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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carlacollins

  1. carlacollins

    Can coughing cause slippage?

    I have never had this happen but I have read about others who have....and my doc told me that if the band could slip that easy then who would want it????? ( I am always asking him if I jog will my band slip...if I cough to hard will it slip..if I laugh to hard will it slip :heh: :heh: :heh: and he just shakes his head and laughs) but it makes sense if you think about it...I mean women get pregnant with the band (no fill/restriction of course) and they have morning sickness and their band survives..so I wouldnt think a bout with bronchitis would cause the band to slip...if I have to worry myself sick everytime I get a cold or the stomach flu that my band might slip..then I am going to sue the maker of this darn finicky band that sometimes I love and sometimes I hate....heheheheh...giggling...I think you are fine and just iritated...hang in there..do liquids for a few days and dont panic....
  2. carlacollins

    Burning Pain

    JUST MY EXPERIENCE talking but it sounds to me like you are a little tight..but that is just a guess.....you wont no longer feel full so much in your "tummy" but your full sensation will be above the band now...It really sounds like my golfball feeling or even a reflux from food not going through the band as it should..I am just giving my opinion but I would call my doc just to check it out...good luck and keep us posted...
  3. carlacollins

    Will Changing Jobs Sacrifice My Weight Loss?

    Do what makes you happy MONEY is NOT always what makes us happy..Be honest with yourself and do what you know is best for you...GOOD LUCK and keep us posted...
  4. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    It does..its a learning process...trial and error....even with fills...they dont always know how much of a fill will work for everyone...what works for one doesnt always work for another...you are doing fine.......one thing about that band is that it definitly has a mind of its own...lol..and it will do what the heck it wants...lol.....I have learned that..
  5. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    Yeah...my doc told me that if you find that you can eat chips and salsa or like cheetos that mush up when you eat them then you dont have the right kind of restriction......if you see my history on 4/13 you will see I had to go back and get 2 cc taken out for that very reason...I could eat a hershey candy bar JUST fine..I could eat cheese puffs GREAT no problem but if I tried to eat grits..NOPE...stuck...if I tried to eat mashed potatoes...NOPE stuck....did it make sense? NOPE..lol...but that is the way it was I called my doc and he took some out...I was still tight but a good restriction kind of tight...the way it works for me I get looser everyday a little bit until I eventually need another fill...but I am not sure if it works like that for everyone... I am thinking that eating a low fat ice cream bar is NOT nutritional see...no Protein (which I UNDERSTAND WHY you did) but if you would have been able to eat say 1/2 small bowl of cottage cheese or something with some protein it probably would have stayed with you longer and then therefore your metabolism wouldnt be shutting down and you would probably start losing better....Please understand I am just giving my opinion based on my experience....would you like to talk on the phone sometime because I would be more than happy to private you my number if you would like to chat?
  6. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    And Letha is soooo right.....beef is a big NO NO...I couldnt POSSIBLY EVER get down any kind of beef down from the day I was banded......even if I chew it to goo it still just wont go down....my rule of thumb is...if I think it could probably get stuck then most likely it will....that is how I judge it....Like Pizza for instance...there is NO way I could eat a slice of regular pizza EVER since my surgery but I can eat two small squares of a thin crust pizza...but I eat slow and chew chew chew...take my time..and DONT ever drink with a meal..that always makes me get stuck....
  7. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    WELL...NO I am not saying that but I think oily fish is alot more fat and calories than regular tuna fish was my point......here is an example..I had a fill on Tuesday and I was tight that day when I left the office but I was able to get water down fine....I was on liquids on Tues and Wed and Thursday I could start eating soft mushies again....I had 6 teaspoons of grits that a.m. and I was stuffed....I didnt eat again until that night when I had a small runny scrambled egg...and I was full again...NOT miserable but full..content.....it took me about 10 min to eat that egg for example.....I then had a glass of small (8 oz.) ice tea about 20 minutes later and that was good.....I was content..... Friday I had 1/2 bannana for breakfast...for lunch I had about 8 teaspoons of some broth from some homemade potatoe soup (YUMMY) and then for dinner I had about 6 bites of some angel hair spaghetti....and I was done.....content full good...now everyday I am getting a little looser...so I am TIGHT but NOT miserable tight...can you see the difference? TUES WED even THURS I probably could not have gotten the spaghetti down but everyday I am getting a little looser until by next week I will probably be able to eat a small salad again as long as I chew chew chew.......so I think you are too tight...but that is just my opinion...you may not be...but if you cant eat a "small" healthy so to speak meal then I would think you were too tight...........what did you eat today?
  8. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    I would ask for a small unfill.......oily fish in my opinion would not be that great...I can eat a small amount of chicken as long as its not dry or overcooked......ummm I am thinking you need a small unfill...but that is just my outlook I am not a doc...how long since your fill? and since the fill have you started feeling looser at all?
  9. carlacollins

    Not as successful as I thought

    YOU are still too tight.....if you cannot eat a small salad or some green beans or something then you are still too tight...a tight restriction is not a good restriction if that makes sense....
  10. carlacollins

    Awareness of food moving down???

    Happens to me allll time time...take a few bites...have to let it go down.....feel it go down.....and then about 10 minutes later it will go down and I can eat a little more.....think its just all a part of the band...slow us down from eating..... Oh and by the way...I already had my gallbladder took out so that had BETTER NOT be the case with me.....:heh:
  11. carlacollins

    WOOO HOOOOO NSV! Yeah!!!!

    40 lbs since August is wonderful! that is a great accomplishment....WOOO HOOOO way to go
  12. carlacollins

    No weight loss third week

    Well sweetie you havent been filled yet....it will be slow until your first fill......take your time...this is the beginning of the rest of your life..lol..your lapband life......before you know it..the weight will be coming off.....Good luck to ya
  13. carlacollins

    Will my tightness

    Thanks everyone for the advice......Jack...you are so right about the choc.milk...I only had a small amount JUST FOR a little bit of nutrition..and it did help....Housecat girl...I am LOL at you...I know the feeling.."I am feeling okay...I am sure this will go down just fine...lol" and then you feel that all too familiar golf ball and know that the PB is about to begin and you are kicking yourself ALLLL the way to the toilet......LOL...but I am doing a little better today..managed to get about 6 bites of runny egg down a sec ago..so we are starting to loosen UP!!!! *clapping my hands* Kayford and Wheetsin- I can relate to that because I am ultra ultra sensitive about fills.....I had one unfill and the doc and I talked about it this time before he did my fill and he only did my about 75%- said he could have put more but stopped so I dont think I am FULL like he thinks I could have been...so I assume I am sensitive to fills as well.... but thankfully I am starting to be able to get a little down so I am feeling better..it really wasnt so much about the eating as it was about needing some nutrition..I felt like I was weak and hungry and didnt have any energy..........Thanks everyone!
  14. carlacollins

    Man Am I Tight

    Anyone ever have a fill and they are too tight to eat but not to get down liquids and if so...how long did it take or did it loosen up after a bit... Yesterday I was realllll tight...today it seems a little better and got down some egg drop soup...hate to get unfilled if it will loosen up.....????? :help: any suggestions...I am a 4.2 in a 10 cc band.....:help:
  15. carlacollins

    Man Am I Tight

    Hey gals..thanks for the advice...believe it or not..I am starting to loosen up a little...I had a scrambled egg earlier...the doc said to give it a week and we will re-eval then...he said as long as I am able to stay hydrated then give it a week and see how it goes then...I am starting to be able to eat a little so I think it may loosen up...and I ask him about the slippage and he said as long as it doesnt go on for LONG extended periods of time then we should be fine...he said we will keep a watch on it...THANKS for the advice you guys are the BEST !! MUCH LOVE
  16. carlacollins

    Will my tightness

    Thanks Alexandra...liquids is fine...I can get down any kinds of liquids but solids are a definite NO NO....I tried some mashed potatoes last night..nope...no way....but choc milk.....protein shakes etc are fine.....i think I will give it a couple of days and see what happens......thanks
  17. carlacollins

    Man Am I Tight

    Thanks Carlene...so you think it will loosen up in a couple of days??? and dont worry about me not staying on liquids...lol...I couldnt eat anything solid if someone was to pay me a million bucks!
  18. carlacollins

    Just Banded On 8/07...ouch!

    Hey Michelle..thanks for the compliment...OKAY now I see what you mean...well unfortuanately they didnt band our brains...giggling....so we still have that same desire for pizza or whatever but think of this...soon and TRUST me it will be sooner before you know it...you will be able to eat a slice of pizza the great thing about it is that you will have 1 or 2 NOT 10 or 12 LOL....I still have an appetite and when I get ready to eat I think DANG I AM SO hungry I could eat 1/2 this burger or 1/2 this Pizza but that is the beauty of the band because once you start you quickly figure out that 1 piece will definitly satisfy that hunger and you will feel full!
  19. carlacollins

    Just Banded On 8/07...ouch!

    I never really felt pain..some soreness but NOT pain.....when you say you didnt lose your appetite...what do you mean by that?
  20. carlacollins

    Bad taste in mouth

    I hate that YUCKY breathy smell and taste from the liquid stages etc......shhhheeeee ooooooooo lol.......
  21. carlacollins

    does heavy around middle=VG BAND???

    I had a VG band because my doc said they were better and less likely to cause slippage...a better band was how he put it.....and yes I do think it has to do with the size of your stomach but not the fat surrounding it....good luck
  22. Jitters and doubts are normal....everyone has them......and the pre-op diet seems so severe at the time but trust me it will over before you can turn around...I dreaded the pre op diet and thought I couldnt make it but I look back now....shucks...it wasnt THAT bad....dont have fear but have faith in God.....much love
  23. carlacollins

    Dr. Placed Band In The Wrong Place

    Gosh what a nightmare...sorry this happened good luck and keep us posted
  24. carlacollins

    Two weeks of steady loosing

    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. carlacollins

    Pre-Op Diet

    that is exactly the reason my doc gave me...to shrink the liver.... Good luck

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