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  1. Congrats!
    gringa1972 reacted to Healthy_life2 in SLEEVE regret   
    Ultimately. Choose the type of surgery you want. Research take your Drs suggestion into consideration. Ask your insurance what types of surgery they cover. Have your friend go to an information seminar.
    I know what the statistics say on each surgery. There are no absolute stats/results with any type of bariatric procedure. Some of lose slow and others lose fast. Sex, age, hormones, complications, medical issues, medications, genetics are factors on the rate you lose and how much you lose. The only part of Weight loss surgery that is in our control is how you work your plan.
    We are all more than the statistics. I guess you can say I don’t fit the statistics/norm of a sleeve procedure. I lost fast. starting 254 to 140 in six months. I had no complications. I bounced back from surgery quickly. Five years out I maintain in the 130’s. Most people that are maintaining and doing well don’t stay on this site. Not many vets hang around. I’m not sure if people are getting a balanced look at WLS outcomes.
    Revisions are done on all types of surgery for many reasons. I’m hoping to see an official revision thread. I would like to know why we are seeing so many revisions. I’m now talking to people that have had three surgeries.
    For me absolutely no regret.

  2. Congrats!
    gringa1972 reacted to sidvicious in I can gulp   
    Actually, you might be luckier... The restriction acts as a reminder for us to sip/ take small bites/ etc... it is a great tool

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