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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HappyHikerGal

  1. You ask a great question that most of us had to consider when deciding whether or not to have WLS. I did an Optifast program for 8 months that wrecked my metabolism (500 cals/day for 8 months, duh of course it messed me up.) But when I went to the medical literature, it was pretty clear that WLS gives people the best chance of maintaining a healthy weight, and most do. I didn't make this decision lightly, and I knew that I'd be committing to a healthy life from this point forward. Surgery has made that an easier process for me, and these forums have helped me troubleshoot my own personal challenges along the way. Ultimately, I was confident that I could lose weight doing any number of diets, but what I really wanted in the second half of my life was a tool to help me achieve and MAINTAIN a healthier weight. That is why I decided to have the gastric sleeve surgery. Best of luck to you!

  2. I'm only 7 weeks out, but keep private, with the exception of close friends and family. Some of my family were concerned with my decision, but are excited and supportive now. The surgery was a drastic enough step that I am laser focused on lifestyle change at the moment and I am hopefully building a healthy resiliancy to get me to my goal and past the honeymoon phase and into maintenance. I guess I am too busy and self absorbed to pay attention to nay-sayers. [emoji2] I guess sometimes that's a good thing.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. On 1/2/2020 at 11:50 PM, Bree03 said:

    Hey everyone Happy New Year !

    I am 6 weeks out and weight loss is slowing down. Slightly stalling. Very hard on me mentally. Trying not to get too down on myself.

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    I think the fact that many of us are hitting this stall at the same time means that it is a perfectly normal thing to expect. Since switching to normal food, I have seen my calories go up to 600-750 per day. When I was on the pureed/liquid phase I was averaging around 450. I also just started to become more active and working out now, so I figure my body needs a few more calories. I'm not too worried. I think as long as I stay around 6-700 calories, meet my Water and Protein requirements, it will start up again. I'm trying hard not to focus on the immediate scale response and look at what I'm doing to build a new lifestyle with tracking food, exercise and nutrition. Just my 2 cents.

  4. Today is my 1-month surgiversary. Time has flown. I'm down 17 pounds since surgery - slow and steady. So far I'm meeting my nutritional requirements and foods have been agreeing with me. I'm on the soft food phase. I am noticeably thinner, and down 51 pounds since the summer. I have been having fun shopping in my closet and recently unpacked my smaller sized clothes so they will be ready this year. My next goal will be to do more exercise and develop that habit. I'm also hoping that it will help me get over feeling so fatigued. I'm so excited for this journey!

  5. I'm 3 weeks out. Surgery and recovery went well. I've lost about 15 pounds. I did catch a bug last week and have been fighting diarrhea. Finally took immodium. It wore me out for days and I'm just coming out of it. I also just transitioned to puree foods and it is settling well, knock wood!

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I have, yay! Today I am 11 days post op and 10 pounds under my surgery weight. When the scale started moving, I was so happy to finally be in the weight loss honeymoon. I will try to be equally patient when I hit the week 3 stall . Anyway I feel like everything I worked so hard for in the pre- op and operation experience has arrived!

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. 18 hours ago, Chardonnay40 said:

    any thoughts on what to do with the Protein clear waters? I cannot stomach those. I have peach and I was considering adding to ice tea.

    I'm right there with you. Protein Water and really, shakes, make me gag right now for some reason. My saving grace has been adding GENEPRO to Soups and sugar-free hot chocolate. I also couldn't stomach the traditional Protein Shakes for some reason, so I switched to one cup of skim milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast Light Start (no added sugar), with a scoop of Genepro. That packs a protein punch of over 35 grams. You can add it to anything. I haven't tried adding it to regular water, though. I personally have a Moroccan Mint green tea bag in my water bottle and I sip that all day without a problem. I think the mint calms my stomach.

  8. 19 minutes ago, GothGal said:

    I'm doing well physically....the pain on my right side is much less than it was when I got home.

    My biggest problem is getting enough fluids. It seems no matter how much I'm supposed to sip, I forget,and end up not meeting Water goals for the day. I'm going to just set a timer for my phone to remind me. Same with the Protein Shakes.

    Other than that, I'm feeling really good!!

    How's by you?

    I'm feeling pretty good. I did set a Water reminder on the baritastic app, but I'm pretty good a sipping throughout the day. I have a long way to go on liquids and was not tolerating Protein Shakes very well, so I've switched to Carnation no added sugar added to 1 cup skim milk and I add a scoop of GENEPRO to it to make it a Protein bomb. It isn't as sweet or thick as my protein shakes. I have also added Genepro to thinned Soups and yogurt, so it helps me to meet my protein goal of 70 grams. I have a few teaspoons of this a few times a day. It's nice to feel like I'm eating real food.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Heather246 said:

    7 minutes ago, Heather246 said:

    My surgery is November 27th. 5 days difference between our dates. I would be happy to be a support system, I need one too

    I know how excited and anxious you must be feeling! I was in your shoes a week ago! My surgery experience was excellent and smooth, with very little pain that was well managed. I was walking 2 hours after surgery. This was so much better than I expected. I hope your day goes smoothly as well!

    This first week post-op has been almost surreal. I gained about 7 pounds from the IV fluids, so today, I finally weight my surgical weight. I'm not too worried. I can't believe it's done, yet I am concentrating on my body's new signals and sensations. I feel very good, considering the surgery I just had. At the moment, I'm troubleshooting the chewing of my Vitamins every morning, which isn't a pleasant experience. Today I'm mixing with very thin baby food. I also was waking up nauseous, so last night I drank a little probiotic beverage, and that seemed to help.

  10. 20 hours ago, Chardonnay40 said:

    I also have not gained or loss since I went in for surgery but I'm not concerned yet about weight.

    So happy that I'm not the only one! Well, I was several pounds heavier after surgery and today, 7 days post-op, I'm finally at my surgery weight - lol. But I'm not concerned either. If I've learned anything by reading these boards, it's that if I follow my plan, it will work. I'm also dreaming of the pureed stage. In my program, that happens December 5th.

  11. I’m 5 days po and steadily making progress. I didn’t need any pain meds today and was able to do a slow, easy 30 min walk. I gained 7 pounds of Fluid retention, so working on losing that at the moment - lol. Can't wait to start losing in earnest. I’m hitting my Protein and Water goals, so I’m happy with my body’s adjustment to surgery. Got home from Mexico last night and it feels so good to be home!

  12. Abdomen feels crampy, pain has shared today. Felt pretty nauseated day 2.
    My oxygen levels are a concern, so I'm being sent home today with some oxygen tanks for my cpap and for rest time.
    Tonight I'll sleep completely flat in bed to see what that's going to be like. Might need to strategize how to effectively roll out of bed.
    I'm so very happy for the awesome people here who have shared their experiences over the years.
    I'm excited to get back home today!
    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Way to go, surgery sibling! I was also a bit nauseous day 2. Got the foamies, I think either because I drank too much or didn't drink enough. I'm trying to be slow and steady with it, and today is much better.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. I was sleeved there on Monday! Excellent facility, surgeons, doctors and staff. I was so well cared for. I was up and walking within 2 hours of surgery. The 4pm limit on guests was fine. I got to know my sleeve mates better, walking the halls, encouraging one another. I never felt alone for a second. I feel really good, with very little pain. I’m learning to balance between drinking too much and not drinking enough. Today I passed the barium leak test and passed with flying colors. Tomorrow I head home. All is well!

  14. I had VSG surgery on Monday in Tijuana. My clinic took excellent care of me and I was up walking about 2 hours after surgery. The next day I was discharged to a nice hotel. I was completely exhausted. I did a little bit of walking, sipped some broth and electrolytes, but in the evening I experienced the foamies. I think this happens to me if I drink too much or if I go too long without sipping something. I haven’t thrown up and generally feel pretty good today. Today was my barium leak test and I passed with flying colors. I look forward to flying home tomorrow. All of my sleeve sisters seem to be feeling good as well. Tomorrow I also get to add kefir and Protein Shakes to my diet. Hopefully it goes down well.

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