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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bethanyblondie

  1. I know for me, I carry most of my weight in my stomach, so if I want to buy pants that don't squish my belly fat too much, then I have to buy a size that fits around the belly, but is way too big for my butt and legs. I am not yet banded, but I know when I have lost weight in the past I only went down barely a size after having lost 50 pounds. But my weight loss was very obvious to everyone...so don't worry! In a couple of months your body will catch up and you'll probably go down a size or two really quickly.

  2. Hi Eeyore! Welcome! I just finished up my six months of supervised dieting (lost a whole eight pounds! Yeehaw!) and am about to have my stuff submitted to insurance. My initial consult with my PCP was sort of nerve wracking...but once I asked her about lapband she was very supportive. I think it helps if you go in very informed about the process...I knew I had to do six months of supervised dieting, I knew I had to get a mental health check, and meet with a nutritionist, and so on. Just make sure you are clear on what your insurance requires and if your plan covers bariatric surgery in the first place too. My doctor and therapist were both very impressed with the amount of research I had done, and that I had realistic expectations of how the lapband works. I personally didn't have a lot of questions for my doctor, since I had researched everything beforehand...I just more asked her if she would be supportive of it and do my weight checks every month for insurance. She was wonderful and would try and write as much detail down as possible at each of my weight checks, and she wouldn't make me feel rushed.

    It's been a long process...but it honestly gave me time to really reflect on all of it (and I decided to go to therapy the whole time too...even though I didn't have to), and I still feel more determined than ever that this is the right path for me. I also proved to myself that I could stick to something...I committed to the six months of Weight Watchers and going to the doctor every month, going to the surgeon consultation, the five hour nutrition class, the therapy sessions. There's been so much to do, and some of it has been a pain in the butt...but I am so excited now that I could be actually getting this surgery in the next couple of months. I've tried to be "extra" thorough jumping through all of insurance's hoops so that I will get approved right away. We'll see! I'm hoping to get my stuff sent off for approval in the next week or so!

    So....long story NOT short...research the surgery, research your insurance requirements, and get started ASAP! Good luck!

  3. I totally understand how you all feel! I have had several of my friends say, "But you aren't big enough to get that surgery, are you?" And then I feel forced to tell them my weight, so they can understand I really have a LOT to lose. OR, I'll get the questions that elude that I am trying to take "the easy way out" by getting WLS, which really ticks me off since I know, especially after all I've read and researched, that I will still have my work cut out for me to lose all my weight. Getting the lap band does not suddenly make it easier to get up at 5 a.m. to go work out, and it does not keep you from eating all the foods you shouldn't. I am still going to have to work hard...but it's a tool to help me that I just don't think I can succeed without now. Controlling portion sizes will be a HUGE help for me...since I can eat as much as my husband who is 6'4!

    People just don't understand and aren't very sympathetic when they haven't been really overweight. My sister once said, "I just don't understand why you can't cut back on calories and exercise more like the rest of us have to." I explained to her that when you have a huge appetite you can only fight against that for so long before you're going to give up. She said she didn't realize I had such a big appetite...so that seemed to help.

    I don't expect everyone to understand or be supportive of me getting the lapband, but my husband is very very supportive and I plan on making it work for me...so that's really all that matters in the long run. People will make their stupid comments and we'll just know we are better people than that!

  4. Hi there. I'm a couple of days away from my last doctor's appointment that will complete my six months of supervised dieting that my insurance requires before I can submit my stuff for approval.

    Believe me, I've had all the same fears and anxieties. I was NOT overweight in high school, but put on a ton of weight after my dad died of a brain tumor when i was twenty. My wonderful husband has literally been with me through "thick and thin" because he met me when I was fifteen and a hundred pounds lighter than I am now.

    I went to see a psychologist back in June for my mental health check (another requirement of insurance), and I decided to keep going even though I didn't really have to. I've really grown a lot in the last ten months since I've started this lapband process and I am still determined that it is the right thing for me to do. I sometimes do feel like "damaged goods" since even when I lose weight I'm going to still have the stretch marks and possible saggy skin. But I have to decide what is worse...being 100 pounds overweight and feeling unhealthy and tired, or having a few stretch marks and maybe a little bit of saggy skin that probably no one will really notice? And my husband is supportive of me getting plastic surgery if necessary once I reach my goal weight.

    Don't know if you ever watch the Biggest Loser or not, but they sure have shown that you can lose a ton of weight and come out looking pretty darn good without plastic surgery. Granted, we won't be working out eight hours a day with a celebrity trainer, but working out and lifting weights will be the key to tightening up the skin as we lose the weight.

    I know I won't be a supermodel at the end of this. And honestly, that's okay with me. I just want to be "normal." I want to be able to bend over without feeling this big stomach in the way...or cross my legs comfortably...not shop in the plus size section anymore...not carry around the weight of two people...and to be healthy and a good example for my little daughter. That's what is really important. And I've learned this year that I really like who I am. I have great friends and family around me and I have realistic expectations of this lapband process. This is the right thing to do!:( Hope this helps a little!:frown:

  5. tcb girl, I hope all goes through with Cigna...although I thought you only had to have 24 months of proof for your BMI/weight? Your insurance person may have already had all the info she needed. They seem to know how it all works backwards and forwards.

    Richj, I am curious how you are doing since it's been a bit since your surgery?

  6. I've got a couple more months of my 6 month supervised diet left. I've been jumping through all the insurance hoops and think I'm on track.

    I'm just curious if anyone who has Cigna insurance has been approved recently? Was it a hard process, or if you fulfilled all the requirements did you get approved right away? Just curious what kind of experiences you have had if you are under Cigna.

    I just keep being told Cigna is about the most difficult insurance to get approved through. So I'm a little nervous!

  7. I have told my close family and friends, which some are co-workers, so I'm sure some more people at my work know...but no one really has asked me about it. I had to have a big talk with my mom and my sister about it because they weren't super thrilled with the idea at first, but now they seem to be excited for me.

    I'm not hiding it, but I'm not real vocal about it either. I figure once I have surgery and people start noticing any weight loss I'll probably have to explain myself more. But I am not afraid for people to know...but not everyone understands this decision so I don't feel the need to make it a big deal right now.

  8. At my surgeon consult I talked to the lady who submits your paperwork to your insurance and she knew just about everything about every insurance and exactly what you need for everything. You might try asking the same kind of person at your surgeon's clinic for what needs to be included in the letter. Mine provided me with what info needs to be included in each doctor's visit I have to go to (I have to go 6 times during six months of supervised weight loss).

    I was concerned too about documentation, but you can use any medical records from anything over the last five years. Any check up where your weight was recorded should be fine.

    Hope that helps!

  9. Don't stress about the psych evaluation, it won't be bad at all. I started this lap band process a long time ago, and only have about eight weeks left of supervised diet to go to fulfill all the insurance requirements. I started seeing a psychologist back in June and have gone a couple times a month since then. I could have gone just once, but I thought I'd try to learn something from it. It's definitely helped me resolve some issues and I still want to go forward with the surgery more than ever! Just find out from your insurance what specific questions your psychologist needs to cover with you in their report.

    I just had my surgeon consult on Jan. 2nd and the lady who submits everything to insurance knew exactly what questions needed to be covered in your physician visits and your psych evaluation. But don't be afraid of the process...it's a lot of work and time consuming, but it gives you lots of time to make sure this is what you want to do. I've been going through the motions since May and I am almost there! Good luck and don't worry!

  10. I finally had my surgeon consult today and he thinks I'm a perfect candidate for the Lapband! I too, have fears that somehow it won't help me, but I do have realistic expectations that it is a tool to help me, not a miracle "will do all the work for me" kind of thing. My husband is 100% supportive of me getting the surgery too, so that helps. I'm so excited to make such a positive step for my health! But the more I read on here, the more calm I get that I probably will do great with the band.

  11. I am in month three of my 6 month supervised diet, and I've lost some weight, and now I've gained a few pounds over the holidays...but overall am still down a couple of pounds from my beginning weight. I think most of all the insurance companies want you to just fulfill the requirement of 6 months with doc visits to show your dedication to a lifestyle change. My insurance doesn't say any certain amount is required to be lost before the 6 months is up. But, I am trying to learn something in this six months, so I do hope to lose about 10% of my body weight by the time the 6 months is up. Just a thought!

  12. I am in month three of my six month diet plan. I am following Weight Watchers since it is an approved diet through Cigna. But I know a lot of people get turned down still by insurance because their physicians didn't "document" enough information every month. Mine asks me about my weight loss, exercise, and sometimes just if I have any other issues (like reflux, depression, etc). Is that enough information? Anyone have a specific template they had to follow?

  13. I, too, now have found myself laughing, crying, and nodding in agreement to all 18 pages of this post. It's nice to know we all understand each other and really aren't alone in this weight battle. Here are a few things I won't miss in the future:

    -Always pulling my shirt down to hide my hanging belly

    -Holding my head up a little extra to reduce my chin size

    -Shaving off facial hair that I now grow because being overweight has messed up my hormones (my doc is thinking PCOS, which is cured by LOSING weight of course!)

    -Feeling suffocated when I clip my toenails

    -Feeling like a contortionist trying to figure out how to pull up pantyhose

    -Having to use baby powder under my boobs and all my rolls so they won't get rashes

    -Being told I have a pretty face

    -Being told I seem so confident "for my size"

    -Being told it doesn't matter that I'm bigger

    -Being the biggest girl in my group of friends

    -Fearing I'll pass on my weight issues to my daughter

    There are so many things to look forward to...

    -Feeling feminine

    -Feeling pretty just because I am (not "for a fat girl")

    -Finally being pretty, smart, confident, and have a HOT bod too!

    -Knowing I'll "fit" anywhere

    -Crossing my arms and legs comfortably

    -Shopping for any clothes I want

    -Being an inspiration to others!

  14. I am frustrated. i went to a weight loss seminar at the bariatric center at SkyRidge Medical Center in LoneTree (Denver), Colorado on August 20th. They had us leave our contact information and we were told we would be contacted to set up a consultation with Dr. Frank Chae. I wait a month. No call. I write a thread on this forum asking if anyone had waited that long. One person answered saying they thought he was out of town or something. So I call the office and leave a voicemail (my only option of course) asking to be contacted to set up an appointment. i wait another MONTH. NO CALL. I have left another message this morning, practically begging someone to just return my call.

    My husband says I should just take my business elsewhere, but I'm under Cigna insurance and it's hard to find surgeons that are willling to work with me. I've had one office tell me they really didn't want to work with me if I had Cigna. I had been recommended (from this site) to see Dr. Chae because his office worked really well with Cigna.

    Has anyone else dealt with Dr. Chae's office? Is this typical? Or should I just move on elsewhere?:thumbup:

  15. Another person on this site recommended I look into Dr. Chae, who works at Sky Ridge Medical Center in Denver, Colorado (in the Lone Tree area). I went to the weight loss seminar there on August 20th to learn about their bariatric program. My name was put on the list to be called to set up a consultation. Now it's been almost a month later and I have not received a call or anything. Is that normal? Do I need to call them? I've just started my six months of dieting, so is it even worth it to go in right now?

    If anyone has dealt with or is dealing with Dr. Chae, I would love some feedback! Thanks!

  16. Hey all! I visited my PCP in May to talk to her about the lap band and she referred me to a surgeon to talk to. The surgeon she referred me to was not willing to work with me because I have Cigna insurance, so I had to seek out other resources for the time being. ANYWAYS...my real question is...while I wait to meet a different surgeon, I have been doing Weight Watchers for the last couple of months as part of the six month weight loss plan requirement. Cigna says WW's is an acceptable program as long as it is conjunction with a physican's supervision. Does that mean I have to visit my PCP once a month to "check in" or can it be every couple of months? I haven't been back to see her since the end of May, so if I need to see her every month, then I'm going to have to get on it so I don't get too far behind! Any of you Cigna peeps out there willing to give a girl a hand with this?:wink2:

  17. Your added info is appreciated! I've been going to doctors that are in Cigna's network and I called Cigna to confirm that they all were before I went. I've heard good and bad stories about Cigna in terms of the lap band...but I guess that's the case with any insurance company. I just assume they will find some problem when I finally turn in my stuff in the future and that I'll have to appeal. I figure if I just expect it then I won't be surprised if it happens. I'm right at the 100 pound overweight mark...so I sort of float between a 38-40ish BMI. I don't really have any co morbidities so I don't have much leeway on anything. But I am at a 40 BMI right now and have been in the past few years as well. I go up and down...as i'm sure you both deal with as well. I try not to talk myself out of continuing with this process on a daily basis. I get a little overwhelmed!

  18. I'm so glad you responded! I had been putting off doing anything else because I was really apprehensive about having to everything in the Springs. Yes, it was Dr. Tilquist's office I talked to, and you are right...they REALLY don't want to work with us Cigna patients. I will give Dr. Chae's office a call. I keep going back and forth at times about if I still want to do this whole process...and I know it's mostly because of the fear of being turned down by insurance after I've done all their requirements. I'm about to start month three of Weight Watchers, which according to Cigna is an acceptable program to follow as long as you check in with your doctor. I've been going to a psychologist for several sessions already, so now I've just got to see a nutritionist and finish out my six months of dieting. Although I'm a little worried now because my doctor just told me my thyroid levels are low, so they've put me on meds for eight weeks to see if it helps. I don't want that to affect all my work towards getting a lap band. I've been heavier than I am now and my thyroid was fine, so I KNOW my thyroid is not what causes me to gain weight!

  19. I tried to make an appointment with the bariatric surgeon my PCP referred me to, but they have twice now told me they really think I should look into working with doctors that are at a Cigna "bariatric surgery certified" hospital, which they aren't. I told her on Cigna's website that it says you do not have to get surgery at their certified hospitals...but once againg the lady at the surgeon's office said they know that Cigna might not cover near as much of the expenses if I don't go to one of their certified hospitals. None of the hospitals in Denver are certified, so i would have to go to Colorado Springs.

    Anyone recently get surgery that has Cigna insurance? Did you have to deal with this? The surgeon's office I talked to said they haven't seen any Cigna patients in almost a year because of this issue.

  20. Hey Go Big Girl...just curious how you are doing? I've been a little sidetracked because I went on vacation. I had an appt. with a psychologist a week and a half ago and she didn't show up for my appt. She called apologizing profusely...saying she got the times mixed up and if I would give her another chance she'd waive the co-pay. So I have my new appt. this Thursday. Now I just need to visit with the surgeon. I'm starting Weight Watchers next week as well.

    Anyways, just was curious how things were going with you!

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