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Posts posted by bajankat

  1. On 9/2/2021 at 4:33 PM, Orchidlover said:

    Hey everyone. I haven't been on this page in what seems like forever. I have really been struggling you guys. I stopped losing weight after month 6 and it's really discouraged me. It could be because I started back working so I made excuses for why I couldn't go walk my 2 miles or go to Pilates class or eat healthier choices since I have a sedentary job. I was wondering if anyone else was struggling and what you did to get back on track.

    My highest weight was 465lbs and on surgery day I was 457. I got down to 357 and then shot right up to 378lbs. I wasn't really eating if at all when I got to 357 due to my depression. But then I was put on a new med that actually causes its users to gain weight and I was taken off of it. Thank God. I don't eat much and get full fast but I guess like the nutritionist said it still matters what I put in my body.

    I hope all my fellow Oct 2020 people are doing great as we approach our 1 year anniversary. FYI I was sleeved on Oct.5,2020

    Hi Orchidlover

    Hopefully by now you've figured out how to get and stay back on track. How was Thanksgiving for you? I am also struggling and stopped losing, as a matter of fact I've gained a few pounds. I was in a really bad car accident in July which caused me to be home and not doing any exercising other than physical therapy. I have now restarted as of last week doing a little walking. I actually pushed myself yesterday to do a little more than walk slowly and I felt OK. I have been home since my accident. Prior to the accident I was losing but very slowly, I mean extremely slow. I still took it as a win cuz at least I want gaining. We have to take all our victory laps regardless. I especially do this because, I have been and still am dealing with back issues and being on steroids all the time didn't help me. I also have not been eating right lately. I find myself ALWAYS hungry and always snacking and not always on healthy stuff that'll be conducive to weightloss. We know what we're doing wrong, we have the tools to do what's right but we are so much in our heads when we get off track, it blocks us from clearly seeing those said tools that'll help us to get back where we know we can abs want to be. Let's start today by not doing the things we have been doing lately, whether it's eating badly or not exercising and making excuses why we're doing these things. Once we put our minds to doing it we can. you've done it before to be able to lose 100 pounds.. which is a huge deal, congrats on that. I have only lost a total of 58 pounds and that's over two surgeries. I have had major setbacks but I'm not giving up and I'm going to stop letting those things get in the way of my success to get to a 100lb loss. Fight for this, you got it and you know how to. Good luck.

  2. Good Morning, I had my revision to bypass surgery yesterday morning.

    When I woke up I had no surgery pain. I was thinking it wasn't done until the GAS damn near killed me and still is. That gas pain ain't no joke, for those of you who haven't gotten surgery yet, make sure you get enough gas relief and walk. I walked around the unit 4 laps yesterday, the nurse told me not to overdo it.... over do it?! I'm walking this damn gas out and preferably out my butt 😁 which by the way isn't happening and the gas is stubborn. I'm belching tho but it's not moving. I did finally pass one little gas out this morning. I saw the doc this morning and he said my stomach was in my esophagus. Now when I get up gravity is taken place with my right incisions I'm using a towel to walk when I get home I'll use my binder

  3. 24 minutes ago, Lilfootie said:

    Hi Everyone -

    I had my surgery on 10/19. I am really struggling with whey Protein isolate. The only one I can stomach is the clear fruity kind, but only a few oz. I have gotten up to 12 grams of Protein in one day and that’s it. The whey makes my stomach turn (it made me nauseated in pre-op too, but we were allowed one type of plant Protein Shake and one soy, so those helped me get through it). All of the pre-made shakes on my list are discontinued, aside from the clear fruity ones, which I find weird - why would they give us a list like that? I bought a few different kinds of powders and they are all awful. They make my stomach turn after about 2oz and then I am nauseas for the next 2-3 hours. I have tried mixing unflavored whey with watered down cream of wheat to get away from the dreadful constant sweetness, but it still makes me sick. Anyone else in a similar situation? Anyone have luck making their dietician budge on whey protein? My next step will be to email the dietician and see what she thinks. 60 grams of any protein is better than 12 of whey right? Maybe? I am doing ok on liquids and even well on pudding and Jello.

    Are you allowed fat free milk? if so try making the shakes with the milk, thank me later.

    I can't stand the shakes with Water, even the one I use all the time, but when I make it with milk, it's a while other taste. I use Body Fortress, it's Whey but you might like it with milk instead of water. Oh and I only drink the chocolate flavor, it's the only thing in chocolate flavor I like. Good luck, happy healing and congrats

  4. On 10/18/2020 at 1:48 PM, RhondaHigdon said:

    Yes, I'm on track for bypass sometime in November. I have my endoscopy still to do next week. However, I have had 5-cections, a tubal reversal, and a complete hysterectomy, so that's a total of 7 abdominal surgeries. I am so worried about lesions/scar tissue in small intestines making the bypass a problem. Anyone else have any of these issues that has any input? Id greatly appreciate any information.

    Omg, these are my exact same concerns. I have had several fibroid removal surgeries, 2 C- sections, a hysterectomy last year where there were an enormous amount of scar tissue, not to mention the exploratory surgery to find the fibrous so yes my abdomen is tired and probably scarred up which concerns me terribly

  5. Good afternoon, I've had quite an interesting 18 months after being sleeved. I developed horrible GERD and I have a hernia. I'm finally scheduled for revision after fighting for so long with my insurance company (since August) to be approved. I'm excited but scared due to other surgical complications last year. My date is Oct 29th and I've started the liquid diet today. So far so good.

  6. 3 hours ago, Foxbins said:

    I had a sleeve to RNY revision for GERD. I did not have reflux before my sleeve, developed it a couple of years later. I was on the maximum dosage of omeprazole (80mg) for a few years and still had breakthrough acid, which gave me an esophageal stricture. I regurgitated everything I swallowed. Still, I didn't want RNY, so I found a surgeon who was willing to explore alternative surgeries with me. However, after a bunch more testing that uncovered some previously unknown issues, I decided on RNY. Had the surgery on 6/29. I had one episode of reflux two days after surgery, I figured it was the last bits of acid in my stomach trying to make me miserable one last time. No acid since. No regurgitation. No vomiting. It has been a massive relief not to wake up in the middle of the night with acid in my mouth or throat. I am really pleased with the RNY so far.

    same here, I didn't have any of this prior to sleeve but since the sleeve, I've thrown up in my sleep through my nose and mouth and woke up choking and gasping for air many of nights. it's very scary when you feel like you can't catch your breath.

    today was one of those days where every thing i ate or drank came back up, just makes me not want to eat. it's a chore and a pain. Right now I'm hungry, but afraid of i eat again it'll come back up for the next two plus hours, like earlier with the Protein Shake. It's a wonder, I'm not a stick by now. I'm glad you're doing much better, this gives me hope. Thanks allot.

  7. 7 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    bypass has been around for a long time and there have been so many improvements on it over the years that it's really a safe surgery now - not much riskier than sleeve.

    I'm not a revision, but I had bypass because I have GERD prior to surgery. I'm very happy with it - no regrets at all (I'm over five years out)

    I'm most scared of not healing, a little back story. last year I had what was thought to be a tumor and had surgery. Well let's just say, I had a wound vac which was painful and now have a hernia in that spot, where it didn't heal at the time, and I have to have another surgery to repair that. This is what mostly scares me, other than the bypass itself. I was afraid of the bypass, to begin with due to it being so invasive that's why I didn't get it but it looks like that's the way I should've gone from the start because, here I am right there.

  8. Good Evening! I had a follow up with my surgeon today from a EGD in July. He's scheduling me for a revision to bypass and hiatal hernia repair asap . I'm scared! Then following that surgery maybe a few months later he'll schedule another surgery to repair another hernia with a mesh. I'm going thru it right now. how many of yall had complete relief from reflux after getting a revision? Have you had any other complications with bypass? any regrets? Of course I'm doing the research on it but I'm afraid of it, that's why I didn't get it to begin with. I can't wait to enjoy wls..I haven't reaped any benefits of it yet.
    my stats:
    HW 261
    SW 249
    CW 226
    GW 170 or just to be healthy at this point.
    Sleeved 4/9/19 had multiple EGD with dilations due to vomiting and multiple setbacks and developed horrible acid reflux.

  9. 24 minutes ago, GreenTealael said:

    Welcome Back Kat ❤

    Seems like you've done everything you can... Time to reach out to the Doctor especially with vomiting and pain. Let us know how it goes !

    Thanks, I did reach out to the doc because it's so annoying throwing up foam every 5 minutes. He advised me to go to the ER to have a cat scan. I'll let ya know how that turned out. I waited until this evening cuz I try to avoid the ER/hospital at all cost these days.

  10. Good evening, I haven't been here for quite a while. I thought I would ask you guys for advice or help. This morning I woke up and felt ok, until I dressed and left the house. That's where it hit, The sharp pain in my upper back, which I know to be gas. I've suffered with gas pain for years. The belching began and then I drank my Protein Shake and threw that up, it's now 5:30pm and im still belching, throwing up everything I drink, (not really eating today) and that horrible pain is still in my back. my question is, have anyone experienced this? I've drank tea, zero sparkling seltzer, took gas x, drank Water, even tired ginger ale.. nothing is helping and I'm suffering. can anyone give their thoughts on what might this be or caused this, I'm thinking GERD but not sure and I was trying to see if it goes away before calling the doctor.

  11. Thank you! You are absolutely correct. As we speak, I'm supposed to be going to the ER because they did my weekly maintenance on my PICC line today, and I'm getting atm spasms and pain. Im going to wait until tomorrow to go as im not having chest pains or shortness of breath, but I know that I need to go because It could've shifted according to the nurse. Keep sending those hugs, they are definitely welcome.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Darktowerdream said:

    In 2010 I had a hysterectomy with fibroid tumors removed. 2018 I had other procedures related to that and now this surgery Monday. Chronic illness makes the weight loss journey rough but also necessary. I think I am around 5 1/2 months out from surgery.

    I completely understand. It's rough. hugs to you and I'll pray that all goes well with your upcoming surgery.

  13. 3 minutes ago, elcee said:

    Wow that’s a heap of bad stuff all in one go. Hopefully it’s all behind you now and you can move forward into a new healthy life

    I wish it was behind me, I'm still dealing with it all. it's only been 2 weeks. Wound vac is changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday's, which hurt extremely bad, and as I said PICC line will be removed on the 17th.

  14. Hi all, it's been a while I've been on here. So in the few months I started off losing slowly, and not without complications. For the past almost three weeks I've had a total of 4 procedures including major surgery for a tumor and complete oophorectomy. This leads me to my title: I was sent home with a PICC line and TPN due to a stricture that im scheduled on the 17th to have dilated for the 3rd time. I've started to eat/ drink again so im no longer taking that. it gave me diarrhea. So I had a cancer scare, turns it no cancer Thank God. But I had a very large tumor that was discovered two weeks prior and needed to be removed immediately,I did and now im dealing with a wound vac due to the incision having Fluid inside and not healing. this hurt immensely. All in all, I've lost weight rapidly since going thru this, I'm down to 213 from 249 surgery day. So progress has been made although im not eating af much or as healthy as I should, I'm eating what goes down at this point. I'm waiting to be able to get back on track and get rid of all these tubes and bags and continue on my journey. how are y'all doing?

  15. 2 hours ago, Sharlanay said:

    Hello! I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? I have a leak and am home on TPN. Please post an update.

    Good afternoon, I'm dealing with alot. I had a cancer scare, Thank God it wasn't cancer. I had surgery almost 3 weeks ago to remove a tumor from my ovary as well as a full hysterectomy. I came home on TPN and I hate it!! I have now stopped it and will have my picc line removed as well as the balloon dilation done due to my stricture on the 17th. Sorry you are dealing with that, hopefully it won't be long for you. Did they provide you with a nurse to come to your home to assist with the PICC line? Also my incision didn't close/ heal so im now dealing with a wound vac to help with the healing process.. this hurt like nobody's business. All in all, I'm down to 213lbs which is a plus and I'm happy about that. Although, I can't eat or drink everything, I still try to eat as much as possible and of course no exercising for me. Im praying for your quick and complete healing and thanks for checking in on me.

  16. janjan, At least you can get things down especially the Fluid. I eat a Greek yogurt cup and im full even before finishing it and that lasts hours. for instance, today i ate 1 air fried chicken wing and some broccoli at 12pm.. here it is 2:38 and im still full. can't even fit in fluid, that's where I'm thinking im going wrong. Just try to watch how much you are eating/ drinking at a time cuz that will scare me as well

  17. 5 minutes ago, JanJan19 said:

    feel like I'm a slow loser too because I see so many people who lose 20 the first week or some crazy number. My first week post-op was 5 pounds. I'm happy to take it slow and go with the flow but for sure, the panic sets in sometimes when you compare. Which is bad, I know I know.

    I may be in panic mode!! most of my 17 came off in the first two weeks after that... it all went downhill

  18. 1 hour ago, FluffyChix said:

    My weight loss picked up the moment i was able to get real food (protein + Fiber in veg) in me and reduce the Protein Shake consumption. I still had one or a partial in the morning, but food the rest of the day. Some don't do well with the insulin factor from the Protein Shakes.

    Hang in there. It gets better. I get the whole contipation thing and soreness...but you must move. Even 5 minutes of walking in your house. Take baby steps. Forget a C25K. You're not there yet. Live in reality. Small steps daily, consistently...not big grand gestures/movements. Before you know it, you will be walking 10K per day and will be ready to think about a C25K. Swearsies!!!

    I will get back on the treadmill and restart walking, It was extremely hard for me to walk after that severe Constipation and then diarrhea but i haven't quit that.

    I feel I've been eating enough food, what i don't do is measure everything but i will start to do that ALL the time. thanks for your input.

    2 minutes ago, karenbb8 said:

    Im in the same boat as you. sleeved 5 weeks ago, lost 20 the first 2 weeks, then nothing for over 3 weeks. I 100% understand what your feeling and I get it, its so frustrating! The only thing keeping me hopeful is measuring. I measure everything every 2 weeks and even tho the scale doesn't move, im still losing inches. Maybe try that to see?

    I do..i realize im losing inches cuz my clothes are too big now especially my pants, although I haven't measured myself at all. and maybe im suffering from body dysmorphia but I'll try to stay off the scale and do more to get the weight off. You hang in there as well, we can push each other.

  19. 3 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Wow. Sorry you are struggling.

    Don't know who told you 3-500cals. That might have been true at 3-4 weeks? But I think the biggest majority of us have cals during the losing mode of 600-850cals/day--very loose average. Maintenance for me is around 1000cals. Even at 900cals my loss if painfully slow negligible. But, we are all different and have different TEE (Total Energy Expenditure). It could be so many things: hormones, medications, genetics, nutritional components, calories, sleep, stress, physical activity/exercise, age, alcohol/caloric drink consumption.

    You've lost 17 pound in about 12 weeks. That's about 1.4lbs/week which is a little on the low side. The average weekly weight loss is 2-4lbs in the early losing phases.

    Are you maximizing everything YOU can contribute to this journey? (ie everything within your control) What does your doctor say about your progress/situation?

    Thanks guys! the only thing I'm not fully getting in is the exercise due to my setback and then i had a severe constpation issue, I started the C25K but I will have to restart that next week after my (TMI) butt soreness has gone away and i can walk better. I haven't been able to consume alot as i get full really fast, I'm now beginning to hit my Water goals. i have been getting in the Protein thanks to the shakes but my doc told me to increase my food intake which seems like a difficult task but I'm trying. It's just so depressing that i feel im doing everything in my power to do this right and i don't feel it's working. I've stepped back from te scale everyday and now I'm on it maybe every 2 days. I'll try to stay away from it.

    btw, the only thing I've ever drank was water, i don't drink alcohol nor sodas and here lately, I've been drinking diet snapple which is on my list from the doc.

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