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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ktb224

  1. I have tried most of what is listed above and I am really turned off by the chalky flavor and tend not to drink them at all. However, I just found a new one today called nectar sweets. 0 Fat, 1 Carb, 23 protien. I just had it and it's amazing. The best part is that you can stir it with a spoon! It isn't thick, but it's going to be perfect for Breakfast and late night snack! I think I am in love. I got the chocolate truffle. They have tons more flavors. I am going to find it online and order some more right now!!!

  2. I was experiancing similar problems for about a week and I was told to eat more slowly, chew more and take really insanely small bites which was not what I wanted to hear. When I got sick of all the grossness I made a concerted effort to try those things, even though I was annoyed at the know-it-all lady who acts like she is God's gift to lapband since she has had one for a year and works at the place. So I sucked it up and cut my chicken into the size of peas, rolling my eyes and huffing and puffing the whole time and it worked. I was so happy, but I so won't tell her that becuase she would just say "told you so."

    Anyway, try that before you give up on it. It is slow at first, but it is getting much easier, really. Once I figured out what I can and can not tollerate, life is burp and slime free. I tried a lean cuisene pizza the other day and I knew after the first tiny bite that it was not going down well, so I tosses it and went for something else.

    I was banded on July 18th and I have already lost like 21 pounds and my BMI was barley 35 when I got it, so weight-loss is supposedly slower for those who have relatively less to lose.

    Do rant and vent all you need to here, because 99% of the people who read how you are feeling can totally relate. I know what it is like to feel desprate and it sucks.

    You can do it...awwwww Group hug:smile2:

  3. Hi I was banded July 18th and have been doing fairly well. I am a teacher/coach which means I now work like 13 or 14 hours a day, which is good and bad. I am so busy, that I am not sitting around eating or being tempted to snack or "graze," but I ran out of the Ready to Drink Protien shots I bought from the doctor. They are called "Fresh Start" liquid Protien Energy in Wild berry and each one contains 42 grams of protien, 0 grams of sugar and 136 calroies and is infused with all the B Vitamins. It is not the best thing I have ever tasted, but the whole thing is only 2.8 ounces. Three gulps and bye-bye protien concerns :thumbup:

    I was just wondering what other kind of low cal/high protien shots are out there, let's face it, chances of me coming home, getting out the magic bullet and mixing a shake are pretty slim right now, I would say it is even a bit of a stretch to mix powder with a shaker. I mean well, but I am soooo done when I get home. (I teach Freshman and Junior English...or at least try to).

    I researched some of the existing posts and went to this site Protein which is sold out of everything I want to order. So suggestions of brands, web sites, flavors...whatever. All I am looking is something quick and painless.

    Thanks in advance for your responses!

  4. I am also lazy after a 13 hour work day and my new favorite is refried Beans, some 2% lowfat cheese and a bit of taco sauce, enchalada sauce or salsa to give it a little zest. If you are feeling very lazy, order Pinto Beans from taco bell. I think the whole thing has about 6 grams of fat. What ever kind of red sause they put on the beans there is to die for. I usually ask for 2 or 3 sides of the red sauce which I take home and add to my little dish of beans for the next two days. MMmmmmmm. I have purchaced just about every taco sauce on store shelves trying to find a duplicate, but to no avail, so I usually get the pintos once a week and use sauce for two more dinners :mellow:

    Also, Bell and Evans makes frozen fully cooked chicken breasts. They are so juicy, taste fresh and take only 2-3 min in the microwave. I am a very picky meat eater and have never been a fan of frozen reheated meats. They are sort of pricy, $6.99 per package and only three per package, but really what is $7/3...pretty cheap dinner if you ask me. They are a little hard to find, but so worth it. :thumbup:

  5. Did your doc give you liquid hydrocodone for the pain? Mine did. Also, try gas-x strips for the gas pain. If the port pain is too much, call your doc for permission to take more of the liquid hydrocodone. I was on 2 tsp every 4-6 hours and thought I was going to die of pain. I called the doc and he said take 2 Tbsp instead and it was much much better. Good luck!

  6. I was one of those few people who was starving 2 days after the surgery. Since I was only allowed liquids I got creative and this creativity was doctor approved.

    Lowfat 1% chocolate milk- really hit the spot. I put the little bottle in the freezer for about an hour and it got a little frosty and it was delicious :)

    Dannon light and fit yogurt smoothies and those were great. I was not a big fan of them proir to surgery, but they are a staple in my fridge now.

    On the third day I was craving "real" food. So I took a can of healthy chicken noodle Soup and put it in the blender until it was smooth. I tried chicken broth and it wasn't doing it for me. Doctor said it was no problem at all. I must have called there office a million times those few days post op. I blended a lot of Soups those first few days. Bean and bacon was a good one.

    I also thought that pudding and Jello were concidered liquid and started eating the sugar free kind of both pudding and Jello about 4 days post op.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  7. I Had my first fill on Wednesday. The doctor said if I didn't feel restriction by Friday to give him a call. I did feel nothing, so he scheduled me for Tuesday so my fills one and two are going to be less than a week apart. Yay!

    I am not the most patient person, but I am a very hard worker. I have been to the gym 6 days a week since my 7the day out from surgery. I have been working with a personal trainer who really sems to enjoy kicking my butt! I also have been doing at least an hour of some kind of cardio after the weight sessions. It is not necessarily hard cardio, just the eliptical, but I am sweating so that is good!

    I lost 10 pounds the first three days after surgery, mostly Water and stuff, but in the weeks since then, I have only lost two! I am eating well, and if I wasn't working my ass off in the gym, I know I would have gained it back.

    I am hungry all the time, so I too was frustrated. I was always hungry before I got the band which is why every diet eventually failed. I expressed this frustration to my doctor, and I really liked what my doctor told me.

    He said that I didn't pay $15,ooo to be hungry for a month between each fill, so he personally called the fill center and instructed them to let me come in again right away. He said he has final say on how often people go into the fill center. He said they regulate it because some people would go in for a unfill for dates and parties, holidays and stuff. They are booked out in advance, so I not only have one scheduled for this Tuesday, but also an appointment for the next two tuesdays in a row as well! If I don't feel like I need them, He caid I could just call and cancel.

    My Doctor rocks my world :)

  8. Hi! I was banded 7/18/10 and my doc said in 7 days, I could do whatever I felt comfortable with.

    That friday, seven days post op, I did 45 minutes of cardio, 20 on the bike and 25 on the elliptical. 10 days out, Monday, I started to add in weights. I lifted for about an hour with my trainer Monday and Wednesday with about 45 min of the elliptical to finish my session. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (today), I just did 60 Minutes of Cardio switching up between the bike, elliptical and stair stepper.

    My doc said I couldn't do anything to damage anything, and to let the pain if any be my guide. The only thing I am really not doing a whole lot of yet is Abs, but I plan to start in on that tomorrow.

    I get my first fill on 8/6 and I can't wait, since I really have no restriction at all right now. I am working my butt off in the gym, but I have always loved working out, it's just frustrating since I worked so hard and saw no real results :scared2: Now, since I have the help of the Lap-Band, or at least soon I will, it will be easy to stay motivated.

    Good luck and happy losing!:cursing:

  9. I was banded on the 18th.so I am 10 days out. I feel the same as you, hungry like normal. I did liquids/blended soups/slimfast for about a week and now I am on to mushies. Today I ate oatmeal for Breakfast (1 packet) then went to the gym...(45 minutes of cardio and about an hour of weights-go me!)... I was starving when it is time for lunch, but I ate a packet of tuna with a bit of light mayo. I was not at all full when I was done, but I thought about all that hard work I did at the gym and waited an hour or two then I had TWO tubs of sugar free Jello, only 10 calories each! I ate as slowly as I could and that held me over for a while. Those are really saving me right now. Every time I think I need to eat, I am grabbing one of those, eating it and waiting at least 30 minutes before making another decision. So far I have had three so far today and I will probably have another now and dinner in an hour. I figure if I eat 10 it is only 100 calories. I am sure I could eat ten, but I doubt I will. Anyway, it is helping and I have lost 10 pounds in 10 days. I did start working out day 7 and I think that helps. I get my first fill in 8 days and I can't wait! Good luck to you and remember all you can do is your best!

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