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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ahsem2bme

  1. Well hello to all my fellow August 2008 bandsters. I haven't posted in a very long while...and surely miss the communication we all used to have. With all of our lives changing sooo much in the past 2 years - it is difficult to stay in touch. I still have not met my goal yet....but I am determined that I will - soon. I am happy to say that my mother and some of my fellow co-workeres have just been banded as a result of seeing me change for the better. I wish them the best of luck on the journey ahead of them - as we all know it can sometimes be very difficult - but VERY REWARDING.

    How are you doing now, going into 2010?

    Please share...

    :thumbup: Mesha

    Banded: 8/13/2008

    Beginning: 276 lbs. Size 26-28

    Current: 195 lbs. Size 12-14

    Lost: 81 lbs.**Goal: 175 lbs.**


  2. Well....after taking 6 months to get my 3rd fill (optaining my sweet spot)...I have lost 81lbs. thus far. I am really struggling with the sticking to excercise that I know is so important (especially while on this plateau). I do have to say it is a whole lot easier now then 80 lbs ago...but it is still a struggle. I have shrunk from a size 26-28 to a 12-14! Here's to a great year....one where I WILL MAKE MY GOAL!!!! Good luck to everyone still fighting the good fight with me - and Congradulations to all who have already met your goals - YOU INSPIRE US ALL THAT IT CAN BE DONE!


  3. I was also Banded on 8/13/08. I haven't posted for so long do to I was discouraged and thinking that I wasn't loosing enough to even be worthy of posting. I have lost a total of 40lbs. of which 16 was before the band. I have my 3rd fill scheduled for Feb. 26th. I am definitely feeling restriction...but still no loss. I feel your frustration! I just wanted to remind you that your not alone. I also want to thank you for reminding me of the same!!!!

    WE CAN DO THIS - we have ALL come entirely too far to fail now! I think it is just harder for some of us.

    If being STUBBORN can somehow turn into PERSEVERANCE...

    I think I can make it - and U can 2!:thumbup:

  4. Thank you:smile2: I have a 10cc band and am filled to 5.6cc (on 9/15/08). I don't drink anything while eating - that hurts way too bad. I think I chew everything up enough...but what I may think is enough may not be. salad seems to be the easiest thing for me to eat. But I can't stop eating it...??? I never feel the full feeling like I should with that. I have heard that some things just go down easier...maybe that might be why?! I also have had 2 C-sections and really hate that I will have to have cosmetic work done later. Guess we are not as young as we think we should be huh? I don't want to be younger (don't want to do that all over again), but I sure would like to have my skin tones back!!! Thank you for the response...hopefully my fill will help with alot of these issues. Good luck, and thanks again! :)

  5. I was banded 8/13/08. I have not lost anything except the same fluctuating 5 lbs. for the last 2 months. I was filled with 1 cc on 9/15/08. I feel some restriction when I eat...but cannot seem to keep the full filling for very long. I have lost as of right now including post op 36 lbs. I have lost a total of 40lbs. but that 5 lbs. comes and goes on a daily/weekly basis. My second fill is on Dec. 4th - I have to fly to Texas because here in New Mexico they have no surgens or fill centers. To drive to Arizona and see a new Dr. would actually cost me more then going back to TX each time. I have recently been getting sick when atttempting to eat 1/4 of a 1/2 of bagel - or any type of tortilla's. I have no desire to eat steak due to having to chew that much makes it very undesirable to me. My birthday was yesterday....and all in all I am very discouraged. At 33 I thought my body would still have some sort of elasticity...I was wrong. I can't find the drive to work out at the gym (on my porch) because I don't feel like I am getting anywhere...but I have restriction (some what).

    Sorry for the book....I am just in need of some support....any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

  6. :tongue_smilie:I was also banded in August...the 13th to be exact. I live in New Mexico and flew to Dallas to be banded. I would love to have some support from someone who is really at the same point as me. My process has been slow as well...at least for my taste. I am currently having difficulties in finding a fill Dr in my area. At this point I have to fly back to Dallas each visit...not liking that so much!

    Where do you live? Do you have any kids? How are you ultimitaly feeling?

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Life is looking UP...while (hopefully) the scale is going DOWN!

    Diet Pills


  7. Thanks for the support...I am glad to know that I am not the only one. Sometimes you just need some reasurrance you know? This is so hard sometimes - most people don't understand what you are going through. To be able to share the ups and downs with people who understand makes a world of differance!

    Thank you, and good luck to you too. Keep in touch, I would like to see how you do as well.

    Here's looking up....for the scale to go down!!!!!:tongue_smilie:

  8. :smile2: I was banded 8.13.08. My first and only so far fill was on 9.15.08. I live in New Mexico but have to travel to Dallas, TX to see my Dr. $$$. At surgery I was @ 5.6cc, at my fill I am now 6.6cc. I don't feel any restriction unless I try to eat tortillas or bread. I have have been fluctuating 5 lbs. up and down since my fill. I actually weigh 9 lbs. more then at my fill. I think that I am eating ok....lots of Protein and very small portions. I lost 25 lbs prior to surgery...and another 15 in the following 2 weeks....but after that...NOTHING! I am scarred something might be wrong. I can't get to my Dr. until December...and I can't find a fill center anywhere close that won't want to charge me an arm and a leg. They want $600 for a fill !!!! Anyone have any suggestions? I am very discouraged at this point. I did this fluctuating thing prior to the band....seems like it's all the same viscious cycle....again!

    Help me please....I try to excercise (honestly I could do better)....but even with the eating habits....shouldn't I have seen SOMETHING in this amount of time????

    I would appreciate ANY insight or ideas that anyone would like to share with me!

    Thank you.....Mesha:crying:

    Banded: 8.13.08

    Dr. Frank Felts - Dallas (WONDERFUL)!!!!!

    Beg. Wt 276

    Curr. Wt 240

    Lowest Wt 237

  9. I would love to join you. I am actually trying to do something as well. I was just telling myself that I had to do something! Today is my 2 month bandiversary. Since this all started I have lost 40 lbs. of which was about half before surgery and half after. In the last month I have not lost anything in the last month. I am really starting to get discouraged....maybe this help both of us. Thank you for the inspiration!!!! WE all know WE need it more often then NOT!


  10. I was also banded on Aug 13th. Yet I am in pain. I too am on this liquid diet...which is getting very old very fast. I feel really bloated and the gas is awful. Am I the only one going through this? I am so uncomfortable that it actually takes my breath away! I just want to make sure that there isn't anything wrong with my band...or if I may have done something wrong?! Any ideas?


  11. I just had surgery on Wed, the 13th...and I thought I was gonna die from the gas. I was wondering if I did a very horrible thing to myself. Today is much better...haven't had a BM yet, never thought I would be so much looking forward to one! LOL. Good to know I am not the only one out there....:)


  12. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I didn't assume anyone in particular was a lier. I was simply saying that you usually don't hear any negative responses to this surgery. And after the pain I am going through right now, I wouldn't want any one else to be blind sided. I am happy for those who didn't hurt, and I wish I could say the same. But as for those of us who did...the "soon-to-be" bandsters have a right to know all the possible outcomes. It is comforting to hear however that I was not the only one. Thanks for all the support. I did have two cesarians prior to this...and this was no comparision.

  13. I had surgery Aug 13th, and now I am in SSOOOo much pain. Now that the gas is subsiding alittle it is getting better. But no one told me how bad that would hurt! I had to fly home the next day and the bariometric pressure almost killed me. I was litterly crawling on the airport floor half the time. It is now the second day and now I have the soreness of the area. My Dr. made all my incisions right below my rib cage. So it feels like this band in in my ribs ubstructing my breathing. I just hope it is worth it. Did you know that I actually was standing up "or strapped upright" during my procedure? I just don't want anyone else to be blind sided when they say it doesn't really hurt that bad. It does, but if you can make it thru the first 48 hours, I think you'll be fine!:thumbup:

  14. Thank you for the insite...my surgery is scheduled for the 14th. I am a little nervous. I am actually going out of state for my surgery...so I am a little worried about the follow up. How long after surgery do you need a fill? I don't see my dr again till 1 month....so I am concerned that something could go wrong on the initial healing stage. Has anyone else had that problem...or that experience?

  15. Hi there...I am supposed to be banded in 13 days...but found out I still need my cardiac clearance as well. Seems my DR forot that part. Problem is that I have allergies to anesthetics and have died in open heart surgery when I was two. I am hoping that my results are ok...I am really worried that this will also postpone or even cancel my surgery. I am asking that you all keep me in your prayers of hope...as you all will be in mine!

    Thank you,


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