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Posts posted by Deedee12

  1. A lot of people have trouble finding a balance that works for them. Especially when they are tempted constantly, so you're not alone and at least you're aware [emoji173]
    I personally had to learn (mostly during losing phase) :
    Not every celebration meant eating
    I didn't have to eat celebratory foods because it was a celebration
    Protect my journey from negative influences
    Eat what I wanted/needed (on plan) vs what's expected
    I could handle a single indulgence not a days worth
    People in my life can conform to my food standards too vs always conforming to theirs
    A stall is a setback but not a failure
    There's no going backwards
    You got this [emoji173]
    Needed to read this!!!![emoji173]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Mr. texted me to get dressed and meet him downtown for dinner later. Finally get to wear one of my Shein.com outfits out of the house!
    Feels good to get dressed up and go out again...
    Wow!!! Va va voom!!!!! Beautiful!![emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji176]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I found this dress at the thrift store. It’s pretty groovy. It feels odd when I pick up this more form fitting style of dress. I’m used to not feeling good/confident in them. So I have to remind myself to try them on and not just skip over them.

    3F564592-19F2-4C54-9EBC-AC6BAE968DFB.thumb.jpeg.a52a8f8222762db1fe8967d04eae7c5c.jpeg 75000878-B6FB-4B74-8176-4B1A82A87AD9.thumb.jpeg.903e15715efa6dba2adedc1dfef911ec.jpeg
    Looks fabulous!![emoji108][emoji108][emoji108] your svelte profile is inspiring!!![emoji176][emoji176][emoji176]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Me, too! I love the way I look and to whom I am becoming at 60, especially in contrast to my previous 40 - 50's self. Given all the dream girls and their bodies aside (of course, it is wonderful to have a worthy dose of inspiration)... As long as it does not cloud our judgment, vision and body image that we are in fact each beautiful starlets in our own right. There will always be flaws and more to find if I seek to look for them. Of course, my bat wing arm shows through my left sleeve velvet sweater! But how many times will I be posing like that? And, I have yet to begin a toning program. I am okay with imperfect. I remind my clients perfection is neurotic but we will pursue excellence. I believe my all or nothing mindset in the past helped to fuel my obesity. I will not re-engage or jeopardize how far I have come. I hope you won't either? And, having been a professional model during college and grad school - models from the agency were starving, mean, unhappy, insecure and miserable souls. My heart bleed for them. Their beauty was truly only skin deep. Beauty to me is an internal temperature that will radiate hot or cold on the exterior. Wow, I Celebrate all our unknown and yet to be discovered movie stars here on our threads. What an honor to express our fears, disappointments, frustrations, as well as our dreams, hopes and triumphs, too.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I absolutely agree.
    I'd like to add that there is nothing wrong with the female/human body. It's a normal, natural thing. The idea of what one should/shouldn't do or wear are just social constructs, and they change over time. Plus, pssssst - look up Jane Fonda's body painting spread. And, I'd like to add that showing her body has NEVER been a problem for her. And it shouldn't be. I have a ton of respect for people with the confidence and self love to do what they want like that.
    This brings up something that has been on my mind with the "ideal" discussion. A bit of background: I was super obese my entire adult life. Either dieting or feeling ashamed because I wasn't dieting and "should" have been. While having an "ideal" is a fun exercise, it's really not something I'm serious about.
    My work right now is not changing my body into what I think I want it to be, and never being satisfied with it, to learning to love who I am now while still doing the stuff I love (I actually love weightlifting and running).
    Of course within that is a balance, I'm going to have plastics in a couple of years to reconstruct my stomach (and probably my boobs). But I don't want to keep chasing some major ideal. I want some peace, and I want to model that to my students.
    I know that we all have our own goals and our own wants. That's great and awesome and part of what makes us all unique and such a fun group. These are just some thoughts I'm having as I process what it means to choose to be in maintenance.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Happy surgiversary to me, happy surgiversary to me....

    Here is my Surgiversary OOTD.

    Congratulations!!!!!!! You are my hero!!![emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. If i could get close to this...
    Its game over [emoji23]

    GAME OVER!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Everyone looks spectacular!!! I don't even know where to start commenting from?? I've been gone for a while (trip to Singapore with hubby, BFF and Brother) and all I could think of was what I was missing on OOTD!!!

    Thanks guys once again for always inspiring and motivating!![emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]

    @msss, that bikini and bod though[emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119] Wow!!!!!

    Well done everyone, you don't know how much seeing you guys being your best selves mean![emoji7][emoji8][emoji7][emoji8]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Finally hit ONEderland! Yay!

    I meant to share this earlier but I been so busy.

    Can’t believe this morning I hit ONEderland!

    HW: 270.6lbs
    SW: 266.8lbs

    Total lost:70.8lbs
    5 months and 10 days post op
    CONGRATULATIONS Bianca!!!!!!!![emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji119][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175][emoji175]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Warning: This is a long Read.
    Hey peeps,
    Feels like its been a while since I've posted on here...I think because alot of my initial apprehension/anxiety/fear of navigating maintenance has basically disappeared. I feel way more confident and secure that I've got this in the bag, so long a I keep up with my "good" habits, i.e., tracking my food, weighing daily, take my vites, drink my Water, getting in some exercise.
    Background reminder: I am almost 15 months post op from sleeve surgery, and I've been in maintenance now for about 7 months. I stopped weight loss mode at 127 lbs, and weighed in 115.4 lbs this morning.
    Prior to the PS recovery stage I am currently in, I finally figured out that with my normal activity level (5km run daily + 15 mins strength training), my maintenance calories average about 1800-2000 a day.
    My activity level for the past month however has been virtually null (save the last few days when I started walking 5km day, with the occasional short distance run in there somewhere), and my calorie intake has greatly varied day to day (MFP tells me I roughly averaged 1500 a day for the past month) and this combo has me maintaining 115 lbs.
    Though I think the lack of exercise/strength training is starting to show on my body parts. My thighs are looking soft, the muscles in my arms and shoulders look less defined, my butt is actually looking saggier! How much this is related to the PS swelling or repositioning, I dunno. I am told I will not see my what my post-plastics final body for another several months. In any case, I am ACHING to be able to run like the wind again and work on some body toning.
    Regarding food choices, I still stay away from bread, Pasta &rice. I have the occasional sugar-laden mixed drink (which I often pay for with dumpings), and my chocolate and desserts intake has probably quadrupled (again, which I often pay for with dumpings). Regarding dumpings, I notice I am more likely to get more severe symptoms if there is nothing else in my stomach, which, when I am drinking or having dessert, is often the case.
    I can definitely eat alot more in terms of volume than 6 months ago. Though my capacity is inconsistent in that there are days I can eat lots, and other days when I don't...and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for it.
    I continue to believe that I am all that and a bag of chips, and my confidence in myself and what I do is filtering into my life in strange ways. I am so much less angry and annoyed. I have way more patience with others and feel like I am less judge-y. I am not harsh on myself anymore, which makes me less harsh on others, I guess.
    I no longer really care what (non-essential) people think of me, nor do I feel the need to be liked and appreciated by them. On the flip side of this lack of concern, I am fine with "cutting the fat" from my life so to say, meaning that I recognize which relationships or interactions are worth working on and maintaining, and which ones I just step to side from.
    I am quite comfortable with silences now.
    All in all, I'm feeling pretty great, and quite happy where I find myself these days.
    Ok, I didn't mean for this post to be so long and oh-so-reflective, lol. Just wanted to give a how-I-am-doing-in-maintenance update.
    How are the other maintainers out there (new and old) doing? Would love to hear from you guys [emoji173]️

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. OMG!!!! Everyone looks ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!![emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108]
    This thread just gives me the best motivation I need to keep plugging along!!
    Well done ladies and gentlemen [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122] [emoji173][emoji173][emoji173]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Checking in, about 20 weeks post-op!
    Weight loss has slowed to about 0.5 - 1 lb per week, and some of my binge-eating habits have returned, but in smaller quantities. So I don't think it's technically binge-eating. I'm talking eating shredded cheese out of the bad, eating Peanut Butter out of the jar, eating like 4 string cheese instead of 1. I'm sure that's making the calories add up and contributing to the slowing weight loss. It's not hard to overeat soft, high-fat foods like that. I still can't binge-eat anything high in carbs, thankfully.
    This happening because I'm feeling very hungry again, especially at night. It's very discouraging because I was told the surgery would dramatically reduce the ghrelin hormone production in my stomach. It seems to have come back with a vengeance. I eat when I'm hungry, and then I fill up quickly, but then I start feeling hungry again when my stomach empties. This is not what I thought was supposed to happen.
    I'm feeling very jealous of all the people who lost 75%+ of their excess weight in the first 6 months, because I'll be lucky to hit 50%.
    You are not alone mr.sean!!! I've had to make sure ALL nuts have been taken out of my pantry because though I'm snacking on "healthy foods", I'm snacking A LOT! So I've had to reset myself since the holidays are over.
    The surgery is definitely not an easy way out as retraining the BRAIN is not for the fainthearted [emoji18][emoji57]
    Since getting back on track, I've dropped 2lbs in 2 days which didn't happen the entire last month though I've lost serious inches that when my sis who has not seen me in a while saw me, she begged me not to lose any longer![emoji18][emoji57]. I think it's the dramatic difference....we'll see how I feel as I continue to lose.

    But keep your head and chin up as we plug along. Remember we are just 4 and half months post OP. We still have time to recalibrate.

    Good luck my fellow Augustas[emoji176][emoji176][emoji176]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Omg I think this outfit is one of the most slenderizing ones you've posted! You really are doing well in your WL journey - congratulations!
    Absolutely agree!!@angiebear, your transformation on this thread has been striking!!![emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji176] Well done! You look fabulous as well!!

    Everyone looks beautiful as usual! Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what awesome journeys this year brings! [emoji173][emoji173]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. [emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172][emoji172]
    Whaaaaaaaat? Me too? That's right [emoji28]
    I decided to go ahead and (silently) have plastics done. This mommy had a makeover yesterday and is very happy with the results so far. Still very early in my recovery but I wanted to document as much as I could before I forgot.
    Procedures: Mommy Makeover (breast lift w/o implants and extended Tummy Tuck with Lipo of sides)
    Where: Miami baby! Southbeach body here I come [emoji12]
    Why: the usual reasons... I've been thinking about it forever and finally took the plunge
    When: Jan 03, 2020
    Still early out and I'm pretty laid up so ill update when I can!

    Omg!!!!! Congratulations!!!![emoji126][emoji126][emoji126][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji108][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji176][emoji176][emoji176][emoji176]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Have fun and good luck with the food plan! I went to Disney at under a month post-op... OMG that was HARD! Went to Sea World and the San Diego Zoos for Christmas and that was a bit easier, but still challenging. But mostly because I am not able to eat much salad yet. And I kept telling my husband I needed him to order something that I can eat off his plate and he just wasn't getting it... at least, not until the last day lol. Everything he ordered was horrible for me. He still doesn't understand... lean Proteins first, healthy veggies second... and extremely small amounts of everything else. And don't get me started on the portions he brings me when he gets my food!
    Anyhow... going back to Disney again in May, so I will have to check back to this thread to see what you founds at Disney. I stuck to Soup and chili since I was on a soft diet at the time.
    Just got back from all those places with my family. I'm 4 months PO and it was so amazing not running/hiding from cameras!! My entire family was there and it was such a great and freeing time!!
    After all that letting lose, I came back weighing less than I went

    So Jake, have a fantastic time because with all that activities and walking, the weight keeps dropping no matter what your little pouch allows you to eat!! I wish I could say I was as conscientious as you, I wasn't and I was prepared for the consequences.

    I'll definitely be following your adventures

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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