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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by diva

  1. diva

    Boston Hospitals??

    pier13, You have to do what is right for you. You know NEMC is there should you decide to go for it. I never tried LA Weightloss but I tried most everything else. I look foward to having a tool that is mine and will give me a solid chance of keeping the weight off. Stay on the boards-you have time to decide.
  2. diva

    Boston Hospitals??

    Seminole, I remember reading that you don't live in the US. What kind of accomodations did they make for you about the program? In other words, there is no way you could do a 6 week behavior modification group. Did you see the exercie physiologist, nutritionist, med doc, surgeon and psychologist all in week or so? I am glad I chose NEMC-they have so many of the surgeries. I know there isn't a pre-op liquid diet. Can you tell me about the steps after my surgery date is set? Is there a gall bladder test? ekg? You went back to your hotel the same day as surgery? That is great! I think they send most everyone home if the surgery went ok. I haven't yet heard about the post op diet-sounds like you didn't have to stick to fluids only? thanks for the info. Tarnoff sounds like he knows what he is doing alright!!!
  3. diva

    Boston Hospitals??

    You're welcome. How come your cousin hasn't given you the details of the NEMC program? I am glad she liked Tarnoff though. From what I understand all three surgeons are equally as good. Shikora is the head guy an it seemed to be a longer wait to see him. Frankly I would feel confident with any of the three. Yes, you get to choose your surgeon. You choose your appt time and surgeon. The surgeon you choose to have your initial appt with is the surgeon who does your surgery. You don't talk to one and switch over for your actual surgery. I don't know where you live but if you can get on the train into North Station-its just a T ride to NEMC-it has its own T stop. But you do have to go...a lot. The Psychologist appointments (2 times or more), the Exercise Physiologist ( 2 times or more), a medical doc for your check up, the 6 week group behavior modification (once a week for 6 weeks), your nutritionist appt (1 or 2 times or more), various lectures, your surgeon appt. and more. When they say its a commitment they aren't kidding. But it goes by fast and your are really informed and ready. When did you cousin have her surgery and how is she doing? (by pass or lap?)
  4. diva

    Boston Hospitals??

    Hi, Do a search here, just put in Boston or NEMC you'll get some background. I'm in the middle of the NEMC Tufts program right now. I chose them because of their experience with both the bypass and band. It wasn't difficult to choose the place that did over 1,000 laproscopic surgeries v.s. a few hundred. The 3 surgeons are very well known in the field, particularly Dr. Shikora. I am going for Dr. Tarnoff. Google them The great thing and very lucky thing is that living in the Boston area really affords us a choice of excellent hospitals. Each one seems to be a little different in protocol. Most cost $500 up front without insurance. This pays for the various lectures, group modification meetings, psychologist etc etc. It takes a while to work through it all. I started late April and hope to be banded in July. They are experts and they want you to stick with them after you have the surgery. I believe that fills are free for life. They don't want a liquid diet pre-surgery but they do want you to lose about 10% of your weight. I am not a group person and the long wait has gotten to me on occasion. (the group behavior meets 6 weeks in a row-and you do not miss any) I keep thinking that come on lets do it already! It has been a hassle to go back and forth (I live outside of Boston) running from work, taking the train, trying to make every appt on time. But then I remember the medicial expertise and I chill. Hope this helps!
  5. Just curious. They told us to expect to go home the same day as the surgery. That makes me both scared and happy. I kinda want to be at the hospital in case -in case of what? I dunno-reaction to the anesthesia? pain? or ? or ? Now I don't want to stay overnight. But it still makes me nervous anyway. So? Who went home the same day and who stayed overnight. If you stayed overnight was it due complications? or just the way your doc does it? Thanks in advance
  6. Wheetsin- this is hysterical!!! It is amazing how many complete morons there are. BTW-did you know that the Grand Canyon was formed by Noah's ark and the current bad weather is all due to the astronauts walking around in space messing the air?
  7. diva

    Flooding in MA

    Hi out there. We're a rainy mess in New England. Not so bad where I live but last night at midnight we rescued my 82 year old mother in law from her house. In the nick of time too. The rivers around her area are rising and rising fast.:umbrella: We don't think it will get into her house but probably her basement. And it could knock out the water, electric and gas. There was no way we could leave her there in those conditions. We're thinking of investing in an ark. :help: SEND SUNSHINE
  8. diva

    Mind Crush... Ode to Jack...

    Anyone notice you never see Poodles or Jack in the same room at the same time-sort of like La Toya and Michael.
  9. A few hours ago I attended the New Patient Orientation at the hospital-they have a multi approach program from Opti-fast to traditional dieting with a nutrionist to lap band to gastric bypass. The one thing they stressed was that 99% of all people who lost a good amount of weight by dieting will gain it all back and some will add more pounds than they originally dieted off in the first place. You can stick to a diet for a certain amount of time- its when we relax that we "fail". The bs that you did it before so you can do it again is proving your point. Yep you did it before. And? you are back where you started. So why go through another cycle???? Also-he's worried about you obessing about your food when you eat out? Try the Atkins and you'll see obsession. Got carbs? Any diet will have you obessing about food. With the band you'll will have a tool for life. Now I am not banded yet so I only speak from the planning stage. In addition to the above info shooting down his reasons maybe those aren't really his reasons for sabotaging your changing for the better. It sounds as if he is a little worried that you'll upstage him or become desirable to other guys or your new self won't love him anymore. I'm not a psychologist by any means but he sounds scared. I wish you a lot of luck-its a hard decision for anyone let alone without your husbands support. I hope you do what is best for you.
  10. Hi, I hesitate to write this. I am a pretty straight forward ex-New Yorker, very "I can do this myself", "I don't need any help" take charge, research nut, control freak. I don't really like to ask for help. Kind of ticks me off. If anyone has noticed at all, my posts are pretty non-mushy and they end up sounding a tad sarcastic/funny which I don't mean in a bad way. I pretty much am a foxhole religious person. I pray under duress, don't go to church (a lapsed Catholic) and I know God is there. I just don't like to bother Him too much if its not serious. Ok, now thats out of the way- I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow due to some pretty scary bleeding from the rectum (how attractive). It has been going on for a few months on and off. No rhyme or reason-no way to track it. Sometimes its almost like having a period in my butt (another attractive thought). I have had a colonoscopy 5 years ago just as a base (I am 51). It was fine. I had a sigmoidoscopy (only goes up your bumm part way) 2 weeks ago for this bleeding thing. The doc didn't see anything. I (and the doc) was hoping that it would show hemrrhoids but nope. So... I am a little worried. Being obese I have had the most terrible diet to get me this way. Fat, no veggies hardly, carbs. It is not way out of the realm of reality that I could have the beginnings of colon cancer. The other thing that is crazy about me is that when something good happens (like me finally taking the step to be banded and lose this weight)-something bad will happen in return. Oh the irony- So with that looonnnnggg story- I have read your posts and I see that a lot of you are more grounded spiritually than I. Can I beg your indulgance and ask for some prayers for tomorrow?? Thank you all very kindly
  11. diva

    Over 50 lap bandsters

    I am 51 and hope to be banded in July before I turn 52. Sheesh how did I get to be 51??????? eeeekkkk!
  12. diva

    Lap Band Deaths...

    Just my 2 cents. If your doc or group has a family night or a ask questions night-take your daughter. Its a great idea for her to go with you on your doc appt. but it might be a good idea to have her meet successful banders in person. The first live bander I ever met had her 16 year old daughter with her (a craft show) and her daughter was so proud of her mom. Not only was she proud but she was just as informed as her Mom was about being banded. The both gave me a pep talk. They even asked if I wanted to feel the Mom's port!!!
  13. You guys are awesome. I get to see this other doc for the diverticuli-aye yi yi. But for now I am happy not have anything worse. Thank you all from the "bottom" of my heart!!!!!!
  14. diva

    God is testing me big time

    Dody, Definately call Vanderbilt and tell them whats been going on. I send you luck and love.
  15. I'mmmm bbaaacckkk! So everything is ok. I was given some lovely drugs and there was no pain that I recall. I have some diverticuli (sp?) and some internal hemrroids that occasionally bleed (it doesn't get more attractive than that sentence does it?) DH and I are very relieved. Thank you all who had good thoughts for me. It is very much appreciated. And thanks to the whole LBT who kept me occupied all day between potty visits.
  16. Thank you everyone. I am off to the colonoscopy funhouse. Last night was just a joy. blah!!! I will check in with the results after I come down from the loopy juice and eat something!!!! BTW-you all are the best
  17. diva

    I am beyond frustrated...

    Please see someone else for a second opinion. I don't know your background but... You said you are self-pay? If you have insurance please double-triple check that they might pay for it. I say that because it seems you have a great deal of medical problems that would be a slam dunk for them to pay. If this doc and any others also agree that you have to lose-see if they can put you on some sort of regimented liquid diet like Optifast that is monitered. I take acception to the fact that this guy is leaving you out to dry without offering some sort of assistance in losing the weight. Also, back to the insurance thing-the insurance may cover the special food or liquid diet since you require it. If you do not have insurance still find someone who will help you lose that weight, who offers counseling and solid support.
  18. diva

    Support Group Last night

    My mandatory support meeting is a behavior modification group. It goes for 6 weeks. It is ok and it does have both. The moderator started off by stating no "my surgery is better than your surgery" type stuff. I do have to say I have gotten more solid information, facts and just plain old fashioned advice from LBT. It is really a blessing.
  19. diva

    Hesitantly asking for good thoughts...

    Fabulous! I should have figured you'd already have networked! It really sounds like you should get this. It takes such a looonnnnggg time though. It took DH about 4 months to even get the interview. Keep us posted-I really think you are in from the info you've given us. Lots of luck coming your way.
  20. diva

    Hesitantly asking for good thoughts...

    Alexandra, My DH is also a non-profit director and has been in non-profit his entire career. Suggestions-call your old board members, give them the info you just told us. Someone of old has to know someone of new. Board members always know other board members. If you have any contacts or networks from when you had the position-call them. No matter how long it has been since you've been in contact with them-call them.
  21. diva

    PS and the Domino Effect

    Julie, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had no clue that being under for a long period of time could wreck havoc on your sleeping patterns. I wish you some peace and quiet. My husband just suggested acupuncture or hypnosis. He has bad insomnia although not from athe same problem. Hopefully the bowel obstruction will be solved quickly. However, you are an inspiration. I haven't been banded yet (JULY) but truly you are a success story. You should be so proud of yourself. And your picture is beautiful. Keep us posted.
  22. diva

    port removal at goal?

    Newsho-who and where did your cosmetic surgery? Plunder bunny-sounds like you should keep looking for someone who's done a lot of surgeries on lap band patients. Just my very humbe opinion. BTW you look fabulous!!!!!!! I love your pictures.
  23. Thanks guys. I'll be drinking my witches brew tonight so the bathroom and I will become more than friends. (yuckeroo). And I really really do appreciate all your notes. I will indeed let you know how I make out.
  24. So I am on my band journey-going through all the hoops, poking, prodding, blood tests, exercise program, group grope yadda yadda. I hope to have surgery in July. My program doesn't require a pre-surgery liquid diet-that is a good thing for me. Sort of. I still have to lose 10% of my weight about 20-30 pounds. But I am eating my brains out. I keep thinking "I'll never have this again" or "Say goodbye to that". It is insane. I think I am in food mourning. I'd sent lasagna a goodbye bouquet. I would give a going away party for pepperoni pizza. I would take a nice crunchy italian bread out on a break up date. I am headed to Chinatown because I understand dim sum is no sum for me sum. I feel the need to fly south for some bisquits and gravy. I thinking of buying a bottle of Dom Perignon simply because I always wanted to try it and always saved it for some really special occasion. And I know bubbles are not in my future. Yes I am really committed. Yes I really want the surgery. I just feel like I am getting divorce from food. The divorce is the best thing, I will be happier and healthier but it is a divorce nonetheless. Anyone else out there go through this? Or am I completely off my rocker?:help:
  25. Thank you both very much. Running to work now. And Teresita I don't believe I have been called "a tiny thing" for at least 100 years. For that alone I am in your debt. :-)

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