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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Samteer

  1. 2 hours ago, Jaelzion said:

    I have this too. I've been diligent about my Vitamins and religious about getting my Protein but I've still lost most of my hair. I'm quite a bit older than you, so I've been assuming that the surgery accelerated age-related Hair loss I would have had anyway. But at 23, that doesn't seem likely for you. What does the doctor say?

    My doctor hasn't said much about the situation besides try and stick to the prescribed Vitamins. They are not of much help now as well, due to Covid-19.

  2. Hi,

    I'm starting to extremely worry about my hair. I've read a few posts regarding thin hair/hair loss post operation and most of them have said they have gotten their hair back to normal 6-10 months post operation.

    It's been almost 2 years since my operation and past month or two my hair has been shredding quite heavily, just by sweeping my hands through my hair, I would get around 10-20 pieces of hair on my palm.

    Unfortunately, I've been stupid and neglected my required Vitamins in the early stages after my operation until recent, where I've been required to take; B12 injection every 3 months, Fultium-D3 20000U capsules once a week and Calcichew-D3 500 MG chewable tablets twice a day.
    I'm currently also not meeting my required daily protein intake, will using protein shakes/bars on top of food that contains Protein help with my Hair loss?

    My worry is, am I losing hair or is my hair just thinning? Is it too late to save it now? Will it ever go back to how it used to be?
    I'm only 23 years of age and it just looks horrendous when my hair is in that state...

    Please see attached images of my hair.



  3. From my experience. These foods tend to be hard to swallow/digest; Rice, Pasta and bread. If I'm out, and there isn't anything to order that doesn't have bread or something that might irritate me, I usually just order plain meat or the burger (Take out the patty) then just eat it by itself.

    - I always have this in mind. Just because your food in-take might be restricted, doesn't mean you can't enjoy what others are enjoying on a day out, you just have to be creative ☺️

  4. On 12/6/2019 at 6:33 AM, Recidivist said:

    OMG, I could have written that! I had my surgery in March, and I know exactly what you are talking about. I can hear my own voice in my head when I'm talking and it drives me crazy. It's much worse in the right ear, but often in both. I can "pop" my ears and it's temporarily better, but it comes right back. I've seen a doctor about it and they thought it might be sinus congestion, but that's not the issue--I never had this before surgery.

    I had not noticed that it gets worse during/after exercise, but I'll pay attention next time.

    I'm so happy to see your post and know I'm not the only one!

    Like wise, glad to hear I'm not the only one! Got an appointment here the 19th of this month, hopefully I'll be able to find out what it might be.

    On 12/6/2019 at 10:04 AM, Arabesque said:

    I’ve always related my blocked ears to when my blood pressure would drop. I’ve had instances over years before my surgery but since my surgery in May my BP is low all the time & I have had blocked ears many, many times. I can’t pop them (yawning, drinking, chewing,...don't work). I just have to wait for it to pass. Interested to hear how common this is.
    My GP got me to have a brain scan to make sure there was nothing sinister this week but all good. Thank gracious.

    Hair loss is very common. Mine’s been falling out for 4 months now & I’ve lost almost 50%. Very sad. There are lots of posts about this with suggestions on how to lessen the impact but nothing’s slowed mine yet. My surgeon warned me it would happen. In his words: ‘You’re body has better things to do with the reduced nutrients you take in on your new diet than grow hair.’ He wasn’t wrong.

    My surgeon & dietician told me I’d have to take Multi Vitamins for the rest of my life. I have blood tests every 3 months for my Bariatric team & my GP has had me get one in between. They’re tracking & monitoring even slight changes. I’m sorry your GP is not being supportive of your journey. They are your primary care giver & someone who you should be able to trust & depend upon for your health & well being.

    You might be on to something about blood pressure. I did notice if I squat down for a few minutes, or tilt my head down, I'll get dizzy when I get back up for 3-5 seconds.

  5. Hi All,

    I've done my surgery early May 2019. That's been 7 months ago exactly today.

    Clogged/Plugged ears

    I've been experiencing some weird behavior with my ears past few months, I'm not sure whether my gastric sleeve surgery might be the reason.

    My ears tend to get clogged/plugged. Speaking is sometimes hard, and if I speak I can hear my own voice loud in my head, to the point where I have a hard time listening to what the other person said when they speak at the same time as I do. It's really starting to affect my daily life, due to working within Customer Services, since I'm interacting with customers all the time.

    I noticed this happens when my heart rate starts going up, such as when walking fast, running, carrying heavy stuff, some form of light exercise etc.

    Spoke to my local doctor (Not one responsible for my surgery) she just listened to my heart rate and told me everything seems fine and let me go????


    While we at it, I would like this cleared out for me as well. How far in did your Vitamins drop, which then you had to take some form of supplements?

    I visited my local doctor (Not one responsible for my surgery) 4 months post my surgery to have a blood test done to check if there is anything I'm missing. During that time, I was losing a lot of hair (?) The doctor said everything looks fine and I do not need any supplements. My doctor seemed to be really against me having done the surgery, she believes that it's unhealthy, which makes me believe she is not willing to put the effort in to help me. But hey, maybe that's just me (Planning on going to another doctor soon) She then continued on saying that she'll book another blood test for me within 2 months (Which hasn't been done yet, called her up twice within 4 weeks with no reply yet)


    • Is it normal that my ears feel clogged/plugged? Is the surgery the reason? Has anyone experienced something similar?
    • How many months post surgery did you need to take supplements?

    Thank you for your time.

  6. 44 minutes ago, RickM said:

    You are well within the range of normal expectations - some will have substantial post op inflammation in the stomach making drinking difficult (hence the typical advice to sip, sip, sip. all day long) while others will have little inflammation and be able to drink somewhat normally. I downed a bowl of broth and a box of juice within about a half hour(?) sitting the day after surgery, and the doc was not at all concerned; my wife, on the other hand, when she went through this, was much more restricted even though she had a nominally much larger sleeve.

    Thank you, that's great to hear. Looking at the average amount of weight loss the first year or so, is around 80-100 lbs. Can I still expect that with the right diet and exercise, even though I'm able to drink that much? I guess it all depends on the person as well, after all.

  7. Hello,

    I'm 21 years of age. I've had my surgery done 2nd of May this year, so I'm 1 week in today. I've noticed that I'm able to drink quite a lot, I'm not sure if that's normal?

    Currently, I'm able to drink a bowl (Roughly 300ml) of broth without feeling sick or anything, I might be able to drink more, but haven't really pushed myself yet. I don't feel hungry, nor do I feel full after drinking it. I'm worried that the surgeon didn't cut my stomach small enough.


    Should I feel full when drinking liquid?

    Another thing as well, whenever I sip/drink something, I burp, is that fine?

    Thank you for your time.

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