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Posts posted by Bethanyblondie

  1. hey everyone...I had my second post op with Dr. Chae on July 31st and he was really impressed with my weight loss. I am over thirty pounds down since surgery (I didn't lose any before surgery so this is all since May!).

    I think I am finally ready for my first fill, have actually gone up a few pounds in the last couple of weeks due to suddenly being able to eat more. And as usual, I have left a few voice mails with Susie and have received no return call. As I looked through the posts on here I was reminded to call Pam...I will look for her number on the website, but JTiffJones...if you have her number handy I'd appreciate it if you could send it to me!

    I want to get this fill before I back track anymore...I am still exercising several times a week, but I have still gained a little. Just a few pounds, nothing terrible, but I don't want to gain anymore!

    How are you all doing? How's the weight loss going?

  2. It's funny because I was just ranting in an e mail to a fellow lap band buddy that I need to focus on the fact that I've come so far, and I'm letting this last week of not being so "good" really affect me.

    For some reason this last week I was just making poor choices and eating too much, and of course, even with my good exercise, I am up a few pounds. So I'm scheduling my first fill because I realized that could be the reason I suddenly can eat more and not think about it.

    We're all trying so hard and we can't be perfect every day (or in my case, every WEEK...). But I'm giving us all pats on the back for fighting the good fight and being supportive of each other! We can do this!:thumbup:

  3. So literally a WEEK after I see my surgeon for post op appt. #2, and being praised to high heaven for having lost over 30 pounds so far and still having no fill, suddenly this last week I have been eating way more, getting hungry way faster, and have gained like FIVE pounds. WTF?

    Is it common for the need for a fill to come on so fast? And did any of you gain some weight before you got your first fill? Or your second or whatever fill your on?

    I have no issue with getting a fill, I want to use this device as it was intended...I'm just disappointed that I sort of felt suddenly out of control this week when I was doing SO good. I've been a faithful 3-4 time a week exerciser, so the fact that I could put on five pounds this week is really disappointing. I know I can lose it again, but I was feeling so "ahead of the game," you know?

    I will be calling first thing on Monday to make an appointment to get my first fill. Do you think I'm just experiencing a delayed bandster hell since I never experienced one yet? I don't know...just need some support I guess to make me feel better!:tongue::cool::)

  4. Glad this thread was started....I got banded on 5/18 and have not yet had a fill because I was getting and staying full so well, and have lost over 30 pounds since surgery. I even saw my surgeon last week for a check up and he still didn't suggest a fill.

    However, this week, seems like all of the sudden...I can eat more, more often, and even have put on a little weight (a couple of pounds!)! ARgh! Does the need for a fill really come on that quickly?? I didn't notice any of this before like I do this week!

    Guess I'll be making an appointment to get my first one! I do NOT want to start gaining!

  5. You still have to make good choices even with the band...you have to make the choice to eat better and not eat junk. I gave myself six weeks after surgery to heal before I decided to exercise. BUT - by that point I had dropped a lot of weight and actually FELT like exercising! Believe me, you'll feel motivated to do better things for yourself if you are motivated enough to go through all that required to get the surgery!

  6. Thanks for the info. That definitely makes sense...you aren't really going to see any stomach muscles with pounds of fat covering them! It's hard to get out of that old school thinking that sit ups and stuff are the key to a flatter stomach. Thanks for reminding me that it's having less fat on your stomach that makes the difference! Now I'll feel better doing my cardio knowing it's burning off that tummy!

    And I do think my surgeon was mostly referring to isometric stomach exercises...the more I think about it that's what we were discussing when he said he wasn't a fan of isometric exercise...I don't think her was referring to weight training in general.

  7. My surgeon gave me the go ahead a couple of weeks ago to exercise...but he said he is not a fan of "isometric" exercises (in response to me asking about doing abdominal work). He mainly encouraged me to do aerobic/cardio. However, I cannot imagine not doing weight training as well as cardio. I have so much flab on my stomach...I want to know how to tighten it up! Anyone else out there been told not to do ab work by their doctors? And if so...what are you doing instead?

    Thanks for any input!

  8. That could be true...but on the slurpee.com site it calls a Slurpee a "frozen carbonated beverage" so I am not sure what to think! You're right...the calories alone should be bad enough to stay away...and I think I will. Will just have to find something else to be that "once in a while" treat!

  9. So I've had a couple of Slurpees since surgery...thinking, "Oh, I can get a small one and kind of get that soda flavor once in a while..."

    I just had one tonight and just decided to check the nutrition online...I had NO idea Slurpees are carbonated! I'm sure you all have discussed this before...but I didn't know!

    We were told no carbonation for two years after surgery...I drank these Slurpees with no issues...so I'm not worried I hurt my band or anything...but just in case you all didn't know...they ARE carbonated!

    I will not be getting one again because I don't want to go against what is best for my band health...so I've lived and learned! Say NO to Slurpees!:frown::smile2::thumbup:

  10. Holy Cow can I relate to having a hard time ever getting through to Dr. Chae's office! I had my surgery on May 18th and have been doing great...but if I could change anything it would be that he would hire an extra person to help run the office! It took me like, TWO weeks to get through to Susie to schedule my surgery after I got approved...it also took forever to schedule my first initial consultation back in January.

    It usually wasn't until I left an upset e mail or phone message that I would get a response. Frustrating.

    BUT...I love Dr. Chae. I find him very comforting and easy going. I have lost about 22 pounds since surgery so far. I probably should try going to a support meeting...when is the next one?

  11. Everyone's post op diets are different. I was on liquids for three days, pureed foods for four days, now am on soft foods till a month out from surgery.

    I too, Sarah, am amazed over how much less I can eat now. I had about two bites of a Breakfast burrito and was stuffed! I think the hardest part is not being able to drink while eating...I was always a "take a bite, take a sip" kind of gal, so this has been tough. But I'm still SO happy to have had this surgery and can't believe I'll eat even less when i get a fill!

  12. I was told to have about 2 oz. every 15 minutes. I don't drink during meals, and wait about 40 minutes afterwards to start drinking again. Some days I feel full after a couple of bites and some days it seems I can eat more. I have no fill yet, but definitely am restricted by the band alone.

    Sarah - you had dumping syndrome? I thought that only happened in gastric bypass?

  13. I lost 11 pounds the first week and then a few more this last week. I have stayed almost exactly the same for a good 4/5 days now. I still weigh daily in hopes that I've broken into the 220s (I'm exactly 230 right now), but am trying not to expect anything until I get my first fill. It's hard to lose weight on the soft food stage...probably too many carbs in most of our choices. I'm staying optimistic and know that these first few weeks are for healing and learning to follow all the lap band rules (like small bites and chewing!). I've not had any complications and have not had any PBing or anything yet. Phew!

    Try not to be hard on yourself right now. We are all so hard on ourselves anyways...

  14. I am only about two weeks out from surgery...and as soon as I'm off the soft food stage I know I will eat low carb. I get these benefits from low carbing:

    Majorly reduced cravings for starchy foods

    My head feels "clearer"

    Less gas

    More energy

    Feel more satisfied after a meal

    quick weight loss

    And I'm sure that's not all....but those are the ones I really notice!

  15. I think we've all read enough about each other that we should know we all respond differently to the band. Not everyone loses weight the same...and of course it depends on how much extra effort you put into it besides just letting the band do the work. I think we all start out enough overweight that initially we lose some weight just because we can't eat as much. But there will come a point that you have to pay attention to what you eat and how much exercise you get.

    I'm two weeks post op and have lost 14 pounds...and that's been with little effort on my part. Now that I'm starting to feel better and healing up from surgery, I know I'm gonna have to start doing my part with exercise and eating well. But I know I need to make my own journey out of this and not try to mimic someone else's success. I will use them as inspiration...because you all inspire me everyday when I get on here!

    I'm just taking it one day at a time!

  16. I felt pretty hungry by day 4...was SO excited to have some mushy food that day. My hunger seems to vary day by day...some days I get hungry an hour after I eat, some days I'm not that hungry at all. I don't have a fill yet, though...I two weeks out from surgery. I had gas pains under my rib cage and up in my left shoulder for several days after surgery. OUCH is all I have to say about that!

    I also noticed one of my body's cues to me now that I'm getting on the full side is my left shoulder will hurt a little bit like that gas pain...then I know to stop so I won't get over full.

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