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Posts posted by marissagil

  1. It’s been exactly 3 weeks since I had the gastric sleeve surgery and I’m really having difficulty adjusting to my new stomach! Specifically, I am having difficulty gauging when I’m full. I’m just starting the puréed stage and I will feel fine when I eat a few spoonfuls of food and then I will feel terribly full and it is so uncomfortable! Oddly, I can drink a Protein Shake (10 oz.) or eat yogurt (8 oz) and I feel fine. When I try to eat puréed meat and vegetables, some how I eat too much. Do I really have to count how many spoonfuls I can eat? Most importantly is there anything that I can do to get relief from that horrible fullness feeling? I have heard other people say that their body gives them a sign when they are full but my body keeps fooling me? I’m so frustrated and starting to dread even having this procedure!
    I am worried with knowing when I'm full as well. Is the feeling I'm having just because, my tummy is reacting to what I'm putting in it? I thought it would be much easier to know when I was full. I think I over did it tonight. I ate a scrambled egg and then had a pudding cup. I felt like I had a huge air bubble in my throat, tummy ache, slight nausea. What does that mean? Is that dumping?? This process is really difficult.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. My docter wants me to be on liquids for another 2 weeks my sleeve surgery was may 31st. The taste of Protein Drinks i just cant doo anymore. Id rather starve litterally. I added in Protein yogurt today which wasnt that bad but can some one explain explain why liquids for so long?
    Doc says its too retrain your brain to dominate your hunger sensation........ thats why iam on liquids so long.
    It doesnt make sence to me. If my body is in starvation mode cuz i want to cry and starve than drink another Protein Shake wouldnt it be best to add it other puree Protein to help me be more active in life than weak and tired. I dont think waiting 2 weeks is going to change this brain training will it. Does anyone understand this ???
    Oh my goodness. I feel your pain. I'm afraid when I see the doctor Friday he is gonna say I have to stay on liquids longer as well. I am over these Protein Shakes.< br>
    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. You look beautiful! I know exactly what you mean by emotional eating. That and boredom are a real problem for me. I also lost my sweet Daddy a year ago. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme stage 4 brain cancer (the same thing John McCain had) and it was all down hill from there for the next 10 months. I took a fml leave from my job and spent some quality time with him as well as getting to take him everyday for his treatments. Having that time was quite a blessing. I am so sorry you did not have that with your Dad. I can imagine that only doubled the loss and pain you were feeling. Nothing ever prepares you for losing a parent no matter what age you are and how long you have with them. My family is Italian so our heritage set us up from birth to be eaters. We eat for every occasion, good, bad, happy and sad. I know I used my Dad's illness and death to over eat and I didn't care. I need what ever outlet I could find to feel better. I reached my highest weight at 192. I finally, am taking care of me. I'm the oldest child and caretaker of our family however, my own care was always being passed by. I want to be happy! I want to feel good in my body! I am so happy I decided on this sleeve journey. Sure it comes with great sacrifices and dedication but I am up for this life style change. I also, have fibromyalgia and want my weight loss to aide the symptoms I suffer from that disease. I was sleeved on June 13th and am doing great!! I'm down to 164.2 today! Anyone who is doubting this process or scared- I'm telling you can do this. The immediate gratification sure helps as a motivator. Girl, you look gorgeous so jump back on the wagon and hit the trail full speed. We are all going to mess up or cheat but that's ok. We have the tools to do this and we owe it to ourselves. To be happy, to be healthy and to be proud of our successes.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I feel better already.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. You look beautiful! I know exactly what you mean by emotional eating. That and boredom are a real problem for me. I also lost my sweet Daddy a year ago. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme stage 4 brain cancer (the same thing John McCain had) and it was all down hill from there for the next 10 months. I took a fml leave from my job and spent some quality time with him as well as getting to take him everyday for his treatments. Having that time was quite a blessing. I am so sorry you did not have that with your Dad. I can imagine that only doubled the loss and pain you were feeling. Nothing ever prepares you for losing a parent no matter what age you are and how long you have with them. My family is Italian so our heritage set us up from birth to be eaters. We eat for every occasion, good, bad, happy and sad. I know I used my Dad's illness and death to over eat and I didn't care. I need what ever outlet I could find to feel better. I reached my highest weight at 192. I finally, am taking care of me. I'm the oldest child and caretaker of our family however, my own care was always being passed by. I want to be happy! I want to feel good in my body! I am so happy I decided on this sleeve journey. Sure it comes with great sacrifices and dedication but I am up for this life style change. I also, have fibromyalgia and want my weight loss to aide the symptoms I suffer from that disease. I was sleeved on June 13th and am doing great!! I'm down to 164.2 today! Anyone who is doubting this process or scared- I'm telling you can do this. The immediate gratification sure helps as a motivator. Girl, you look gorgeous so jump back on the wagon and hit the trail full speed. We are all going to mess up or cheat but that's ok. We have the tools to do this and we owe it to ourselves. To be happy, to be healthy and to be proud of our successes.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Hello everyone. So I started the process back in March, and I have my last insurance mandated appointment with my surgeon August 1st. The time has flown by faster than I thought it would, and it's really starting to sink in. If all goes well and my surgery is approved, I'm looking to be sleeved early to mid September. I know it's normal to be anxious before any type of surgery, but I'm feeling completely consumed by fear. I'm afraid not only of the recovery, but I'm also afraid I may regret the surgery all together. Any words of comfort and/or wisdom would be more than appreciated. Thanks everyone.
    I had my surgery June 13th so I'm a few days postop. The recovery has really not been that bad. I almost allowed my fear of having to give up my comfort foods and presurgery food addictions to talk me out of having the surgery. I literally, 2 days before my surgery thought, " the hell with this I quit. " I dug deep and was super proud of myself for sticking to the 14 day liquid diet without, cheating one bit. I want a healthier lifestyle and I want to learn to eat to nourish my body not to satisfy a craving or eat my feelings. I'm proud of myself for making a step in the right direction to do what's best for my health. It's not gonna be easy but I am committed to the lifestyle change. You can do this! Don't let your head play games with you because, you can do this!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Prior to my surgery, I had to attend one general informational session, one support group, one psychological assessment, got clearances from a heart doctor, a pulmonologist, and my PCP, and attended a 3-hour seminar on what to eat during each phase of the process.
    I started my pre-op diet on May 15, and follow the diet to a "T" -- twelve days of the following (no more, no less):
    The doctor said the pre-op diet was to reduce the fat around my liver, but it had some great psychological benefits as well. I savored every bite I took, took my time to eat and enjoy it, used smaller utensils and plates. Surprisingly this filled me up, thanks to the Protein shakes and yogurt. I went to a restaurant with family and ordered only Water, I brought my own meals to barbecues with friends and did not cheat once. It felt very empowering! Also a bit frustrating as my friends tried to push their food on me -- "Are you sure you don't want to try this? It's really good. One bite won't mess up your diet." I sat there very happy with my Soup and salad, and finally shut them up by asking if they wanted to try my delicious iceberg lettuce and cream of Tomato Soup.
    The final day of pre-op (the day before surgery) was Clear Liquids only. I drank a gallon+ of water, and ate about 4 sugar-free Jello cups. I did go to bed hungry that night but happy to do so because I knew what was coming next.
    My husband and I are avid boaters with lots of friends in the boating community who we spend most evenings and weekends with. Two days before my surgery, we had 7 of my girlfriends on our boat and one of them took a group photo. There they all were looking cute in their bikinis, and there I was looking fat and frumpy in my t-shirt and jean shorts. Any nerves or qualms I felt about the surgery were instantly gone when I saw the photo. I was ready!
    The surgery itself on May 28 went well. It took about 2 hours, and my surgeon also repaired a hiatal hernia. I did have one problem in the recovery room. Apparently my body can't handle opioids very well, and every time I pushed the pump for more pain medicine I would fall asleep and then quit breathing. I had a dedicated nurse who was closely monitoring this. She quickly contacted my surgeon who recommended a dose of Narcan to reverse the effects of the opioids, and then ordered only manual doses of pain meds. If it weren't for the constant care of the recovery nurse, it could have been a bad situation.
    I spent one night in the hospital, where they encouraged me to walk the halls, and even refused to discharge me until I did so. I took and passed a second leak test the 2nd day. They sent me home with an Abdominal binder (#gamechanger), a pill crusher, and prescriptions for pain, nausea, cramps, and reflux. I have 6 purple incisions on my belly -- they aren't bruised, the glue they used is purple. It feels like a scab, and will fall off on their own in 1-2 weeks. I am up and walking around, even up and down stairs, although more than about 8 minutes at a time is exhausting and painful. But each time gets easier.
    Tomorrow I start the puree phase of my post-op diet. Protein Shakes, applesauce, pudding, cream of wheat, yogurt. Nothing with anything but a smooth consistency, so I can puree canned fruits & veggies, fish, etc. Twenty days of that, then on to soft foods. At 6 weeks I will no longer have restrictions but plan to eat most of the same (eggs, fish, lean chicken, veggies, etc.).
    Thanks to everyone here who have shared their stories, challenges and victories. It really has been helpful for me, and I'm sure many others.
    It's funny to hear the difference in procedures from patient to patient. I had my surgery on June 13th and am 2 days post OP. Prior to my surgery I was in a strict liquid diet for 14 days then a clear liquid diet the day before surgery. I bought a bariatric binder online however, my doctor does not recommend wearing them long term. I thought that was strange because, it feels pretty good to wear and have that support. I am barely able to drink much of my Protein Shake today and wonder how in the world I'm suppose to get 64 oz of liquid in me. I take my bandaid off today and am anxious to see what they look like.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
