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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by DianaP

  1. It was about 2 weeks post-op for me. Honestly earlier than I anticipated. My incisions were mostly healed up, and I found that me on top allowed me to control how much pressure I was putting on my stomach. I'm now 4 months post-op and my husbands' and my sex life hasn't been this good since we were newlyweds! I don't think there's any injury risk with orgasm; just do what you're doing and let your comfort/pain signals guide you. :)

  2. @SublimeLemons @ChristineSO

    I'm sorry you're getting discouraged. I was TOTALLY there-- you can even look back at the beginning of this thread: I only lost 5 lbs in the first 12 days! I was really discouraged and doubting that it would work at a reasonable pace. But that turned into 25 lbs in just over 1 month! Everyone's journey is different; I know it can be frustrating to see other people's weight just fall off the first several weeks, but have confidence that your body is your greatest ally in this and it knows how to focus on what you need to recover and then will start using those fat stores!

    Even though I've loved the couple weeks where I lost 6 lbs, I try to remember that even a 3 lb loss week after week will loss the weight much faster than I would've been able to do without surgery!

  3. On 8/4/2019 at 4:18 PM, New_Me2019 said:

    I hope so. Have only lost 7 lbs in 12 days. Just trusting it will come off. I have been increasing my activity, going school supply shopping, buying groceries, etc. I am tender today and moving a bit slow.

    New_Me 2019

    7 lbs in 12 days makes you on track for over 15 in a month- half a pound a day! Even if it's slower than you expected, that seems like an appropriate rate. I've found it's encouraging for me to step back and look at a bigger span of time when I feel "stuck" for a week. I've also seen that my weight loss is in a "stair step" pattern-- no weight loss for several days, then 3-4 lbs seemingly overnight. It's not always linear. Hope that helps!

  4. On 8/5/2019 at 8:54 PM, Nay143 said:

    I had my surgery on July 2nd. How are you doing? Xxx

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Doing really well! I've had no trouble tolerating any foods I've tried (though I've been following my doctors plan precisely), and I am almost done with the soft foods stage! The recovery process was actually better than I anticipated. Doing just walking right now, but excited for when I can start exercising more!

    How about you?

  5. I think this a great opportunity for you to model focusing on HEALTH (vs weight). I have 2 preschool sons- who also seem to have their daddys' thin genes- so I've talked to them about it in much more simple terms obviously, but I'm focusing on health and what I will be able to do soon, and not even mentioning weight unless/until they ask about that specifically. Even if they are thin, their bodies are changing, and there is just as much pull toward unhealthy habits even if their bodies don't respond as ours do.

    As for your younger son, you showing your confidence and trust in the doctors could do a lot for helping him through his fear. Just respond to any of his anxiety with kindness and tenderness. ❤️

  6. I am in general quite comfortable openly sharing, but I am only telling about my WLS if I feel like the people have shown a history of being supportive, or if they have good reason to be curious (i.e. they have their own weight struggle and I don't want to keep it a secret what's finally working for me).

    I have told maybe a dozen people in my very supportive social circle, my husband (he's been integrally involved from the initial thoughts of this), and my family (parents, siblings, and their spouses). I have not told any of my husbands' family, and don't plan to at all, because they have shown themselves to be judgmental and not supportive. I also don't want to feel like they're watching every one of my food choices like a hawk for forever. If/when they ask how I am losing the weight (we only see them twice a year, so it will be completely obviously when I do see them at Thanksgiving), I will probably just give them an "eating less, moving more" brush-off.

    Ultimately, this is for YOU. I think there are great benefits to sharing this journey with safe people, but healthy boundaries are important, and you don't owe them any information just because they're "family".

  7. Great topic! I agree with so many on this thread, and it inspired me to write down a massive list of NSV's and goals of my own! Here's a few I haven't seen mentioned yet:

    • Running faster than my 4 year old, and actually being able to play tag and chase with him
    • Wearing my original wedding ring again (hubby bought me a new one for our 5 year anniversary, but it's now been 7 years since I've worn my actual wedding ring)
    • Enjoying yoga again without having my extra rolls inhibit my movement/poses
    • Normal boots fitting my calfs
    • Keeping up with whoever I'm hiking with- not always dragging behind and either losing the group or people waiting ages for me
    • Seeing my cheekbones again (I just make it look like I have cheekbones with makeup contouring right now...🙄😂)
    • Ride behind my husband on his motorcycle
    • Dancing with my 2 year old until we're both done (instead of getting too out of breathe from dancing and holding him after one song)

  8. Mine provided me with the exact supplements and portions that I was to have for the 10 days prior to surgery. I was only allowed the things they gave me.

    It was a Protein Shake at Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry), an protein-enhanced oatmeal packet at lunch and dehydrated Protein Soup (variety packets) for lunch and dinner. That was all I was allowed to have. Then the day before surgery only clear liquids.

  9. I'm 2 weeks post-op today and have lost 12 pounds! Initially I was worried I wasn't losing enough, because I dropped 6 lbs in 4 days, and then just 1-2 lbs for the entire following week. But then another 6 lbs dropped off in the past couple days! I'm wondering if that's the way it will go for me the whole weight loss journey.

  10. I've just started my puree stage, so I haven't tried many of these yet, but here's my list of things to try during this stage:

    • Pea puree
    • Parsnip puree
    • 4 cheese mashed cauliflower
    • Cottage cheese
    • Refried beans
    • Pureed black Beans w/ salsa & sour cream or greek yogurt
    • Blended soups (Chili, Cauliflower curry soup, Indian peanut soup, Lentil soup, Chicken Tortilla Soup, Cream of mushroom soup, Chowder)
    • Cream of wheat
    • Protein coffee slushie
    • Mashed avocado
    • Mashed sweet potato
    • Hummus
    • Scrambled egg
    • Pureed chicken salad
    • Pureed spinach/artichoke dip
    • Pureed egg salad
    • Baked ricotta
    • Baked tilapia

    I will also add collagen powder to many of these for added Protein if I think it won't mess up the texture.

  11. I had gastric sleeve on 7/1, and I'm on full liquids still until tomorrow (a full two weeks). I've been doing a lot of Protein Shakes, fully blended Soups, and a bit of greek yogurt or blended cottage cheese. Sounds like maybe the mashed avocado was too thick this early for you. I'm really missing textures, but my surgeon recommended purees for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. So at that point I'll start trying out refried Beans, baked ricotta, well-mashed sweet potato or avocado, thicker soups (still no chunks), pureed egg salad etc.

    Maybe also half an avocado was too much fat? At this stage it's probably enough to just have a couple bites of something richer. I love avocados too, so looking forward to slowing add those back in.

  12. I'm 12 days post op. Feeling really good, walking a good bit, hitting my Protein goals every day, but still trying to get more fluids. Can't seem to get more than 50 ounces. I'm only 5 pounds down from surgery day; that seems low to me, especially now that I'm seeing other people's numbers. I know the weight will come off, and we've just barely started, but isn't it supposed to be jump started now during the liquid and puree stage? I've just been on liquids (purees start on Monday for me) and following things pretty precisely. Anyone else not lose very much yet?

  13. I had my surgery 7/1, so I guess I'm late responding- you guys are so on the ball! I've been pretty out of it. Still pretty weird to be on the other side of it.

    On Monday morning, I nursed my baby for the last time (not really baby, he just turned 2, so it was about time ;) ) then dropped my sons off with friends. Was really nervous going to to the hospital. Once we started the check-in process, the nurse gave me a great cocktail of stuff that included an anti-anxiety pill; my husband got to join me a few minutes later and was like "wow, I can tell you're feeling better!!" . So that was really great.

    Surgery was at noon, and went well. The doctor found and repaired a pretty substantial hiatal hernia, so that's good to have that fixed. I guess I'm REALLY sensitive to anesthesia, because I was pretty out of it for the first 18 hours. Like, not staying awake for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. My husband sat with me for the first 6 hours, and though I was aware he was there, pretty much couldn't have a conversation because I would just say something and then go back to sleep. They made me get up to go pee in the evening, and the moving/sitting up was a very sharp internal pain, but other than that, wasn't feeling any gas pain or anything as long as I was lying still. Took my first walk in the hall at 4am (which was later than they would have liked, but I was just so out of it still), and then would walk every couple hours. They also weighed me then, and I was 3 lbs up, but they said that's totally expected because of all the fluids they pump in.

    I was surprised at how little I needed to sip to not feel it "slosh" in my stomach. People have talked about an ounce or whatever, but I felt like I had to take an ounce in like 3 sips! Jello was good right away too. They took me off the IV pain meds and started me on oral yesterday about 10, several hours before discharge. I miss the good stuff. 😢 Yesterday when I got home was AWFUL. That's when I started to have the gas pains. Or maybe I just wasn't aware of them earlier because of the higher dose pain meds and anesthesia wearing off. For me I don't feel them in my chest or shoulder, but it just feels like my entire abdomen wants to explode from the inside. The hydrocodone they prescribed is a pill, so I have to crush that and mix it with liquid, which is horrendous. My first 2 doses I actually couldn't keep down, which was terrifying to have my stomach spasm as I spat it back up. But today I just took one *tiny* sip, then waited 5 minutes, another sip, waited, then finished it, and I kept it down.

    I also was really concerned about getting enough hydration and Protein, because yesterday I only had MAYBE 8 grams of protein from protein Water and 10 ounces of Fluid (they did have me on an IV until I went home though). Today I've been having a Pure Protein Shake, which has 35 grams of protein in it, and I've already gotten half of it down, so I'm not as concerned about it.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post- I wanted to share my experience, and also saw some questions about pain and such immediately following surgery, so just thought I'd include it all. Good luck to everyone!

  14. 22 hours ago, KarenLR75 said:

    Several of us replying on this post are scheduled for JULY! I'm scheduled for July 1st!!


    I'm going to have to go look at the JULY 2019 Sleevers thread - hope to keep in touch with all of you. I'm nervous, and hopeful...scared.anxious...and SO ready to get this done.

    I'm going in on July 1st too!! One week from today!! I'm 3 days into my required 10 day liquid diet; feeling a little bit in a "fog", but not as hungry or cranky as I expected to be. I had a couple "food funerals", but didn't go overboard with quantities when I did. I gave up caffeine, alcohol, and carbonation just a couple weeks ago, and have been cutting back on sugar but didn't fully cut it until I started the pre-surgery diet.

    Good luck to you! I'm feeling very nervous and hopeful too.

  15. On 6/15/2019 at 2:58 AM, Frustr8 said:

    @DianaP I looked up on your profile where you l7ve. I wanted to see where you lived, with such a nice group of other moms, because it doesn't seem the norm here. I will be hop8ng to hear more good things from you as your own surgery time comes and then you start your New Future! The best of everything for you and your family, at least your side. I married into such a family myself! One of their statements that still bugs me and I've known these people , most of them 50by3ars and over " So and so is so pretty in the face!" always wanted to ask : Is the REST of that person's body chopped chickenbl8ger? And. they had a habit 9fcsaying this when they knew the person in question was withinbear shot And then that aunt would say ( with fake repentance) Oh my, did you hear that? Of course SHE heard, you have a Voice as loud as a Foghorn! AAND A FEW TIMES I HAD to hold and console the child or young adult 5heir words had wounded#

    I don't know if it's the "norm" here (San Jose, CA), but I found my community at MOPS (Mother Of PreSchoolers, kids ages 0-5), which is an international organization, so there may be one near you! Obviously each group is different, but I really highly recommend it if you're looking for something. :)

    Re: family saying ignorant/hurtful things: my in-laws told my husband when we were engaged that I was too big for him (they are all genetically very slender) and that he'd never be happy with me. That was when I was 100 lbs lighter than I am now. So yeah, not going to trust them with this journey of mine. My husband (married 11 years) is absolutely wonderful, and loves and enjoys me at any weight. :)

  16. My surgery is scheduled for July 1. I was initially planning on telling just my husband and some of my immediate family who I hoped could come help care for my two young sons during recovery.

    Then I came across THIS blog post, and it really changed my stance. I decided that even if some people shame or embarrass me, if I feel shame because of my choice to live a healthier life in a way that I will be able to succeed, then that might say something about my own need to work on self love and acceptance. Also, being secretive about it may delay other people's health journeys too; I know I personally gave weight loss surgery another look because of a friend who shared her experience, even after I'd dismissed it previously.

    For myself, I have a very supportive community of other moms, so I decided that the problem was rooted in my own doubt and shame if I feared sharing with them. So though I'm certainly not broadcasting it, I have shared with maybe 8 people in that community, and probably will share with more. Mostly I have been blown away by their positive, affirming responses, and it has even helped me with my own process of mentally and emotionally preparing for all the changes. I also have told all of my immediate family, but don't plan on telling my husband's family, as they have a history of saying incredibly hurtful and ignorant things in regards to my body.

    So, all that to say, you should feel free to share however much you feel comfortable with about your medical and bodily issues, but sometimes people surprise you and really show up with support and love if you give them that opportunity, and even just the act of sharing may help you work through some emotional things personally. Best of luck! ❤️

  17. I had two miscarriages before successfully carrying my two sons full term, so I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. That's so hard. 😢 I'm pre-surgery though, so I can't help with that aspect. I was also told that fertility usually increases after pregnancy. My only thought would be that maybe if you're still losing weight that would cause your body to not reserve enough additional nutrients for the pregnancy? We hope to have another child after surgery too, and my surgeon told me he doesn't want me to get pregnant until after the rapid weight loss has stopped.

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