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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Meadows76

  1. Definitely not stupid question. I’m 11 months out. Not drinking 30 minutes before, during & after was the hardest habit to break. Now it’s second nature. It is lifetime.
    Theory is to always fill up with Protein 1st to keep you satisfied & full. If you drink before eating Fluid will fill part of pouch. If you drink during or after fluid will dilute protein. Works like a sieve & diluted protein passes thru quickly. You will then be hungrier sooner as protein not stored. And of course we want protein to last in body longer for muscle building & other essential properties protein supplies.

  2. I’m 7 months out. HW 286 SW 245 CW 179. I only started to exercise now that in isolation. So most of my weight loss was prior to exercising. I’m in So FL where its hot & sunny. I’m fortunate to have pool. That’s where I do most exercise plus using hand weights. Haven’t seen big difference in any weight loss. But do see tighten of legs & some muscles developing! I don’t think muscles are so big that this is reason not seeing bigger weight loss. But do feel better. FYI- I do NOT like exercising. Never did. But slowly pushing myself.

  3. I know how exciting that is. My progression took longer than yours but I’m slow but steady. I, too, had 2x & even 3x. Yesterday I bought 2 tops in Misses XL! The right size & fit shows off your hard earned weight loss.
    I even had drawer of some smaller bras that I never even wore with tickets still on. Before surgery size 48 or even 50 cause I was so broad. Now some of these smaller bras fit & were 42 & 44!
    So encouraging even if scale doesn’t reflect #’s you want.
    Happy for you!

  4. Had sleeve 9/23/19. Closing in to 50 lbs. From HW its 85. Last year when some of my basic clothing items were on sale I bought 2. One in then current smaller size then one size smaller. I’m now wearing the smaller size. I get rid of any clothes that are truly too big & not flattering. Will wear some tops that are a little bigger but not bottoms. I’m proud of my hard work & have no problem showing it off.

  5. 9 hours ago, Jazzy1125 said:

    that is probably a sign that you are full. I know i get the hiccups when i am full.. if i get a runny nose i ate too much and i need to stay close to the bathroom!

    I never really burped before. Now I burp like truck driver when I’m getting full or am full. I think it is good Back up sign for me to let me know I must stop eating.

  6. I eat out quite frequently as that was always my lifestyle. Just approach it entirely different now. Been going out since 5 weeks out. Greek is easy & go often. Initially had side of hummus. Other times soft gyro meat with tzaziki & a bit of Tomato & cucumber with no skin. I always order from appetizer menu or sides & can always find something. My spending @ restaurants now is crazy. Where I used to spend on average $25-$40 now spend under $10! At Italian got side meatballs. Sports bar cup of chili. Sashimi @ sushi. Ma Po Tofu or Eggplant with some Protein in garlic sauce @ Chinese. When in doubt I google if ok. Never feel cheated out that can eat & enjoy with friends. Besides it’s not just about the food. It’s also the company & possible ambiance of restaurant. Good luck!

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