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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cashley

  1. My doctor repaired a hernia at the same time as the banding so it's an easy story to go with.

    I know that bosses aren't supposed to ask but when you are close to someone like your boss it's hard to lie... it is for me anyway. It's even harder to say "It's personal"

  2. Cashley,

    I agree with you, this is a personal matter, but I understand about the nosy people. I for one only told my closest friends and family members, but they took it at their on liberty to tell their friends and aquiantances, at first it was a little humilating, since the calls started coming and some from people I did not even know knew with questions like "Did it hurt?, How much do you weigh?, Why did you go to Mexico?, When will you star loosing, after already loosing 15lbs? Did you try Nutri-Sytem?," and all of these other questions that I did not feel I need to answer. - but now it has been 4 months and I have lost 35lbs and I feel great. If I could do it all over again I would have told nobody and lied, but it is at your sole discretion, I just wanted to tell you what it was like for me. Hope this helps you any, just try to overlook the dumb questions people might ask you as they do not know better, especially the nosy ones -and by the way have a Happy Valentines

    Yeah - That's a big issue because sometimes you just don't have time for all the dumb questions from people liket that...

    So far when I have told people I get "I don't think you need that why don't you just diet?"

  3. My husband, parents, sister, and best friend know. Other than that everyone thinks I am having a hiatal hernia repaired. (semi-truth, LOL) I have a 10 day liquid diet and I needed that to be out in the open at work so I just explained that it was part of the fix for the hernia.

    That's exactly what I'm telling most people especially customers I'm not close with.

    Actually the more I think about it the more I may want to tell people... because I don't want to hear "See I told you that you coudl do it if you just put your mind to diet and exercise"

    When I start losing I'd just scream if I hear people say that....

    It always seems people don't beleive you when you say "Diet and Exercise" didn't work for me... Surgery isn't a cope out for me I felt it the only way.

  4. Why do people cheat on their spouses? Why do we get fat to begin with? Why do people smoke? Why do we spend too much? Why do some people get addicted to drugs?

    I wish I knew the answers... I'd have more money and wouldn't have had to even had the lapband in the first place if I'd practiced better control.

    Personally I enjoy good food... I decided on the band because I wanted to continue to enjoy good food just at limited quantites. I did Atkins for too many years and it only made me feel more deprived of sweets.

  5. I know it's a personal decision to discuss this with family, friends, co-workers etc. and I'm wondering how you all have handled it? If you decided to lie how did that go... I know lie sounds like a drastic word but that's what I feel like.

    I just got banded and my job as a consultant keeps me on the go with hunderds of clients. They all are asking "Where you've been... what's going on? Are you ok?" since I've been out for a week. I assist with Payroll software and work from home so I've been trying to call them back as I feel up to it. But they are nosy...

    I mostly wanted to tell only family and close friends but I hate to lie too.... Peope come right out and ask the most direct questions.... "What kind of surgery did you have? Ohhhh lap band - You don't need that" Or if I tell them I've just been sick or had a hernia repaired. (actually I did have that during my lapband)

    So I'm curious to reactions you've had both positive and negative.

  6. The gas pain is in my back... it's moved around under my ribs a lot. It mostly feels like a knife in my back. The golf ball in my chest I realize is my band but I'm still hungrey.

    The doctor said I didn't have a lot of fat around the top of my stomach and that the band is looser on me then on some people. Also I didn't have much swelling so I never had the restriction on the liquids.

    I spoke to him yesterday on the phone and he said to add "mushy" food like oatmeal & mash potatos. He said to take GasX for the pain in my back but it's not really helped.

    I've only had a few bites of oatmeal since getting permission. I'm not a big Soup eater since I hate veggies... I've been living on Boost for now but am planning on swithing to a better Protein drink.

  7. My doctor said no suger the week before surgery and gave examples on Protein shakes like Dr. Atkins or Low-Carb Slim Fast. After surgery he said suger and was ok since he wanted my strengh up and a few more calories to heal. He switched me to Boost shakes from the low carb.

    I actually think that my problem now is the suger from the Boost shakes since I seem to get wicked cravings from any suger. I did great the week prior but now i'm much more hungry. I may switch back to surger-free items since the cravings are ucky.

  8. I also used Dr. Lusco in Louisville. I just had surgery on Feb 8th. I feel like crap right now with lots of gas pain and a golf ball in my chest but I'm not swollen and I'm pretty hungery. I can get as much liquid as I need down. In fact i just called Dr. Lusco a bit ago to ask if I can have mushy food already. I'm just so hungery and my belly is growling a lot.

  9. I'm sorry to be dumb but I've tried to find these answers before asking.

    What's PB'ing?

    What's Sliming?

    I just had surgery last Wednesday and joined here this weekend.

    I'm having a lot of Gas Pain in my back and chest and a big golf ball in my chest too. In addition, I'm starving. i'm ready for more then just liquids.

  10. I've been drinking Dr. Atkins Protein shakes and my nurse recommended Boost High Protein for the two weeks after surgery. I've been drinking two or three since Wednesday.

    I didn't eat a big chicken finger it was just a sample at Sam's while shopping. I chewed and chewed too.

    The oatmeal on the other hand isn't allowed until 2 weeks in.. I don't think I can wait that long for more oatmeal.

    I'd really like something less sweet... the Protein Shakes, the yoguart, the pudding are all really sweet. I can't stomach anymore chicken brooth since it taste so salty now.

    Any ideas of something "non-sweet" during the liquid phase?

    I'm going to call my nurse on Monday to see if Oatmeal is ok right now. If she said yes to it... I think i'd survive.

  11. My BMI is 37 and I was banded on Fed. 8th 2006. (Last Wednesday) It's flustrating to tell people that you are having it done and they say... "You're not big enough" or some other comment about how I should just diet and exercise.

    I choose this surgery and paid myself because I'm so tried of the struggle. It's a daily struggle to just maintain my weight and not gain. I'd be much heavier if I didn't exercise daily and watch what I eat.

    People look at me as if I didn't try other methods first. I did and I've gained and lost the same 80 pounds 4 or 5 times. The last few years no diet worked and I tried them all. And will power eventually gives way when you've done perfect and not lost a pound for 3 months.

    Also, I didn't lose anything on the 7 day liquid fast pre-op.... I'm a little scared.

  12. I was banded on Wednesday 2/8 and I guess I feel ok. I still have a lot of stabby pains from the gas. It's espeically bad in my back.

    Did anyone eat solids or soft foods early? My nurse said that the band doesn't provide much restriction for me and that I would progress faster on the post-op diet then others but hell - I've already had a chicken finger (chewed well) and a 1/2 serving of oatmeal.< /p>

    I'm serously hungry.

    I don't think I get a fill until 6 weeks.

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