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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jodi_620

  1. Jodi_620

    Protein Shakes!!!

    I'm with MrsFlipFlops, I wasted a lot of money on the powders because I just can't handle the taste. I prefer the pre-mixed shakes, they are convenient and taste pretty good. Atkins shakes are a good choice for both flavor and protein content with low carbs (vanilla and chocolate delight are my favorites).
  2. Jodi_620

    Bad Stomach Pains

    I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Here is what I can tell you about what foods to avoid. Most foods that contain carbohydrates produce gas, some more than others, but Proteins are best because they cause very little gas. Carbs that cause the most gas are Pasta, potatoes, corn, Beans, peas, cabbage, broccoli, onions, artichoke and asparagus. Getting your Protein from meat would be better for you right now because there are sugars in dairy products like milk, ice cream and cheese that can also add to your problem and of course beans can really cause you pain. For safer carbs try eating foods containing insoluable Fiber like wheat, rye, bran, green beans and cauliflower. Also avoid frying your food and avoid gravies. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p>If you are taking anything containing psyllium for constipation, that may be contributing to your problem too.</o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p>I know those gas pains are awful, hope you feel better real soon!</o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>
  3. Jodi_620

    Pre-tests results?

    It took two days for mine.
  4. Jodi_620

    You know you are a bandster when....

    ROTFL, I saw that commercial last night and I closed my eyes too...I wish all of these food commercials gave the same warnings!...but with all the darn food commericals anymore, I guess we would be spending a lot of time in front of the TV with our eyes closed and our fingers in our ears.:thumbup:
  5. Jodi_620

    Should I ask the doc for Metformin/Glucophage?

    I have been on Metformin for about 5 years now. It did help regulate me and helped a little with the facial hair. My endocrinologist seems pretty confident that if all goes well with the lap band I will no longer need the Metformin.
  6. Jodi_620


    Chewable vitamins are best. I am on a daily vitamin (Flintstone vitamins) and Calcium (Caltrate chewable).
  7. Are you using GasX? If not, get the disolving strips that you put on your tongue, they come in mint flavor and cinnamon.
  8. What and how much are you eating? Are you gaining? You are still in the healing phase so your goal at this time really is not to lose weight. But I am at the same stage as you so I understand that you also want to maintain or lose during this time. I was banded on 5/30. My surgeon requires two weeks liquid, two weeks protein before going to soft foods and my first fill will be at six weeks. But once you start getting fills, then your weight loss should start.
  9. The idea is to keep the food in your pouch so you feel full and stay full longer. Drinking during the meal can wash the food into your lower stomach defeating the purpose of the band.
  10. I had my surgery a week ago today. Left for the Hospital at 5:30 AM to arrive for my 6:00 AM check-in. Sat in the registration area waiting room for about 20 minutes then got called back for registration where they verified my insurance, asked about which of my doctors other than surgeon I want to have a report sent to (if any), do I have a will, who to contact in emergency, who will be taking me home, who will be with me when I get home, etc. The receptionis gave me all of my paperwork and sent me down the hall to another waiting room. About 5 minutes later, about 7:00 AM I was called back to the pre-op room, just a large room partitioned with curtains. They gave me a gown, some stockings and footy socks and a plastic drawstring bag to put all of my personal items into. She told me to remove all clothing, put the gown on with opening in the back, instructed me on how the stockings go on then put the socks over the stockings put my personal items in the bag and get in the bed. First thing they did was draw blood. One at a time, the nurses, assistants, anesthesiologist, and surgeon came in asked their questions had me sign their forms, talked to me about their role in the surgery and then left. A nurse came in and inserted the IV, they put a numbing agent on my hand first so it wasn't very painful. They put an anti-nausea agent into the IV and Took my blood pressure heart rate etc. Before I knew it I was being rolled down to the operating room at around 7:30 I don't remember a whole lot after that. They rolled the gurney up to the operating table, untied the back of my gown and had me slide onto the operating table. They added armrests to either side of the table so that my arms were straight out to my sides. I remember her attaching first the right armrest, then the left one. She asked me how it felt, I said the left side was a little too low she was in the middle of adjusting it and suddenly I was waking up in the post-op room. The nurse asked me how I feel, the tubes had caused a sore throat but other than that I was fine. She rolled me into recovery and that motion made me Soooo nauseous, I must have turned green because she hurried and got me a puke bowl and some anti-nausea meds. I didn't get sick but was very greatful for the meds. Recovery was supposed to take a couple hours but it took longer for me. I also had hiatal hernia repair which made it very hard to breath, I got very sweaty after the nauseous ride on the gurney and it took me a little longer to shake the nausea. The nurse was wonderful, she helped me to the reclining chair when I was ready, tried a different cocktail of anti-nausea meds and brought me ice. Finally I felt like I could go to the bathroom (which was a requirement), She helped me to the bathroom and waited outside until I was done. I was getting dressed to go home at about 2:00 PM and wheeled out to the car at around 2:20.
  11. Yes, I had second thoughts too. I was like Jack, sitting in the pre-op room I suddenly truly wanted to jump up and run out of that hospital...hospital gown and all. And I am not sure if we are silly but in the beginning my biggest worry about the whole process was giving up the Diet Pepsi too I just didn't think I could possibly do it. I gave it up on the first day of my pre-op diet and the first 2-3 days were the hardest only because I had caffeine headaches, I just kept popping Advil until I got through it. I replaced the Diet Pepsi can with Crystal Light and it wasn't nearly as hard as I had imagined. Eating without drink has been a little more of a challange but it is not like I feel I NEED a drink but I am having trouble shaking the HABIT of reaching for a drink. When I remind myself that I can't have it I do just fine.
  12. Jodi_620

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    Thank you everyone for your support. Things are getting better every day. I am still having breathing problems, if I move around or talk too long I eventually start "panting" for breath and a deep breath will still bring that terrible pain below my breasts. My lungs are hurting a bit from all of this labored breathing (kinda feels like a chest cold). But I am able to do a little more each day. Was able to get some nutrition down for the first time yesterday...1/4 cup of V-8 juice in the AM and 1/4 cup of Liquid Protein in the PM sipped on each for about 30 minutes. Got on the scale yesterday and found that I am up to 22lbs lost since the beginning of pre-op diet!
  13. Well everyone-This will be my last post as a pre-bandster. My surgery is first thing in the morning and I probably won't be back online until sometime afterwards. Wish me luck!!!
  14. Jodi_620

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    Still in ALOT of pain. I am having trouble breathing and if I move wrong or take in a deep breath it feels like my insides are going to spill out. There is an incision just below my breasts in the center and that is where the pain is. I feel like I have to hold onto this area when I move just to hold everything in. I was scared and called the on-call physician on Saturday I could barely get enough breath to talk to him. He said that the pain was from hiatal hernia repair, it was supposed to be a slight hernia. I stayed pretty much drugged up Fri, Sat & most of Sunday. I am forcing myself to move around today.
  15. Well I am on day 13 of my liquid protein diet. I have done well and today was the true test. Up until now I have just avoided food situations but we had our monthly lunch meeting at work. This month was a catered "Fiesta" lunch with chicken wings, rice, salad, tortilla chips and cookies/brownies. :frown: I sat with everyone and had my mug of chicken broth and didn't cheat!!!! I haven't yet told everyone about what kind of surgery I am having and wondered how this would go (would they ask questions?) nobody asked they just sympathized with me having to watch all of them eat. I go in for my surgery at 6AM this Friday!!!! :sad:
  16. Jodi_620

    "Last Supper Syndrome"

    :thumbup:Congratulations on getting your band-date...June 20th is my birthday! Last Supper Syndrome...I like that! The days leading up to my pre-op diet, I had several "Last Suppers". I ate all of my favorites but everything went a little faster for me so I only had about five "pig out" day between approval and the start of my pre-op diet. I agree with Thenume, go ahead and eat a little bit of all your favorite foods.
  17. I haven't used them in a while but if I remember correctly, sodium-wise Healthy Choice brand is better than Lean Cuisine.
  18. Jodi_620

    How much will I have to pay if I'm approved?

    That depends on what your particular plan allows. They often cover somewhere between 80%-100% but it could be as low as 50%. The only way to be sure is to call and ask.
  19. And same to you Coco...I didn't do Memorial Day this year. We usually have my hubby's family over for a BBQ, he had to work part of the day and with my diet, everyone was understanding when I skipped this year. Instead I worked in the yard and smelled the BBQ smells wafting through the neighborhood and that was hard enough! ````````````````````````````````` Thanks, To be free. The time went by pretty fast, the first four days were the hardest for me. ````````````````````````````````` I wish you both all the best!!!!
  20. Jodi_620

    Hernia surgery & Lap band at the same time

    I go in to be banded on Friday and I will be getting my hiatal hernia repaired as well. I was told that the surgery will take a little longer. I was also told that the shoulder pain may be worse or stick around for a few days longer than normal with the additional surgery, was that true for you all?
  21. You are welcome Lisa...looking at your list, things look pretty good for insurance approval. Best of luck!
  22. Surprisingly well. The first four days were the hardest. I gave up my beloved Diet Pepsi on the first day of my diet so that made things a bit more difficult. I dealt with headaches from the caffeine withdrawl for the first two days. The fourth day was the worst- I felt awful and almost gave up, I was hungry, dizzy, irritable and I wanted carbohydrates so bad. But I toughed it out and by day five things were much easier-not easy but easiER. I just take it one day at a time and any time I feel hungry I take in some protein. I have lost 13 pounds.:smile2:
  23. I don't have the same insurance but here are some more comorbity conditions that may be accepted: Cardiovascular Disease (High cholesterol, hardening of the arteries or other heart problems) Diabetes Hypertension (High Blood pressure) sleep Apnea GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) Degenerative Disk Problems in the back Degenerative joint problems(hips,knees, ankles and feet)
  24. I have United Healthcare and they are covering my surgery. I have a BMI of 41, I had absolutely no problem getting covered they didn't require anything from me. But from the information you provided, it is possible that you will not be able to get insurance to cover it. Most policies have guidelines of a BMI of 35 to 40 with comorbities OR a BMI over 40. Your current BMI is 34.6. Being just under 35 with no health problems there is a good chance that they will not cover it. With the guidelines I mentioned at your height you would either need to be 251lbs-285lbs with comorbities or 286 plus pounds with no health problems.
  25. Jodi_620

    newbie questions

    This one stumped me when I first came here too. It stands for productive burping. It happens if you do not chew your food enough or if you eat too fast; you burp your food back up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
