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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by txjanaa1

  1. Thank you for your prompt replies. I am not hungry per say, but my mind thinks about food ALL the time!!! I have to close the door when my son and husband bring home Sonic, Braums, etc... I can smell the food and think my life is over! LOL I have doubted this decision as well. But know in the long run that I made the right decision! But I do believe this liquid diet (so far) as been worse than all the other diets I tried. 1.) I HAVE to, or I will have spent $15,000 for no reason. 2.) I don’t want to throw up. 3.) I don’t want to fail AGAIN! 4.) I want to prove to myself I CAN do this!! But.................all I want to do is sleep, and then I don’t think about food at all. I tried to talk myself into licking some Doritos last night...lol But I knew if I tried to that I would eventually gorge myself with them. I CANT wait to eat some mushies!!!! How long has your Dr. told you that you have to wait for mushies? I have to wait 10 days...
  2. Thank you for your feedback! I have done some searching on-line and so far have found nothing negative. The VERY best of luck on your surgery! :confused_smile:
  3. Has anyone had their surgery at LapBand Solutions in Richardson, TX? My Dr. Richard Benavides will be performing the surgery and was just curious of your sucess's and any problems with this company or this Dr? I appreciate all feedback... -J-
  4. Thank you so much for your quick reply. I have also heard wonderful things about him, but was just curious if anyone had any problems. I get banded on Thursday and am soooooooo excited!!! Thanks again! -J-
  5. OMG!!!!!!!! I feel like I am dying too. I have done terrible on this pre-op diet! I feel like I am back on all the other diets I have done. The whole reason, well the main reason, for this surgery is to force me to have willpower! I was only required to be on the diet for 10 days. My surgery is Thursday, WOO HOO, but I can think of maybe 2 days that I have been a "good girl" and followed Doc's directions. TDPW4 --- Why did your co-worker not do the pre-op diet? Just curious?!?!?!?!
  6. I will try to make this short. Basically I have been overweight since my children were born (oldest son 14 years old). I have decided to do the Lap Band because I have nooooo willpower and am out of options. My fear is will I fail with this also. I am paying cash, $15,000, and I am worried that I will just be wasting my money since all else has failed. I have heard several times now after talking with people who knew someone or had the Lap Band themselves that they heard that you can stretch out your stomach and go back to normal behaviors. I am worried that this "feeling full" statement won't be an issue for me that I will work around that feeling and overeat anyway. I am a JUNK FOOD aholic! When it comes to willpower, I have none!!! Does the feeling of being full, make you not want to eat at all??? Has anyone had the problem of stretching your stomach back out because you couldn’t handle not eating what you used to eat. I hope this makes since, but I am deathly terrified that I will fail at this as well. Any replies, would be so greatly appreciated!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Regards,<o:p></o:p> Low self esteem! <o:p></o:p> :eek::biggrin:
  7. Thank you to everyone for responding. I hate to be complaining, but one more question. Why is it so hard to do the pre-diet too? I know they say that you have to do it to decrease the fat around the stomach and liver, but geesh, this is like all the other diets I have done and hate with a passion! Did you find it hard to do too? What kind of food did you eat? Again, my craving for chocolate is driving me crazy!!! I asked the nurse when she called to check on my pre-op diet, that I had some sugar-free chocolate icecream (which I like) she said she would rather me not have it???? Its freakin sugar free, low fat...am I missing something? I really am a positive person, even thought after reading my threads that is hard to believe, but I am just scared I guess........I am constantly praying to GOD that he be with me, I need him now more than I have in a long time. I know he is by my side, but sometimes I dont listen to him...argh! Shame on me!
  8. BLESS you both for replying to my blog!!!! I thought I was the only one out there that thought that way! I have already doomed myself to fail at this one too. But it doesnt help that I am fixing to start my period...ugh! But by this time next week my PMS should be over and I am hoping that I will have the WILLPOWER to make this work! I am out of options, but today I am feeling doubtful! Thank you again for replying, I am sooooooooo glad I found this website!!

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