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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BigWill619

  1. Pre-Op I was taking 80 units a day of insulin ( 40 in the morning and 40 at night ) , metforman also for my diabetes, High blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication,
    My pre- op weight going in was 260 lbs ,, . My surgery was April 10th and now I’m completely off metforman , off my cholesterol med, off my high blood pressure med and I’m down to only 10 units a day of insulin ( if needed ) and current weight is 220lbs .. best decision I’ve made for my health was to get the sleeve operation 👍🏼

  2. Wow ,, glad to know I’m not the only one ! , I’m 2 months post op and I can hardly sit down to eat a meal because I get full sensation very quickly where I feel it in my chest and throat , but at night it seems like I can snack without any problems and that worries me because that’s how I got into trouble the first time .. gotta tell myself to stop ! Anybody know of a healthy snack 🤣 ?

  3. On 05/22/2019 at 20:23, Alwzla8 said:

    Slow loser here... since last weigh in I have lost 38 pounds which really seem like it should be more:(
    @Alwzla8 ,, I was thinking the same thing about myself .. I had my sleeve done on 4-10-19 .. I went in at 261 .. I’m currently at 228 , i thought I would have lost more weight by now since the amount of food I’m able to consume is SO small and I’ve started going to the gym about 2 weeks ago .. I’ve read lots about it and turns out losing 30 lbs in 4 to 8 weeks is normal and the mistake I’ve been making is not having enough Water .. just can’t stand drinking plain water ,, but it’s essential in helping the weight go down faster . Stay encouraged and continue on the plan and the weight will start to fall off .. I’m right there with you 👍🏼

  4. On 05/20/2019 at 14:34, KayBes said:

    What a great hopeful topic!

    Mine are:

    1. Travel on an airplane comfortably, be able to put down the tray.

    2. Wear comfortable clothes that doesn't pull tight across my belly or have to wear sizes too big and they sag around my shoulders in order to fit my mid section.

    3. Be able to cross my legs.

    4, Run with my dogs.

    5. Have a baby, healthily.

    That’s a great one .. being on plane and being able to put the tray down and still have room between my belly and tray is one I look forward to also 👍🏼

  5. I’m looking forward to ( and already have done )
    1- wearing the clothing in my closet that I kept because I l promised myself I would fit in it again one day..
    2- getting off insulin ( use to take 80 units a day , I’m down to only 10)
    3- running a 5k and then maybe even a longer distance
    4- more energy for my new born son ( he’s 7 months old and I’m 48 )
    5- Having my wife look at me the way she use to when I got out the shower ( she still did , but I was insecure of myself so I never accepted her compliments)

  6. I had my sleeve back in April 10th .. the only complication I really had was acid reflux.. I mean bad acid reflux.. everything else went great ,, no pain , back to work on 10 days but the heartburn was unbearable at times .. I’ve never eaten so many tums in my life .. I wish you luck and glad to hear things are getting a little better for you

  7. On 05/07/2019 at 12:56, allwet said:


    try to relax and let it pass. I know this doesn't sound helpful but you are in a marathon not a sprint. Follow your doctors plan and build those new and improved habits and the weight will come off. In 18 months you will not even remember this week or this stall.

    I know how focused on the now we get during the early parts of this journey but it is just a small part of the experience you will have during the next 18-24 months.

    Work to stay positive and upbeat cause this is more a metal battle going forward.

    good luck

    Right on ,, thank you for the encouragement.. you are right , I’m looking at the now instead of the whole race .. I appreciated your words and I will definitely stick thru the plan my team set up .. this forum has really helped me realize that this is just a normal part of the experience,, thanks you guys

  8. Thanks Wanda ,, I will read people’s story’s and congrats on the A1C numbers ,, that’s my goal to get my A1C better and completely get off the meds , I’ve already been taken off metforman, insulin went from 80 units a day down to 20 units a day since the surgery,, and my blood pressure is the best my dr has ever seen it .. now if this pesky weight can get back on track

  9. I got my sleeve surgery on April 10th, things went great, no complications, no pain , lost weight quickly for the first 3 weeks , now I’ve stalled since ... is this normal? Any tips on how to get past this stall? Thanks

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