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    DivaUltima reacted to Vizslamom in Worried that I am failing   
    I received some great advice from the psychologist during my band eval years ago (now a sleever) -
    Being a "B" student is what you should strive for in eating after WLS. If you think you have to be perfect, the pressure may be too much. But if you aim for a "B", good most of the time, but certainly not all of the time, you may be happier in the long run.
    My goal is to build a healthy lifestyle at a healthy weight. Which does include some Snacks, birthday cake and wine.
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    DivaUltima reacted to KimTriesRNY in Worried that I am failing   
    I think another thing to remember is if you are “snacking” in order to give in to “temptation”, then finding a way to make those foods more healthy and acceptable to your new way of living is a good idea. There are tons of bariatric recipes for pizza, Pasta type dishes, many food craving type dishes. You may find a way to make something you are craving that is healthier and almost as appealing.
    Now in some cases this is just not possible, and only a taste of the original will do and we are all human. Every now and again if it’s something special I will indulge...a homemade cookie, mom’s lasagna, etc.
    The more weight you lose, the more positive effects you see by making healthy choices...the less you may crave unhealthy diet choices. It may increase your ability to make a healthy choice at any rate, I have found this to be true.
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    DivaUltima reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Worried that I am failing   
    Yep, @Queen Grandma is right - snacking is ok in moderation. But - what sort of snack? How far over your calories does it put you for the day? If you are ‘giving in’ and having a Protein Bar, well that is different to if you are giving in and having a pizza or a McD’s supersize meal or a diner sized portion of cake!
    i am 9 months out and struggle with temptation too. A few things have helped:
    1. If possible don’t have high-refined-sugar Snacks in the house. I have a rule - if I am desperate for something like that I have to walk to the shop (1 mile, with 1 mile uphill home) to get it. I have only set out twice and both times ended up just having a walk instead.
    2. Plan for both snacks and treats. I have a note on the fridge of a few treats I am happy to have - yummy but ok for my stage of the journey. And another list of healthy snacks, to remind me. Cos when I get a snack-attack, I suddenly seem to forget about fruit, or yoghurt, of lettuce/hummus/cheese - crisps is the ONLY snack I can remember exists!
    3. Plan. Plan ahead. Did I mention plan? Have frozen oopsie rolls in the freezer, your favourite cheese (Swiss for me) in the fridge, tins of sardines in Louisiana hot-sauce in the pantry. You know you’ll crave - so stock up the good stuff so it is easy to make a good choice!
    And I log all my food in myfitnesspal - I have a section for “screw-ups” but I hardly use it these days. It is great to look back at the “snacks” section when I am craving - I now put only healthy snacks there, so I can use it to remind me of stuff out there that I like.. It takes time but the things you crave genuinely do start to change!
    And - go easy on yourself. It is a marathon, not a sprint! But - do work at changing, cos we all need better habits if we want to avoid regain 😁
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    DivaUltima reacted to polly... in Failed EVERYTHING, need to know I'm not alone.   
    Well, I'm 3 years out RNY. I got down from surgery weight of 335 to 265, gained back to 300, there since then. I do not follow the rules at all. My fault. I was not a good candidate for WLS, but I slipped through. My surgeon, last I saw him, was very crass and kinda cruel so I wont go back. I have to make peace with that and go back but I'm deathly afraid. In therapy working on it. I failed because I knew what I was getting into and couldn't/wouldn't go with the program. I'm in a much better place now, and am reading for the umpteenth time the Agaston South Beach Diet that my surgeon puts all his patients on. I'm quite amazed at the damage I've done and am doing to my body and heart, etc. I've started cleaning my house of toxic foods and am trying to budget a proper shopping list. It's not easy, never expected it to be. I just didn't know I'd go so far from the right direction. I'm mad at myself. But I'm learning in therapy how to turn that into good energy and productive power. It's all up to me. It's all in my hands and that horrifies the crap out of me. But the facts I'm reading about proper diet/nutrition are scaring me into compliance. I'm excited but terrified to jump back on board. I've forgotten a lot. I hope this all makes sense.
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    DivaUltima reacted to GreenTealael in Failed EVERYTHING, need to know I'm not alone.   
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