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Posts posted by Serengirl

  1. On 10/30/2019 at 7:43 AM, Machalo said:

    Thanks for sharing, that is good to know. I love sushi but if the little bit of rice fills your pouch, it's hard to get the Protein in from the sushi. So, boo. I'll have to remember that.

    have sashimi and you can get tons of Protein in. I eat sashimi and a couple of pieces of sushi and Im 10 weeks out and i get stuffed, but i do get in the sashimi first and the ill have one or two pieces with rice and im DONE.

  2. Oh and what i also meant to say is increasing your calories a bit might help the scale move more but are you in a stall or is the scale moving? I was in a stall so I took a chance to shake things up. If my calories go too low my body got sinto lockdown and i won't lose. Plus I workout so once I upped my cals by cycling them and had more carbs the weightless kicked in a bit more. I think for me if my cals are too low and my carbs are too low- my body stalls and holds on... im trying to still figure it out... day by day. lol.

  3. 1200 seems super high. My bariatric nutritionist said 1300 - I am at 10 weeks and i was like, "are you insane... " I cant eat that much but also why would i need to? I took this "advice" to my surgeon and he was like 'No way that's wrong. You should be 600-ish on average meaning anywhere from 500-800.' So all this goes to say is that they can be wrong. That said, i got into a stall and I increased my calories a bit and my CARB intake and the weight started coming off again... So i cycled up to 1000 on my highest day but I only did that for one day and it was an all day chore getting in that many calories. You're doing amazing with weightloss so stick with what you are doing. Listen to your body.

  4. On 11/4/2019 at 12:13 AM, Mikeyy said:

    Hey guys felt like writing a separate thread.

    I had my RNY 7 days ago top be exact.

    I've always been a big Water drinker due to kidney issues.

    I expected post op not to be able to drink much but I'm still drinking like 3 litres a day just taking smaller mouthful and taking my time between bottles of Water but definitely not feeling any issues Drinking this much..

    It's like half of what i used to preop but I'm still constantly thirsty postop so water and Protein Shakes are no issues i just drink slower to be safe..

    I'm not complaining it just feels like did I have surgery... Well besides the pain and weird noises coming from inside and the holes in my belly..

    I guess when I get onto the next stages of food I'll feel more but the best thing is I'm not hungry much and I don't crave things as much..

    But this is early days only 7 days post op thus far.

    Glad to be home though.

    Just curious if other people had similar story post op I've seen so many ppl struggling to get any fluids in??

    Cheers guys .

    I LOVED water before surgery and now I love it all the more and i could drink all of my water within the first three days out of surgery. I think if you are an avid water drinker prior to surgery it helps afterwards. the only diff now is I have to have my drinks very cold. I was nervous my pouch wasn't working because I can drink water so easily but once i moved to solid food - my pouch kicked in BIG TIME. I get full FAST. Like a couple of bites and im done. But water I can gulp it. After the gym sometimes I forget that i had surgery so I gulp water (not thinking, just old habits) and then all of a sudden im like oh crap... slow it down. I get burpy at times but thats about it. Since water is amazing for you wouldn't worry about it. Its GREAT you can get in that much water. You're not alone. Now smoothies or even coffee for me i cant drink as quickly for some reason so i sip slowly but water.... zero issues.

  5. On 11/2/2019 at 11:02 PM, FknUpAlready said:


    I am one week post op and the only difference I feel is pain on the right side of my stomach. I have not experienced any nausea or vomiting, in fact, while I was in the hospital the day after surgery I was out of it and guzzled Water out of a straw! I don’t think this works for me AT ALL. Like did my physician take a tiny bit of my stomach? Today I went to Olive Garden to have the Zuppa Soup because it is cheap and hearty. Although I eat a little slower, I still devoured my Soup and had a breadstick. I did not feel full, bloated, nothing. I feel like this procedure was a waste for me and all I have to show or feel from it is scars on my stomach (which my tape has not fallen off yet), crazy bruising, and track marks on my belly from those dreadful shots. I have major pain bending over and getting out of bed but I have no problem with my Fluid intake or going to the gym. Three days post op and I was doing 45 minutes on the elliptical. I just don’t get it. I’m so disappointed in myself and this process. I think I just need to go to freakin weight watchers AGAIN.

    You cant have solid food like breads it will literally hurt your stomach from healing.... it can get caught in the sutures because your stomach isn't healed yet so please be careful. I know every Dr is different but across the board they all say only liquids and purees for the first month. And i have never heard of anyone doing the gym that much right after surgery you need to rest. Walking is great but take it easy bec you could crash and hard. Youre not allowing your body to heal properly IMHO and also doing it great harm. Please talk to your Dr because just because you cant see the damaging you are doing doesn't mean your not doing it. Wishing you the best and please be careful with your health.,

  6. everyone always says to kick start weight loss go back to "plan" meaning get in all of your Protein first, have less than 30g net carbs a day and remember veggies ARE carbs so cut out breads etc. Before and post surgery when I have my protein first i get STUFFED. You WILL feel full if you have your protein first. Don't have as much Fat and get in 90g of protein a day and 80oz of Water or more and you will lose weight. Also try intermittent fasting.

  7. 12 hours ago, JRT Mom said:

    I had my last visit with my dietician prior to my surgery, and I was amazed that they allow diet soda, as long as you wait two months to let the stomach sutures totally heal. That made me happy!

    im so curious why everyone i have heard from says it is banned. I wonder why? Ugh its hard when Drs are inconsistent because then you wonder if it is all BS.... Im too scared to try it.

  8. Just now, Elisibeth777 said:

    @Serengirl @Healthy_life2 @AZhiker thank you guys so much!! You’ve made me feel so much relief. I needed this!! Thank you for being so kind and understanding! Thank you !!

    I TOTALLY GET IT. It is a living nightmare to think Did i do all of this for two Frigging pounds?????? I struggle with this daily because am a slow loser, so I have started to weigh myself less, and focus on my clothes and remind myself that before the surgery I would eat so little and workout like crazy and lose NADA,ZIP, ZILCH. So two pounds is better than no pounds... But youre so early in the process in two weeks weight could be flying off of you. Focus on the Water. More than anything. Thats what is going to help you heal and get the weight off fastest.... Take this time to do the headwork (which is immense and on going) to focus ahead on where you are going because you will drive yourself nuts otherwise. I do. LOL... And mostly just sleep and rest and know this was the right choice.... You can do this.

  9. 2 hours ago, Elisibeth777 said:

    Hey there. So today I did my first weight in after being 1 week post op, and I weighted myself and only lost 2.2 pounds. Literally everyone I’ve seen or heard about looses 6-20 the first week...what’s going on with me?

    i follow my instructions. I have 60-70 G Protein, about 400 cal and 2-7 carbs. Water is on average 30-45 oz.

    im extremely confused of why I didn’t lose any weight...help!!!

    I totally empathize with you bec that is scary and super disappointing ( i am a slow loser too) but dont forget your body is in shock and is filled with liquids from the IV and gas they pump into you so hang in there... I think as tempting as it is, stay off the scale for a week or two, focus on your goals and how our clothes feel. Also if you haven't take your measurements.... that will help you in the times you dont see the scale move... But one week our your body is freaking out... sure some lose 6-20 but then in week three they stall. Your body might be the opposite. It might be holding on for dear life now and in two weeks- whoosh- you're down 20lbs...

  10. AJ so interesting you say that about your eyes. I know another woman who got surgery and her eyesight got better too!!! I do not think it’s a coincidence I think everything is related to our gut and our weight for the most part and that the old guys got it right when they said let thy food be thy medicine and if you’re sick - fast. Interesting thing though- the past couple of days I forced myself to eat more- I had to do it with shakes and soft food like yogurt and cheese for the most part to get my calories higher and Lost (not only the 1.5 I inexplicably gained when I d had just 500 cals a day ) but an extra 1.5 so three pounds I’ve lost in 3 days and I had 1100 calories a day. I worked out Friday but not Saturday and Sunday and I ate within a 4- 6 hr window. I know my body in the past would shut down after too many low calorie days but I thought post surgery that would change but maybe not. I’m going to stay with IF and keep my calories in the 800-1000 range for the next 4 days and see if my body likes it. How exciting your eyesight got better! I hope mine does too! And I can’t wait to see how your journey unfolds.

  11. 6 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

    You are not ready for IF, or even TRE. You need to let your tool work for you and follow your doc's plan. You won't be ready for this until at least 7-9months out and only then if you are freely able to satisfy your Protein requirements with real foods and can also get in your daily Water amounts.

    Congrats on surgery.

    At 7 weeks, you just need to concentrate on getting your Protein and Water in each day and taking your Vitamins.

    yeah its not working for me though. I am only down (somehow I gained a 1.5 lbs ???) 19 lbs since my surgery. Which is absurd on the amount of calories i eat and exercise. I get in my water and protein no problem. Ive actually never had an issue getting in all of my protein since week 2. And i could drink all my water and i mean 64 oz since day 5... Its nuts but i can actually chug water .... the past two days i have hit a gallon of water. So no issue there and yet the weight loss is slower than a snail. its taking every ounce in me to not want to give up and scream to the gods, the inequity of it all. So yeah now i am trying IF. That what help me lose the weight pre surgery (and i didnt even count calories I ate what I wanted and i was OMAD). i cant be OMAD now bec no way can get in all of my calories but I'm going to try eating them all within 4-5 hrs... and then water the rest of the day... and my DR is useless. he just says stick to 500 calories and the weight will come off. well i have- and it hasn't so.... here we are.

  12. 8 hours ago, Darktowerdream said:

    what I know about exercise Is that exercise is not for weight loss, you don’t lose weight with exercise what happens is you build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat. I can’t recall the exact numbers but I think 1 lb of fat only burns 2-3 calories but 1 lb of muscle burns 7-10 calories. so I would think weight resistance, muscle toning and stretching would be most beneficial.

    for me it’s frustrating not being able to exercise. I have one of few if only medical conditions (that I know of) that exercise causes damage. I get very sick and it literally ages my muscles instead of being beneficial.

    my metabolism prior to surgery didn’t seem to exist. I was eating approximately 800 calories a day, at best I managed a long walk at first once a week or every two weeks but it’s slowly taken it’s toll. I would go on birding walks to take photographs but each time paid a hefty price physically. My weight started to go up and got out of control. This had happened the first time to this extent in my late teens. All doctors could say is it was metabolic disorders but not what I could do. My first battle with my weight doing strict low carb and low calorie helped. But it was impossible to maintain. I reached A decent goal and it would slowly slide upwards.

    if I said that already I’m sorry. I find it interesting how some people can eat a lot of calories and even carbs and still lose. I finally hit around 66lb loss from April 29th so around close to six months? My calories range sometimes a little less than 300 Calories if I can’t help it to a little over 400 a good balance is 370. Protein tends to be sometimes a little below 50 grams, to a little above 60 but a good average is 50. I haven’t counted carbs but probably never more than 20-30 net carbs.

    the problem is that each person is very different in what works for them. My loss has slowed to a crawl but I’ll take anything I can get. What I hope is that this is the tool that helps me maintain long term. My worry is not reaching goal and maintaining it there while eating normal amount of calories. I think I’d hoped I could eat a little more calories or at least worry about them a little less than I do now. For some reason my body didn’t tolerate eating more veggies in the past. Which makes no sense to me, I dip my toe into slightly more normal foods but still rely on the basics like Protein Powder mixed in TwoGood yogurt, cottage cheese (usually good culture since it comes in individual containers) occasionally poached or soft boiled eggs, sometimes BariatricPal Soups like mixing creamy chicken Pasta with a packet of beef broth) I might be repeating myself (I’m sorry) I tried things like tuna and got sick. I was told I’ve a stricture I’m not sure the status of that. My nutritionist wants me trying soft vegetables and different Proteins.

    having a colonoscopy and endoscopy threw me off track but thankfully my recent surgery didn’t. At some points my calories ranged a little higher ie. 480 but I tend to vary the calories and Protein daily. I tend to see things move by ounces. Sometimes crawl or stall. May my loss was about 24.4 lbs, June 9.7 lbs, July my weight loss averaged 9 lbs, August 7.9 lbs, September 7.9 lbs, and October 5.1 lbs. Total 64lbs from weight at day of surgery of 203lbs. I was 205lbs at last nutritionist weigh in. 208 lbs at my doctors office. BMI 40. Since I have a smaller frame and short height I wish to reach a goal of under 110lbs the last time I got to about 124lbs for now I’d take that over where I was headed prior to surgery. Of course then there is the extra and saggy skin.

    you are incredibly strong to go through all of this while also suffering from so many other ailments. I am hoping and praying for you that you get some relief (if thats even possible?) and Im in awe of how much you have achieved thus far.

  13. 11 hours ago, tashie123 said:

    I stall A LOT. I have lost a total of 85 lbs in 9 months since surgery. However, I lost a ton in the beginning, like first two months and now I go weeks to months without a loss. I workout 6 times a day at a Boot Camp which supposedly burns 400-700 calories per workout and I eat about 700-800 calories per day. I have seen people starting at the same time, same weight and achieve better results. However, I feel without the surgery I could have never achieved anything. I did a liquid diet with 800 calories for 8 months and the results were blah pre-surgery. My metabolism then was around 1400 calories. I wonder where I stand now. I am scared I'll reach the 1 year mark and still have 60-80lbs to lose. I am 5'1 and currently weight 198 lbs.

    Just checking but did you mean six times a week or "day" because you wrote day and that seems like a lot? that said CONGRATS on the 85lbs, that's fantastic. I get Its hard but its good to know at least the weight is coming off albeit more slowly than you (we all here) hoped. I just have to think like you do, that without surgery i could work this hard and see zero results... As much as this process gets me down especially when i see weight melting off of others that are also like (" i cant stop losing weight and i dont even exercise yet!"- ugh) I didnt come this far to only come this far so I have no choice but to plow ahead.. but i understand your fear because i live with the same fear. Hang in there...

  14. 5 hours ago, AZhiker said:

    So I see from another post you are 15 months out. So why only 500 calories per day, or is that your Alternate Day plan? As for Protein, I try to get at LEAST 60 gm per day, and sometimes up to 80. I had to give up IF temporarily while training for the triathlon, because I needed the morning to add more calories. I just couldn't keep the weight on.

    I am now trying out a whole food plant based eating plan, which I am finding is wonderful. I feel great. But the volume of food is so large, that I had to go back to a morning smoothie to get in the nutrition. I am stuffed, literally, all day long. And still losing weight, even with the higher level of whole grains and starchy veggies. It takes me over a hour to eat a small "Budda bowl." But I do feel great. Daily IF is not going to work for me at this point, so I think I will just do a weekly 24 hour fast. The beauty of IF is that you have so many options and tools to use as your situation changes.

    I am not 15 months out I am 7 weeks out. That might be a typo can you link it? My surgery was sept 4. Maybe there is a poster with a similar name?

  15. 3 hours ago, AZhiker said:

    My bad, sorry. I thought I read in another post that you were 15 or 18 months out. IMHP you should not even be thinking about fasting or IF if you are only 7 weeks post op. 500-700 cal/day is the right amount for 7 weeks. You cannot possibly eat 1300 cal/day at this point. None of us could.

    What are you doing for exercise?

    I workout with my trainer doing weightlifting 2-3 times a week and cardio (walking or elliptical or a cardio dvd) at least four times a week for 45 min

  16. On 10/21/2019 at 11:12 AM, pssk said:

    Does anyone else have this restriction during full liquid stage? It says I can have sugar free or plain yogurt with <10g of sugar but NO Greek Yogurt.

    Naturally I bought a large costco container of Fage plain Greek yogurt pre op but now I’m afraid to eat any.

    Anyone have a clue why that would be no good?


    I had greek yogurt with no problem. I heard it was recently added to the OK list, just make sure it isn't flavored. It shoudl be fine.

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