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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Moose1515

  1. Day 5 after sleeve, very tired, little energy, drinking 70+ oz. of Water a day. Premier shake is giving me the runs, taking 2 imodium to control that. Have lost 11.4 pounds so far. Also had my gallbladder removed at the same time as the sleeve. I'm planning to call my dr. tomorrow but does this sound like I'nm in the normal range of post op experiences? Thanks!

  2. 17 hours ago, MeanSleevedMachine said:

    The way I broke stalls was the reverse of what everyone in this thread is saying. I did two things anytime I stalled more than a few days.

    I upped my calories 150-200 per day at each stall and drank a ton of water/tea the first few days. I also stopped all exercise except walking for a few days.

    Once I started losing again and my body didn’t fear starvation, I went back to business as usual.

    I never hit a stall longer than a week with this. Well, until month 9. By then I had lost almost 200 lbs and intentionally started eating more to slow down the weight loss as I slide into my goal weight.

    This is good to know! Tomorrow morning I'm having sleeve surgery.

  3. 16 hours ago, ItME said:

    I lost about 65lb with the balloon. My husband lost 72. I've lost a few more in the couple of weeks since removal. You absolutely have to learn proper nutrition and exercise habits if you want the balloon to be successful--- but this is the same with any weight loss tool.

    If you haven't addressed the reasons you aren't able to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program, you should consider delaying any surgical procedure until you do.

    Balloons don't make you lose weight.

    Gastric sleeves don't make you lose weight.

    These are merely tools for your toolbox and if YOU don't put in the effort, you won't have anything to show for it.

    You're absolutely right! My balloon doctor said almost nothing about diet; just 95 grams of Protein and 25 grams of carbs. I met with a local sleeve surgeon that gave me an 8 page xerox about the post surgery diet. Then I went to a 2nd doctor that gave me a 95 page book, 1.5 hours meeting with a dietician and I'm free call with questions or issues for the rest of my life!

    Congratulations to you and your husband!

  4. Got the balloon in Dec. 2017 and had it removed in June 2018. I thought that if I cold drop 30 or so pounds then I could get more active and keep it off... WRONG! Lost 28 pounds and all was good for a few months but then the weight started to slowly come back. I think if you're really well educated on your new diet and you can stick with it, you might have better results than I did. Next week I'm having gastric sleeve surgery. I spent $6,000 for the balloon and now $16,000 for the sleeve.

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