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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. I am in the same boat too. I had my band placed in June of 2008. I started out at 220lbs. I had 3 fills within the first year and that was all I needed. I felt so blessed, initially, to be at my sweet spot. I lost the weight slow, but it came off steadily. After about 3 yrs, I got down to 159lbs. I felt great. Over the last couple of years, my band was feeling too tight. I couldn't tolerate some of the foods I could before and at times, I couldn't even tolerate things like yogurt, smoothies, or thick liquids in the mornings or evenings.

    My life got so busy and I didn't go to the Dr immediately, but when I finally did, he removed about 2cc. All was well for another year, then it started feeling tight again. This time worse than before. I couldn't eat fish, chicken, some beef, salads, fruits, etc without having to spit it back up. The worst part for me was that some of the food was sitting in my stomach for several hours to days.

    I recently found a new physician to accept me closer to home. He took out another cc and gave me medication for gastritis. The burning in my throat is gone, which is good and I can swallow things much better. Foods are rarely getting stuck and I am able to take pills without them getting stuck and dissolving in my throat instead (YUK). But now I am having reflux at night, which I didn't have before and when I eat or drink anything, it burns for awhile.

    I was self pay the first time, but I am now married and my husband's insurance said they would pay for band removal and revision if I had a co-morbidity. Since gaining 25-30lbs back, I have developed high blood pressure, reflux, and my cholesterol although, still in normal range, is bordering the high end. I am so hoping to get revised to the sleeve, but I too am afraid. I am just so tired of feeling tired and fat. I have NO energy and feel depressed. I have no one to talk to about all of this except my husband and although he is encouraging, he isn't a good listener (bless his heart). He wants to FIX everything or offer solutions, when all I need to do is vent my frustrations. Because I had my surgery out of town, the local support groups won't let me attend :( All my coworkers are thin young women and they don't understand either.

    I am sorry for the long post. I love this website and the support found here. I wish you all the best!!!!! :)

  2. Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words. It really put things in perspective on where I am with this. Thank you so much. It's so hard to talk to those that aren't banded and/or who are struggling. Its a perspective that only those that have gone through it can relate.:grouphug:


    It always helps me to be able to talk to other banded people as well. Especially if they are experiencing the same struggles as I.

    I don't have anyone locally that I can share this journey with, so it really helps me to log in to this website for encouragement. The majority of people I know are thin and fit, so they can't possibly begin to understand my struggle with weight loss.

  3. Am struggling myself. Having just celebrated my 1 yr bandaversary I am pretty depressed. I am only down 53 lbs. I had it in my head that I would be to goal in my 1 yr...wanting to loose 100 lbs in 1 yr...not so... I know alot of it is my fault. I have gone 1 month w/no loss. I have only had 1 fill and that was months ago. I sometimes still have PB's so am afraid of getting another fill, but I can tell I am able to eat more quantity. Has anyone else struggled and had this little of weightloss. I feel like a failure. I know people are like, you only lost 53 lbs in one year. I really don't care, but I know I should have done better.

    I understand where you are coming from. I have lost 40lbs in almost a year and it has been a struggle. There are times when I eat things I shouldn't and there have been lots of times I didn't exercise either. All in all, I am not upset about where I am because I know I could have done better if I followed all the guidelines to the T, but I haven't. But what I am proud of is the fact, those 40 pounds are not going back on as with all my past attempts to lose weight.

    I knew this first year would be hard because I couldn't undo many years of bad habits in one year. This is the year I dedicated to learning and discovering what works and what doesn't work for me. I have had three fills and the last one was in March. There are times I can eat more depending on what it is and then there are times I can barely eat a handfull of anything without it getting stuck.

    I think you are doing just awesome. When people make comments that are less than positive about your weight loss it is because many people, including ourselves at times, believe having surgery means instant weight loss and it doesn't. People don't understand how hard it is to lose weight with the band and think we took the easy way out, but it indeed is not the easy way.

    All I know is that I am happy I had the surgery and I would do it again. No matter how hard I tried and how much I exercised in the past, I just couldn't lose more than 10 pounds and keep it off for more than a couple of months. But I have to admit, it does get a little frustrating when you read all the stories of people who started out weighing more and have lost so much weight or reached their goals in the same amount of time.

    Keep up the good work. More important than losing the weight quickly, is keeping off what you have lost.



  4. Hi all,

    It's been a long time since I have posted anything or visited this site. I have really missed everyone. For some reason, my old computer quit allowing me to access this site, but I am back and glad to see all of you have been doing so well.

    I have been losing really slow, but that is ok for me. Going through this slow process allows me time to make life long changes and see what works for me and what doesn't. Like so many of you have stated, we are all different.

    I have had three fills, the last one being in March. I have about 8cc in my 14cc band. At first, I didn't think it took because I was still able to eat too much. It wasn't until about 3 weeks ago that I started thinking I may need to get an unfill. The reason I haven't is because I have to travel 2 hours to get my fills and just decided to deal with it, but maybe I should.

    I have been able to eat much, which is great, but at the same time, I have been spitting up more or feeling like things are getting stuck, that once weren't. My weight loss seems to stall every 2-3 months and maybe it is just my body trying to get use to a new set point. In any case, I feel much better than I did almost a year ago and when asked often, If I would do it again, the answer is always the same; "in a heart beat".

    Everyone keep up the good work and I look forward to reading about your continued success.

  5. I had my surgery at TLC Edge in Plano, Tx. I was selfpay and my cost was $11,990. I received an itemized invoice for the surgery and also a bill for $290.00.

    When I paid the $11,990, I was told that was all I had to pay and when I called to check into the invoice that was sent to me and why I still owed money, they said it was for a diagnostic laparoscopic procedure, which they billed my insurance almost $6,000 for. Lap exploration is part of the surgery anyway, to verify that you can get the band placed.

    I was also told, the day of surgery, that they needed my insurance card in case something went wrong and they needed to transfer me to a hospital or I had other needs, but that my insurance would not be billed for any other purposes. I did self pay because I didn't meet insurance requirements for lap band placement. I guess they found a portion they could bill for and did so.

    The total bill was for over $80,000. I was told I received the invoice by mistake and it wasn't suppose to come to me. I don't think I should have to pay the co-pay for the remainder though, because I was told everything was covered and now because they found something they could get paid extra for, now they are billing me a co-pay.

  6. Relief! My hubby came home with extra strength Tylonol. Dav pills way to big to take whole, but I am ok with the Ty. It is working well enough, and my pain gets better by the hour. Thanks for the advice peeps!

    Glad to hear you are doing much better.

    Thank goodness for Tylenol. I used the extra strength rapid release Tylenol liquid. I am finding the capsules go down easy as well.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading all your success stories in the future.

    Best wishes,


  7. I didn't follow my pre-op diet. When I went for my first appointment, they were going to schedule me for surgery within a three days and said I could get away without following a strict liquid diet.

    My surgery got postponed for a few weeks for personal reasons and I thought it wasn't all that important to follow a two week diet since they weren't too concerned about it initially.

    To be honest I didn't do liquids until the day before surgery and all went fine.

  8. Hey all,

    I am new to this site! wanted to say hi and ask a few questions. All of ya'll are so supportive and encouraging, thats GREAT! I am going for my initial consult on Dec 30th and am sooo ready for this process to begin! I am also a self pay as many of you are. Also I have been talking with Cynthia, she has been great! I was giving a list of doctors from her and wanted any input ya'll might have on them (if you've had them or heard of anybody that has). Dr. Nirmal Jayaseelan, Dr. Richard Carter, Dr. Daryl Stewart, Dr. Manuel Castro, Dr. Frank Veninga, and Dr. Victor Gonzalez. hope to hear from any of you!:thumbup:


    Congrats on your upcoming surgery. I used Dr. Victor Gonzalez and absolutely loved him. He made me feel comfortable with my decision to be banded and with him, as my surgeon. He answered all my questions and then some.

    I wish you all the best and can't wait to read your success stories.



  9. Hi all,

    Just stopping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am not able to load this website on my home computer for some reason, so I log on while at work when I get the chance.

    I will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas day which will be the biggest challenge for me. I work on a pediatric unit and the families and docs always bring lots of goodies for the staff.

    My fellow co-workers keep telling me to indulge and start being good January 1st. The temptations are there, just thank goodness even being bad has its limits too with the band. I know if I am bad too much I can cause harm to myself or my band, so I don't even try. I just find myself drinking more liquids to stay full and if I decide to give in, I just take a bite of something and that does it.

    Sorry to ramble on.......anyway, best wishes to all of you.



  10. Hi waco banders

    i'm still here if anyone wants to chat!!

    At work at the moment, but I wanted to stop in to say Hello and wish everyone a Happy Holiday season.

    My computer at home won't load this webpage for some reason so the only time I can check in is when I am working. You can write me at smarquezrn@yahoo.com if you want.

    Anyway, talk to you later.


  11. my 6 month bandiversary will be december 30th, but congrats to everyone else.


    I just want to say you look so great. The banded life definitely agrees with you.

    I have lost 32 pounds since my surgery on June 30th.

    One of the most important things I have learned is that food doesn't solve all my problems.

    I have learned that exercise isn't a bad thing and that I actually love to go to the gym.

    I have learned that I really don't like sweets as much as I thought I did. If I try to eat them now, they make me nauseated.

    I have also learned that life does go on without my diet sodas.

    I can't wait to see where we all are when we hit that year mark.

    good luck and best wishes,


  12. hi

    i just got my surgery date, jan 22. im so happy but a little scared. i had surgery before but this is different. i'll be at scott and white in temple.

    keep in touch

    congrats on your upcoming surgery. If you need someone to talk to, email me at smarquezrn@yahoo.com. For whatever reason, I am not able to access this site on my home computer and it takes forever to load on the computer at work. Maybe it is due to the popularity of this site. Anyway, it would be nice to have a lapband buddy close to home. Keep in touch.


  13. Hi fellow TLC band buddies:)

    I'm here....plugging away at this weight loss. It's REALLY slowed down but I've not had a fill since May 1st. I've adjusted my goal weight b/c I don't think it's a realistic goal anymore.....so I'm shooting for 140 instead of 130. I'm at 161, as of this morning. Started at 229, so I'm pleasantly surprised with band-life! It's hard work but I feel SOOOOOO much better. I'm wearing size 12's now...started out wearing 20's! Going to the chiropractor monthly now instead of several times each week. My goal is to reach 150 by January 17th....my 1 year bandiversary. Not sure if I can do it....but I'm going to give it my best effort!

    Hope ya'll are doing great! Please update when you get a minute or two:)

    Blessings all.....Happy Thanksgiving (a little early)

    Congrats on your accomplishments. You are doing great.

    Band life is hard and not the "easy way out" as some people think. I had my second fill a few weeks ago and just started losing again, after several months at a stand still.

    I am finding it very hard to tolerate breads/tortillas and pastas. I guess it forms a dough like ball and gets stuck. I really love Jamba juice. On my days off, I go by there and get one for Breakfast, before heading off to the gym.

    Going to the gym is starting to become a new habit for me and much easier with less weight to drag around.

    I am also wearing size 12's right now, down from 18. I am so happy. I would love for the weight to just fall off, but I am so satisfied with the way things are going. Not only does my body adjust to losing weight better with a slower weight loss, but my mental state does too. Every now and then when I have the guts to look into a mirror at the gym, I am finding I don't look at all that bad afterall. The big, fat ugly whale is all I ever saw and that image tries to sneak back in now and then, but I am loving myself more and more everyday.

    It is so funny how we don't see what everyone else sees when it comes to our self image. People tell me I look great and I get lots of compliments, but most of the time, I just don't see it. I know I am losing because my old clothes fall off of me.

    Sorry to ramble on. Best wishes on reaching your goal.



  14. hi ladies

    im so happy that someone finally posted here, i knew i could not have been the only waco person on this site. im pre-op and i would love some local support too.

    Sorry it is taking me so long to post. For some reason my computer at home won't load the page anymore and I can only get on when I am at work.

    You can reach me at smarquezrn@yahoo.com also.

    Where are you getting your surgery done? Would love to have some local band buddies to chat with. Please keep in touch.


  15. BTW, I was a little worried about having my surgery with Dr. Gonzalez since there weren't others on here that posted about having surgery with him. But I had mine on 10/13 and he was great. No complaints at all and no complications! :smile2:

    I am sorry I didn't see your comment sooner. I have been experiencing computer problems and I am only able to get on at work.

    Dr. Gonzalez did my surgery and he was so nice. I really loved him. He explained everything to my satisfaction and even gave me some really great advice in relation to my job as a healthcare provider.

    I am sure you had your surgery by now. I hope you had a great experience with Dr. Gonzalez.

    Best wishes to you and to all the others here on this board. I have missed you guys.

    I am losing slowly, but hey, that's better than gaining rapidly, which I already know I am good at. I do notice the non-scale victories and the health benefits. I have recently added exercise and feel great.

    I haven't posted much in awhile, but I continue to read and get encouragement from all of you.

    We are all in this together. Love you guys.


  16. ME TOO!!!

    I have been avoiding this support group totally for months. thinking I would see all the June bandster losing heaps.. I see some are .. but I haven't had decent weight loss since leaving Spain in September (that is where I had my surgery and where my surgeon is).. I am in Miami and haven't really gotten into a good routine like I had in Spain with my eating plan.. and I have also not being weighing myself every day.. I didn't bring my scale with me and only just got one this week.. I really found in Spain that weighing everyday kept me on track and helped me make the right choices.. I am lucky that I haven't gained anything.. but I have stayed the same since the beginning of September.

    I hope now I have my scale and have the guts to get back on this site and realise that I am not a complete failure that I can get motivated to use my band properly!!..

    good luck ALL!!!.. we CAN do it!!..

    Hi kizzie,

    How have you been my long lost pal. Don't get discouraged. It is not good to get on the scale everyday anyway, it only makes us more discouraged. Are you losing any inches? Although, I am not losing much weight, I have noticed things are fitting looser than before.

    I have missed communicating with you. Hang in there and keep in touch. I am still here for you anytime you need someone to lean on.



  17. Hey there,

    I am from Waco. Had my surgery on June 30th. I have lost about 23 lbs so far. I don't find many people from this area even though I know there has to be some out there somewhere. Would love to have some local for support.

    I had my surgery in Dallas and trying to get there for a support group meeting, with my schedule, has been hard. It is bad enough taking a 1 1/2 to 2 hr drive for a 5-10 minute visit for a fill.

    Please contact me sometime.

    Best wishes on your journey,


  18. I was banded on June 30th and went for my second fill on Nov 6th. I had only lost .8 lbs since my first fill. I knew I hadn't lost anything, but my clothes fill a little looser.

    I too get frustrated with the scale not moving, but truth be told, I think I am not following everything to a T. I could do better with my food choices and I just started exercising regularly at the gym.

    They gave me a fill of .8cc to give me a total of 7 in my 14cc band. I feel fine and even without the fill would still occassionally slime and pb, but was starting to get hungrier.

    I need to eat more Protein, I know for sure. My hair is breaking and falling out in larger amounts now. And I also need to get more fluids in. They told me, I was probably not noticing any scale weight loss because I wasn't taking in enough fluids and getting dehydrated. They said I was more than likely retaining Fluid which would account for the larger scale weight, but actually losing.

    I ran out of Vitamins and need to hurry and get more, so I am not feeling so tired.

    Best wishes to all. I hope we all start losing again soon.



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