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Posts posted by OnederlandOnceAgain

  1. Hi!

    Just found this awesome community and wanted to say Hi and introduce myself.

    I am 42 from Mid-Michigan and currently 265lbs at 5'6". I think at the doctor my BMI was about 41. After bringing up bariatric surgery to my doctor she was 100% on board. I had my first consultation last week and they have already scheduled my next three visits, my psych eval, and my endoscopy. I was shocked that that was all done on the first appointment. Now to wait out the next 3-3 1/2months and get everything finalized.

    For insurance, it seems pretty easy, they cover 100% and I just have a deductible (so out of pocket around $900). I am trying not to take this part lightly, as I do expect hurdles with it along the way.

    For me, and partly for insurance reasons, I am not required to lose any weight before surgery (minus the 2-week pre-op diet). Has anyone else not had to as well. I thought it was weird at first, but they explained that if I am under 40 BMI, the insurance is less likely to approve since I do not have a full 2 co-morbidities.

    Looking forward to connecting!

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