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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by iteachurkid

  1. Oh believe me I teach I am sooo excited!!! :thumbup:

    I am home sick today with a stomache bug.. ugghh.. I might hit that 100 pounds lost tonight with the way this stomache virus is going lol..

    smooches to all you beautiful june bugs.. xoxox

    Ok, good...just making sure :thumbup: I had the stomach bug yesterday...it was bad! Feel better!!!

  2. 99 pounds is AWESOME!! This just means that in a day or two or ten (gotta love scales and their inability to move when we really want them too :thumbup:) that we'll get to Celebrate again! Would you have ever thought this time last year that you would have lost 99 pounds??? Don't get down on yourself...you rock!!

  3. Hey guys! We'll I didn't hit it today either. I came home sick today and haven't eaten much. I'm not sure if that will be to my benefit or not...sometimes it seems like the less I eat, the less I lose. I'm so excited for the three of us to hit this milestone together! It is amazing to think we've lots 1/3 of ourselves. The last time I was in with my doctor he told me the same thing about my loss vs. a gastric bypass patients loss. I agree, it's hard to think if I were not to lose another pound that it would be a success. I definitely am afraid of failing and I have a real issue with body image. I don't see myself as any smaller than I was when I started. I know I look different (one of my lovely passed students looked at me the other day, and said "Wow, you look really different" Gotta love middle schoolers :blush:) I see myself in mirrors sometimes and I don't recognize myself. That's something I need to work on and I know it. Have a great evening everyone!!

  4. Hey everyone! We'll I hit 99 pounds this morning...only 1 more and I hit the big 100...then only 13 pounds away from onederland. To think this time last year I hadn't even though of having surgery. Wow! I'm pretty darn excited :confused: Congrats to everyone on all of your successes! Addy, I hope you back feels better!! Oh, and to any of you getting wintery mixes, could you send some my way??? This teacher could really use a couple of snow days :sneaky: :)

  5. Thanks for the input. I have eaten a scrambled egg with a piece of turkey sausage every morning for the last 5 months before 6:30 in the morning. I really have to make sure I'm getting all of my Protein in as I've had real issues with Hair loss. Maybe I'll have to start drinking breakfast...guess we'll have to see :scared2:

  6. Hey Junies! Sounds like everyone is doing well. I so understand about feeling invisible. I've been overweight my whole life, and always tried to just "blend in", now I don't know what's going on when I'm out...it's weird and a tad bit uncomfortable.

    Has anyone had a fill that was too tight? I got my fill on Friday and did liquids Friday and Saturday. I started soft food yesterday and couldn't get a scrambled egg down. I ate oatmeal for two meals and purreed chili for dinner. I woke up with a headache this morning and took two advil, not thinking at all...threw up the Water. I know the band is tighter in the morning, but, that's never happened before. I did try a scrambled egg again today and it went down. It just kind of feels like food is sitting, I'm burping a lot when eating. I've never felt like this before. I'm wondering if I should give it a couple of days and see how things go. Maybe stay on soft food again tomorrow??

    On a positive note, the scale has started to move...I've lost 3 pounds since Friday :scared2: The scale is finally moving!! Only 5 more pounds until I hit 100!!!

  7. Ok, so it really wasn't bad at all. My doctor was actually the one who did it and he didn't have to dig at all to find my port like they usually do. He will be the only one who does my fills from now on! All that worrying for nothing :yikes: Now at least I know why people don't mind them!! Have a great weekend everyone!

  8. Hey guys! We'll it's 12:45 and I can't sleep...it's completely ridiculous, but I have a fill tomorrow and I'm anxious about it. I didn't know what to do, so I cut the computer on and came here. I've had two fills since June and have almost passed out at both of them. I'm not sure what it is that's the issue, needles really don't normally bother me. It hurts though. I have a doctor doing it tomorrow. I've had the nurse practitioner do it the last two times. I need one so bad. I'm the most hungry I've been in 6 months and the scales aren't moving. I've been stuck at 92 pounds since 4 days after Christmas...this is crazy! I've even been exercising!! Ok, I might go take something to help me sleep. I'm sure I sound like a big baby, but I just wish it was this time tomorrow :wink: Thanks for listening! Have a good Friday everyone!!

  9. Hey Junies! We'll I'm back from my trip to Denver and Long, Denver is BEAUTIFUL!! I so wish I had had more time to see the city (I saw a whole lot of the convention center). I don't know how you don't drink with your meals living there. I've never felt so dehydrated in my life. I'm great about not drinking a 1/2 hour before or an hour after, but not in Denver. I couldn't help it. There are a lot altitiude changes your body has to get used to I guess...being there less than 72 hours didn't give my body much time :cursing: I'm excited to get my Pampered Chef business back to where it was. Since surgery, I haven't done near as much as I had in the past. Now I'm back on track and completely motivated. My goal is to do 20 shows between now and the end of February. Who knows if it will happen, but it's worth a try :cursing:

    Long, I think our scales must know each other, b/c mine has been stuck too. I am 8 pounds away from 100 and it's just sitting there. I have a fill Friday and am really hoping that it will help. I hate fills (I've almost passed out at both of them), but know that I really need one now. I'm getting hungry really quick after eating.

    Allie, I'm sorry to hear things suck so bad. I know how it feels to hear "you should be happy you still have __________". You just want to scream. I truly believe everything happens for a reason (don't hit me :cursing:). I really think sometimes it takes a long time to figure out the reason for it, but it's always shows up. Keep you chin up and feel free to vent here any time :)

    I'm loving my Wii fit...it's actually making exercising fun, which it has never been before. I'm a little scared to get on this afternoon as I know I'm going to be "yelled" at for not being on since last Wednesday. I walked a whole lot in Denver though...even took 19 flights of stairs down in the hotel...I could have never done that before surgery. Oh, and on the airplane, the seatbelt fit with about 6 inches of left over slack...wow, that was an amazing feeling. I wanted to tell someone, but didn't want to freak out those sitting next to me :)

    Have a great rest of your day everyone!!



  10. Allie, sorry to hear of the pay cut, here's hoping that bonus more than makes up for it.

    Teach, so are you staying downtown? Where's the hotel at?? I'm not familiar with the Hyatt Regency. Maybe it's not downtown???

    Hey Long! It is downtown. I checked today :thumbup: I'm looking forward to it. I land tomorrow night at 11:29. I'm pretty much packed and ready to go. Now I just have to work tomorrow :thumbup: Have a great evening everyone!

  11. Hey Long! Unfortunately the only free time I have is at night. I'd have love to have caught up, but I completely understand not wanted to drive downtown. Thanks for the weather update. I don't have any kind of shoes for snow, so we'll hope there isn't much :wink_smile:

    Apples, I hope you stone has passed...I said a little prayer for ya last night :thumbup:

    Addy, we can definitely talk Pampered Chef. Just PM me :mellow:

    Allie, I'm so sorry to hear about your pay cut. It's been one of those days. My dad lost his job today and I'm not really sure what my parent's are going to do. It was COMPLETELY out of the blue, which I think makes it that much harder. I'll say a little prayer that it all works out for you.

    It was back to work today and I got up at 5:45 to work out. Man does Wii Fit really work you out. You don't realize it, but my calves are soooo sore. I'm thinking I might take tomorrow off to give them a chance to rest. Hope everyone had a good day!

  12. Hey Long! I'll be in Denver the end of this week (I land late Wednesday night through Saturday). Any idea what the weather is supposed to be like? I have no idea what to pack. I can check weather.com, but thought I'd check with you first. I'm staying at the Hyatt Regency...are you anywhere near that???

  13. Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop in and say hi. Things are going well. The weight isn't coming off as fast as it was, but I figure with the holiday eating and drinking it's ok :) I'm getting close to that 100 mark and I can't belive it. I got a Wii for Christmas and got a Wii Fit a couple of days later and so far I love it. I haven't been a faithful exerciser and I'm really hoping this will be something I enjoy. I leave for a Pampered Chef conference on Wednesday to Denver. I'm really looking forward to fitting into an airplane seat and being able to buckle the seat belt. Apples, I hope you pass your kidney stone soon. I've seen my sister go through that, and it was awful. Feel better! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here's to an amazing 2009 :cry_smile:

  14. Hey everyone! It's so great to get on here and read everyone's successes! Thanksgiving was great. I hit 85 pounds lost on Friday morning (can I just say that I have NEVER lost weight after Thanksgiving in my life!!!!). I just love my band! I enjoyed myself but ate small portions. I even had a small piece of dessert. I can't believe December 1st is tomorrow. It's been almost 6 months since I made the best decision ever...wow, how time flies! I hope everyone has a great week!!!

  15. Have any of you purchased a medical Bracelet to wear that says you've been banded? I ran across the pamphlet on medical bracelets that I got before I was banded and realized I hadn't purchased one. They aren't ugly, but I'm not really sure I want to wear it (but will if I should). Just wondering what you all thought. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  16. Hey everyone! Just thought I'd drop in a say hi. I had my second fill on Thursday. It hurt like heck, but at least it's over. I forgot how much I dislike liquids and muchies :blink: My weight had kind of leveled out a little, so I'm hoping this will give me the jump start that I need. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

  17. Congrats on your 70# loss, iteach. Try not to panic about losing some hair...could be just a short term thing but I guess I would discuss this with you doc. He could have some ideas on what to do. I, too, have tons of hair but I would feel like you do and not want to lose any. I wish you lots of luck and hope you can get the needed Protein in your daily diet. :D

    Hey everyone! VZGH, my weight loss includes my two week pre-op diet, but I've lost 53 since surgery. I just really listen to my band. When I'm full, I stop. I've thrilled with my success and you should be with yours too...over 40 pounds in 4 or so months. That is awesome!!

    Apples and everyone, thanks for the support! I did talk to my doctor and he said I could be losing hair for up to the first 8 months after surgery. He didn't suggest the supplement you all have talked about, but I may look in to it. Where do you purchase it? This board is such a great place to be. It's so nice to be able to "talk" to people who completely understand. Have a great evening everyone!

  18. Hey everyone! I just wanted to check in and say hi. Things are going very well. I met with my surgeon last week and he's very happy with my weight loss so far. My only concern right now is Hair loss. I'm trying really hard to get in all of my Protein, but everytime I run my hands through my hair I'm pulling out lots. Is anyone else experiencing hair loss? I'm trying really hard not to let it get to me, because fortunately, I have pretty thick hair. I have to say though, all the hair in the shower this morning and after drying my hair...I got a little teary eyed (stupid, I know...I mean it's just hair). I just don't know how much longer I can lose at this rate and still have hair :biggrin: Thanks for listening!

  19. Hey everyone! I'm back to work so I haven't been on in a really long time but wanted to stop by and say hi. Things are going really well. I am loving my band and loving my results. I took my monthly pictures tonight and for the first time can really see the weight I'm losing. It's so exciting. I hope everyone else is doing well! Have a great evening!



  20. Ok, so I went shopping today with my sister and we went in B. Moss. I decided to try on some shirts. I was in a 22/24 shirt before surgery and today I actually bought 2 XL shirts and 1 L. I was so excited to buy clothes from a normal store. Oh, and we went to the movies today, I fit in the seat and didn't rub the arm rests. I love my band!!!

  21. Ok Yvonne, here it is :biggrin: For my shakes I used either the Carnation Instant Breakfast sugar free ones (they are in a blue bottle or packet, I used the bottles as they were easier) and the Slim Fast High Protein shakes.< /p>

    Breakfast: A shake

    Lunch: A shake and a small apple

    Snack: a light yogurt

    Dinner: 2 pieces of whole wheat light bread (I used Weight Watchers bread) and 4 ounces of lean deli meat (I used Hilshire farms in the gladware with a red top). I also drank 1 cup of V8 juice.

    I drank lots of Water throughout the day. It wasn't fun, but wasn't awful either. You can put mustard on your sandwich at night (not mayo though). I liked toasting the bread every now and then to change things up. I hope this helps. Like I said, I lost 17 pounds in two weeks doing it. I stuck to it 100%. Keep us updated on how you are doing!!



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