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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by diva

  1. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    The "WTF" was a "What do we tell her?" WTF and an "Oh my God" WTF. I am sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Please accept my apology. But everthing else I said stands-please call your doc as soon as you can. And as I said I don't *think* you hurt anything because it was this once. And may I say I completely understand how you could do it. Completely.
  2. diva

    Issues with Wellbutrin XL?

    Just a reminder-do not crush or split this pill!!!! It is a time release (XL)Wellbutrin and can cause seizures. Call your doc and get another dosage so she can swallow or cut it (if she wants to keep on it). Or another anti-depressant. I am on it and the honeymoon of the appetitie suppressant value wore off in about a month. Good luck and don't cut it or crush it!
  3. I am so pissed that he would do that to you! Can you report him?? I'm on a roll tonight. Let me take a couple of percocet and go get him with Mysherrijo and Magical Me Livvy. Between 3 chicks from Kentucky, London and Boston we can take him! I just got banded so I still have my butt which is registered as a weapon! Seriously Newsho-report him.
  4. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Oh boy where do I begin? First-Jaded Lady and Josette, I started cream soup and it is such a relief from sweet CIB and Isopure. Heaven. GE Mom-cut yourself a break. You are day 3 out of surgery. Even though everyone is different and heals at different times and pace-You are 3 days out of surgery. Heal at your own pace. You are normal. I can't tell you if you did anything wrong except that I doubt you lifted something really heavy or tried to exercise. Relax. We're not in a race to heal. And heal you must. Please take as long or as short a time as you need. KMWWMK- WTF? Didn't your doc give you instructions on your diet? Call them in the morning. You don't have restriction till you are filled. You are healing, your are swollen, you are not supposed to eat a huge meal. I am not a doc so I don't know if you hurt your band or not. Odds are not. But man, call them asap and fess up. Again I ask---WTF?
  5. diva

    Mean ol' doctor.

    1) Call your surgeon-tell them you need a new PCP,no info nec, ask them if they can recommend one-perhaps one that has referred patients to them for the lap band, someone who is wls friendly 2) Call your insurance company-find out if any of the PCP names your surgeons office gave you are within their system and if any of them are accepting new patients 3) Call and make appt no matter how long the wait. Make appt for new patient consultation and physical. 4) Kiss your old PCP good bye
  6. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    7 days out. I didn't take any percocet yesterday at all. Liquid tylenol seems to take the edge off. I am still sore esp on the left side but I cannot say I am "in pain". Black and blue going down fast. Sick of sweet drinks-am on my full liquid soups with skim milk and still on CIB. Want to chew something!!! LOL! I tried Campbells Chedder Cheese soup that I usually cook with. It was awesome! I drove to the dry cleaners and stopped at the market. It felt wierd. I got very tired and fell asleep when I got home. I think it is as much the percocets as the surgerycoupled with not eating. I made sure I didn't try to drive until I hadn't taken any all night and all day. I was going to try and go into work a little today-we'll see. I am going a little stir crazy. Everyone getting their band this week---Good Luck!!!!!
  7. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Losin' It- Stop reading everything! LOL! No matter how many times people tell you it will be fine, you will still be nervous. This is completely natural. When I got completely freaked out I would look through the before and after pics here at LBT. And just know in your heart we are so proud of you!!!!!
  8. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Boo Boo Kitty- Ignore this jerk. I would have told him to shut up and kiss my ample behind in no uncertain terms. How dare he make any assumptions about you and your eating habits? IF and when you see him next-ignore him-sit on the other side of the room If he persists-go to the nurse and or doc an complain about him. sheesh what an ass.
  9. diva

    life after meeting target

    Hi, Why was the thighs worse than the TT? I carry my weight in my butt, thighs and legs. My tummy not so much. I am a huge pear.
  10. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Today is day 6. The first day I can walk around or sit without a pillow pressed against my tummy. My tummy no longer feels like it is pulling. This morning was the first morning I could get up from laying down (still on 3 pillows) without rolling to the right and lifting up with my right arm so the left side wouldn't pull or hurt like hell. The incisions are starting to itch a little due to healing. I am not taking the percocet only liquid tylenol. I am head hungry. When I drink my CIB I do get "full". If I drink a lot of soup I do get "full". I am still somewhat black and blue around the incisions esp around the main one (not the port) where they go in. In fact it is indented but is started to fill out again. My hands are still somewhat black and blue from the needles. I am dying to have some mushies. I wouldn't pick up anything heavy (like an infant) for another week or so. I will probably drive today and try to go back to work tomorrow or Friday. Best advice I have: stick to your doc's diet, not other bandsters. Don't think that you won't hurt but it is manageable and goes. Go by your own healing timeline not anyone else's. Good luck to all being banded this week!!!!
  11. diva

    Surgery costs mega $$$

    First of all where are you located? Second-I have sleep apnea, I did not have to stay overnight. As for the pre-op tests, they sound like a lot but I don't know your medical history. If you have regular insurance than your PCP can order a colonoscopy for you-you should have one anyway at age 59. Most insurances will pay for this as a base colonscopy at your age (in fact you probably should have had one before this). Find out if the tests he wants you to have would be covered by a regular physical. Find out what your insurance will pay for exactly-call them, get the name of the person and have them send you their wls policy in writing or find it on their on-line site. Then find out where else in your area you can get banded-shop around. The prerequisites are so varied its staggering. Get all your facts.
  12. diva

    Bandiversary, wasn't sure I'd make it!!

    Robyn-You look great! Congratulations to you!!!!!!
  13. diva

    I made Twoterville!!!

    That is awesome! Congratulations! I bet it feels great to look at the scale!
  14. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hi all, Yep the percoset is cut in quarters and it works like a charm. I started out with 2 every 4 hours and now I only take 1/2 or 1 at night. They had me sipping and taking them before I left the hospital to see how the swallowing went. I'll start the liquid tylenol today and see how it goes. The pain is def still there esp when I wake up or get up. I am going to try and go back to work on Thursday. So no more percosets! Caroline, I am in Boston too. Had mine done on the 4th at Tufts NEMC. Long program but very well done. I'm very happy with them. I had BCBS & it paid for everything except a $250 co pay. I was in at 6:30 am for 7:30 surgery and home by 3:00 pm. I do not have gas problems at all. I firmly believe it is because I did an enema the night before so I was completely empty. (the pain in your shoulder is due to gas pain-use the search tool here on LBT, someplace there is a great thread on it). I was not told to do the enema nor was told to do liquid diet just lose 20 pounds. I'm on full liquids and def feeling full. But I really enjoyed my soup yesterday!!! My tummy is still distended. And I am black and blue around some of the incisions. Any questions-fire away. Best of love and luck and safe surgery wishes for those getting banded this week! Go!
  15. diva

    It's my Bandiversary!

    Congratulations!!!! Those new measurements are awesome!!!!
  16. Mines is in the middle of my breasts down about 4 inches just under where my bra line is.
  17. diva

    i wanted to share my day at the doctors

    I will remember that-3 stick rule.
  18. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Today is day 4. I def couldn't go back to work even though I am at a desk. Right now I have my trusy pillow folded over and pressed between the desk and my tummy/chest. Not exactly pain except when getting up from laying down, that can hurt. That left side is a hummer. When I am sitting I have to kind of stretch out the kinks to stand. I've showered and it felt great. No dizziness. Just still sleepy and tired. Still more comfortable to walk around with the pillow pressed on me. No problems with gas or going to the bathroom. I started creamy soups, CIB, popsicles today. Very good. My stomach feels full but I have a lot of head hunger. I just want to chew something like the bread sitting on my kitchen table. I have 2 weeks of full liquids then on to mushies. I would like to go back to work by Thursday but we'll see. I am black and blue in areas too. Good luck and lots love to those being banded this week YouGo!
  19. diva


    Medical mistakes can happen anywhere. But I believe this first time poster is full of baloney. It is mean spirited to come on here and scare people. Yes, there have been documented instances of people waking up during surgery. But these are few and far between. I have a sneaking suspicion this person has a big problem. Possibly trying to make fun of the surgery and the obese. My suggestion would be that the moderators write to this person privately to decide on validity and to stop this thread. Someone out there could decide against life saving surgery because they took this individual seriously. To debate if the person is real or not just keeps bumping the thread. (obviously I know I am doing that now but it seemed to be open to continuing). Just because you read it doesn't mean it is true.
  20. diva

    Pulling feeling? What is it?

    My doc hands out an information sheet before surgery: Left Sided Pain "This type of pain is common after surgery. It is usually the result of the dissovolble stitch on your left side. This is also the side the surgeon does most of the work from. This pain may appear any time within 6 weeks of your surgery and is described as a "pulling, burning, stabbing" sensation. This is common pain that may radiate. It WILL resolve-it just takes time." My advice-press a pillow to your tummy when getting up or walking. When getting up from laying down on your back, roll to your left, use your left arm to raise yourself. Don't use your tummy muscles. Good luck!
  21. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I posted under "3 days banded-some hints" if you all want to read it. I am still holding a pillow to my tummy-no way I could go to work tomorrow. Very very little gas (I had an enema the night before surgery so I was completely empty-can't prove that it is the reason for very little gas but...). I am only on 1 percocet (cut in 4ths) every 4 hours or so. There is pain but manageable. Esp the incision where they put the main instrument (left side), it hurts the most trying to get up out of bed. I have my pillows raised real high. You kind of have to roll to the left and lift up with your left arm. No picking up babies!!! I way black and blue around the main incision and on the back of my hands where the needle was. i was on clear liquids the first 48 hours (clear Isopure was great it has 40 grams protein) and today I had tomato soup! I am tired from the anasthesia and the percocet so I take lots of naps. I can't believe it is over.
  22. Hi, Got banded on Friday morning. :clap2: Here are some hints based on my experience. Remember your milage may vary-this is just my stuff: -Try and get your surgery scheduled first thing in the am. Mine was at 7:30 am and I had to be there by 6:30 am. No waiting-just kissed the DH goodbye, got undressed and was in there! No extra anxiety -If your surgeon says he is putting the port on your sternum between your breasts (and you are a woman) ask if you can draw you usual bra line on yourself to remind him not to put it where your underwire will be. Yes, you'll change as you lose weight but I firmly believe its a quality of life issue. I also wrote "latex allergy" along with "bra line" above the line. -I didn't have to do a liquid diet before the surgery at all, I was just supposed to lose 10% of my weight. I almost made it. :rolleyes But I did mostly liquids the week before because I wanted to make sure I was empty. -I didn't have to do an enema or take laxatives the night before like some people do before this or any other surgery but I did anyway. It really helped with the gas. I have no gas pains at all. I just burp, hiccup or fart occasionally. I am taking the gas x strips just in case but no gas pain at all. -I am still in pain but am only taking one percocet instead of 2 every 4 hours. It hurts to cough, to try and get up after lying down. I am still holding a pillow to my tummy. -I suggest zero carb Isopure the clear liquid in the glass bottle from GNC. It was great, I sipped it all day of the surgery and yesterday. So got in 40 grams of Protein, some Calcium and postassium a day. It tastes fine just sweet-I had Alpine Punch and Orange Bananna. I have to say the whole experience was fine. I was scared witless of the surgery and the anasthesia. I recall walking into the operating room and positioning myself on the table and that is it. I had told them I was claustrophobic and they said they would let me hold the mask myself because that helps claustrophobia but I don't remember the mask at all. I'm sure a lot (or most) of it has to do with the amnesia cocktail. Yes, I am in pain but not unmanagable. My DH cuts the percocet in quarters since thats they way they gave it to me in recovery. I am knocked out and really tired. I am a little hungry. The inside of my mouth is a little swollen on one side must be where they put the tube thingy. And my hands are black and blue where the needles were. My incisions are doing fine, I don't have any more pain the port area than the others (yet). - I can't say enough nice things about the staff at NEMC. They were kind, respectful and patient. Now I need to change my ticker!
  23. You can also try Lahey in Burlington or NEMC in Boston Good Luck!
  24. diva

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Banded at 7:30 am-home at 2:30 pm I did it. I was the first ariatric surgery of the morning. Everyone was great, kind, helpful and just very caring. I'll post more about it. There is pain and then it dies down-they give you meds. I just want to sleep. It was nowhere near as bad as I thought!!!! I was petrified. But it went great. Really i swear. Thanks for all your good wishes-I'm looped and going to bed!!!

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