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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Josette

  1. Josette

    Do I have to sip water my whole life?

    I have no problem chugging water at all. I drink about 80oz a day and there's times after working out that I'll chug about a half a bottle right off. MMMmmmmm water! You'll be fine unless you're SUPER tight filled. Good luck!
  2. Josette

    It's my 1 year Bandiversary!

    Congrats Brandy! You're awesome chicky!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
  3. Josette

    LBT in Vegas FEB '08

    I've been looking for an excuse to take hubby to Vegas. We were thinking about that dec cruise but don't think we'll be able to swing that with christmas. I love vegas! Count me in!
  4. Josette

    Big Brother 8...anyone?

    BUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!! Amen Brandy! hahaha If I was america's player I would have climbed on top of Joe and laid down like he wasn't even there. He did do a crap job! I'm so sick of Amber crying. Last night the first time they show her in the diary room she's crying.. .next scene...she's crying... SUCK IT UP ALREADY!!!!!! Oh my GOD!!!! They should have voted Eric to tell her the tramatic story. She would have flooded the house and killed everyone with her tears.
  5. Josette

    Big Brother 8...anyone?

    I also am I huge BB8 fan. I can't stand Jen! So far I havent picked anybody I really want to win. My husband wants to get showtime too but I told him No considering it's 3 hours every night. that's 21 hours a week. How in the world would we keep up with it when we work?? hahaha
  6. Josette

    Challenge - July - Labor Day 2007

    July - Labor Day 2007 Challenge Name.............................Starting….Current…...Goal….....To Go losingjusme........................293...........2 94............266...........29 juliegeraci...........................226......... ...226............206...........20 areellady.............................251.5....... ..247.5.........230...........17.5 punkeyb88..........................306...........2 38............225...........13 Chris_NJ.............................326.......... .322............290...........32 PaulaD................................222......... ..222............200...........22 MM.....................................248........ ...248............230...........18 sdakotaRN...........................255........... 255............230...........25 Babygrl1234.........................224........... 224............199...........25 faithmd................................312........ ...312.............285...........27 Jan421................................267......... ...267.............247...........20 Metalband...........................203.........20 1................183...........20 tann............................223.......223..... ........198........25 Banannie......................182..........181.... .......162........19 Josette........................322..........322............299........23
  7. You probably lose the weight from everything running right through you before you can absorb anything from it! Ewwwww
  8. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    JULY, 2007 CHALLENGE Name.............................Starting….Current…...Goal….....To Go losingjusme..(Christine)......293...........293... .........276...........17 tann.............(Tammy)........224.......... 224............212...........12 juliegeraci..........................232.......... 232 Josette..............................322.......... 322...........307............15 Inner_me.....(Chris).......... ..295...........295 Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. .274....... ...274 .............265.............9 Waterlily1072...(Nicole)...... 272..... .....272 Libra..(Angela)................... 218...........218 Lapbandit……...............… .206………..206 RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. ..267...........267............256.............11 FaithMD............................ 327...........327
  9. I was there yesterday afternoon when Dr. Boutt was called away for an emergency. I still got my fill though! Had to wait 2 hours for dr. Bhesania to come from Saginaw. 71 pounds down in less then 11 months! I'm pretty happy!
  10. You are looking GREAT judy! Good job!!!
  11. Boy do i remember being in your shoes! There are still times 11 months later that I feel a little twing of regret or depression. One day I was driving and I saw a car like mine pull into McDonalds during breakfast and I remember those days and was sad that I can't do that anymore... then I said to myself "What are you thinking???" hehe The lapband was the best thing I ever did for myself. It's been a struggle at times but so worth it. I've went from a 30/32 to a loose 22 in 11 months. There's old foods I can't eat anymore that I loved...but I've replaced them with new foods that I love! I don't miss the old very often. Hang in there. It'll be ok. I've been going to therapy once or twice a month since the band and it's very helpful. I'm turning into a whole new person and so will you!
  12. Josette

    ABC - June 07 chat

    Just checking in. I'm about 5 weeks from my bandiversary. I had another fill yesterday to 1.8 from 1.6. I'm at 71 pounds down so I'm feeling pretty good about my loss so far. I'm at almost the half way mark. I'm pretty happy with that since I was told in the very beginning that a good pace is 2 years to goal. My body is firming up pretty decent with the gradual weight loss. I'm so glad I got this done! How are you all doing? Still losing? staying the same? At goal???
  13. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    July 4th Challenge Week 8 Name.............................Starting….Current…...Goal….....To Go losingjusme..(Christine)......317...........291 .............295...........-4 tann.............(Tammy)........257.......... 228............232........... ..-3 juliegeraci..........................232.......... 232..............220...........12 Josette..............................340.......... 322..............315.............7 Inner_me.....(Chris).......... ..306...........295 .............280...........15 Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. .281....... ...270 .............260...........9 Waterlily1072...(Nicole)...... 278..... .....272 .............252...........20 Libra..(Angela)................... 230...........218........... ..205...........13 Lapbandit……...............… .208………..206……..…..185…….....21 RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. ..281...........270 .............256...........14 FaithMD............................ 341.5........327..............310.. ........17 Ok so it looks like I might make my goal. I have to bust a move in the next week though. It'll be hard! 7 pounds in a week. Can that be done? I finally got weighed today. My scale died on me a while back (over use! haha) so I haven't weighed in probably 6 weeks now. I got another fill. The last two lapband appts I've lost 11 pounds and this appt I only lost 7 so I got a 0.2 fill. See how I do. You guys are doing great!
  14. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats Faith on getting your band! YAY!!!!!!!
  15. Josette

    I need some advice

    So I am absolutely stunned that you have a best friend that would say these things. That is NOT a friend. Everyone in my life has been very supportive except for one person. My mom passed away 10 months before my surgery and when I told her best friend (who I had looked at as a mother figure) that I was having it she told me "Why are you doing this? Your mother would not approve" which really upset me. Since then I limit any contact with her. I do however send her update emails when I send them to others with pictures of how well I'm doing. She'll respond with "YOu look great" and it's satisfying to me that I'm proving her wrong. I'd kick your friends ass OUT! She's apparently not very appreciative of what you're doing for her. If she was she wouldn't be mean to you, and YES she is being mean. What you're doing is GREAT and I am proud of you for taking the steps to a better happier life. Ditch the Witch...I'll be your friend!
  16. Josette


    I've been married 2 1/2 years and I'm 32. Our intimacy is good and we have sex often. We sat down and watched am episode of Oprah last week where a woman in the audience was telling Oprah about how 3 years ago her and her husband were falling away from each other. They have 2 small kids and busy lifes and just weren't connecting anymore, so she decided to try something. She initiated sex every night for a week...and never told him her plan. They did it every night and within a week things had changed. It's been three years and they still have sex almost every night and their marriage is great. They are very close. Me and hubby were down to about once every 2 weeks maybe. We talked about it and decided to work harder and making sure we're making love more often. We seem to be reconnecting the more intimate we are. I know this won't work for some of you but I just thought I'd share. In prior relationships I used to have a lot of issues within myself with sex. I'm the kind of woman that can only orgasm manually and I suffered with deep embarrassment over that for years. I was so embarrassed that I'd stress out during sex and couldn't orgasm even if he tried to get me there. I couldn't let myself go and relax and let it happen. For the first 8 years of my sexual experiences I faked orgasm every time I had sex and would get myself to orgasm alone later. When me and my hubby met and started our sexual relationship he was the kind of man that insisted on satisfying his woman and I was feeling insecure about myself and insecure about how difficult it was for me to orgasm. I started faking my orgasms and would masterbate when I was alone to get myself off. I felt incredible guilt over doing that behind his back but I was scared he'd get tired of me if I couldn't orgasm easily and he'd get sick of trying. I eventually came clean to him and he was very upset that I was faking with him. I explained everything to him and was very open and honest and I promised him I'd never fake again if he could accept that sometimes I just can't get to the point of orgasm. It was something we both had to work on. For a while it was weird because when I did orgasm he'd always ask me "did you REALLY orgasm?" but I realized I did it to myself. Nobody to blame but me. 2 years later we have a great sex life and we're reinventing it all the time. I orgasm a lot quicker now that I'm open to him about things and that allows me to relax. The key to it all is communication and withholding NOTHING. We both agreed that I'm not a mind reader and neither is he. TALK! On a side note... toys are a lot of fun! I went to a pure romance party and bought the 'sealed with a kiss' that he has a lot of fun using on me and I bought him the 'jelly tool belt' that we both benefit from greatly! Good luck to everyone and I hope what I shared helps someone in at least a small way.
  17. I am a Dr. Boutt patient also at Port Huron. I love it there. I live in Lansing so I have a 100 mile drive each time. I enjoy going and receive great care while I'm there.
  18. http://jacklyn-pickell.memory-of.com/about.aspx My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in April 2001. She was a stage 1 and the doctors were sure she'd survive it with no problem. After 2 years in remission the cancer came back and she fought it hard for a year and a half before it took her life on October 14, 2005. She was only 49 years old. She never got to become a grandma. That was one of her biggest dreams! She tried so hard to beat it for my dad and me and my brother. She fought till the end, when the doctor said it was time to go to hospice. Watching her wither away and become frail and weak was and still is very hard for me to see/remember. In the end of her short life the cancer had eaten into her colon and bladder. She no longer had function of either. Cancer was a horrible thing that took so much from her. Even with bags hanging off her body for waste, she still fought on. I can't express to everyone enough how horrible this disease is. It can happen to YOU, Your mother, father, brothers, sisters, wifes, husbands. It doesn't discriminate! On June 15 I'm walking in the Mason Michigan relay for life for the american cancer society. Me and my parents did this event every year and raised money in hopes of finding a cure for cancer. A cure still is yet to be found. Every cent we raise goes towards finding that cure and making sure NOBODY has to suffer like my mother suffered. PLEASE, Please donate! Even if it's a dollar. Every cent helps! PLEASE HELP US FIGHT THIS DISEASE!!! You can go to the site below to donate or contact me directly at rdwinggal@yahoo.com 2007 RFL of Mason - General Donation Thank you so much! Love, Josette, Daughter of Jacklyn
  19. Thank you SO much uniqueone!!! I appreciate it very much! Anybody else want to donate? Pretty please???
  20. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I was 7 pounds shy of 400 when I got surgery! I still can't believe that! Congrats Libra! You're amazing!!! I'm so proud of you!
  21. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I need a new scale. Mine isn't working right now. Lets pretend I've lost another 5 pounds! hehehe. just kidding. I hope to get a new scale this week!
  22. Josette


    I'm not having it with friends really but my hubby, yes. The more I lose the more attention I'm getting from other men and he's flipping out about it already.
  23. Josette

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    Faith... I totally agree. She was my initial choice until all the fee's were uncovered and then I couldn't afford it anymore. I then decided to go to Port Huron because I heard great things about them and I love my doctor there more then I liked Dr Deol. He's amazing and funny and very caring. I feel lucky I found him.
  24. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hello all! How's everyone? Happy Memorial Day! My weekend has been pretty good. After work on Friday I went to the cemetary with my dad to put flowers on my mom and 2 brothers graves...that made me want to eat! I came home though and got some sleep and Saturday morning we got up early and headed up north so DH could get together with a group of men to fly remote control airplanes and helicopters. That's DH's hobby. I got to do some reading and so that was relaxing. After that we went to my sister in laws boyfriends place. He lives on a lake. We spent two days there and it was beautiful and relaxing. We played in a texas horse shoes tournement and I won! well me and my partner! It was a great time. Part of Sunday we spent out of the lake in a pontoon. I got a bit of sun! I was proud of myself. I didn't eat like crazy and kept pretty busy. Today I just got a lot of house cleaning done. Right now DH is outside grilling steaks for us. I hope you're all doing well!
  25. Josette

    Road to "TWOterville"

    you rule Molly!!! I miss tanning so much! I love it. I haven't tanned in years. You're right though about the effects it has on ya.

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