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Posts posted by Jon_gets_skinny

  1. Haven’t been on in awhile, but figured I’d throw in an update since my surgery. I’m 6’2” so that helps a little bit with the weight loss, I guess? Lol but my SW was 307, and for about a week or so now I’ve been holding steady at 207. Down 100 pounds and feeling fantastic. I wish I had got this surgery sooner. I honestly wasn’t expecting to get down below 210, it’s incredible. I hope one day I’ll be able to sit down and do a very in-depth post to share for those getting the surgery and give a little inspiration to others. You’re all awesome! Keep up the good work!

  2. Technically mine was “outpatient” because I stayed in the hospital less then 24 hours. My surgery was at 1pm and I had left the next morning around 11am. So I think that is considered outpatient even though I stayed overnight. I had bare minimal pain, if I would even consider it pain, just was very gassy. They gave me liquid Tylenol Codeine but I didn’t even use it.

  3. On 04/25/2019 at 20:54, Sandra Nuelken said:

    I'm going through the steps for the sleeve after having the band for 9 years. I remember what it was like when I weighed less and that's all I want again. I want my mobility and health back. I too have trouble with knees, stairs, hills, and walking and distant. I also want to be able to get in and out of my kayak without making a fool of myself. Keep me updated on your journey, good news keeps me positive!

    I agree Sandra, mobility and health. I want to be able to run again and perhaps participate in a half marathon, I heard it’s a huge accomplishment feeling especially for those who are overweight. Kayaking is awesome, you’ll get there! 😊

  4. On 04/25/2019 at 14:03, Shellcat said:

    Thank you for your kind words. I do feel a bit less gassy today. Able to get a bit more Protein in which is good. Trying to decide when to go back to work because I feel REALLY tired and shaky. How many days did you take off?

    Hey @shellcat

    Glad you’re able to get more Protein in, for me, every day it definitely got easier to drink more and get more protein in. Just got to do a little more each day. For me I had to go on short term disability because my work I do a lot of walking and strenuous work and my doctor said she didn’t want me put that much stress on my body especially the first 4 weeks until the stomach actually solidifies. So I’m out of work for 4 weeks but making the best of it. Been doing hiking trails everyday since about two days after surgery. I’ve never had this much time off of work before lol

  5. On 04/25/2019 at 13:07, Sandra Nuelken said:

    What is on your list of things you want to do after weight loss. My counselor said to make a list. All I want is my knees to quit hurting, they did when I lost my weight before. I also want to wear clothes without 2 being the first number or an X the last number. I don't have any really big goals. So far do you have the reflux you had with the band?

    Hey Sandra! That’s an excellent idea making a list! My main focus though is to get healthy and get off this BP medication and high cholesterol medication. I also have bad knee pain in my right knee but mostly only when I’m going down steps, so I’m hoping this will take care of that. Then there’s countless of other things, like simply being able to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breathe and feeling better about myself. And hopefully get out of these XXL shirts also 😁I also had the gastric sleeve done, not the band, but still to answer, I’ve had zero issues with reflux so far

  6. On 04/24/2019 at 21:47, Sandra Nuelken said:

    I have 2 more pre-op visits then wait for approval and date. As I've had the lap band most of the visits are just visiting. The diet is much the same for both, the recovery a bit harder for the sleeve. I'm getting nervous but will just take this one month at a time.

    I was super nervous and anxious when the day before surgery myself. That’s why I actually decided to join this forum to get positive feedback and read a lot of amazing weight loss stories which inspired me to get passed the anxiety. Once the surgery was over it was a huge sigh of relief and I was just ecstatic at that point to get up and motivate myself to my own weight loss journey.

    Nervous is normal :) hope all goes well and hope to read your weight loss journey soon!

  7. On 04/24/2019 at 20:04, Shellcat said:

    I had Surgery on 22nd and went home that night. My surgeon does not require a leak test. I also had the burping feeling without being able to get it out. The good news is Gas X got rid of that quickly. I missed the nausea too! yeah. I have been swollen though and struggling to get in all of the fluids I need. Today is day two and I am now able to sip without pain most of the time. I hope your recovery is going as well! Good luck!

    Wow no leak test! I feel like for me personally it’s just a sense of relief knowing there’s no leak I guess, did you have the sleeve performed?

    The gas pain definitely subsides, so don’t worry! If it’s gas pain from the surgery, walking around had helped me get rid of that. If it’s gas pain after your swallow something, then time was the only thing that helped. It’s been a week for me and all the gas pain has dissipated for me. I didn’t take any gasX for pain relief as by the time I got the word out on here about it, I had already started feeling better and just pushed through it.

    Speedy recovery for you! It’ll go by quick, it’s already flying by for me :)

  8. I’m feeling really good :) the gas has definitely settled down. I’m making sure to continue with my walking regimen, 3-4 miles everyday so far. I’m down to 267 as of yesterday, I lost 10 about a week before liquid preop diet, then 10 days of that dropped another 20 and 5 days after surgery weighed in another 10 pound loss. So going to keep pushing and hope I can get to 220! But all and all, strong as bull and still have no hunger which is amazing!

  9. Hey there!
    I almost opted for the balloon too, but ultimately ended getting the sleeve done (being it was a permanent solution to my weight loss difficulties, my surgeons told me that it wasn’t a permanent fix and covered under my insurance.)

    So I guess I’m curious, what happens to your stomach during the time with the balloon in? Does it shrink in size? So that when they remove the balloon you’re not tempted to want to go back to eating as much as before? I never really understood the balloon thing? I guess to me what I’m thinking, is that you have this balloon taking up all this space in your stomach but once they remove it, now you have all that empty space back to re-indulge. Does that make sense? I’m just curious about the long term solution, not that I can go back now lol

    Thanks and congrats on your amazing weight loss journey!

  10. On 04/22/2019 at 18:06, pmreardon said:

    Wishing you the very best in your recovery. My sleeve is on Wednesday, the 24th. I did't know there was a "leak test" - that sure makes a lot of sense! Take care!

    Hey there! Thank you so much and good luck to you on yours! And yeah there’s a leak test, they make you drink this god awful contrast which I nearly threw up (why they don’t make one that tastes good is beyond me) lol

  11. Hey rosekay!

    I actually had my VSG on April 17, 2019, so I’m still on my Clear Liquids. Anyways, I have the exact same feeling after I drink anything. Whether I take the tiniest of sips or just a normal little sip, hot or cold, i always get some terrible gas pains after a couple sips. I’ve read a few things that it’s normal for up to a week, and that it’s just your new stomach adjusting still. But I too have the same gas, stuck in my stomach feeling.

  12. On 04/19/2019 at 04:28, Charlar said:

    Ah you are so hitting the mark about food changing the emotions! I go on a binge and don't think about what I am doing until after when I look back and realise it's been because of me feeling anxious, lonely and self-conscious.

    Awh I am so sorry for your loss, I am sure that was hard to hear but you have already achieved so much pushing through with the decision! It will all be so worth it! I am like you in the sense that I am 25 and I dread to think what would my health be like in my 30s! 😞 and I would rather do it sooner than later.

    I am already finding so much comfort on this forum, it is great to talk to people who aren't going crazy at you for even considering the surgery! Thank you so much, I am sure I will take you up on the offer 🙂

    Thank you :)
    And yes, get it sooner rather than later, because if you continue to wait you’ll never get it done and continuously second guess getting it. And being young, I’m sure that helps with the healing process from the surgery. I’m now on my second day post op and am feeling very good. I went into surgery starving, stomach pains and growling, but now after I have zero desire to eat. It’s crazy feeling because that’s all I used to want to ever do.

    This forum has been very helpful with the support for me as well. I joined specifically because I too wanted to talk to people who are going or went through the same thing because some people just don’t understand.

    What also helped was reading others inspiration stories and seeing there difference.

  13. Hey everyone,

    So I had my surgery yesterday, got the leak test completed and all is well to start my clear liquid diet. My question is, every time I seem to drink something, (I’m only taking very tiny sips) but I get serious like gas burping pain... has anyone had this feeling after surgery? If so, how long did it last?

    I cant drink as much as I should because of this awkward burping gas I get.

    Thank you!

  14. On 04/18/2019 at 11:07, Charlar said:

    Hey Jon 🙂

    Thank you so much for coming back to me. It is so nice to be able to relate back to someone even if it is over a hard situation! I am totally the same, I just don't have it in me anymore to force myself to diet and then be triggered by a situation again and let it all pile back on.

    Ah that is good to hear that you have minimal pain, to be honest I haven't even been worrying about the pain side as I have been a bit caught up with the mental side 😞 I think I am more anxious of having my comfort blanket of food pulled away from me? But I am crying out for change so that needs to happen!

    Also I am so happy to hear that you pushed on through and had the surgery, I 100% think you made the right decision based on what you've told me and I am so excited to see how you progress in your journey! 🙂 Thank you for all your advice, it's comforting to have people who know how you feel, have a lovely day! 🙂

    Certainly! :)
    I’m right there with you about taking away my comfort food. I went on a liquid diet 10 days prior to my surgery and during the time, all I wanted was to turn to my comfort food and give up. But in the back of my head I stayed strong. It definitely takes some strong will power to stay away and the though of losing your comfort food makes it that much harder. I could literally have the worst day ever and I could go to a fast food place, sit in the parking lot and just devour food and my whole day would turn around and I’d be happy. That’s how much food change my emotions. But when I went to the doctor and he told me at the rate I was going with high BP, high cholesterol, a very unhealthy liver, I was due to have a heart attack within 10 years. He said by the time you’re 38, you’re on track to have a heart attack if not sooner. It was a complete eye opener and game changer, being I had lost my father from a heart attack just 2 years ago.

    So you really need to find your will power and strength. Hopefully find a new comfort to make you feel better when you have down days. The gym also helps with those days for me. You can do it! Feel free to ask me anything!

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