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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by eazes

  1. I have been trying to lose some more weight before sugery and the last time I was weighed in the doc's office I was at 311. Ok that's fine. Then that next week I got weighed at my cardiology appointment and weighed at 303. Ok that seems nearly impossible but I'm not arguing. Today I stepped on the scale at my house and it still reads that I'm 311. I even came to work and used the scale here and it reads that I'm at 305. Either my scale at home sucks big time or I haven't really lost anything and the other scales are just lying to me. What do you think? Should I just accept the averages from 2 different scales or go by the one at home?
  2. Also Best Buy is now shipping to APO/FPO addys. I saw it posted in their store about a week ago
  3. eazes

    Revealing Band Surgery to Employer

    I told my supervisor the exact same thing. I'm a very private person and I didn't want everyone in my business.
  4. Have you tried Amazon.com. When we were stationed in Japan we ordered a lot of stuff from them and they ship internationally and/or to FPO/APO addresses. Also Best Buy is not shipping to APO/FPO addys. I saw it posted in their store about a week ago.
  5. eazes


    My surgery and all my pre appointments are covered fully by TriCare.
  6. eazes

    I'll go first

    Hi I'm Adamma. I'm a Marine spouse of 9 yrs currently living in Beaufort, SC. We have 2 kids ages 7 and 4.
  7. I know all too well what you are going through. I've been smoke free for a month now and it has not been easy. I have done little things to keep me from falling into that trap. 1. do not leave the office for lunch 2. do not bring bank card with me to work 3. do not stop at any atm unless all the money will be used for a specific purpose 4. try to stay away from smokers as much as possible I am able to do these because I live close to my job but it has helped me kick the habit. I do have some cravings but I try to adjust things so I do not give in. For instance I bring one or both of my kids with me to run errands. I do not smoke with them in the car so it keeps me from purchasing a pack.
  8. eazes

    Why am I sabotaging myself?

    You always read about how other people in your life sabotage your weight loss efforts but what about yourself? My husband just recently brought to my attention how I've slowed down my workout regime. Ever since I started my journey to have the Lap-Band surgery I've been trying to be more aware of how I am eating and stepping up my workouts. I was doing good until I went into the surgeon's office and found out that I met his requirements for surgery and got my date. Since then I really haven't worked out and when I do I just go at a turtle's pace. This isn't like me. I used to be drenched in sweat when I came from working out now I barely break one. Today I stepped up my workout and thought my legs were going to fall off. This didn't happen a week ago. I'm seriously thinking that maybe since I met my surgeon's goal for my surgery I just thought I didn't have to do anything else. I want to lose as much weight as I can Pre-banded that way I'll already be in losing mode by the time I get banded. I know I can do it I just need to focus on the ultimate goal and that is to get down to a healthier weight and feel sexy again. My confidence is shot even though I do try to bring it back up but it's hard. Oh man it's hard. He's tired of seeing me wallow in self pity and frankly I am too. I need to keep a positive attitude for the future and not look to him or anyone else to motivate me. I and me alone can only do what is necessary to ensure that I am successful with the band. Today is a new day and I know I can do it. I've just got to keep my eye on the prize and motivate myself everyday to work towards that prize. So far I've lost 20 lbs since starting in May. I know I can lose more. Matter of fact I'm going to jump on the elliptical after work. I just put some new movies/TV shows on my ipod so it's time to catch up on The Boondocks!
  9. I've been scheduled for August 6th!
  10. I'm getting banded on August 6th!
  11. eazes

    Got my date!!!

    I went to my surgeon's appointment today and I not only lost enough weight to get my BMI under 50 but I also was able to schedule my surgery date. I'm due to be in surgery on August 6th. I'm so excited! As soon as I got to the car I started calling everyone telling them the goods news. I can't wait to shed this unwanted "person" from my body and show off the real me. It's going to be a hard, long road but I'm SO ready to walk it.
  12. eazes

    Got my date!!!

    I went to my surgeon's appointment today and I not only lost enough weight to get my BMI under 50 but I also was able to schedule my surgery date. I'm due to be in surgery on August 6th. I'm so excited! As soon as I got to the car I started calling everyone telling them the goods news. I can't wait to shed this unwanted "person" from my body and show off the real me. It's going to be a hard, long road but I'm SO ready to walk it.
  13. eazes

    Never Underestimate Your Spouse!

    I know how you feel. I can't wait to fit in chairs and not have to worry about my ass getting stuck as I attempt to get up. LOL
  14. Over this weekend my hubby and I were discussing things. I've never really went into detail about my feelings about my weight and how I look. I mean I know I am a beautiful woman and my weight doesn't determine my worth but sometimes those feelings do creep in on me. Yesterday morning I finally broke down and told my husband everything that is going on in my head. Everything about having the surgery and how I feel about my weight. I'll admit it to everyone...I'm scared! I'm scared about having the surgery and even more than that what will happen to me if I don't. I know I have a twisted relationship with food and I'm still a work in progress about that. As I was sitting there bawling my eyes out he held me and told me it will be okay. That I'm taking the steps to get my weight in check and keep it there. I told him that I know the benefits of having the surgery far outweigh any fears I may have about the surgery itself. I do ask myself "Will I be able to handle the restrictions on my food intake?" "Will I be able to stick with the diet for the rest of my life?". These are questions that go through my head everyday. I told him my deepest fear was that I won't be able to do normal things with my kids and my children mean the world to me. I know I should have said all this stuff to him before. I guess I just thought he wouldn't understand because he has never had a weight problem. He actually understood and even comforted me. He reaffirmed that he would be there for me to help me with anything I needed. I didn't think it was possible but I love him more for that.
  15. eazes

    Never Underestimate Your Spouse!

    Over this weekend my hubby and I were discussing things. I've never really went into detail about my feelings about my weight and how I look. I mean I know I am a beautiful woman and my weight doesn't determine my worth but sometimes those feelings do creep in on me. Yesterday morning I finally broke down and told my husband everything that is going on in my head. Everything about having the surgery and how I feel about my weight. I'll admit it to everyone...I'm scared! I'm scared about having the surgery and even more than that what will happen to me if I don't. I know I have a twisted relationship with food and I'm still a work in progress about that. As I was sitting there bawling my eyes out he held me and told me it will be okay. That I'm taking the steps to get my weight in check and keep it there. I told him that I know the benefits of having the surgery far outweigh any fears I may have about the surgery itself. I do ask myself "Will I be able to handle the restrictions on my food intake?" "Will I be able to stick with the diet for the rest of my life?". These are questions that go through my head everyday. I told him my deepest fear was that I won't be able to do normal things with my kids and my children mean the world to me. I know I should have said all this stuff to him before. I guess I just thought he wouldn't understand because he has never had a weight problem. He actually understood and even comforted me. He reaffirmed that he would be there for me to help me with anything I needed. I didn't think it was possible but I love him more for that.
  16. Tricare didn't refer you to an approved surgeon? They try to find one within your commuiting area. Are you Tricare Prime, Standard, or Remote? That may change the way they are handling your case. I'm Tricare Prime and when my PCM referred me they set me up with an approved surgeon so everything is covered and I have no out of pocket fees.
  17. My doc says 1 week but if you have to as long as you are not on narcotics then you can drive.
  18. eazes

    Nervous about surgery

    I know how you feel. I've only been under once and I was scared out of my mind. I've just recently started to get butterflies in my stomach about the surgery and I don't even have a date yet. LOL It's perfectly normal to be scared but like you said you know the benefits of having the surgery. Whenever you feel like you are going to hurl from the anxiety of surgery just take a deep breath and think about all the things you'll be able to do after you have the surgery. All the stores you'll be able to shop in, how your body is going to look and feel after you lose the weight, how you will feel knowing that as long as you stay the course it will never come back. I think of those things and the feeling goes away. I'm sure it will do the same for you.
  19. For my hubby his main concern is me getting healthy and staying that way. He is a skinny man and is really built. He's into working out and eating healthy. I'll be the first to admit I didn't think he would go for me having the lap band but really I'm not doing it for him so I was just going to ask him to support me as I go through this process. When I actually told him about it he just looked at me and said ok. He told me that if I thought I needed to do this to get this weight off he would support. I was going to tell him all the information I had gathered about the procedure and how it would affect me but he already knew. Apparently he had done his own research. I think he was going to bring it up to me but I beat him to the punch. I think it all depends on the husband. Some hubby's are against it some are for it. My friend is going to start her journey towards surgery and her husband told her that if he could do it too he would. (He's military) He said go for it. Are we lucky? Sure, but for those who are not so fortunate we are here for you. That's why I love these boards and many like them because they provide a place of refuse when the world is set against you.
  20. eazes

    My so called friend

    A friend of mine and I were chatting online this morning. Now this is a lady that know's my ongoing battle with losing weight. I told her about the LapBand and how I'm going through the steps to have the surgery. Here I am thinking she'll be supportive or even excited that I'm doing this for my own good she basically shot me down for it. She talked about how I don't need to do it that I'm young and can get the weight off. She told me that she recently lost weight and that I could do it to. I know I can lose weight. I want to lose weight. That's what I'm doing now and why I want to have the lap band. I wasn't looking for her to be jumping up and down and be excited for me. I just was looking for a little support in my journey. She even had the gaul to ask me if my husband knew. As if I wouldn't tell him. I realize she has reservations about it and I bet a few others I've told also have it but they all are supporting me in it because they realize that ultimately it's my decision and they love me and want me to be healthy. Why can't she see it. I'm seriously thinking she was happy with me the way I am because I'm her "fat" friend that no body looks at. I'm not that person anymore. I'm finally taking control of my weight instead of letting it control me. I know this one person shouldn't get me all riled up but I can't help it. Thankfully I've got people in my life that support my decision and wish me luck in losing this weight forever. Our relationship has been strained due to previous issues on her part but here I am just wanting a little support and now I see I can't count on that from her. I can't even vent to her when things get rough because I know I'll get nothing but "I told you so". :thumbup: She really pissed me off and put in a bad mood. Why does it seem that all anybody can think of is the bad part of having it done like it's some sort of taboo of having WLS. It's here to help people to get healthy. I want what everybody else wants out of life but don't fault me because WLS will help me accomplish it.
  21. eazes


    Wow onderland. I left that town a long time ago. I can't wait to move back. Congrats on your recent move and I hope your house gets smaller and smaller.
  22. My surgeon was actually happy when I told him I had tricare as insurance. His exact words were..."Tricare oh then this will be easy then!" I'm so happy that tricare can make it easy when it comes to getting approved for referrals. Now if only it could be so easy to get an appointment on base to see you PCM. LOL
  23. eazes

    My so called friend

    I have my first appointment with my surgeon on July 11th. I'm really excited about. As for my friend. I'm not putting any stock into what she's saying right now. Now if she is curious as to what I'm going to be going through then I'd be more than happy to support her. I've decided to give her some time and see if she comes to me for answers. I'm definitely not running to her for support.
  24. eazes

    My so called friend

    A friend of mine and I were chatting online this morning. Now this is a lady that know's my ongoing battle with losing weight. I told her about the LapBand and how I'm going through the steps to have the surgery. Here I am thinking she'll be supportive or even excited that I'm doing this for my own good she basically shot me down for it. She talked about how I don't need to do it that I'm young and can get the weight off. She told me that she recently lost weight and that I could do it to. I know I can lose weight. I want to lose weight. That's what I'm doing now and why I want to have the lap band. I wasn't looking for her to be jumping up and down and be excited for me. I just was looking for a little support in my journey. She even had the gaul to ask me if my husband knew. As if I wouldn't tell him. I realize she has reservations about it and I bet a few others I've told also have it but they all are supporting me in it because they realize that ultimately it's my decision and they love me and want me to be healthy. Why can't she see it. I'm seriously thinking she was happy with me the way I am because I'm her "fat" friend that no body looks at. I'm not that person anymore. I'm finally taking control of my weight instead of letting it control me. I know this one person shouldn't get me all riled up but I can't help it. Thankfully I've got people in my life that support my decision and wish me luck in losing this weight forever. Our relationship has been strained due to previous issues on her part but here I am just wanting a little support and now I see I can't count on that from her. I can't even vent to her when things get rough because I know I'll get nothing but "I told you so". :cool: She really pissed me off and put in a bad mood. Why does it seem that all anybody can think of is the bad part of having it done like it's some sort of taboo of having WLS. It's here to help people to get healthy. I want what everybody else wants out of life but don't fault me because WLS will help me accomplish it.
  25. eazes

    Can't Weight.

    From what I have seen it all depends on the doc you are seeing and the insurance that you have. With my insurance and my doc you only need to have a nutrition/fitness/psych eval consult and then you see the doc for a physical and then you see the doc again to schedule your surgery date. Others I've read sometimes have to do a 6 month doc supervised diet or have to show previous years of documented weight loss attempts. Maybe you lucked out and have a easy insurance/doc. Good luck to you on your journey. Like you I'm pre banded. Can't wait to be post op.

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