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Posts posted by CLOE

  1. Concentrate on the surgery date. I don't know if you can or not but I often took naps when I wanted to eat, the surgery date came faster too that way. Be good to yourself and best of Luck!!!

  2. Come, Come.....;) ...Awwwwwe I needed that!!!

    I have been missing you guys. You guys are always on my mind!! Hope this post finds you all well.

    I want to explain my absence. So much has been going on, it's been crazy.

    Some of you already know about my stupid-never-ending bladder/kidney infections. But know my doc has discovered I have this irregular heartbeat, What!!!! So I've been going to sooooo many tests, docters, samples, you-name-it. Good news is, they don't think it's anything horrible. Bad news, they don't really know why.:phanvan . The back of my brain tells me not to worry to much, so I'm trying not to.

    I've been working with a personal fitness trainer for about a month now. She is awesome, I love her. We meet once a week for a great(brutal) work-out, then she writes out what I'm suppose to do for the week. I feel really good. Problem is, she found out what a scale-junkie I was and took it away!!!:) !!! She might as well just cut off my right leg. I've literally went threw withdrawls. So my ticker is probably(better be) out of date. I'll update my ticker next week when I get to re-unite:love: with my scale for "1" quick weigh-in.

    I've been doing alot of craft sales, business has been good. I've pretty much convinced myself to open a little country shop out of my house and also sell on-line. I've been doing alot of investigating into this idea. If anyone has any experience in this I would love to hear from you.

    My Band, my band is doing great!! I havent had anymore fills since the end of February. I am very tight in the morning, usually just drink coffee and a boost. I can eat during the day but have to be very careful. I would have to say that I'm very very close to my sweet spot. That's good news!!

    I'm heading over to check out all the new posts now. I'm gonna try to take in as much as I can. If anyone wants to get in touch with me quicker, just PM me. I try to pop in even if it's just to check my PM's.


    Take Care


  3. Awwe Green, I'm sorry your feeling sooo yucky:huggie: .

    This is the worst time of year. Especially cause it decided to be winter again. You have some very valid $hit happening. It's very sad about your kitty, it's frustrating as heck about your shoulder problems, and all the crap ya gotta deal with.

    Remember, my Grampa always said to me, "the pedulem(sp?) always swings both ways", before you know it you'll feel better. I think allowing yourself to really feel the sadness helps you feel better faster.

    Cut yourself some slack. Be good to yourself, were all thinking of ya.

  4. OMG, Normal!!! If you didnt do that I would think there was something wrong. LOL. Relax, totally normal. Give yourself a pat on the back for making a great decision, and relax. Also remember, after the liquid and mushie stages post-surgery and pre-fill, your appetite will come back and you will be eating pretty normally then, until your 1st fill. Then it becomes a gradual process, in which you learn re-eating slowly. The hardest part by far is the pre-op diet. But after surgery you will gradually be able to eat again, everything you enjoy, and your gonna do it getting thin and feeling FINE!!!!

  5. Golfballed is when you eat too much or too quickly or both. You get this pain in your chest like the feeling of a golfball stuck in there. It is a horrible pain, usually accompanied with the feeling of vomiting. It will either pass threw in time or you will throw up.

    Hope that helps!

  6. Doddie, I can totally relate. Those kind of comments never leave us. Why, I don't know. I remember my grandmother taking me to a WW meeting when I was about 13. All the old ladies(well I thought they were old ladies) were going on and on...'oh yes, you need to lose 7 lbs', huh???? I'll never understand, that was probably the beginning of the end for me.

    Anyhow, we march on, and one day as were marching we'll step on those comments!!!

  7. Hi astrotoes, to answer your question, yes. I do have enough restriction to not have to worry too much. I can now litterally only eat 3/4 to 1 cup of food. Thats all I can eat!! I usually would like to eat more, but with time that's getting better. I do however, every few weeks or so have a day when I can eat more, (the finicky thing), but even being able to eat more, it's no comparison to what I use to eat. But mostly I'm doing good to get enough food into me, I have to pick high quality foods.

    Thats why I said WW wouldn't work for me, but if it works for others, then I say great!!

  8. Hi Maria,

    It's funny, we could have reached out and held hands in recovery, and here we are going over the "100" mark together, How Cool Is That!!!! Let's hold hands and jump to the other side.....................

  9. Hello all!!!

    First off, I want to apologize for anyones thread I havent responded to. I try to mull over them quickly in my time allotted, and I have responded to some, but not as many as I would have liked. I never have enough time.

    Welcome and Congrats to all the newbies, you'll never regret your decision!!!!

    Have a Wonderful Easter Weekend, everybody!!!

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