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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cyndiloowho

  1. I asked my surgeon this very question and he asked that I wait til I got home from the hospital.

    I think I ended up waiting a few days post-op, so the day after I got home from the hospital, maybe?

    Who knows, that morphine PCA was pretty strong, I may have said or done just about ANYTHING on it. :thumbup:

  2. How could it be approved by the FDA? This belt is neither a food nor a drug. :eek:

    Also, it is basically a cheapie version of a TENS machine. Sending electrical impulses to your fat will not work out your muscles. A TENS machine (used in physical therapy) plugs into the wall and is quite powerful. I doubt that this contraption has that much power. (does it run on batteries?)

    I would call a foul on this one and look for something else.

  3. I absolutely loved nursing, and I miss it. My cousin, who is a product of my mom's sister and with the same opinion about breastfeeding as the previous generation, didn't nurse at all. She said it was like being a cow (of course, never having done it). I told her she was missing out but she didn't believe me. I believe it is a detriment to the child when a mother doesn't nurse.

    I love to hear other moms talk about how they miss nursing. I do, too! :cool2:

    It was that thing I could only do for her.....then him.....then a 'her' again. :smile: AND.....it was so nice to finally sit down, kick back, relax and just "be". Just be mom and baby. And I love,love,LOVED that 'milk drunk' look they would get just before they passed out from satisfaction.

    makes me want to have another........:w00t: (with two toddlers at my feet.....) :tt2:

    ETA: I think I need to permanently leave this thread before I ovulate! :frown:

  4. I think you are missing the point, gadget. Imagine that you were one of those kids being raped my mom's boyfriend/dealing with FAS. You see a news report of a bunch of anti-choicers at a rally and,(If you have the cognitive ability to reason like this after all the brain damage from the drugs in utero) you think, "I wish someone cared that much about my life."

    Read the book Freakanomics (suggests a corollary you may be uncomfortable with). While you are at it, read The Moral Imagination. Speaks to the early history of abortion and how the church was FOR it. It was shocking, so say the least.

    I will just come out and say it, "I am MORE CONCERNED about babies/children who are already born than the ones who are not."

    If their mothers cannot/will not take care of them then I think they are better off not entering the world than living this sort of fate.

    ETA: In a perfect world every single child who was conceived would be wanted/cared for/loved. We don't live in that world, though.

  5. I breastfed three kids in public and anywhere they were hungry. None of them would ever tolerate any covering. Have you ever SEEN a woman breastfeed? It is a baby up against the edge of a mom's shirt. No boob showing. The side of my stomach showed, that was it.

    If boobs can be consistenly used to sell everything under the sun then why aren't people getting all up in arms about THAT instead of nursing?!?!?! I mean, lactation is what they are actually for, not the selling of automotive parts, beer, etc.

    And another thing about the coverings: they seem to broadcast, "HEY, I'M NURSING OVER HERE,......DON'T LOOOK!!!" to me it makes it MORE obvious, not less. But, then again, maybe I just breastfeed differently. Like I said,"baby cheek up against my shirt, not taking my top off". maybe others do it by disrobing? :)

    I can't believe, in this day and age, we have not learned to overcome this. Babies are in the hospital in China from tainted formula, other babies "needed formula" when Katrina happened.

    Hey, maybe if we all encouraged breastfeeding more these wouldn't be such health issues!! Maybe if we encouraged nursing, you know, using boobs for baby-nourishment instead of "man-catchers" we wouldn't be having these problems.

    (I had problems nursing all three so I get that it isn't easy for everyone, but if we could get past the whole ,"gee, should women nurse in public?" question it would help! Public Breastfeeding IS LEGAL!!)

  6. Wow.

    Seriously, just wow. I have heard all of the arguments before from the do-gooder crowd for 'why every unwanted pregnancy should be brought to term'. What the anti-choice crowd always seems to ignore, though is that many unwanted children live absolutely wretched lives. I worked in child welfare and saw so many of these unwanted kids. When you are born with FAS/drug addicted and THEN you get to go home with your neglectful mother/father who are so busy doing drugs that they don't heed your cries, then you get to grow up to get raped repeatedly by your mother's new boyfriends.........yeah, I think they would have preferred not being born at all.

    I'm talking about such horrible, misearable lives that I couldn't even comprehend it prior to working there. I was pro-choice before I started doing child welfare investigations. I became much more so after that.

    I agree with the pp's about not wanting children/taking steps to prevent pregnancy. I have three kids who I LOVE, but they were lucky enough to be born to parents who loved them and treat them that way. It used to break my heart that my kids got loved while the kids I saw at work got.....well, the shaft, basically. I totally respect people who don't want to have kids. It is not for everyone and that is okay. I have close friends who don't want kids and can only take mine in small doses. (they are wonderful, but there are, ATM, two toddlers. :rolleyes2: )

    Anyhoo, would the anti-choice crowd please tell me this: why do you focus so much attention on the "unborn" and yet completely ignore the ones who are already here and no one wants to adopt them because they are "so damaged"???? Focus your attention on the ones who already exist in this world and help them, maybe? :)

  7. My first two children were both conceived with the use of Clomid. I don't know what my BMI was at the time, but I weighed about 240 then and I am 5'4". (Incidentally, our third child was conceived spontaneously when second child was only 9 months old!)

    While I have never heard of any BMI rule for Clomid, I can understand why some doctors create their own guidlelines. They have to work within THEIR comfort level for how much risk they are putting their patients in. Pushing a morbidly obese woman to get pregnant is risky.

    I hope that everything goes well for you with the surgery/PCOS. There is a chance that you may lose enough weight with the band that your fertility could kick in on it's own! (that does happen!)

  8. Gas-X works for intestinal gas, not gas pumped into your abdominal cavity. There is no way that the gas in your abdomen could come into contact with the Gas-X in your stomach.

    I would strongly caution you, if you are having neck pain, from going to a chiropractor. Please call your surgeon and/or have a consult with a physical therapist! Do not EVER let a chiropractor "crack your neck". People have been permanently injured from those kinds of "adjustments".

  9. I had lapband surgery with Dr. Gornichec on May 15. To date I have lost 20 pounds. I think he is a very competent Dr., but his bedside manner leaves a bit to be desired. More than once I have asked him a question and he answers a completely different question. He clearly did not listen to the question and was just running on auto-pilot. His answers sound very rehearsed, like, "gee, I have said this so many times, but I'll say it again for you!"

    Don't get me wrong, I think he is good, just......pre-occupied or something.

    I'm happy with the weight loss so far! I had my first fill in early July and will have my second in early August.

  10. I eat spicy food and sip as needed. Also, I don't abstain from liquids BEFORE I eat. Why would you? If liquids push food through your pouch then the liquid itself would flow right through as well. I even asked my Dr. about this and he said,"I don't know who came up with the 'no drinking before meals' thing, but it makes no sense."

  11. I read the site and can't help but wonder who wrote it? It is written in such poorly written English that I doubt it is an educated professional. I am with the pp who asked, "how will eating certain foods on different days tell you how well your band is working?"

    Take that site as one person's opinion. If it works for you, fine, but I doubt it is "professional advice".

    ETA: For anyone who is striving for ketosis, please do some research on it. Ketosis is NOT a good thing!

  12. When I asked my Dr. he said,"We prefer if you wait til you are home from the hospital!"

    No restriction, just remember that most hospital rooms don't have locking doors. :cursing:

  13. mstrina27,

    It is really unbelievable, isn't it? My brother was 47 years old and left behind a two-year-old son. (who looks just like him!) He died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a prion disease that destroys the brain. It is the human form of Mad Cow disease. It was horrible. I watched him die, I was there when he took his last breath.

    When I woke up from the anesthesia after the lap band I was sobbing uncontrollably. The nurses kept asking me if I was hurting and I was feeling no physical pain because of all the drugs, but the emotional pain was intense. It was like it all hit me that day.

    I'm so sorry about your brother and mother. Life becomes so different without them! Here is my blog about my brother:


    You may be able to understand those feelings of denial...

  14. I was banded on May 15th, too! I have been having a hard time getting in all of the liquids/protein, too.

    I also feel kinda' tired and weak.

    Oh, and T.O.M. started today, otherwise known in our household as "punctuating". Not bad, no cravings to speak of, just don't feel like dealing with it.

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