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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by eazes

  1. I can't tell you what everyone feels but I can tell you how I felt.

    What do I have to look forward to the day of the surgery?

    The first day of surgery I didn't feel hungry at all. I wanted some Water. That was the first thing I wanted.

    the first week?

    Since my doc wants me to be on full liquids for 2 weeks I would love to jazz up my meals. Even though I can only have liquids you may find yourself trying to find something to break up the monotony.

    How soon were u able to go back to work??

    I'm actually in the middle of switching jobs so I have 2 weeks off (1 week for recovery).

    I have a sit down job so I am planning on returning to work with really no time off but for maybe 3 days?

    My job is also a sit down job. If I wasn't switching jobs I would only have taken 5 days off (surgery on wed. back to work by monday)

    Will I be able to do this??

    You will be able to do it. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit. You were strong enough to decide to have WLS and you'll be strong enough to handle anything else life has to throw at you.

    Vomiting is my worse fear can this be avoided??

    I haven't vomited yet. At the hospital they gave me stuff in my iv to help with nausea but if you think you are still feeling that way I'm sure your doc and prescribe something. I haven't had a problem with it.

  2. 1. What kind of exercise do you plan on doing? I like swimming best, but it's not that convienent. I have a gym membership and NEVER go and they don't have a pool. I am hoping I will be motivated to go to the gym after the surgery. In the meantime, my bag is packed in the car in case the urge hits me. I think I will also pack a swim bag and find out the lap swim schedule at the pool in case I want to do that. I think it's $7 though... which will add up since I already have a gym membership.

    Before surgery: Elliptical 3-4x a week

    After surgery: Currently walking 2x a day around the neighborhood. After the all clear from my surgeon then I'm back on the elliptical and starting a weight training regime.

    2. What shakes are you going to drink for the post op liquid diet? I have to go to GNC or something and pick some out. My nutritionist gave me specifications but I haven't looked at shakes specifically yet. Any good brands? Any great flavors?

    My hubby gets our Protein Shakes from GNC or Bodybuilding.com. I currently drink whey Protein (Chocolate), Muscle Milk (Cookies N Cream), and Lean Dessert (Cinnamon Roll)

    3. My doctor has all patients stay overnight. What do you bring to the hopsital? Do you bring slippers, books, etc? I know most places do an out patient procedure, but they always do overnight stays at the hospital where I am having the surgery.

    I brought the following:

    • Slippers
    • Book
    • Ipod w/ earphones
    • Cell phone w/ bluetooth (don't forget chargers)
    • Comfortable clothes for the hospital and going home
    • sports bra
    • warm socks
    • toothbrush and paste

    4. Does anyone know how long until you can lift? They told me I can't do any heavy lifting, which is fine because I shouldn't need to lift at work, but I do need to be able to do things like carry groceries and laundry. Anyone know that??

    I haven't asked my doc about this one. Right now my hubby is around so I don't really have to do any heavy lifting. As for laundry my daughter can help with that but as long as I don't let it pile up I don't think I'll need her help.

  3. I'm in Day 4 and I'm feeling great. I'm not going to be on my regular pain meds anymore. I probably could have stopped a couple days ago but I just thought since I have them I'll take them as needed. I only really feel discomfort when I wake up from sleeping because I roll around the bed. Right now I'm mostly itchy and that's because my incisions are healing. MAN I WANNA SCRATCH SO BADLY!

  4. I was banded on Wednesday (8/6) and I have not thrown up once. I did feel slightly nauseated when I woke up in recovery but that was the only time I felt that way. After that I was just sore around my incisions and now it's just gas pain and soreness around my port area. Please note that this is just my recovery symptoms. Everybody is different. You may have it much more easier or worse than me but don't let that scare you. Think of it more as an adventure. Even if you get naseated they will give you meds to help you with that. If they don't ask for them!

  5. I arrived at the hospital at 0700. I was the first Lapband of the day and that my doc ever banded. He even had the man who brought the procedure over from Europe as his proctor. I went in the prep room about 45 minutes after arriving. The ladies there at the hospital were so nice. I've never been to a hospital where the nurses were so friendly and put you at ease. I remember when they gave me some meds to relax I was looking at the ceiling lights and said the covering of one looked like a kolidescope. I remember going into the OR and next thing I know someone was telling me to take a deep breath and then I was in recovery. I didn't learn until after I saw my husband that my surgery only took an hour. The ladies in the recovery area were really friendly also. They made sure I was comfortable and got me meds and warm blankets quickly. I was freezing! As far as pain goes, I wasn't in so much pain that I couldn't function. It was more of a achy, very uncomfortable feeling. I probably could have had some tylenol and been fine but I figured I might as well get the good stuff because I don't know what my pain will be like once the OR meds wear off.

    I get into my room and my hubby was there. About 20 minutes after arriving I wanted to try walking. I sat up and things were good. I was moving slowly because I didn't want to get dizzy. I did feel a little dizzy but once I got my bearings I was fine. The only thing that happened was that I got the hiccups. I had to sit down and wait it out. They lasted for about 20 minutes. Once it was over I was able to walk up the hallway and back to my room. After that I wanted some more pain meds and go to sleep.< /p>

    Once I took that first nap I was able to walk some more. I was able to walk about 4 times around the floor before settling in for the night. During this whole time I only needed pain meds after I went for a walk since I was using the muscles around that area. I got into a rhythm of nap, walk, pain meds.

    Today I went to the X-ray room to swallow some of the nastiest stuff so they could make sure that things could pass through my new stoma. Once that came back ok then I was able to have some liquids. Since I hadn't had anything to drink since Tuesday I was more than excited.

    Before I left the hospital I had lunch. Right now I'm sitting in my recliner and feeling great. Well I'm tired but I'm feeling good.

  6. I just wanted to say I'm soon to be on the losers bench. I've survived my day of only liquids with no mess ups. Tomorrow at 7 am I am to check in at the hospital and my surgery will be at 0830. Right now I'm trying to concentrate on getting some sleep. When I am able to I'll post my experience.

    Till Thursday!


  7. Last night I couldn't sleep. All I was dreaming about is all the things that could go wrong...

    Going into surgery and not getting banded. Not leaving for the hospital on time. Forgetting that I'm not supposed to eat anything the day of surgery and having some toast and coffee.

    I'm trying so hard to stay calm. My furious.gif hubby thought my surgery was on Thursday. I was freaking out all day yesterday because I was hungry all day! I just couldn't seem to get enough foods. I was trying my best to stick to good stuff. Today I have to have NOTHING BUT liquids. Will I survive? Well that's not an option because if I want surgery tomorrow I have to. This day is going to go long.

    Ok so to wrap up my whine/rant I just want to say that I'M FREAKING OUT HERE! angst.gifhelp.gif Any advice you can give me to help me through the day is greatly appreciated.

  8. I have been trying to lose some more weight before sugery and the last time I was weighed in the doc's office I was at 311. Ok that's fine. Then that next week I got weighed at my cardiology appointment and weighed at 303. Ok that seems nearly impossible but I'm not arguing. laugh.gif Today I stepped on the scale at my house and it still reads that I'm 311. I even came to work and used the scale here and it reads that I'm at 305. angry.gif Either my scale at home sucks big time or I haven't really lost anything and the other scales are just lying to me. What do you think? Should I just accept the averages from 2 different scales or go by the one at home?

  9. I've seen many posts where people have said that they told people they had gallbladder or some other type of surgery. I've never understood that - I just told my boss that I was going to be out for a surgical procedure. It's no one's business what TYPE of surgery.

    Maybe I'm just lucky that my co-workers were not nosy about me being out.

    I told my supervisor the exact same thing. I'm a very private person and I didn't want everyone in my business.

  10. I know all too well what you are going through. I've been smoke free for a month now and it has not been easy. I have done little things to keep me from falling into that trap.

    1. do not leave the office for lunch

    2. do not bring bank card with me to work

    3. do not stop at any atm unless all the money will be used for a specific purpose

    4. try to stay away from smokers as much as possible

    I am able to do these because I live close to my job but it has helped me kick the habit. I do have some cravings but I try to adjust things so I do not give in. For instance I bring one or both of my kids with me to run errands. I do not smoke with them in the car so it keeps me from purchasing a pack.

  11. Tricare didn't refer you to an approved surgeon? They try to find one within your commuiting area. Are you Tricare Prime, Standard, or Remote? That may change the way they are handling your case. I'm Tricare Prime and when my PCM referred me they set me up with an approved surgeon so everything is covered and I have no out of pocket fees.

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