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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Boo

  1. Betty- hahaha!! I feel like you are right on my tail!

    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. It just can't be possible to consume 800 calories, run off 500-600 and NOT lose weight, can it?? So I am waging all-out WAR with the scale.

    Wow, I just heard a wierd noise and looked out the window. There is a raccoon up on my trampoline.;) Yikes!

    Julie, I can totally relate to your feelings towards your co-workers. I've been facing a similar decision and the connection with my friends at work has made it too difficult for me to leave. (I'm a softy) But you will form new relationships and you are strong!

    Dawn, talk about strong! 6.4, huh? Now I have to do math to figure that out!!

    Terri, Molly, Eficka, Amourette, Kat, and everybody that hasn't posted in a while, goodnight! Keep up the fight!

    Has anyone heard from Tracy? Oh, Tracy!! Where are you??

  2. Kat, it is good to hear from you. That was some trip! And your description created some fun vision in my head. At first I imagined a mattress and chairs all piled up behind you on your motorcycle! I was worried you would topple over from the wind. I had to go back and re-read it. HAHA. The aerial show sounds terrifying to me. I'm a scaredy-cat!!

    Amourette, I'll PM you!

    Hi to everybody! I've got my fingers crossed for a new low in the next few days. I have NEVER worked so hard to break through a plateau!!!

  3. Just ran about 4+ miles...felt great!

    Okay, this just is NOT cool! Too many of our group are suffering right now!

    Eficka, tonsilitis? Ouch! You'll be back before you know it.

    Molly, your experience with the gallstones must have been harrowing. That is definitely something we will all need to beware of. You probably are a much smaller size. It seems we are smaller on the way down. I think Julie described it as "bone density changes."

    Julie, WTG with the candy. I've quit the candy, too. (At least for now.) Just Say, "No!" After the total unfill, I gained about six pounds or so. Now, the scale is FINALLY moving lower again!

    Happy Mother's Day to all!!

    ;):) :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

  4. Betty,

    I like your little ticker lady. That is fun.

    Sorry so many of you are sick! It is allergy time here and the air is filled with smoke. We have had terrible fires! It was heartbreaking to see our beautiful park on fire by an arsonist. (It is also one of my favorite places to run.) If I survive the air quality without an asthma attack, I will be very blessed!

    Roberta (Ceperano), are you out there?

    How is Bluehill?

    Amourette, if you are reading this...XOXO!

  5. I SO want to see "Spamalot"! (AND I SO want to see Julie, AND I SO want to give you a hug, too!) I'm jealous, Betty. But also, I am working on my plans for the upcoming months. I'll let you know when and if I will be in your town!

    Have a nice week everyone!

    I have many shows for the next month. I'll try to post at night when I can. Mainly, I'll try to run. I will be dancing, too!

  6. Great job, everyone!

    It's good to know that we can be super busy, keep up with our exercising, AND come back and check in here when it fits into our needs. Although the group may miss those that are away, we have this great support system in play.

    I have found it to be a motivating factor to report and be accountable. It speaks to my responsible side. Also, I love the conversations and sharing that goes on. So if I am in town, I love to check in. This is really the only thread I check regularly and the only forum I use.

    For those that gain from visiting (lurking), or stopping by now and then to check in, you are completely welcome! The more, the merrier! But please don't ever feel obligated or guilty for taking a break. (From someone that likes to be a "regular," I confess I do worry when people disappear...just hoping nothing is wrong) When you do feel like you need the challenge or support here, there are many waiting with "open arms" to give comforting words, understanding, advice, empathy, a challenge, or whatever may be needed!

    So, with that said, I'm out for a walk with my DH. Julie, honestly, 8 miles??!! WOW!!

    BTW, Dawn, GO AHEAD AND MAKE MY DAY! I need to push myself too! Break that record!

    Molly, maybe you can share info on the walk. I might be in B.C. during that time.

  7. Amourette, I missed you!!! I sent you an e-mail and I think Eficka tried to reach you, too. We spoke about you on our thread here a few weeks ago. So you have DEFINITELY been missed!! As Betty put it, you have a charming "voice."

    I am truly sorry that you have been suffering. The combination of heartbreak and in-flight crisis would make anyone retreat and really question life. You are just too dear to be pained!

    You must look amazing! It is a compliment having all those skinnies coming to you for advice. I'm not totally where I want to be, but I do have women asking me about every day what I have done. I wish I could help them, but will only divulge the running and dietary changes. It may not be the complete truth, but it is more manageable to keep the band private.

    For you "newbies" reading, Amourette is absolutely gorgeous! (Maybe she will post another picture.) AND she brings humor and delight to our conversations.

  8. Tracy, I just wanted to mention how much your face has changed already! That is great!

    I place so much emphasis on the changes in my body that I forget to appreciate the benefits to my face, also.

    We're off to a good start, ladies!

    Is there anyone else out there reading that would like to join in? You could set your own goal. Don't be intimidated! We are all just trying to keep ourselves and each other motivated to move. So, join in the fun!

  9. Hey, Eficka, what about going for the Bronze Plus (+), or Super Bronze, or Bronze Elite, or...anything else that could give you that little extra credit for the added effort?

    We just want to feel good about what we do. Our goals are all different. It is a progression, and we need to keep challenging ourselves, no matter what level we are on. If we accomplish them, we are ALL gold winners.

    I understand where you are coming from. I lead an active lifestyle. When I workout, I want to work really hard and push myself to the max. So I usually go for a good hour. I can't always do it everyday. Sometimes my body needs to recover. My goal is to count those workouts where I am really pushing it to the limit.

    Maybe we just set our own standards of what we want to accomplish.

    With that, I'm off to the gym! I have the day off!!!!

  10. When I was overly restircted, the only thing that would go down was chocolate. I never ate candy before being banded. Now, I eat a little every day. It is a problem, but I have found some ways to keep from overindulging.

    1. Don't buy candy. Stay away from the candy aisles at the store. I stay away from the movie theatre because it is too much of a temptation to go to the concessions.

    2. If you really want to have a little, only buy the small, individual bag. Don't buy it in bulk.

    3. Make sure your band is not too tight. If healthy foods get stuck, you will be more apt to turn to the junk. When we don't get the Protein we need, we can mistakenly turn to sweets for energy.

    4. EXERCISE!!! This is the #1 tool to help me turn off my cravings. And it affords me to indulge in a 1/2 oz. of chocolate now and then.

    Hey, these are very simplistic ideas that we ALL know. We have to keep reminding ourselves and each other why we've been banded, and where we want to be. Every day can be a challenge, but honestly, after a few days of being "good," it gets SO much easier!!

    Good luck to ALL of us! Let's have a great day!

  11. Congrats to all of our baby bandsters for having restriction. Isn't it grand to not be hungry?

    I'm off to the gym for my final workout. I'll post when I get home!

    (Lost a pound this morning and had about ten compliments at work. ALSO, two men WINKED at me today - hahaha! I didn't know they did that anymore.)

  12. Wow!

    I have been out of town and am SO sorry to read about Rick's trouble. Kat, I'm sending you hugs, prayers and concern. It is extra difficult to manage the extended family's fears. You have my support!

    Congrats to everyone for an awesome job this month!

    I had a beautiful run yesterday on the beach. One more workout tomorrow and I'll have reached the gold (on the LAST day!)

    "Better late than never.":rolleyes:

  13. Thanks for all of the advice on the Protein. I'll check what I get. I rarely eat meat.< /p>

    Betty: "Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful day. I've got a wonderful feeling, everythings going my way-"

    :sing: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2: :note2:

    I just sang for you!

    I dropped a pound, too! Finally, the weight is going down.

  14. Oh, I wish I could go to bed right now! There are just never enough minutes in the day, so I borrow from the sleep time (I'm in deep debt!) I'm just like a little kid when it comes to bedtime, anyway.

    Well, 60 minutes on the eliptical burned 560 calories. So I am definitely at a deficit for today.

    Does anyone know how many grams of Protein are the minimum we should have?

    Thanks for all the eating tips!

  15. Betty, your invitation is quite tempting! I will definitely try to work it into my schedule. That would be good motivation, too!

    My calorie count for today is 1020. I do stay very active the entire day, so this is not high for me. Let's see how many calories I will burn on the elliptical!

    Eficka and Molly, don't feel too bad about the chocolate. I actually believe a little chocolate is good for you. And we are all going to fall sometimes. It is not possible to be perfect every single day. While I was unfilled I ate everthing that would normally get stuck. Healthy, stringy vegetables were glorious, but so was bread! Being bad reminded me of my past. I was reminded of the misery attached to out-of-control eating. Luckily, we can get help here, from each other. And we can adjust the band to a more comfortable size, and then go on with life.

    I've lost two pounds since my fill last week. I still have a few more (5) to drop just to get back down to 167 listed on my signature. I am trusting that it will happen very soon. Then, a new low will bring me great joy!

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