out my crafts to keep me busy and not eat!! Good luck to everyone. Stay healthy, keep social distancing....we will get through this together....

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Is the virus hitting anyone’s states hard? Colorado is getting slammed. Because we are a very outdoors recreational state many people who love to travel. Travel here. Lol
    Here in Florida colleges have closed, cruise ships limiting passengers on board, the Princess line isn't sailing at all till May. All sorts of big events have been cancelled. I have numerous family members who are teachers all over state, who've stated they are preparing to teach online to kids. It's a stressful time right now.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hi everyone I had surgery on 2/6 and are now on solid foods. I really am only eating fish and boiled vegetables though.I noticed for the 2nd day now I’m getting hot like a sweat when eating and still have that feeling now 30 min later.
    anyone else experience this?

    Yes, I've gotten it. I'm finding if my stomach doesn't like something, I get them. Or if I eat too fast. It does pass usually within 30 - 60 minutes.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I mean, I'm not sure there's a less photogenic photo of my face, lol, but this is my six week week progress pic. 25 pounds down from surgery Jan 27 (surgery weight 246, current 221). My clothes are all starting to get loose. But I'm living in leggings and hoodies for now. I don't want to waste money continually buying clothes. PhotoGrid_1583983175468.thumb.jpg.9a194620a9fb7029a8ffc474fabe4a24.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    Looking great!! Your waist is coming back....doesn't it feel great to see it again....

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. How is everyone??? Tomorrow makes 9 weeks since surgery (crazy it's gone so fast) for me, and overall I'm feeling fantastic. My bones ache less, I can chase my toddler farther and faster, and I just feel better in my body again! Clothes are getting loose but I'm waiting to make any big purchases until the ones I have look like crap lol.. anyhow, I'm female, 5'6", started pre op diet at 260, surgery weight was 249, and I've made it down to 210 as of yesterday. Can't wait for more of this progress!! Hope everyone is doing well, can't wait to see the new us in a couple more months.

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    8 weeks post op today. Overall feeling pretty good. Learning what I can handle is a bit challenging at times. I definitely eat too fast! A life of eating on the go is hard to change, but I'm learning sometimes the hard way!! Started at 238 day of surgery, now 203!! 35 lb.'s down....at least 30 more to go!! I'm loosing slowly which I'm okay with. I made this choice as I've been on diets my whole life. Recently Dr. put me on meds for heart, cholesterol and diabetes. I dont want to rely on meds to keep me going, upon discussion with my Dr.'s the surgery was a good option. I've already been taken off of cholesterol and heart meds!! Diabetes meds could have come off, but decided to stay on till next visit. Need to start weights as I'm seeing skin start to get flabby, using moisturizer all the time and Merderma on the scars to reduce them.
    Congratulations everyone on choosing this journey!

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Ive been crying and having mental breakdowns will this get easier. Im Almost 2 weeks Post op and NOT HUNGRY AT ALL so its hard to get fluids down Im barely Getting 30oz maybe less and its getting to the point where my lips and tongue are very dry When I was in the hospital my blood sugar kept dropping and I was feeling very jittery and Lightheaded so they were giving me this glucose gel stuff in a tube that i had to eat, i have been feeling lightheaded and jittery the past few days but how can i get my blood sugar up if everything has to be sugar free? Also now i know im dehydrated because everything is dry, my urine is darker than usual and im only urinated like once a day. How can i get enough fluids without a appetite Iike im not even thirsty but i know my body is. Also im 24lbs down from the day i left the hospital on February 28th am i losing weight To fast? 24lbs in 8 days thats alot

    Try ice chips, I had a very hard time getting Water down. I sucked on ice chips. Was able to get down. Warm fluids were good too. I had Soup, progresso stained out the veg.'s just had the liquid. Also, had broth. Got to a point I craved salt. Dr. gave me permission to have 2-3 saltines with my soup. I sucked on them till they melted in my mouth then swallowed them. Get your Vitamins in no matter what. Try to get your liquids in so your not dehydrated then work on Protein after that. 20-30 grams was all I could get in first few weeks. Now I'm up to 45-50 grams of protien a day.... (7 1/2 was out now)

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Yes I also went through that stage. Idk what eating plan ur currently in or on lol but I looked up Bariatric meals in line. My favorite one during soft food or even purée was the shellys ricotta bake!!! It is so delicious!! I freeze little portions and take them with me for lunches. But there are tons of ideas! I also did like zucchini boats. Stuffed eggplant. Stuffed mushrooms. Turkey bacon wrapped Brussels sprouts. Grilled or baked asparagus. Salads. Cucumber Tomato and avocado salsa. Chickpea salad. There are tons of options.
    Thanks Sarahsingh91, I'm trying different foods now and seem to be doing much better. I have been released to eat whatever I want, but being cautious I stuck to my the same soft, mushy foods. I'm branching out now, slowly...[emoji3]

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. I'm five weeks and I get only around 300-500 on most days. I get more if I do small meals throughout the day and dense caloric food like nuts etc. I'm trying but some food doesn't work lol

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    I'm 7 weeks out as well. I have been averaging 500-700 calories. Yesterday for the first time I ate approximately 1000 calories! I couldn't believe it. My stomach handled it all great. Which was a surprise. Obviously, I'm not going to eat that many calories everyday as I'm trying to loose weight and keep my belly small.
    It feels as though my stitches are all healed and I'm good to go on regular foods. Dr. did release me to eat whatever I wanted, although I tend to eat food on the softer side.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. I have been having a bit of a difficult time the past 2 days. I'm hungry, but sick of everything I'm eating! I love tuna fish, but have a hard time eating it now, eggs I just cannot eat anymore, refried beans....ugh! Did try an avacado with lemon juice and a little feta cheese yesterday....that was ok. Just seeing if anyone else is having issues....and any suggestions.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. I tried shrimp today. Went really well. It sat is my stomach super easily. I got down about 2oz before I decided I was done. I'll eat the other 2 ounces for dinner. 24 grams of Protein in those 4 ounces, so much!
    Yes, any seafood has a lot of protien. I have a bowl of tuna fish salad in fridge all the time now. It's a quick way to get a lot of protien in for those struggling with the shakes.< br>
    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. How many oz is every eating at one time? I can barely get in 1.5oz? salad I can get in about 2? But feel too full after the salad starts to break down?
    Breakfast pic! Squash, onion, bell pepper egg white and sprinkle of cheese
    And of course the dogs that would rather eat this 1.5 than me. Lol
    Also I am only eating 3 meals a day? No Snacks and no Protein Drink or added calories from fluids only Water with a slice of lemon. Hot lemon water in the morning.
    Update on state?
    Surgery date 1/14/20
    Starting weight 289
    BMI 43
    Current weight 248
    Chiapas weight 150
    Height 5’8”image-0.00095367431640625.thumb.jpg.4747ef7472ac53b538dc2df977dfdd3e.jpg
    I can get down about 2 1/2 to 3 ounces. I need to stop at that point otherwise I could get foamies or pain at top of stomach. Finding soft Foods are better to go down. Tried homemade pizza tonight. Was able to eat 3 small bites of it. Went down ok, no issues. Got full from it fast.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  18. Hi All,
    Had my surgery Jan 16th, had problems signing in to be a part of this group...finally able to get in to comment. I've been following along since beginning of Jan....so much good info from you guys!!! It's helped me alot!!! I'm down 22 pounds as of this am. Was 23 lbs, but gained a pound this past week?? My visit with Dr. last week went real well. He's pretty much cleared me to eat anything now, stating everyone is different and your stomach will tell you if you shouldn't eat it. Wants me to weigh in once a week instead of everyday. I asked about calorie intake, he's more concerned about protien instead. I've been having a very hard time getting protien in. Cannot drink shakes, tried all of them. Thought I'd do good on Clear Protien water....nope too sweet and I gag when I drink it. Finally found Fairlife Core & Core Elite (from reading comments on here). Also gag now with water!! Never had a problem with Water before 3 weeks ago...now it's a struggle. Ice chips work instead. This past week I tried tuna fish!! It goes down easy and high in protien....I find I'm craving salt! I started eating Saltines, letting them "melt" in my mouth. Thinking I maybe eating too many since I have a weight gain this week.(?) I have 2-3 at a time....about 3 times a day. My average calorie intake is 520 or less. Staying within macros guidelines. So I'm a bit upset about the weight gain, since calorie intake is so little. I walk a mile and a half everyday. Ride bike for a mile and do some strengthening excercises for upper body 3 x's a week. I thought I'd be down a pound[emoji53]. Had the 3 week stall, got through that. Thanks to all of you talking me through it![emoji4] I have found I really need to push my plate away, taking the one more bite throws me over into "stuffed", therefore getting that pain where esophagus meets stomach. And boy-oh-boy it hurts!! I'm finally getting a handle on how much my new belly can hold.
    Thank you all for the good advice you've posted. We are in this together, and you do get me through stuff!!

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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