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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rcruz

  1. rcruz

    3rd Fill Yesterday - Maybe a little tight

    I think it will relax, it's just a different feeling to you and you will adjust that is the word I use adjust...you will get used to it. But I do understand wanting to have a great vacation. Good luck.
  2. rcruz

    Self Pay and all these Fills!

    WOW so this is what my boss has been after me to do, I have a diabetes medication for the rest of my life to take and the co-pay is $30 every month so I should opt for this and add some more incase I have to pay for my fills after June of next year...but am hoping that they pass it to cover it in next years medical budget its on the table...hmm something to really consider this program sounds like...I guess I never really thought about it thanks for explaining it...*calling personnel* :thumbup:
  3. rcruz

    Self Pay and all these Fills!

    Sorry. sorry, sorry I found it, I guess I should have looked up FSA first my job offers it but I am not on it but then again I have a year full of fills and unfills so maybe next year I will get on it...
  4. rcruz

    Self Pay and all these Fills!

    Ok I am sorry but I am new to all this so could someone explain to me about this plan you all are on...I mean I have insurance but they will not pay for fills because WLS is not covered but they should be paying for the fills??? becasue it's necessary can someone explain to me or am I not reading this right???
  5. rcruz

    Oh GOSH...

    I cannot even drink!!! I have been this way for 4 days now should i go and get a tiny bit out? I am scared to do so only becasue I like the restriction but I hate not being able to eat or DRINK anything, actually liquid goes down just takes a while like 45 seconds is this restriction? I have lost anohter 6lbs in 4 days I know this can't be right???!?!??!
  6. rcruz

    Oh GOSH...

    Ok went in and they said that I don't need an unfill, we did a barium and it went down pretty fast but I can't help from seeing some liquid in the needle so did he really pull some out??????? I came back to work and ate something and guess what it went down!?!?!?!??! It feels awesome is all I can say!!! I feel full not stuffed but content omgosh I can't express enough how awesome this feels...
  7. Thank you Heather... Ok just got back he would NOT unfill me. Reason is we did a barium swallow and it went through kinda fast to him and well to me too, he says that I may not be chewing good BUT I SWEAR I chew so much its not even funny! And he said I take too big of drinks "never gulp" he says. Ugh I am doing all the wrong stuff and instead of experiencing the getting sick I just rather not eat and he said that is a big NO NO!!! So today I have to try and eat something and I will. So I am at 10ccs still and hopefully will "learn" how to eat right and slow down..but I swear the eggs I ate yesterday were the size of maybe a kidney bean and I chewed it good so who knows what is going on with me. I have restriction it's what I wanted but dag nab it....Thank you everyone!!!!
  8. rcruz

    Oh GOSH...

    Thank you I have a call into the doctor now and I am sipping on gatorade as we speak it's just taking a while to pass through...nevermind that fact I am a lil hungry :smile2:
  9. Thanks ladies YES he is doing the unfill to measure it exactly on the next visit, however I don't think I will make it to the regular scheduled appt. because I am unable to to eat and only drink little I have lost another 6lbs in 4 days this can't be right ugh all I want is restriction that full filling when eating small portions this is challenging I tell ya but when I get there I will so be happy.
  10. WOW 28 views and not one response...ok thennnnnnnnnnnnn :tongue2:
  11. Ok so I think I finally got it and I am suppose to go back and get anohter fill next week. Now it's been two days since I have ahad this feeling. It's like this. I ate some salad and prolly ate too much but I am learning I actually ate 2 plates of it you know the salad plates??? I was stuffed, but I had ordered Soup also and when it came I was only able to eat like 5 spoons of it and I had to stop and from then on I was miserable. Today I eat Pot roast I chewed and chewed and got it dow I ate the piece of pot roast first and at a few carrots and ONE small cube of potatoes and now I am sitting here wanting to throw up...its' a yucky feeling not a stuck feeling. I think I am reconnizing what kind of restriction I have. Thing is I am going to the doctor to get a fill next week it sucks because why did restriction come 3 weeks after my fill dag nab it?!?!?!?!? Should I still get a fill becasue I think I am still eating too much. BUT I AM ALMOST THERE!!!! I can't do chicken, chicken and I are not getting along but other meats I do fine on.
  12. rcruz

    I need motivation!

    That is totally wrong!!!!!
  13. You are looking good congrats to you and your sister keep up the good work!!!!
  14. rcruz

    I walked into the gym! (long)

    Great job!!! Now if you can rub some of the motivation off on me I would be posting something like this great post. No really I am going today to the gym...I have promised myself! Good luck and keep on truckin...
  15. I got the orange kind and mixed it with Gatorade (orange) I know the gatorade is not the best to mic it with but oh well..
  16. rcruz

    Drinking too fast?

    These are the four types, I have Central. It was caused form a fall when I was 10 years old I fell 4 stories down playing on a banister of stair steps :biggrin: the medication I take is DDAVP Neurogenic DI also known as central, hypothalamic, pituitary or neurohypophysealis caused by a deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin. Nephrogenic DI also known as vasopressin-resistant. It is caused by insensitivity of the kidneys to the effect of the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin. Dipsogenic DI is a form of primary polydipsia. It is caused by abnormal thirst and the excessive intake of Water or other liquids. Gestagenic DI also known as gestational. It is caused by a deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, that occurs only during pregnancy.
  17. rcruz

    Drinking too fast?

    It's actually called Diabetes Insipidius. It's referred to water diabetes becasue it's water that we crave so much before I was diagnosed I drank litterly 2-3 gallons (yes gallons) of water a night. But now that I have medication that controls the thirst it's hard to get the required water intake per day.. Interesting read: *Diabetes Insipidus (DI) is a disorder in which there is an abnormal increase in urine output, Fluid intake and often thirst. It causes symptoms such as urinary frequency, nocturia (frequent awakening at night to urinate) or enuresis (involuntary urination during sleep or "bedwetting"). Urine output is increased because it is not concentrated normally. Consequently, instead of being a yellow color, the urine is pale, colorless or watery in appearance and the measured concentration (osmolality or specific gravity) is low. *Diabetes Insipidus is not the same as diabetes mellitus ("sugar" diabetes). Diabetes Insipidus resembles diabetes mellitus because the symptoms of both diseases are increased urination and thirst. However, in every other respect, including the causes and treatment of the disorders, the diseases are completely unrelated. Sometimes diabetes insipidus is referred to as "water" diabetes to distinguish it from the more common diabetes mellitus or "sugar" diabetes. *Diabetes Insipidus is divided into four types, each of which has a different cause and must be treated differently. The most common type of DI is caused by a lack of vasopressin, a hormone that normally acts upon the kidney to reduce urine output by increasing the concentration of the urine. This type of DI is usually due to the destruction of the back or "posterior" part of the pituitary gland where vasopressin is normally produced. Hence, it is commonly called pituitary DI. It is also known as central or neurogenic DI. The posterior pituitary can be destroyed by a variety of underlying diseases including tumors, infections, head injuries, infiltrations, and various inheritable defects. The latter can be recognized by the onset of the DI in early childhood and a family history of parents, siblings or other relatives with the same disorder. Nearly half the time, however, pituitary DI is "idiopathic" (that is, no cause can be found despite a thorough search including magnetic resonance imaging or MRI of the brain) and the underlying cause(s) is (are) still unknown. Pituitary DI is usually permanent and cannot be cured but the signs and symptoms (i.e. constant thirst, drinking and urination) can be largely or completely eliminated by treatment with various drugs including a modified from of vasopressin known as desmopressin or DDAVP. Because pituitary DI is sometimes associated with abnormalities in other pituitary hormones, tests and sometimes treatments for these other abnormalities are also needed. *Occasionally, a lack of vasopressin can also develop during pregnancy if the pituitary is slightly damaged and/or the placenta destroys the hormone too rapidly. This second type of vasopressin deficiency is called gestagenic orgestational DI and is also treatable with DDAVP but, in this case, the deficiency and the DI often disappear 4 to 6 weeks after delivery at which time the DDAVP treatment can usually be stopped. Often, however, the signs and symptoms of DI recur with subsequent pregnancies. *The third type of DI is caused by an inability of the kidneys to respond to the "antidiuretic effect" of normal amounts of vasopressin. This type of DI is usually referred to as nephrogenic DI and can result from a variety of drugs or kidney diseases including heritable genetic defects. It cannot be treated with DDAVP and, depending on the cause, may or may not be curable by eliminating the offending drug or disease. The heritable form, for example, lasts for life and cannot be cured at present. However, there are treatments that can partially relieve the signs and symptoms of nephrogenic DI. *The fourth form of DI occurs when vasopressin is suppressed by excessive intake of fluids. The latter is usually referred to as primary polydipsia and is most often caused by an abnormality in the part of the brain that regulates thirst. This subtype is called dipsogenic DI and is difficult to differentiate from pituitary DI particularly since the two disorders can result form many of the same brain diseases. The only sure way to tell them apart is to measure vasopressin during a stimulus such as fluid deprivation or to observe the effects of DDAVP treatment. In dipsogenic DI, DDAVP also eliminates the excessive urination but, unlike pituitary DI, it does not completely eliminate the increased thirst and fluid intake. Thus, it also results in water intoxication, a condition associated with symptoms such as headache, loss of appetite, lethargy and nausea and signs such as an abnormally large decrease in the plasma sodium concentration (hyponatremia). Because of this and the current lack of a way to correct the underlying abnormality in thirst, dipsogenic DI cannot be treated at present, although the most troubling symptoms, nocturia, can be safely relieved by taking small doses of DDAVP at bedtime. The other subtype of primary polydipsia is due not to abnormal thirst but to psychosomatic causes and is often referred to as pyschogenic polydipsia. It cannot be treated at present. QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE What is considered "excessive" urination? What is considered "excessive thirst? An adult who urinates more than 50mL/kg body weight per 2 hours is generally considered to have a higher than normal output. Loosely translated, 50mL/kg is about 3.5 quarts per day for a 150-lb. adult. an adult who drinks more than 4 quarts (1 gallon) or approximately 12 glasses (144 oz) of beverages per day would have a higher than normal intake.
  18. rcruz

    Drinking too fast?

    With having Diabetes Insipidus (water diabetes) I tend to chug alot and I tell ya no matter what I have to slow down becasue it hurts going down. I love water but once I take my medicine that prevents me from drinking so much it's hard to get the mandatory amount of water intake per day. It's hard to have DI and the band but you have to take the good with the bad I guess.
  19. Ok so I was one whom complained about the band too it was my doctor he would not be agressive an dhe has now explained to me why. I have 8ccs in my band now an dI HAVE RESTRICTION!! i experienced my first Stuck episode!!! I did not like it, it hurts and lets just say I know now but I was hungry and not thinking and ate a spoon of mac n cheese and I was in pain for like 20 minutes an it came back up my chest is still hurting. You get there eventually!!!!
  20. rcruz

    First Fill Fiasco Friday for Me (Long)

    Gosh I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I have the realize band and I always thought the port was easy to find and hit. Now the first time he did bend the needle but he just got a new one and went back in, I am numbed so I feel nothing, completely painless!!! WOW and he left you in there alone that I agree was careless!!!! I was excited this last time to sit up with that needle in my tummy tum tum, but of course under different circumstances as you. I also have had my band 4 months and just yesterday got 8ccs in my 9css band!!! (not at once) YIKES huh??? We looked under fluro and I definately will have restriction it's what we all want right but I think seeing it first hand I am so scared to eat becasue if it took 10 seconds for water to go down what will happen with food, I think "stuck" and I haven't had my first nothing yet, stuck, slim, nothing so I am pretty scared of it happening so scared I have a headache today prolly form not eating. Ok sorry I got off subject...good luck next time keep us posted!!!
  21. Thank you very much!!! I am content right now although very hungry LOL! I should have ate something this morning..THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE!
  22. TOMORROW, well I called to have another fill I have NO RESTRICTION after 3 fills and 5.5 ccs in my realize band. I feel I have been good meaning I haven't ate junk food, and even my portions are/have been cut back for not having restriction even to the point of leaving and still being hungry. I just don't know what is going on. I don't want to get to the point I can't eat anything like my friend is now but I do want some kind of restriction because although I have cut back I am sure it's not enough. My problem is the fill doctor he is so dry with me since I have not been successful and that makes me uncomfortable to even go there but yet I need to get to that point of having restriction. Tomorrow is one week earlier from when he scheduled it. I think he will be mad becasue I am back we will see hell I am almost wanting to cancel but know I can't. It's to the point of being scared to face him that is so sad!!!! Thanks for listening.
  23. Ok so I didn't even sleep last night because I was so scared of what today might bring me. Well I wouldn't eat breakfast becasue I was scared of gaining weight (BIG MISTAKE) so I get in there and I step on the scale and I LOST 5 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink2::laugh::laugh: I was ok that is good I think I calmed down alot becasue my blood pressure was GREAT! So I was still feeling a lil uneasy because I was thinking he might ask why are you back so early??? He walked in with a smile I was thinking yea because I lost and not gained or stayed at my weight, he asked if I was feeling good and I told him no that I feel nothing and that I am starving myself (so I think) and I was always hungry and he said ok well we are doing something different today I am going to fill you standing up and I looked at him like oh wow cool..that is how I always figured it should be done but hey he was the doctor right?!?!?!?! Anyway get in there he expalins to me how he was going to proceed and as he filled me up the first swallow went through as if it was a race meaning REAL FAST so he put more in and more in until the barium went very slowly through...as I watched I was thinking OMGosh I will not get food through there and I asked him if he thought that I should be right there and he told me yes, honestly I thought it was too tight but I won't know unitl I get to soft foods tomorrow I have to have clear liquids and jello today and I have to say I am starving!!! But that goes with the territory so I have to wait it out it's what I wanted right? So over all I was very happy with this appointment and the weight loss it wasn't alot but it was some and it wasn't a gain. Now I have to get my rear in gear and start working out!!!! Thank you to eveyone that participated in this post and all the positive it brought to my attitude!!!!
  24. LOL!! yes Ma'm I wll have to because this is getting me no where! My fill doctor is different than the surgeon, I was going to try and talk to the surgeon he is always sitting in his office anyway.
  25. My friend did go with me last visit she walked out of there very angry about how he was such a dry person and other things she said but can't really post it. I would go somewhere else HOWEVER I paid cash and my fills are free (if you will) for a year so I need to swing it unitl I have to pay fo rmy fills and I will prolly try and get into another surgeon if I can for the remainder of my process. But the one she went to and lost the 191lbs they were very agressive and well look at the results 191lbs lost!!!!!!!! But wanna know how much thier fills are $390.00!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget that for 1cc of liquid no way.. I have to swing it for now.

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