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Posts posted by Boo

  1. Betty, I only walked five hours because I had to! Believe me, I thought about you and gained respect for those long morning walks you so diligently complete. It works the body differently and I actually got sore hips!

    Yeah, I totally believe in medication. Thankfully, we live in this modern world and help is available! I read once that obesity (eating disorders) and depression are somehow linked on the same gene. It makes sense. You have been through a tremendous year, Julie! So many things have changed. Not only have you transfigured yourself, but you have changed apartments AND jobs!! You have also undergone quite an ordeal having the TT+ and you are running very fast. Your body is probably shouting "Whoa! What is going on here?? If you don't slow down, I'm gonna make you." But we CAN'T slow down!

    These plateaus just make me MAD!!! After everything I have done over the last week/month, I am still hovering just above 160. I do know that one day will bring me a surprise, but then how long will I hover in the upper 50's?? Aren't I greedy? I want what I want and I want it NOW!

    Going running tonight! Very far, very fast! Grrrrrr.....

  2. Dear Karen,

    Thank you for your wisdom and experience. We certainly can all relate to our common struggles.

    I've read many of your posts over the last year or so. Congratulations on TWO successful years! This is such a journey of self-discovery! Thank you for your insightful reflection. You have caused me to also reflect on where I am in this process. There are so many issues that I have not yet faced.

    Through several plateaus I have nearly given up hope. Luckily, this forum, and specifically my April bandsters' exercise group has kept my "head down" in working towards the final goal. I can attest to all of the benefits of exercise.

    Although there are 20-30 pounds to drop to get to my personal goal, I am thankful every day to have this life. I feel free! Not only do I feel good, but the social benefits are tremendous. People are nicer to me. I am treated with more respect. Heads turn. Just today someone mentioned that I look younger every year. And I was also mistaken for Kate Winslet! A year ago, NO ONE noticed me. And I was thankful because I preferred to hide. Now life is an exciting adventure. Even tacking these last stubborn pounds will NOT get me down!

    So, let's dig our heels in tomorrow and eat salad with chicken and have a great workout, okay??!

  3. Eficka, hang in there. It takes a few days of being good to clean out your system and then you will have that light and happy feeling again.

    I hate to admit it, but I am struggling with food, also. I'm doing better, but just keep having issues with Protein. I need much more than I am getting. I rely on dairy, cause I just don't like meat that much. I will really try to improve in this area. If I am getting enough Protein, then my appetite for sweets or bad stuff is diminished.

    Thanks for the lift, Julie! I love your resolve! And I am very close to ordering a Garmin.

    Well, last night I changed up my course and ran no big hills. That gave me a four mile run in 34 minutes, with a 5th mile walked. My goal is to run another 5K in 28:00, and a 10K in close to an hour.

    This weekend I'm forming a team to run in "Relay for Life," which celebrates cancer survivors. It is a 24 hour relay. I feel bad for the runners that have the hot afternoon and the 3:00 a.m. shift. Hopefully, I'll have about two hours of running/walking.

    I'm frustrated at my weight. PLEASE scale GODS, GIVE ME A BREAK!!! (Does this work, Julie?) I'm GOING to break into the 50's and then the 40's and hopefully the 30's by CHRISTMAS!!!

  4. PS: Eficka, we can ALL relate to your predicament. You have our empathy. When we have set backs, we just have to come on here, be accountable for our exercising, get some support, and move ahead. That is exactly what you have done. You will be fine and you will get back on track very soon!

    Amourette!!! It is always such a treat to hear from you. We think about you even when you don't post, so never apologize. Take care!!

  5. Good to hear from you, Molly. That is great that you fit a workout in while adjusting to a work schedule. One of my biggest downfalls to start my gain was the fact that I felt tired after work and rationalized staying home to relax (eat, nap, computer, tv) instead of going to the gym regularly. You WILL have MORE energy!!! It is as if you have two days in one. An entirely new energy comes over you after the workout and there is so much more to accomplish and look forward to. ALSO, exercising helps the skin, heart, appetite, weight loss, and to get rid of the blues. YEAH for Molly!!!

    Julie, kudos to you! I have no desire to run a marathon. I just don't want to injure my joints from stress. BUT, you inspired me to step it up a bit. I ran 5 miles last night. Well, I ran 4.7 miles in 48 minutes, then walked the last .3 cause I thought I was already done. My husband drove the route and checked the odometer. The toughest part of my run is a half-mile steep hill. But at the end, it is downhill! I like this route for training, but for timing purposes I need to find less incline to my run. Are you happy with your little GPS watch?? I looked at some yesterday. Any tips? I can't have my husband driving around with me every night!

    I'll post again later, but I am SO close to the 50's!!

    A little fill can always do the trick! Even if it is slightly tight, it will kick start the loss again, then a slight unfill after a few weeks to level off can help. When I consulted with a PS about a TT, he told me I was done with my weight loss (14 pounds ago!) He said that you really only lose a certain amount, then plateau and you're done. It was a very discouraging conversation, but what I needed to get my butt in gear again. I will prove him wrong!

    Have a wonderful day everyone! Give thanks for this great new life we all share and the ability we have to move our bodies!!


  6. I can relate! I'm okay now, but there were months where I would beg my husband to let me put my popsicle toes on his legs to warm up.

    I have one question for you. Have you experienced the hair loss side effect of surgery?? I lost probably half of my hair and I am sure that my symptoms were partially from the heat lost off my head. I started wearing a warm cap to bed and that helped more than anything. Now that my hair has started growing in again, I feel fine. Oh yeah, it IS summer and 90 deegrees out!

    Also, you might try checking your thyroid.

    Good luck!!

  7. Hey Julie! Great job! Is that per mile? That is awesome.

    I ran 5 miles yesterday. Tonight will be an easy jog night. I've just heard about a run this next weekend that I want to enter. I'm scared that it might be longer than I am conditioned for, but the cause is too important to miss the race.

    Running tip: Try on some support hose. Not only are my legs not jiggling, but my time is faster. Also, for distances, vaseline in crevises helps avoid heat and friction rashes.

    Hugs to everyone!

    Betty, I'll write you with my summer plans. Maybe we can meet up there.

    Can't change my ticker, so I lost count. I believe I am on 11 or 12 this month. Also, I am hovering just above 160. PLEASE wish me luck moving into the 50's!!!

  8. Tracy, you do look very pretty in your picture!

    I just can't get over the fact that Dawn and Julie both ran 10K's on the same day! It is as if you are living in some kind of parallel universe. I think you both had fantastic times. Dawn, I don't know why your time wasn't your best, but there are some issues that I encountered on my 5K. The huge crowd of runners gave me trouble in the beginning. It took time to get away from the pack, and it took time to get to my own pace. The other challenge for me was that I felt nervous to do well. Running is my private time. I run in the dark and reflect. With such a huge crowd in broad daylight, I felt pressured and that caused my heartrate to go up. It is so important to stay relaxed while running to mentally and physically keep the heart beating at a lower pace. Please don't beat yourself up over it. I want to do better on my next 5K, and now you have me thinking about a 10K.

    So, hooray for all the inspiration! And Julie, I completely understand about the medal. I still have my 2nd place trophy displayed.

    I can't change anything in my signature yet, but i AM running and doing great. I may not be able to check in as often as I like until my computer is fixed.

    It is great to hear from our '07 friends!!!

    (Julie, I forgot to answer your dancing question. I love many forms of dance. Recently, I was performing in a musical revue, so rehearsals and performances really gave me a lot of exercise. I REALLY want to take a Salsa class. And Armenian dancing is really fun and aerobic. I used to be heavy into hip=hop and am thinking about trying that again. Dancing really drops the weight for me.)

    Betty, you are quite the trooper with all of your walking. Did it feel strange to meet in person, or did you feel like you knew each other?

  9. Sorry, I'm having computer issues and can't update my exercising. But, I can report that I ran 6 miles! Dawn and Julie inspired me. I didn't think I could do it, but I did! The only big mistake I made was in not timing the run. You know what that means? I'll have to do it again. Tonight is long run night, so we'll see. I've completed three sessions so far.

    The scale does not like me. It is fighting "tooth and nail" to stay in the 60's.

    I had an unfill, so it is harder to maintain. The refill is Saturday, though. Help is on its way!

  10. Dawn, that is a great time! Congratulations on making it through a 10K. I am totally inspired. Have fun on your trip.

    I've been dancing for a change of pace. It has helped me to burn calories, finally drop some weight and have fun. I used to dance daily, but felt foolish when I gained the weight. It is wonderful to feel the freedom with my body to express myself again. The dancing also creates longer leaner muscles.

    Don't worry, I am still running. Today, I hiked the hillside (pretty steep) for nearly two hours! Tonight I am hoping to get in an easy two-mile run.

    Thanks for the levels, Julie. I barely qualified for May.

    It is summer down here in L.A., too!

  11. Okay! It is late, and I am tired, but I'm about to go out the door to get in the final run for the month. I gotta get the gold!

    I am with you, Julie. 23 sessions is too hard to commit too. For me, 20 a month is a good goal. If I don't make the gold, I will get discouraged. Maybe we should set our own "gold"? How does everyone feel about the bronze, silver, gold levels?

    Julie, I think that you should take the lead this month, since you are in training mode. Whatever you set as levels is fine with me.

    Well, off I go!

    Good job this month, everyone! On to June!

  12. I LOVE reading about all the successes and struggles. It makes me feel at home!

    Last night, I started running again. The time was slower and I got winded easier, just from the change in activity over the last week! So I'm back into training mode!

    I dropped quite a bit of weight this month, but get nervous that another plateau will hit. I can just feel that the 50's are here! Even though I'm one pound away, it seems like a giant wall to break through!

    Betty, have a wonderful trip!

    Betty and Julie, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell us all about your meeting in the city!

    Newbies, join in! You should be pretty well healed now, and ready to work-out!

  13. Hey, I've been thinking anput getting a GPS for running. Cool! You can let us know if it works well, and if it is comfortable to run with. Attaching to the wrist does not appeal to me, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

    Delta, your distance running is fantastic! And your weight-loss is such an accomplishment.

    Have a good Memorial Day!

  14. Fiona, I'm so sorry you are in pain! Maybe it is something that can be taken care of easily. Do you think it is band pain or gallbladder? Appendicitis?

    Hey, I coasted for so long and now, WHEEEEEE! I'm sliding again!

    I'll be in the 50's soon!!!!

    My goal, hmmm.... Maybe 154 by August. In the 40's by the fall. Goal by Christmas.

  15. Welcome to all of our new exercise friends! Sorry I haven't been around much. (Working too hard!)

    Betty, I'm going to get a small unfill, also. These darn allergies really tighten things up. It is just too risky to be too tight. Of course we want to drop weight, but the worst thing we could do is be so restricted that we end up with a slip or dialated pouch, or some other complication.

    Thanks for the info on the TT, Julie.

    Fiona, you are not a drama queen. We just have to all deal with life and pain, now that there is no option to use food as an anesthetic.

  16. 11 pounds of fat?! That is amazing. Maybe that explains why I keep getting compliments without a huge loss on the scale. The focus is such on BMI and pounds lost, that I have forgotten the increase of lean body mass from running. hmmmm....

    Tracy, FINALLY! Yeah, that picture is beautiful, but so are the others. You look great without makeup. It is odd how much our faces change through this process. While I love how my face looks now, I'm a bit worried about losing too much and finding wrinkles and sags that I didn't know existed.

    Julie, I'm thinking more and more about the whole TT idea. It might be a way to get to the body size/shape I want without sacrificing my face for it. I know it is hard to judge, but I'm wondering how much time I would need "off." How soon can you take a walk? Don't answer me now, I'll try to look it up in your TT thread. Good luck at the new job!!

    Betty, do you have time to get up to Washington for a small unfill? It might make it possible for you to enjoy some meals out. Otherwise, take some liquid replacements along in case you get tighter. I LOVE New York! Have a blast!

    Oh Molly, hang in there!!!

  17. A broke the dreaded plateau!!! It has taken me five months, plus an eight pound gain thrown in there, but today marks a new low since being banded!

    Eficka, I think we all can relate to what you are going through. Yesterday I felt guilty for putting some half and half in my tea. I'll eat half of a cup of food and think I overate. I'm not too worried about it because I still need to lose. (I've got reserves on me ready to kick in.) Talking to a counselor is a very smart move. I will work on that, too!

    Amourette, I'm sorry you are struggling. You are NOT being a party pooper by being honest. This is definitely not a thread to only post victories. There is so much in life that gets in the way. Drama seems to find me. My role as a wife, mother and friend, is to help others with their problems, but I too often take on the pain and anguish. I feel hurt by the poor choices made and also feel I have to fix/save everyone. The running helps me to let go of the pain, fear, stress, and to clear my head. Where I have no power over the choices others make, I feel powerful when running. That is why I run with no earphones. I think through everything that is bothering me. And trust me, there is a lot swirling around in my heart, head and gut! That's why I have to run so far. It's as if I can let it out running instead of crying or eating.

    But I also rely on anti-depressants and prayer. Something happened and suddenly, I found myself in a hole that I could not climb out of. I can't say that you are experiencing what I have been through, just adding that Julie's advice has applied to me.

    I care about you. When you do get a flight here, I'll come see you.

    Julie, use my time as a challenge! I think it was 10:33?? on the 5K. Now, there were some good hills, but I think you can probably beat my time in a matter of a few weeks. GO FOR IT!

    Hugs to all!


  18. How does the doctor feel about you taking steroids/cortisol with the band? My relative has that same disease. I've wondered if she could have the surgery because the weight gain has just been debilitating for her!

    I'm SO sorry you have to deal with it!! Good luck with the band, you deserve it!

  19. Don't panic!! That is why we have the ADJUSTABLE band? When I had an unfill, the weight just jumped back on. It was unreal! But after this last fill, I have come to know that satisfied feeling. My thoughts are not of food during the day, and am only reminded to eat when my stomach is hungry. It is a miracle!!

    Give yourself an evaluation. How is your appetite? How is your exercise level? How is your attitude/stress level? I know this sounds weird, but I firmly believe that there is a connection between our spirits and bodies that cannot be calculated at this point. Do you need a fill? Or a kick in the rear? That scale is a kick in the rear to get going again.

    My plateau started at Christmas. I worked so hard to meet a personal goal, then immediately leveled off about two pounds higher. My weight has just had gentle fluctuations since then...until the dreaded unfill. But now, I am back down to the lowest post-surgery weight. I was here for one day on Christmas! Now I completely intend to BARGE through the wall with such a terrific force that the barrier will shatter to pieces.

    Yeah, the weight loss slows, but does not stop unless you give in! Even when the scale doesn't show victories, there are other rewards. Dawn running 5 miles is such a great accomplishment! Eficka has made terrific progress with her trainer and tempers her chocolate cravings. Kat and Betty survived life-threatening crises with grace and strength. Julie has enjoyed huge victories in the courtroom and prepares for a new professional chapter in her life. As painful as dating can be, Amourette AND Julie have taken the plunge, opened their hearts for the possibility of love, and put themselves "out there." My face, body and spirit are energized and I look forward to loving each day. There is no event that I miss due to wardrobe issues, and there are no old friends that I choose to avoid. My life is moving forward in an exciting adventure, rather than retreating to a place of shame and guilt. Molly, whatever set-backs you have faced, you are kind and giving. You are in the process, just as we ALL are, and will continue to be!

    Thank you all for the honesty and inspiration to stick to the goals and be accountable! This is the ONE safe place for us to share our accomplishments and failures. We can all relate!!

    Much love, BOO

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