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Posts posted by AZRider

  1. Not sure how to reply to just one poster at a time? For OzCaz.. I will try not to worry about you.. but I will be curious to how you come along.

    For Mikeyy.. good you like the Protein shakes.. which ones are you using that don't have high sugar as I would be curious for my hubby since I can't remember from 20 years ago what we gave him for protein early in the game just after surgery that wasn't high sugar since at that time it was a real no no.. he still can't do any real sugar at this stage of game either.. though he does tolerate sugar better than any form of grease.

  2. Hi, OzCaz.

    You are in the trenches no doubt. I feel for you. Suffered with my husband when he went through that. I don't understand the shoulder pain unless that is just how your body is dealing with it.. what kind of concerns me more is when you speak about a pain like a severe stitch on the left side.. is that the side they put your band? That is something I would definetly talk to your doctor about and if you should be having that kind of pain two weeks after the fact.. you don't have any kind of redness or sign of injection at the surgical site do you? Not trying to be doc here.. but you don't want to wait too long if something is not right?

  3. Thanks for the feedback and tips. He is 63. Has put on 20 lbs since original lowest point back in 2000. He takes all his Vitamins regularly. Has lost taste for red meat.. since he gets tired of chewing. So, been doing mainly chicken and tuna as Protein. Not a big fish person.. so tuna is about it. I make chili and Soups with Beans and legumes and he likes nuts and Peanut Butter for other sources of protein. He gets work up with VA twice a year as well as his reg doc. They are the ones who boosted the Iron and the B12 since he is anemic. VA treats him real good with regular screenings, so he is covered there. Just had nerve conduction tests and MRI's for back issues. And total body ultra sound. As far a pain mgt he gets injections as needed and gets acupuncture. He basically has clean bill of health other than I suspect the thyroid?

  4. I think the Roux N Y was harder to get used to than the sleeve. My husband had the Roux N Y in 2000. He ate for a month I believe the mushy food.. I put everything for the blender for him except for mashed potatoes and sugar free pudding. He found he really liked Mexican tortilla Soup.

    He had terrible indigestion and bad breath for a long time as I recall. All part of the process I believe. He really had to train himself to eat slow.. not easy for him.. since if he eats too fast.. it would get stuck in his stoma and he would have to force himself to urp it up and that was painful. Slow and easy.

  5. My husband had RNY bypass surgery in 2000. Last two blood tests (2x per year) he has low Hemoglobin and Low Hemocrit. Web says that is low anemia. Doctor put him on Ferrous Sulfate 65Mg 1x per day and B12 injections 2x per month. Blood test now she his high on B12 and 1 point over high end of scale on Iron. But, still has no energy. He is even taking Vitamin D3 supplementation. His thyroid is low.. close to hyper they say. I wonder if this may have anything to do with it and should he see an endocrinologist? Or Is it possible he could have a gastric bleed? He takes allot of pain reliever for back pain as he has had 3 back surgeries. Just trying to figure this out.

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