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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Deedee12

  1. Everyone looks super cute [emoji7]
    [mention=348107]AngieBear[/mention] it's true... I STILL look pregnant. Only way to fix it is plastics [emoji15][emoji23]
    No you don't at all!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I've been *pregnant* for 150 months now...
    Go shopping anyway & buy the clothes you like
    Bwahahahahahaha [emoji28][emoji28][emoji28][emoji28][emoji28]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I have moved my way from morbidly obese to obese, and now, πŸ₯ overweight!!! I can hardly believe it, but am so elated at this point! Not only under 300 lbs, 250, 200, and now 190!!! I celebrated last weekend by jogging my first 5km marathon! I can’t wait to cut my time for this, however, am also working towards 10 Kms ~ I was able to do 8 kms last week! Still can’t believe this! We’ve got this!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Update:
    I'm actually back on the wagon now! My husband and I now have a little more money each week to purchase healthy foods, fruit and vegetables. We've turned our eating style completely around and have been working on it together, one day at a time. I actually taste foods differently, they're far more [flavorful] and exciting to eat. I actually look forward to designing, making and eating newer foods and flavors. It's a very odd feeling. I haven't even been able to discuss any of this with my therapist yet! Haven't seen her lately. But I plan on making my recovery a major topic as I still have a lot of mental health issues and food issues to work on. Slow and steady wins the race! So far, I've definitely lost 20 pounds. I *thought* I'd lost more, but my digital scale went on the fritz. I'll weigh myself at the doctor's office in a few months. It's hard not knowing, but I also dont want to live by the scale. I'm eating healthy and properly so I have faith. Also, I use MFP every day and it helps SO much! And my hubby, well, I couldn't ask for a better LIFE partner! Hes doing very well also. I never thought this could happen but it is. I'm very, very proud of myself and hubby.
    So, it can and has been done! WOWZA!
    Well done Pollywolly!!!!!!!!! Hats off to you!! You should feel so darn proud whether it's 20lbs or 2lbs you have lost, it's the fact that your head is back in the game that counts!!!! Well done!!! I'm pre surgery and I am already inspired by your heart!!
    Well done my friend and KEEP IT UP! You have us here rooting for you!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. My experience is similar to yours. I had my lap band put in six years ago. Did great for three years then hit a plateau. The photo of me here is at my lowest weight after having lost 98 pounds with my band. I never could get the two pounds I needed for 100 pounds off ...and I wanted to lose around 25 - 20 more. Over time I started gaining weight and having problems with food getting stuck, reflux, etc. Doc took some Fluid out of my band. Still had bloating and abdominal pain. This has been going on for more than six months. After having a barium swallow, 2 endoscopies, a CAT scan, MRI, and colonoscopy we have pretty much determined that there is nothing else wrong so the band is most likely the culprit. I will be having surgery to remove it on Wed, July 31. Hopefully that will end the abdominal pain and I will be able to have revision to another weight loss surgery in a couple of months. I am still down 40 pounds from where I started which means I gained back 58 that I need to lose again and still want to lose that additional 15 - 20 pounds to get to my goal. I wish we could do it all in one surgery but my doc wants to make sure the removal of the band solves the problems I've been having instead of doing additional surgery now only to find that the pain issues are still there. I'm 99% sure the problem is the band so I'm researching other surgical options now while I wait. ****For those of you who have had their bands removed , did you have internal soreness from the surgery or just the soreness from the incisions ? Did you have to follow any special diet while healing from the removal of the lap band ?
    Hello LeeAnn, I had my lapband removed May 3rd and it was the easiest surgery ever. I had it removed on a Friday and I was at work on Sunday without any pain or discomfort. I didn't need any pain pills after discharge from hospital.....I may have used Ibuprofen once on day of discharge. It was a 45 mins procedure from being wheeled into the OR to the recovery room and I was home by 1pm.
    I only had to by "nothing by mouth" for 8hrs prior to surgery. No special diet after the removal and I have been happy and free from the band since then!!!

    My Sleeve surgery is scheduled for August 16th and I can't wait!! The insurance approval for removal and revision took such a short time that even the surgeon was shocked!
    I chose to see the dietitian and psychologist voluntarily while I wait so I can be sure I get help with preparation!
    Good luck to us all![emoji169][emoji169][emoji169][emoji169][emoji169]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. 1 day post-op here from RNY surgery. Was up and walking within 3 hrs of surgery. I knew this was important to help with gas but also to help prevent me from throwing additional clots (DVT's, etc.).
    I was surprised that they only kept me one night..
    Have had an extremely hard time alleviating the 'gas issue'. My stomach is swollen and very tight feeling. During my 24 hrs at the hospital, I did the 'walk' they required 9 different times and am just now am barely getting the gas to leave my body.
    It's one thing reading about how much pain this type of gas pain can bring, it is totally another thing to go through it yourself.
    At home since about 2 hrs ago and am sipping Water primarily. Have just started sipping on Premier Clear Protein Drink (Tropical Punch). Goal right now is to hydrate...and then work my way up to the # of grams of Protein that my dr. wants me to be at (as a minimum, I think).
    Congratulations Karen!!! I've been watching out for your update!! Glad everything went well!!!🀲🀲🀲 So happy you are finally on the other side! Can't wait to join you.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Wow guys!!!! Is this is what I have to look forward to, I can't wait!!! I've taken copious notes of what I need to do to get here and this thread is like fuel to the fire of success!!!
    Hats off peeps!! You should be beyond proud!! You beat obesity in it's face and you have the stripes of beautiful living to show for it.

    There are moments though where I sit down and think "is this really possible"?? I've never been my goal weight since my teens.
    Maybe this just happens for others??
    But I see you guys and I believe it's achievable [emoji114][emoji114][emoji114][emoji114] You guys knock [emoji109][emoji109][emoji109][emoji109] doubt out of me!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. OK FC, I want you to go to a store like Kohls or somewhere with a big selection and try on various sizes and post some pictures from the fitting room and WE WILL ALL TELL YOU when you are wearing the right size and then all this too big stuff can be burned in a bonfire gotten rid of. I would think a small legging, small or medium top, size 6 jeans or jeggings and a size 6 dress will look fabulous and taking the pictures will prove it.
    I just said the same thing!!!!!! Truly![emoji108]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Ok. Its time for an intervention.
    You really need to realize/internalize/bask-in-the-awesome-ness that you are NOT big anymore and do not need to wear the larger sizes. Your leggings are way too big for you...you aren't supposed to see wrinkled fabric gathers at your knees, nor have gapes at the ankle opening! You can skip the medium and go straight to small lady, maybe even extra-small.
    Your boobs in that sports bra, however, are fabulous.
    Lol!!!! AGREED!!!!![emoji108]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Ok, workout gear (only to go out, I wear a super big tank that hangs like a tunic). LOL. And yes, my leggings need to be downsized to mediums. I think they would hold my flab in more. These are XL. (Tummy still pouchy from surgery 2 weeks ago.)
    IMG_4524.thumb.JPG.773471abbbc742bdcab4cf283aa66f00.JPG IMG_4522.thumb.JPG.9d8e049088fef880b90731ace3c5e76c.JPG
    Wow!!!!! FluffyChix!!!!! You need new clothes sizes!!!! You are probably a six 6!!! Please lose the baggies!!! Show what you worked HARD for!!!![emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji112][emoji112][emoji112]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Good morning gang!
    I haven’t weighed myself in over a week now and I think I might try to tomorrow.
    With many of our group seemingly in another stall and my recent weekend vacay, I’ve been hesitant to jump on and see where I am. The problem is that I’ve been stuck between 185-180 for over 3 weeks and want so desperately to make it into the 170’s by August.

    Vacay went well, but I pretty much ate/drank what I wanted. Honestly I bet I drank way more calories than I ate (hello frozen daquiri drinks!).

    Yeah the portions were very small, but I just went with the flow. Was able to get right back on track on the drive back Monday and by Tuesday afternoon it was almost as if I had never eaten off track. No carb cravings and my sleeve felt as small as ever.

    Anna if I had ever had your stomach at any point in my life I’d be wearing crop tops every day!

    I was also reading about how so many of us have dysmorphia issues and I can so totally relate.
    Here is a pic of me and hubs in NOLA and I feel so fat when I look at it. Even after losing 70 pounds I’m shocked at how big I look in pictures vs how I think I really look.

    Funny part is when I post the pics, everyone tells me how great I look while the entire time I’m cringing because I think I look soooooo much larger in the pics than I do in the mirror at home so now I’m seriously doubting my ability to objectively judge my own size.

    Ugh, so frustrating and not at all what I’d expected.

    Overall though, I’m going to remind myself that I’m still almost 50 pounds heavier than I was in high school/college so I still have 3-4 clothes sizes to lose.
    Maybe eventually I won’t feel like I’m taking up tons of space and will actually know what it’s like to be attractive (heck I’d settle for not feeling hideous) again.

    So because I like to end on a positive rather than a negative note, I will also post that I flew solo Friday and had to sit in the dreaded middle seat and for the first time in over 22 years I didn’t spill out into the seats on other side and I was actually able to not have the arms rests digging into my hips! Major victory!

    Pic posted with hubs and I’m horrified that anyone that loves me let me leave the condo with shorts on. Goodness but I hate having such a pear shape with thunder thighs and heavy legs.

    Look! You can actually see that my hips aren’t in serious dislocation from the armrest and that there’s quite a bit extra on the seat belt!

    Yup!!! Dysmorphia Sheribear!!! Because you look absolutely beautiful and slender and I can't even relate to how you see yourself in this adorable picture!!!!

    Congratulations on the NSV on the plane!! I can only imagine how fantastic that felt!!! Well done!!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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