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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jaelzion

  1. Jaelzion

    Not available in your recommended size...

    Agreed. I've thought about just starting over but I don't want to lose all my purchase history because of this "helpful" feature, LOL.
  2. Jaelzion

    Not available in your recommended size...

    Exactly! It will eventually let me choose the right size but there's an extra step where it re-sets my choice to what it THINKS my size is. A couple of times I have failed to notice and added the item to my cart in the wrong size! Fortunately, I've never actually purchased the wrong size, I've always noticed and corrected it before paying.
  3. Jaelzion

    Not available in your recommended size...

    Macy's for one. If I'm logged in, it consistently defaults to size 3x and I have manually re-set it each time. And it assumes it knows my size and tells it's not available in my size, LOL. I'll be the judge of that thank you, LOL.
  4. Jaelzion

    Not available in your recommended size...

    So true. And for some brands there's a lot of overlap in the sizes but there's STILL a price differential. For example, Alfani 0X has the exact same measurements as XXL but still costs $10 more. It's a rip-off!
  5. Jaelzion

    Not available in your recommended size...

    Right! I take my measurements and then follow the size charts but it's irritating when I can't even SEE the size chart because the site thinks it already knows my size, LOL.
  6. Jaelzion

    Sleeve after lap band complications

    Welcome! Here's a thread from the revision forum about people who have transitioned from the lap band after having complications. I'm sure one of the lap banders will come along with first hand information but here's a place to start.
  7. For me it's just my feet. I sleep with an extra blanket pulled up to my ankles because the rest of me doesn't need another cover.
  8. Jaelzion

    Stomach feels nothing

    This is a REALLY good point. "Full" felt different for me after surgery. It's more subtle than the solid full feeling I used to have when I had eaten enough. So much so, that the first real meal I ate, I didn't recognize when I was full. I ate a couple of bites too many and paid the price for it. After that, I learned to pay attention to the subtle cues that my tummy has had enough. Don't expect the old "full" feeling you had pre-surgery, it might have changed.
  9. Jaelzion

    Stomach feels nothing

    10 pounds in 12 days is stupendous! Your poor body can't shed weight much faster than that, it's almost a pound per day. You're doing great. 😀 I'm not sure about the "neither hungry nor satisfied" feeling, I didn't experience that. I had no hunger or desire to eat for the first two weeks and I slowly regained my appetite after that. But you are off to a super good start. I only lost 15 pounds in my whole first month!
  10. Jaelzion

    Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

    I started to respond "Yeah, COVID is really surging here too" and then I looked at your profile on the side panel. I'm in California too, so yeah, LOL. 😂 I'm in a similar place as you - I've reached my weight loss goal and now I'm experimenting and learning how to maintain. I used to say I'll never be thin but then I woke up one day and I was pretty thin! LOL I have excess skin on my tummy and until I get that removed I won't really feel thin, but the rest of my body really is. Sometimes I don't recognize myself when I catch sight of myself in a mirror. I walk 1.7 miles every day and I strength train three times a week. I occasionally allow myself a treat but I mostly eat clean from day to day. I still weigh myself regularly because I've seen so many people say they started to gain in their second year. So I'm staying alert but so far, all is well! Happy new year! Edit to add: this is my silhouette in the window. Sometimes I think my reflection is someone else!
  11. I am only just now getting to the point where I can eat a little fruit or veggies and still hit my protein target. I'm almost two years out from surgery and for most of that time, I had exactly the same dilemma as you - everything I ate had to be high in protein or I'd run out of room before getting enough in. I can now eat a bit more than I could before, so now I can eat half an apple or half a peach at some point in the day. One thing I did early on is that I would add a few berries to my yogurt. That way I got the protein from the yogurt and still had a taste of fruit. Recently I cooked a sweet potato and had about half a cup and that was yummy. You'll be able to eat more over time and then you can reintroduce veggies and fruit without sacrificing protein.
  12. Jaelzion

    No Support from Husband

    I know different cultures have different customs, but you are being abused. If your husband can say horrible things like "I don't know why I married you", then there are deepseated problems with the relationship. He's also contradicting himself since he's supposedly "disgusted" by the CPAP machine but yet opposes you taking a decisive step to lose the weight. It sounds to me like he wants to keep you fat and beaten down because that gives him power over you. A thinner, fitter you likely will not put up with the abuse he's dishing out. These are just my impressions based on the little bit you've told us. You have to do what you believe is right but I'm fearful for you. Someone who can go for the emotional jugular like that may hurt you in other ways as well.
  13. Jaelzion

    Allergic reactions..

    Yikes, that's a little scary! Glad you're okay. 🤗
  14. Jaelzion

    I'm doing something wrong

    That week three stall hits almost everybody - it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. It seems to be the body taking some time to adjust to the surgery and the major change in how you eat. I wouldn't worry about comparing yourself to those who are eating less because a lot of things go into how we metabolize food: your age, activity level, previous dieting history (the more you've dieted in the past, the better your body is at adjusting your metabolism to compensate), your overall health, etc. If the scale is still moving downward then your calories are probably fine. As you continue to drop weight, there may come a time when you need to cut calories because the smaller we get, the less food we need. But for now, you're losing weight, you're hitting your nutritional goals and hydration goals, so there doesn't seem to be any need to arbitrarily limit yourself to 500 or 600 calories a day. Just stay the course. Edit to add: I went back to look at one of my early days when I ate around 600 calories. I'm a little weird in that I rarely eat a full meal, it's usually mini-meals throughout the day. Below is what I ate that day. The Evolve is a protein shake, the Tillamook is a cheese snack pack, the Kitu is a keto-friendly coffee drink and I think the rest is self-explanatory. I wasn't restricting calories, this was just what I could eat at that point (I eat 800-900 calories a day now).
  15. At the 5 month mark I also had difficulty eating more than a couple bites. For me it was less nausea and more of a strangled feeling. It seemed to be almost a mechanical blockage. Unfortunately, I don't have any advice because I didn't do anything to resolve it, it just eased up over time. My surgeon did say that if it didn't get better in a month or two he would scope me to make sure there was no stricture or other problem, but I improved in the next couple of months so we didn't have to do that. No advice, but I do know what you're going through. I drank clear protein drinks so that I could get both hydration and protein at the same time (it was the only way I could get close to either goal). If it doesn't get better, I'd go back to your surgeon and emphasize that you CAN'T eat more, that's the problem. They should be able to help you figure this out. Hugs. 🤗
  16. That's a good thought, but I've been checked for endometriosis and there's no sign of it. My GYN is as mystified as all my other doctors, LOL. They're kind of looking at her like "What's going on?" and she's like "Darned if I know!" It's really weird. The GYN is looking at the hematologist saying "You're giving her Lovenox (an anticoagulant), couldn't that be causing it?" and my hematologist is like "Not that I've ever heard of..." They really can't figure it out. Edit to add: I do have one ovary and last we checked, I was still pumping out hormones.
  17. Jaelzion

    Feeing Rough and Sleeve Blush

    I keep seeing people post on here about being sent home without pain meds and I just don't get it. VSG is major surgery and just because some people say they don't need pain meds, that doesn't mean everyone will have that experience. Call your surgeon's office immediately (wake the on-call doctor up if necessary) and tell them you're in pain. Managing your post-op pain is part of their job. You need a prescription. Out of control pain is bad for healing and you should not have to tough it out. Seriously, call now. They dropped the ball.
  18. Obesity Help has a forum called "Hunger and food troubles". It doesn't seem super active but that doesn't mean people won't respond if you start a thread. https://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/hunger_and_food_troubles/
  19. Jaelzion

    Cramps when eating

    I had this early on and it was painful enough that I described it as a cramp. I would swallow the food then...one one-thousand, two one-thousand, CRAMP! It didn't matter how small of a bite I took or how much I chewed. Even a small sip of water would bring it on. Fortunately, that passed in week 3 for me and hasn't recurred since. Hang in there.
  20. Jaelzion


    I wasn't asked to give up caffeine, so I didn't, LOL .
  21. Jaelzion

    Thalassemia and Bypass?

    I'd say it's definitely worth seeing a hematologist, if only to find out whether you will need any special post-op management. I have a blood disorder myself (a different one) and the hematologist I saw did tell me I would need a specific medication after weight loss surgery. My insurance refused to approve it and I couldn't pay for it out of pocket. Just like the hematologist predicted, I ended up in the hospital with a life-threatening blood clot. If my insurance company hadn't prevented me from following my hemadoc's advice, I could have avoided that whole episode. It's always good to check with a specialist if you have any conditions that could be affected by the surgery.
  22. You betcha. I'm 56 and get this, I had a partial hysterectomy 10 years ago! But about 6 months post-bariatric surgery, I started having a "pseudo-period" - cramps and spotting on the same cycle my period would have been. No one can figure out what's going on, not my bariatric team, not my GYN and not my primary doctor. I don't even have the anatomy anymore for a true period, but my body is obviously trying to do *something* period-like. I think this is an effect of drastic weight loss that hasn't been studied and isn't well-understood. Fortunately, it's just light spotting, so it's not a huge issue (even if it is a huge mystery).
  23. Hi there! I had my surgery in March 2019 and I've never regretted it for a second. Your post-op eating plan will be up to your surgeon but almost everyone is back to a regular diet by the six week mark. For me, it was one week of clear liquids, one week of full liquids, then two weeks of soft food and then to regular food, as tolerated. "Regular" is relative though, my surgeon's eating plan is moderately low carb, so no bread, rice, pasta or sweets. I can't lie, the pre-op liquid diet sucked. It was tough but I powered through it (with one slip along the way). The post-op liquid diet wasn't hard for me at all because I had no hunger. I didn't even want food in those first few days. I'm not sure about the protein shake, I buy ready-to-drink, LOL. I've lost 124 pounds, my health is much better, I have my mobility back, I can shop anywhere, I was able to have the knee replacement I needed, my overall quality of life is improved in every way. For me, it's more than worth it. Only you can weigh the pros and cons to decide if it's worth it for you, but it's rare to hear anyone say they regret having the surgery. I wish you well in making the best decision. Hugs. 🤗
  24. Hi everyone, So for Christmas, I was planning to take the same approach I did for Thanksgiving: take one day off and let myself taste all the traditional food and then go right back to my plan the next day. However, for the last few days I have suddenly been dropping weight, even though I am not doing anything different. My goal weight was 130 but I'd love to get down to 125 so my maintenance window could be 125-130 instead of 130-135. So I think since I'm rolling right now, I'm going to stick to plan over Christmas. I'll put my Christmas plate in the freezer and have it in a couple of weeks if I hit 125. I don't know how long this window of weight loss will last, so I want to ride it while I can. 😂 The food will be just as good when I thaw it out and heat it up in a week or two, LOL.
  25. Jaelzion

    3 months still having difficulties

    You're probably fine - there is a lot of variation in how quickly people recover and are able to eat more of a variety of food. But it would be good to mention this to your surgeon because there is a complication that can occur and results in the symptoms you describe. Here is a description of it: Strictures are a problem unique to the Bypass and Sleeve patients. Basically, it is a narrowing preventing food to pass normally through your digestive system. With the Bypass, strictures occur at the gastro-jejunal anastomosis (the top connection where the small bowel is attached to the gastric pouch). Sleeve patients can have a stricture anywhere along the length of the stapled stomach. A stricture will almost always occur within the first three months after surgery. Generally, a patient will complain of not being able to advance their diet beyond liquids. They may have frequent vomiting episodes, or even night time regurgitation/reflux. https://alohasurgery.com/strictures/ I doubt this is what's going on, but you are in that 3 month window when it's most likely to occur and it would be good to rule it out. Whatever is going on (even if it's just a normal slower recovery), your bariatric team can help you figure it out. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs. 🤗

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