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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ideal_weight

  1. Who is the Best Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon in India specially in North India ?
  2. ideal_weight

    Best MGB surgeon in INDIA?

    No, regular bypass is more complicated and pouch is way too small. I am looking forward to MGB as its relatively new and easier to do and best part is its reversible if body is not adapting to it. no insurance here so i can choose what surgery i would like. Though iam having second thoughts about surgery and iam thinking i should try to loose weight naturally with full determination.
  3. ideal_weight

    Best MGB surgeon in INDIA?

    No one got MGB done in India? please share your views here.
  4. ideal_weight

    STOP never go for gastric balloon!!

    True that by diet i meant eating right and staying active and that's hard to do most of the times as you tend to go back to old habits.
  5. I would like to warn new people who are thinking to go in for balloon. it is a total waste of money,time, and energy. I had spatz balloon placed in order to loose weight which backfired and i increased 2 kg with balloon though first 2 weeks i lost 4 kg as i wasnt eating anything. Even doctors were like what the heck but didn't have any answer and refilled the ballon with more saline water. But i kept having cramps in stomach for first few weeks and bad hunger pangs and feel pukey all the time.also if you sleep on side or on stomach you have to keep adjusting whole night which is another problem not having enough sleep. All of a sudden my sugar levels would go below 40 even while eating ( which is too dangerous ). I 've had a email exchange with inventor of spatz baloon Dr. jeff brooks but nothing helped and i had to get it removed in 2nd month. you all might not have low sugar levels and other issues but i would ask you to think 1000 times before going in for balloon. I would recommend try changing you diet and add some exercise if nothing works only then go in for Bariatric surgery as balloon once removed, you will gain all your weight back unless you are keeping it off by rigorous diet and exercise.
  6. ideal_weight

    Bile Reflux post MGB

    Please elaborate. what did your doctor do extra to prevent bile reflux? i might go in for MGB soon. i'll have to discuss this with doctor.

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