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Posts posted by Sandyyy

  1. The chart for 5’5 is 113-148. I’m older with muscle loss and a small frame. 108 is optimal.
    I walk 5 miles a day from car to office, housework etc. I use a Fitbit to track. Moving is incredibly helpful with arthritis.
    Why would a doctor operate at 178? I was 115 until 5 years ago. Steroids, losing a child, and taking care of terminal parent packed on the pounds. Did I forget menopause? I just kept gaining. My health kept declining, everything became so difficult. The surgeon stated I am likely to lose 50-70% of the excess weight. After surgery, he stated that my stomach was stretched from adhesions that attached to it.
    I eating more but the hernia repair is bothering me. I take small bites, chew well and I still get that stuck feeling.

  2. 25 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

    Try B12, either injection, nasal spray or sublingual. I feel absolutely wrecked if I am low on B12

    Patches are not proven to work. Many surgeons specifically disallow them.

    10,000 calories. I’m kinda speechless

    @FluffyChix wrote 1,000 cals, not 10,000

    BUT ....

    Something though doesn't add up,

    • You had VSG at 178 lbs (29.6 BMI). Your Goal weight is 108, an 18 BMI, which is underweight.
    • You are only drinking Protein Shakes. 50 g of Protein. Assuming you are drinking PP or Muscle Milk, you're getting only about 300 cals
    • You are exercising to the extreme.

    These are huge red flags for an eating disorder and/or body dysmorphia

    The B12 shot is a great idea. I got the Patches from my surgeon. I never even looked to see how effective they are, I just assumed.
    10,000 vs 1,000. My error. Reading on the treadmill. 1,000 makes much more sense.
    178 is what I got to after a heavy eating week. It’s the highest ever and I stopped at several buffets in Vegas to hit that goal. My height fluctuates a bit and I think I gave them the lowest height. We played with the numbers to get to near 30. It was self pay so I didn’t have any hoops to go through.
    I was happy at 115-120. That’s where I was for the bulk of my adult life. My doctor gave me the 108. He said at my age with bone and muscle, it’s the best weight. I mentioned it to an oncologist and he agreed.
    My body issues were terrible as I gained weight. It affected everything. Such a terrible time. I never could turn it around. Some women are curvy and beautiful. Not me. I also got so lazy with personal care..sweats and a ponytail. Ughh. Even my shoes didn’t fit. I got a hair cut. Went and got my makeup updated.
    I’m feeling so much better with the rolls disappearing.

  3. 1 hour ago, AJ Tylo said:

    Here you go again = You are not balanced and draining yourself =

    I have been there so has a ton of us, I agree with everyone above and Up it all if you can, I have the same issue with food it just does not work well, So i use a huge amounts of vitiamins and supplements. The supplements are the key they give me the energy and minerals for fuel. You are low on gas, so fill up quickly with fuel. If you have a nutra bullet make yourself some strong heavy smoothies, pack them full of minerals and fuel. You do that for 3 days and you will see a huge change in your body and feelings.

    It is hard nobody is saying it is not but once you get balanced you will feel better

    I’m doing lots of supplements. I’m still using Patches that I bought from surgeon because my stomach is sensitive. Maybe I need to review them and make sure I’m getting 100%.

  4. 57 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Fu*k! I'm eighteen months and take in on average this week about 1000cals per day. I'd be exhausted too with that schedule! Do you really walk 10mi per day? Do you really go to the gym 4 days per week? Do you really do elliptical on top of that? Do you also do yoga and stretching and your doctor thinks you aren't DOING ENOUGH? For reals? That's total insanity!

    You're getting in 500cals or less per day. I gotta call BS. No wonder your tired. The real question is, how are you not dead?

    For the exercise, I am getting the elliptical, walking and yoga in. But those I do at home with the tv on. The gym is harder, but I try. They have a really nice circuit that takes an hour and works the whole body.
    10,000 calories. I’m kinda speechless. That is not what the surgeon mentioned. I just pulled out the handout and it says at 6 months 1200 calories per day or less. Looking at the handouts, he must tell everyone this limit.
    I was active prior to surgery but gained so much weight the last 5 years. I would diet and lose a pound, then gain 2. It was terrible. My body morphed in ways that was difficult to handle. Everything like yard work, cleaning, skiing, biking, bringing groceries in, and just getting off the floor was so difficult.
    My metabolism is very slow. I will increase food a little and see what happens

  5. 4 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    You need to up your Protein hon. Exhaustion at this time is normal, but you do need to eat more and advance your diet as you tolerate. Try going to mushies or even thicker cream Soups. Blended veggie Soups work great at this time of year. ((hugs)) I wouldn't bother working out until you can get your diet and sleep taken care of. They are way more important to long term health. And if exhaustion continues, see the doc. They need to do blood work to see if you are low in anything.

    I had blood work done on Tuesday and everything was great. My doctor is pushing the exercise. She thinks I’m not doing enough. . I weigh 10 pounds more than I did last year and I don’t have much endurance. Yoga, stretching, elliptical(I am on it as soon as I wake up), walking 10 miles a day, and gym 4 times a week. She is also 30 years younger and really doesn’t understand menopause.
    I will try some more soups and see if it helps. I’m so overly cautious after a bad yogurt reaction .
    The doctor that did the sleeve talked about 400 calories a day with 50 grams Protein. Is that a typical goal?

  6. Tuesday was my 6 week mark. The weight is coming off slowly and I am so happy with the progress. I’m working out but not overly ambitious.
    I’m having trouble with my energy level. I tire very easily. I want to nap most days by noon. I am so exhausted by the end of the day, it’s hard to move.
    I’m also weak. My body is hypersensitive right now to pain. It’s making me insane. I had 4 immunizations on Tuesday. The arm with the flu and tetanus woke me up with pain. The muscles tightened all the way to my neck. Just ridiculous.
    im getting 50 grams of Protein a day. I’m only consuming Protein Drinks and Water at this point. I had a dairy issue last week which left me super sensitive to swallowing solid food so I’m just avoiding it.
    I’m very happy I had this surgery. Stress and menopause were terrible on my body. I weighed 155 this morning so this is working. I just need some energy.
    Any ideas what I can do to increase my energy level?

  7. Wow, 8 months. I saw the doctor/clinic advertised online. I made a phone call, gave my credit card and scheduled the surgery for the following week. My weight was on the low side so It was suggested I gain 10 lbs prior to weigh in.
    I don’t think I understood the impacts of the surgery. I really didn’t understand the hiatel hernia repercussions. But that came up an hour before surgery.

    I am still recovering from dairy earlier in the week but I’m so happy with the weightloss.

  8. I ate a small 4 oz container of yogurt yesterday. I think I am experiencing dumping. Although this is so much worse than I imagined. I have been so sick for the last 17 hours. I can’t keep anything down and minimal rest on bathroom floor. How long does this last?

  9. I also had my surgery 10/1. My weight loss is so slow. This is nothing like I expected. I had the hiatel hernia repair with the sleeve surgery. I did a destination surgery in Nevada. There was no pre surgery diet because my weight was too low. I overate for almost 2 weeks prior to surgery.

    The hernia and GERD plus menopause caused overeating. Lots of crackers to tame the acid. Doctor said the hernia was terrible and she expected significant relief. She was right. I didn’t expect it to be so narrow. I think it’s going to be a problem.

    5 days of 500 calories or less walking 8 miles a day equals 1 pound weight loss. Unacceptable.

    I’m thinking of fasting to expedite the weightloss.

    I’m frustrated but this is going to work.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
