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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by beautifuldaymonster

  1. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Welcome and best wishes for your April surgery. Hope it's smooth and easy for you... Pls keep us updated!
  2. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Justmetj is right, it seems slow to you right now. It was for all of us. But 2-4 days before your surgery you probably will feel like things are suddenly moving too fast. You'll have second thoughts and want to cancel the surgery (but you won't), you'll feel a little rushed and scared. It'll pass. Then you'll be in pre-op in the hospital and it all goes REALLY fast. Then the anesthetist will talk with you and you'll go to sleep. And then seemingly a few minutes later, but really hours, you'll wake up and start healing with all of us. Enjoy your time before surgery! You can still get around independently, drive, and do things. In healing, that ends...
  3. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    They did remove the oxygen tubes from my nose pretty early though. They got removed shortly after I got moved to a hospital room. But IV definitely stayed in, the entire time.
  4. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Do they remove the iv immediately after? I totally forgot to ask that ! They kept my IV until immediately before I was discharged. With it they put bags of different liquid medicines into me like potassium, phosphorus, antiemetics and pain killers. They did not remove it until my doctor said I was discharged. Plus they will probably make you grip the IV stand as you walk laps in the hospital and to use the bathroom. They did to me.
  5. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Haha I threw up right in front of the surgeon! I don't remember seeing her in the room when my barf attack hit but she told me about it in detail, she witnessed it for sure. Like you, Cowgirl, I have been having a little trouble keeping hydrated but it's getting better. You'll be good at it in no time! Just heal, concentrate on healing, girl, you've got this!
  6. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I got hit with a lot of heparin shots yesterday but they made me drink some phosphorus and potassium. Maybe your blood came back a little low?
  7. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Me too, I am sending you best wishes too. As for me, I finally released some gas today, apparently that's a milestone and a big deal. Just sipping, walking and sleeping. The worst part of this is just the boredom. Laying around, thinking about protein and dehydration, or reading. I like the idea of eating "real food", but tbh if a whole platter of Chinese food was in front of me I wouldn't want it. Before surgery, Chinese food was my favorite food, my total downfall, lol! Now I don't know what I like anymore. I want to chew on something salty but all food is disgusting right now. Hope it lasts! Best wishes to everybody here.
  8. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Home and in my own bed. Pain is pretty much minimal, almost gone. I can't imagine eating anything. Sipping is a little challenging because all I want to do is sleep! Walking and bending are easy though.
  9. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Weak and resting. Soooper pain and nausea. Do not regret a thing. More later when stronger and fully awake.
  10. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Thanks Cowgirl! They put the IV in, I have a nausea patch behind one ear, and I'm laid up in a hospital gown in bed waiting for my surgeon to come in and brief me. This doesn't scare me at all. It's kind of exciting! Calm and peaceful. Everything going great so far. 30 minutes until surgery...
  11. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Okay wow this is it. I am about to call my hospital ride. I have to be at the hospital an hour from now. I just took "before" photos of myself, front, sides and back. I see a tired girl. I see a girl too young and too happy to look this tired. I see her weighted down by anger, sadness, childhood s****l abuse, insecurity, loneliness and such. I see so much weight put on that wasn't my fault but my stomach malfunctioning after too much ghrelin, too much packing in food, too much stuffing down emotions with different foods. I am so grateful to my surgical team and to God for giving me this upcoming second chance. I can see from bone structure and from my memories and old photos what I used to look like, who I used to be. That girl is trying to break out of a prison made of food and fat. I can see her in these photos. I feel emotional right now. I am now logging off to go to the hospital. I will try to say hi again when the procedure is over. So grateful. Not a fear or regret in the world. Best wishes to all the April Babies here today. It is time.
  12. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I know this is an older question but I did. I started mine early and practiced eating the post surgery stage two diet for a week so it won't be as offensive to my body after surgery. I think it made surviving the pre diet easier for me tbh.
  13. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Thanks everybody, good morning. My surgery is in six hours. Yesterday's magnesium citrate had me in the ladies' room all last night, so I'm a little sleep deprived but I'll be fine. My tummy keeps rumbling. It hasn't had proper food in days so it's angry at me, but I don't feel hungry for some reason. Very thirsty! I am required to drink two bottles of preanesthetic fizzy beverage a couple hours from now so maybe that'll help. Mostly looking at before and after photos of other GB patients online and wondering what sport I get to get into after I heal. I am really excited I get to exercise with less or no more pain soon. That's what is keeping me going. Excited for everybody undergoing their procedures today too!
  14. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Welcome to the combat ring, heh heh! Knock those liquids down, Fit! This is nothing. You can do it!
  15. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Welcome and congratulations! You got this!
  16. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Heh heh it'll be here faster than it feels!
  17. beautifuldaymonster

    Surgery today: Feeling hopeless

    Elvira's silence is telling. I bet her surgery procedure went through anyway and she's in recovery! This said, although I am very new here, from what I've read it's generally not a good idea to sneak food before surgery, especially that close before it. The stomach finishes digestion 8-10 hours after you eat so there was likely little or no food left in hers, but guaranteed her surgeon knew there were food remains in her large intestine and will scold her a bit about it. But her silence so far makes me hopeful. I am pulling for her they operated anyway and she will be fine. Don't cheat, folks! (Says the girl who munched poke with no rice a day ago...) *blush*
  18. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Heh if you're like me, you will feel that way until right about four days before the surgery. Then it will all suddenly feel like things are moving quite fast, almost scary fast. For me, I was impatient as I have waited a few years to get this surgery and spent months researching it, then had to undergo all the screenings and tests etc., then waited on pins and needles for my insurance to make a decision, and then had tasks my very good surgeon requires all her patients to perform. It took forever and felt slow as molasses. But once I was approved things moved faster, and once the final pre-op meeting with the surgeon took place things hit jet speed. Once you are called in for that final pre-op meeting, Sharon, trust me, you may get a sense things are almost moving too fast! It all really picks up speed then! This brought a little panic a bit, in places and at times, and I felt lonely at times even though friends and family have been supportive. Nobody knows what it's like except you. I can't say how you will feel but for me the "this is all moving too fast now, am I sure I want to really do this omg" faded away about a day ago and is completely gone now. I've never married or had kids but I bet this is how a wedding or having a baby feels, almost exactly. There is this very real sense I have this is life changing but now there is no turning back, might as well be calm and accept it. It's pleasant. You will get there sooner than you think!
  19. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Sure is. I feel peaceful about it now. It's like gliding through a tunnel. Feels "inevitable", heh
  20. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Also -- at the risk of babbling and takin' up the board, lol -- why am I not hungry? This is clear liquid day 6 of 6 and the end of two weeks of purees and proteins to do a liver shrink. I was ravenous yesterday evening but yet today so far I feel indifferent to food. If this is what post-op life is like I so want this... I want to stay this light and free
  21. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Git it, girl! I'm pulling for you.
  22. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    It's weird: I couldn't toss out my favorite two pairs of "fat jeans" today. I've read the term "food funerals" here. I kind of think there need to also be blue jean funerals...
  23. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I'm in Southern California so I bet you and everybody else are far ahead of me in nesting and cleaning, but I'm all done now and have even packed my overnight case of post-op hospital stay goodies. (It's a tiny case lol so nobody yell at me, I looked at everyone else's here and took notes, lol) Now just sipping no salt low sodium chicken broth and Vitamin Water and waiting down the clock to tomorrow. Gonna take a magnesium citrate in two hours (yuck) then shower with the pre-surgery cleanser they gave me. I shower with it again tomorrow... then off to the hospital! (Edited for brevity etc)
  24. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Any other April babies feeling a mysterious need to "clean up around the house" and throw stuff out today? I feel so energized. I can't stop unpacking old clothes from the closet and putting them in bags to be donated or thrown away. Not just clothes either -- also "Stuff"! This is weird. Also listening to music I used to when I was younger and thinner. All the new age Deuter and Enya CDs on loop at the house today, crazy!
  25. beautifuldaymonster

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    About to go to bed (I sleep early) but wanted to say welcome to the forum! April first weight escapees unite! :D

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
