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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. U_go_gurl68

    Would you get breast implant.....??

    Thanks for the info gkeyt. I will have to check into this further.
  2. U_go_gurl68

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    Thanks froggi1985. I love all the support found on this website. It has been the most helpful and encouraging. Without all of you guys I would probably just call the whole thing off rather than go through hard times with my guy, but I figure I only get one shot at life and I have to live it to the best of my ability.
  3. U_go_gurl68

    Would you get breast implant.....??

    I have been considering a lift for sometime now. When I lose weight the first place I tend to lose is my breasts. According to supposed experts I should be wearing a 38 dd for my measurements, but I don't have the volume on the top portion to fill that size bra out. I have been told that the reason so many women have the back fat look is due to a redistribution of fatty tissue from wearing poorly fitted bras. I wish I could just take all the fat from those areas and redistribute in the right place, LOL!!!! I have heard of people getting breast augmentation using their own fatty tissue, but then again that would decrease in time as well and your girl's would go back south. I do know that I get some tingling sensations and sometimes pain due to heaviness of droopy boobies, so maybe I can get insurance to pay for something since I am self-pay for band.
  4. U_go_gurl68

    No one here?

    Thanks a million and congrats to you on your weight loss, WOW!!!!! You're doing awesome. See ya on MySpace.
  5. U_go_gurl68

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    Amen to that. Everyone I know is supportive of my decision except my fiance. I told him I was doing this for me and my health and so that I would be around longer to enjoy life with him. He understands that part, but still worries about other stuff (jealous side of him). If he loves me no matter what, he will just have to come around. I told him I need his support and hopefully he will be there, but I have to do this for me. My kids are 15, 17, and 22 and although they are practically grown, I have been both parents to them, most of their lives and they still depend on me to be there for them. So it is also for them that I do this. I really love this website. Good luck to everyone.
  6. U_go_gurl68

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    I wish I had a supportive guy like you girls do. I have included mine in every part of this journey. He was supportive at first and wanted to know everything, but the further along I got into it, the more he step back and he doesn't see to be for it. He wants me to be healthy and loves me the way I am now. I have been thinner and at my heaviest with this man. I know he is insecure because he thinks I am going to get thin and find another man. I think that is so silly, but I guess a valid concern on his part. He is a very slender man and can eat anything and never gain weight. I just wish I had his wholehearted support.
  7. U_go_gurl68

    June line up

    I will be banded on June 30th and have not heard anything about use of a camera either. The camera is usually placed through one of the laparoscopic openings, but I wonder why they go down the throat? I know this is done with a procedure called a EGD when they are wanting to see into your upper GI system (throat, esophagus, stomach). My daughter had one of those when they were trying to figure out why she was throwing up alot. They did some biopsies inside her stomach and diagnosed her with reflux disease. But why they would do this with band is beyond me. Since you will be under anesthesia and your throat will be relaxed, you wouldn't feel any choking sensation. Your throat normally feels kind of sore, dry, or scratchy after being intubated anyway, but have not known anyone that has complaints after being scoped. Ask your surgeon why they are using a camera down your throat. It is his/her responsibility to provide you with all the information you need in order to make an informed consent for surgery. Good luck.
  8. U_go_gurl68

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    You girls are lucky to have such supportive husbands. My fiance pretended to be supportive and even offered to pay for my band, but now everytime I bring up my upcoming surgery (june 30th) he shuts down. I am not by any means trying to discourage anyone to not tell their Spouse, but if you think your hubby may have a problem, research it more before going to him and starting up some fears or insecurities that he may not currently have. But you should tell him when and if you decide the band is for you. I have decided to pay for my surgery myself using my 401k. This way he can't hold it over my head that he paid for something he didn't want me to do. I wish you the best heidib.
  9. U_go_gurl68

    Anybody turning 40 this year??

    Hi all, I will be banded on June 30th and will be turning 40 on July 9th. This is my bday present to myself. Its funny how all the years have gone by and I don't see myself as being old. I may feel old, with all the aches and pains due to being overweight, but I don't think of myself as old. When I was younger, I thought 40 was old. Sometimes when I hear others talk about being 40, I almost revert to thinkng this way, until I realize I am at that point myself, LOL!!!! When I turned 21, I was excited for a minute, then I realized I was closer to being 30, then 40, and so on. The years seem to go by faster, but more reason for me to make this decision for myself. If the years are going to keep going by so fast, it is better I get healthy and enjoy them. Otherwise, they will pass quickly and I will still be in the sad shape I am in now.
  10. U_go_gurl68

    No one here?

    Glad some people are finally posting on this thread. thanks for all the adds. I look forward to getting to know you all better.
  11. U_go_gurl68

    When To Go Back To Work

    I haven't been banded yet, but will be on June 30th. I am also a Nurse and took off for two weeks. I work on Pediatrics and sometimes in the NICU, so I am always picking up babies and assisting children with positioning and such. I think two weeks should be plenty of time for me, at least, I hope it will be.
  12. U_go_gurl68

    No one here?

    My page can be found at www.myspace.com/u_go_gurl68. Always welcome new friends.
  13. Thanks for replying to my request for buddy.

  14. U_go_gurl68

    Surgery June 30th

    Thanks so much Linda. I would really appreciate having you as a band buddy. I thought it was funny how we have the same ticker design, LOL!!! My fiance came to visit me here at work and when I mentioned something related to the surgery, he just kind of shut down. I am going to have it done, no matter what he says and he will just learn to deal with it or he won't. I don't want to make it sound as though I don't care about his feelings, but this is about me and my health. Not about him, not about trying to find anyone else, and not to please anyone but me. He had offered to pay for my surgery but I decided to pay for it myself when he kept putting me off and making excuses or delays. He says its not about the money, when I asked. He said it was more about me and if I really wanted it and why. I told him it was my health and I would find a way to pay for it myself if he was so against it and not wanting to pay for it any longer. So now I am funding my surgery using my 401k, which won't be too bad since I can deduct it from my taxes. We have already gone through so much together, I would think nothing could tear us apart, but if it does, then maybe he and I were the thing not meant to be. It is not like our relationship is fairly new and we decided to get married. We have been together for 6 yrs and engaged for 3. He would do just about anything for me, but seems hesitant about this. I want so much just to be able to get a good nights sleep or go for a long walk without my knees and ankles hurting. This is kind of funny, but last year I fell three different times while wearing high heels. I attribute that to being overweight and having weak ankles. I have mild sleep apnea and starting to develop high blood pressure. I have not been diagnosed with high blood pressure, but it is higher than it has been and my mother has hypertension, sleep apnea, depression, hypothyroidism, etc....you name it, she probably has it and I didn't want that to be me. Sorry to ramble on so much. I am work right now and we only have 3 kids on the unit. I am on here trying to stay awake. Thanks so much for being here for me. I will keep you updated.
  15. Just stopping in to say Hello. Thanks for letting me add you as a MySpace friend. I enjoyed looking at your page. I like reading all the posts on this website, but the profile pages are better on MySpace.

    I hope you are enjoying your time off.

  16. Just stopping by to say Hello. I hope you are staying cool in this summer heat.

  17. Hi, Just stopping in to Say Hello. I hope all is going well. Will finally be getting banded on June 30th. I can't wait.

  18. U_go_gurl68

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    All of you have some really great tips. I will have to write all this down to reference after I am banded on the 30th. Fortunately this time of year is not too busy for me at work, unless we get a trauma or diabetic pt. The busiest time for me is during the winter and early spring months. So hopefully I will be able to get the eating part down during this slower period. I guess the good part is, I will be getting banded right before my mday (July 9th), so I will still be in the healing process and won't be able to overdo it, LOL!!!!
  19. U_go_gurl68

    June line up

    After all the mishaps I have experienced over the last month, I am finally going to be banded on June 30th. I have really enjoyed reading all the posts from this group. I am taking vacation for two weeks starting on June 29th, but was afraid they would schedule my surgery for July, so I specifically asked for June 30th so I could join you guys. You are a great bunch of people and I am honored to be part of this group.
  20. U_go_gurl68

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    I have enjoyed reading all your posts. I know I didn't originate the question, but your suggestions are very helpful. Will be getting banded on June 30th. Besides food and soda, my biggest addiction is the home shopping channels. The other day I bought a new pressure cooker. Will have to try making meals and freezing them for those days when I just don't have the energy to cook. I also work all my days in a row, but mine are during the week. Have gotten lucky enough to not have to do weekend shifts, but I am sure when I go to days, that will not last. Will keep checking back soon for additional posts. Thanks.
  21. U_go_gurl68

    June 30th!

    I will also be getting banded June 30th. I am so excited. I have been trying to get done for a month now, but things keep coming up. Was supposed to get May 30th, but car broke down with severe issues on way to pre-op; just got back yesterday. I am so ready for this. I am happy to have made it just in time to join the group.
  22. Having my surgery on June 30th. So I am barely squeezing in, but I made it. Can't wait. Love reading all the posts here.
  23. U_go_gurl68

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Yippie, Will finally be able to get banded. I am scheduled for pre-op on the 25th with surgery scheduled for the 30th. Has anyone ever heard of Dr. Victor Gonzalez? That is who my appointment is scheduled with.
  24. U_go_gurl68

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    Great question. I haven't been banded yet, but will be struggling with the same issues. The only difference is I work 12 hour night shifts (7p-7a). Hopefully, I will be working day shift by the end of the summer. I know working nights has contributed to my weight gain, as all I have the energy to do is sleep. I eat on the run and or at bad times. I can't wait to read the replies you get, as I am also facing this challenge. Stephanie---Waco, Tx
  25. Hi all, My name is Stephanie and I am from Waco, Tx. I am 39, but will be turning the big "4 0" July 9th. I am a registered nurse on a pediatric unit and if you can't tell by the time of this post, I work nights(7p-7a). I am trying to get off of nights and hope to in the next month because I think working nights contributes to my weight problems and my poor eating habits. I hardly ever have time to sit and enjoy a meal at home with my family. When I am sleeping they are awake and when I am awake they are asleep. Unless I am off, we see each other in passing. I have a wonderful fiance that I have been with for 6 yrs now. He is the one actually paying for my surgery. He didn't want me to get it at first, but I think he is finally coming around. He has gone with me to appointments and he is seeing how much this means to me. I was supposed to have surgery on May 30th, but too many bad things happened a couple of days before which made me postpone til June. I haven't yet scheduled my date, but will this month for sure. I have already done everything in prep for it, just need to schedule date. I almost cancelled surgery altogether and my fiance is the one that actually encouraged me to continue with my plans. Oh by the way, I have 3 children, ages 22, 17, and 15. The middle one is my daughter and best friend. I also have a very cute, hyper 1 1/2 yr old Westhighland Terrier named Daisy. After my surgery, she will help keep me active. I look forward to joining all of you successful, supportive winners very soon.

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