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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by elsie77

  1. On 05/24/2020 at 08:33, MoominMan said:

    I wasn't referring to your post specifically - nothing wrong with a personal recommendation (that's why I didn't quote it), but I've seen a lot of glowing recommendations for him which seems out of all proportion to the professional set-up of his business. Frankly I can't get past the 'you must pay in cash' aspect of him - it's not normal, and makes me extremely suspicious.

    His professional set up is just that, professional, but with the addition of zero bs and jumping through hoops, that’s why I give glowing recommendations.
    Yes, I can see why the cash thing would put you off in fairness but it’s not the only way to pay. I paid by bank transfer. It needs to be received 10 days in advance.

  2. On 05/23/2020 at 18:52, MoominMan said:

    I'm pretty set on going to the Baltics - but which country/clinic, not sure yet - need to do more research.

    As for Belgium/Dr Chris, I get that people are loyal to their surgeon but this guy's fans take it too far imo. Nobody deserves that kind of hero-worshipping imo. Also his after-care package seems absolute pants by East European standards.

    Not sure how giving a positive recommendation can be considered ‘fans taking it too far’. I don’t know what you hold against him, but the ‘hero-worshipping’ you refer to might be from reading multiple positive reviews from people living a better life as a result of having surgery with Dr. Chris. During my research I didn’t find as much good feedback on any other European surgeon. You are entitled to your opinion obviously but please don’t bad mouth a surgeon you haven’t actually met or had an experience with.
    Best of luck with your research and your journey.

  3. Hi GenevaCH, I was revising from a band so this was the surgeons recommendation. I couldn’t go with sleeve as the band leaves scar tissue so the pouch is left bigger as a result. I didn’t even think of the RNY to be honest. The same surgeon put my band in and I trusted his opinion 100%. (But I did do my own research). He said it gave his patients the best lifestyle in terms of socializing etc. It was also cheaper than the RNY. And the fact that it’s reversible also played a big part. This is the group I went with: www.belgiumsurgeryservices.com

  4. I had something similar. For about a year before surgery I had back pain as a result of a slip in the shower. It would flare up all the time and limit mobility. I also had foot pain, felt like plantar fasciitis. I woke up without both. The back pain never came back ever, and now with the weight loss since I feel great, starting to enjoy walking again. Who knows what happened, I put it down to the effect of anesthetic, maybe my muscles were finally able to relax fully.
    The foot pain went for a while, that did come back but not as bad. But I think I just need to wear better shoes.

  5. On 03/02/2020 at 15:17, sarahSingh91 said:

    I also wanted to be thin yesterday lol. I was like ummmm why didn’t I lose 100lbs over night? This tool is broken :D lol I need a new one. Lmfao

    I’m finding that other people are also expecting me to lose 100lb overnight. I only told 3 people about the bypass. 2 of them ask me every couple of days what the number is now, like it’s changed massively. They have been told they’ll get an update once a month (I know it’s not of their business at all but they are supportive and just curious). I’m happy I didn’t tell more people :)

  6. Had my band to MGB on 14th Jan. Doing great. Down about 20lb from surgery date. Have had no issues at all, never an issue getting Water down. 2 weeks liquid and nearly finished 2 weeks blended. It’s been easier than I thought, especially compared to eating with the band. Only thing I worry about is the amount I can eat already. As I went from band to bypass the surgeon had to leave a bigger pouch. I feel I can eat a lot and be hungry again quite quickly. Hopefully this will change when I move to more solid food. I’m surprised I feel hungry quite a bit, and not just head hunger.

  7. On 01/14/2020 at 20:00, momof3_angels said:

    Just bumping this thread again to see if anyone else has already completed a post-bariatric surgery thru hike or long distance pilgrimage? Would like to know how you handled nutrition along the way. Especially if you completed the Camino de Santiago in Spain. But experience with long distant (many day) hike would do. I am now 4 1/2 months post op. Below my doctors goal weight. Not far from a "normal" BMI. I will be leaving in late May, just over 9 months post op.

    I am trying to figure out how to stay hydrated, how to get enough Protein, how others did with carbs (need to increase for the hike, but don't want to have to withdraw afterwards and am afraid it will be hard to go back to my non-hiking bariatric diet). I have tried asking some questions on Camino forums, but the average hiker just doesn't understand the challenges that many people face if they have medical issues that affect their diet/nutrition/hydration health. For example, a question about "Are you able to buy electrolytes along the Camino" gets responses like "there are Water fountains everywhere, just drink more water". Um, yeah. I would love to do that. But I am still lucky to get 60 ounces in. What I need to know is if I can easily buy electrolyte supplements along the route. If yes, I am good. If not, I need to come up with a plan for hydration. Or someone else asked questions about Vitamins and people replied "Just eat fruits and vegetables, Vitamins are a waste of money". Um yeah... doesn't work for those with Vitamin deficiencies. This person, like me, needs very specific Vitamin supplements to maintain her level of health. While we can find a normal mulit... we may not be able to find the right dosing of each vitamin for our needs. And heck... I even talked to my nutritionist about my nutritional concerns for the hike and she tried telling me "just bring all the mulit-vitamins, calcium chews, and individual packets of Protein Powder and electrolytes with you for the entire trip". Um... sure... that would work for a normal travel situation. But I am packing a backpack with my clothes, bedding, hygiene essentials plus medications, first aid, and other necessary supplies. I will be carrying that bag on m y back for at least 7 hours a day, every day, for up to 7 weeks straight. Yeah.... can't pack enough for the entire trip. She at least understood when I put it that way to her.... but those who have hiked the Camino before and don't have my medical issues just don't know how to reply in a manner that is actually helpful to me. And US thru hikers send themselves care packages to local post offices along the path... but since I would be mailing things from the US, I risk packages getting stuck in customs and not arriving as scheduled and thus I might have to move on without dietary essentials.

    Anyhow.... if anyone has experience they can share, i would love to know how you dealt with some of these issues. Or if there were other challenges you faced because you are a bariatric patient.

    I believe there are services that will transport your luggage between stops for you. Maybe you could look into the cost of that? That way you can bring what you need for the full trip but only carry what you need for the day in your backpack.

  8. Hi Lisa, I’m in Ireland so I’ll just reply about your upcoming trip. You should have no problem meeting your Protein goals here. Generally most restaurants have Soup, chicken and fish options which most places would be happy to adjust for you if requested. If you choose to go to a cavery then they offer kid size portions if meet, potato and veg etc.
    if you are eating on the road, a lot of petrol stations have sandwich bars where they will make you up a salad to order so chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese all available there. And fast food outlets are quickly adapting to having healthy options, grilled chicken sambo being most popular.
    Finally, we have lovely protein bars here called Fulfil, loads of Flavors and available in basically every shop in Ireland, including the airport.
    Hope this helps.
    We also have a load of breweries for the hubbie:)

  9. On 01/17/2020 at 23:15, BadWolfGirl said:

    I'm 9 days from my surgery and all I want is a neat bourbon lol

    I am very thankful not on a liquid diet pre-op like so many but I wouldn't mind if the liquid was whiskey haha

    Hang in there guys - month is halfway through!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    I was actually allowed a glass of wine the night before surgery with dinner. It was the nicest glass of wine ever.
    I also didn’t need to do a liquid pre-op, just 2 weeks low fat, we got lucky :)

  10. On 01/17/2020 at 23:01, sarahSingh91 said:

    How was recovery for ur band to bypass? I heard it’s rough? This was my first surgery. And I was not expecting the lag from anesthesia. Lol I thought I’d just pop up and be fine and dandy lol Hahahaha

    The band was my only other surgery, and it was 12 years ago so the memory is fading. But I do remember waking up in a lot more pain from the band 12 years ago. I was gearing myself up for that level of pain this time and I didn’t get it so that was good. But it was still rough going, I am wiped, so tired but I force myself to walk etc.
    Did your black BM start after the X-ray too? How have you being doing ok with your Fluid? I tried my first Protein Drink today..🤢

  11. On 01/17/2020 at 22:41, sarahSingh91 said:

    Ok good I was like omg something is wrong!!!! But glad I’m not the only one. How is your Fluid intake? Are you racing your goal??

    Fluid intake is ok, feels like all I do is sip sip sip. I was band to bypass revision so the surgeon left me with a slightly bigger pouch than normal though, which probably makes it easier for me to get Fluid in.
    I’m not sure if I’ve lost anything yet, my surgery was done in a different country to where I live so I haven’t had a scale to weigh myself yet. I get home tomorrow, I’m so curious. I was 290 going in.

  12. Hi all, I am now nearly 48 hours post op band to mini bypass. Band removal and bypass done at the same time. All has gone well. There was pain but it was well managed and tolerable. There was also a small bit of nausea. The first day I ate/drank nothing. The second day after bloods and X-ray, I was allowed Water. Today, the drain was removed (along with most of the pain) and I was given a tray with tea, Dutch crispbake with butter/jam and a yogurt. No issues with any of it.
    My surgery was done by Dr. Chris DeBruyne in Belgium, I cannot recommend him and his team highly enough. Now, to learn to use my tool to the best advantage, I’m looking forward to it :)

  13. Hi everyone, I’ve been lurking for a while, this is my first post. I’m from Ireland but will be traveling to Brussels for a revision from Band to mini gastric bypass on 14th Jan. I’m a few days into my pre-op diet which is just a low fat / no alcohol diet for 2 weeks. Good luck to everyone changing their life in January x

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