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Posts posted by Zjasso

  1. I'm 8 weeks post op. I seem to have heck getting my first goal of 300. On monday I was 304. Today, weds, I'm 306. It's like my body is doing the same ol song and dance it used to. Not very promising seeing so many at the same timeline as me dropping like crazy. Anyone else have this problem? What do yall do to get going again?

    5' 11"

    OP 9/16/19

    HW 365

    PO 343

    CW 304

  2. Z - Congrats on the surgery...now its time to rest. The workouts will come back in time but your body needs to heal. Ill share a little about myself. After surgery, I didn't workout at all...for too damn long. I went from 356 to 179 in less than a year and at that point I was a size 32 waist but had lost any and all muscle mass I once had. I couldn't lift a pencil!
    At a follow up appointment, my doc told me (demanded actually) that I hit the gym and lift weights. NO CARDIO! (Docs orders). So I did. In the following months, I actually put on 30 pounds. But here is the kicker...my waist stayed at a 32. It was all muscle! So as im getting better in the gym, lifting more, getting stronger, I found the sport of powerlifting. Holy crap! Its amazing. Over the summer I competed in my first meet and totaled 1000lbs (my bench sucks). I am now training for my second meet in November. My goal for this one is 1100. Currently my dead lift is around 500, my squat is 400 and on a good day i can push 225 on the bench.
    The thing i play with constantly is getting in the food to support my workouts. It is a constant challenge to determine my macros and what will benefit me and not add fat. I'm sitting at about 3400 calories on heavy lifting days and 24-2800 on less active days. I actually have started a little YouTube show to talk about this. I don't think there are enough experts who have experience with weight loss surgery and performance athletics. The concept of the "bariathlete" is foreign to most, so i figure i might as well create a forum for us.
    The point of all this is to say 2 things. The first is give the process time. You need to concentrate on dropping the fat and letting your body heal. the second is, don't be worried about the lifting. It will come, the strength will return, and you will be a lean mean bad-ass lifting machine. And if you like, you can come down to my gym and lift heavy with me any day!

    What is the name of your channel?

    Pre Op
    5' 11"
    >50 BMI

  3. Today is your surgery day!! Best and you will return to the lift. Know your goals but remain flexible in the process
    Yes. Surgery went smooth. I am extremely sore. But I'm taking in the amount of liquid they want. I'm using 1 ounce cups to measure and trying to take in 1 every 15 to 20 minutes I'm awake. I'm also getting up and taking short strolls around my house. I'm a busy body and this being layed up stinks. But I'm excited for when I can really start doing some walking! Just not gonna push myself to hard at first and risk the healing process.

    Pre Op
    5' 11"
    >50 BMI

  4. I went in at 730 yesterday morning for my sleeve. I'm only getting about 1 hour sleep at a time. Very, very sore. And I'm not belching much when I walk. Not passing gas at all. Nurse says little belching is normal. I just remember my wife letting some loud ones out after hers. Anyone else experience this?

    Pre Op

    5' 11"


    >50 BMI

  5. I know you were kidding with the cardio comment but no, lack of cardio is not what got you to where you are now. A caloric excess is responsible for that and the surgery will help with that aspect. I still wholeheartedly believe lifting heavy is the best thing post-op. It doesn’t have to be the only thing and cardio is better than doing nothing but in my mind lift heavy, gain muscle, keep the metabolism going and change body composition. I didn’t want to go from strong muscular fat to skinny weak fat. You’ll lose lean mass size but there’s a few of us on here that are proof you can come back after that initially weight loss. I’m in the best shape of my life at 40y and just slightly under being the strongest I’ve been in my life too. Good luck!
    Yes sir. I have a friend at work whom had the surgery. He does not lift at all. But he did say moving around everyday and taking walks as soon as he could helped him tremendously in the beginning. With both weight loss and recovery. I honestly only do cardio when training; yolk carry, farmers walks, truck pulls, and of course high rep lifts. I'm already making myself do walks on off days just to get into that groove. With that said I will probably be picking your brain, as well as others this topic. I begin my 2 week diet next Monday. And have surgery on the 16th. My wife asked what I want to eat for a last big meal. I actually told her nothing. I dont want to gorge on something then start thinking about missing it and psych myself out. I'm just ready for this journey. Again thank you for the advise and the perk up 8 needed for my fears as far as muscle and lifting are concerned.

    Pre Op
    5' 11"
    >50 BMI

  6. Hi i know I am not a guy but i had the same thoughts as you!

    I am still in recovery but I’m a part of a boot camp weight training with a little cardio type of gym and by my surgeons instructions i can’t return till after 6weeks. And even then, i have to listen to my body but I can’t wait. I would ask your surgeon and tell him why type of gym you attend so he/she gives you their best opinion.
    Yeah he told me 6-8 weeks before I could think of lifting. But start walking asap. Yuck. I hate cardio. Then again, might be why I am where I'm at?

    Pre Op
    5' 11"
    >50 BMI

  7. You will lose strength and muscle mass. It's is inevitable being in a massive caloric deficit and you can not separate fat and muscle catabolism...you just can't. The best you can do is try and minimize lean mass loss by getting back into the gym as soon as you're cleared to do so and once weight stabilizes - by definition you will at this point be at your maintenance caloric intake for whatever weight you're at - increase caloric intake and rebuild lost strength/muscle.
    I spent 6 long years in the gym prior to surgery with 1RM in the +300-450lbs range for the various main compound lifts and after weight loss stabilized I started with just the 45lb bar. I'm less than a year out, down 90lbs and my current 1RM's are almost back to where they were prior to surgery - I'm just a WHOLE LOT healthier. My biggest issue now is over-training - without the large caloric intake from prior to surgery my recovery is definitely not what it used to be but I've greatly reduced the chance I'm going to die at 44 and 48 like my sister and father so I'll take it!
    Actually, it wasn't a bad thing. I started with Strong Lifts 5x5 and used the early weeks and months to really dial in my form...I'm a better lifter now than I was prior to surgery and my strength is much more balanced - my DL before was way ahead of my squat and my overhead press really lagged my bench - now they are proportionally right where they should be. I doubt I would've been able to achieve this without essentially starting over.
    On the bright side...lots of people go into surgery without any real lifting background. You're already stronger than most and I believe that strength was the key to me doing so well post-op - when others just want to walk unassisted again and you want to just get back to picking up 300+ pounds you can see you're already at an advantage!
    Good luck!

    That's good to know. Is there any supplements you found to help you on training days besides the required bariatric Multivitamins?

    Pre Op
    5' 11"
    >50 BMI

  8. I'm 35, 355#, 5'10". I currently workout in a gym that does alot of strongman type workouts; yolk walks, atlas stones, log press, farmers carrys, etc.. I'm scheduled to have VSG on September 16 and am realizing I'm worried. Will I be able to do this type of strength training? How badly will it hurt my strength? Maybe its pre op jitters? Anyone else workout like this post op? How long till you can really start doing some lifting? 20190720_105350.jpeg

    Pre Op

    5' 11"


    >50 BMI

  9. While not a heavy weight lifter, I returned to the gym immediately for cardio like the treadmill and recumbent bicycle, but I waited about 3-4 weeks before resuming any of the strength training weight lifting on the machines to ensure that my incisions had healed.
    Was 3-4 weeks when your doctor said you could start again? I imagine it will be a couple months before I will be allowed to get back to working where I'm at, it is very heavy weight.

  10. I definitely felt weakness in the first month, but got right into a good walking routine. Now with 90+ pounds gone, I feel like super woman. I have soooo much energy. My strength is back full steam and my exercise is soooo much easier. I climb stairs, do weights, and hike. Once some significant weight comes off you will be amazed at what you will be able to do. Now when I lift 40-50 pound bags of livestock feed, I cannot believe I was carrying twice that much on my body. My joints DO NOT HURT ANYMORE! That is also amazing.
    My only "tip" is to get walking right away. You can climb stairs but will not be allowed to do abdominal crunches or lift hardly anything for several weeks, at least. Please do not rush this part. A hernia is the last thing you want. The tiny cuts on the outside do not even begin to show all the work done on the inside. You must give yourself time to heal well or the set back will be worse than the original surgery. Please let your doctor know you are into heavy lifting so he/she can advise you with full knowledge of your activity level.
    Oh I intend to not do anything I'm not released to do. The last thing I need is to hurt myself and spend more time off. Thank you for your response I might add. It gives me a little excitement into what I will feel like having all this excess weight off my body. And awesome job I might add!

  11. I am 35 years old, 5' 11", #360

    I'm 5 months into this journey and cant wait for surgery, hopefully in September. I am curious of those that were big into the gym and went back post op. I enjoy strongman training and hate knowing I'm going to lose strength. But I need the weight gone. What was the wait like? Any tips for getting back into it, when the time comes of course. Any help is appreciated.

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