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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TheFlinstones

  1. On 05/11/2019 at 22:21, Tallymom said:

    Hi all. I had surgery April 3 at 260 lbs and am down 19 lbs. Frustrated last two weeks as my body is changing but I am down from losing 5 lbs a week to 2 lbs a week. I am getting all Water, Protein, Vitamins and walking 3 miles/day. I’m eating 800 calories/day. I know it’s not a stall but I am surprisingly down about it this morning. Big sigh.
    @Tallymom I hope you’ve been doing well. I hope the frustration has passed. You are doing the best you can and changing your habits.

    I’m also trying to find where you responded to one of my comments but can’t seem to find it.

    You are so supportive to others, back yourself, you’ve got this.

    Thinking of you and wishing you everything. Love 💕

  2. On 05/14/2019 at 08:48, Alwzla8 said:

    Been a while since I posted, nice to read all the updates. I had my sleeve done on 4/9 and so far weight loss is 26 pounds from that morning:) I am still on mushy food until June 12 not that I am watching the calendar very closely lol.. But I have noticed that I can not eat a full 2oz like they say.. Does anyone else have this issue? I can get 1/2oz - maybe a little over an ounce but by then my stomach is so uncomfortable I know it is time to stop. I am having a hard time with the Protein I am now at the point every time I start to drink one I want to puke.

    @Alwzla8 I can only eat teeny amounts also. However I’m ok on getting Protein Drinks down. I have a tasteless Protein Powder and mix it with frozen raspberries, ice, carrot , celery and ginger juice. It’s delicious. But you can add it to anything hot or cold.

    I hope you’ve been doing ok.

  3. On 05/24/2019 at 03:16, BigWill619 said:

    @Alwzla8 ,, I was thinking the same thing about myself .. I had my sleeve done on 4-10-19 .. I went in at 261 .. I’m currently at 228 , i thought I would have lost more weight by now since the amount of food I’m able to consume is SO small and I’ve started going to the gym about 2 weeks ago .. I’ve read lots about it and turns out losing 30 lbs in 4 to 8 weeks is normal and the mistake I’ve been making is not having enough Water .. just can’t stand drinking plain Water ,, but it’s essential in helping the weight go down faster . Stay encouraged and continue on the plan and the weight will start to fall off .. I’m right there with you 👍🏼
    @BigWill619 so true, excellent response! I hope you’ve been doing well. It’s encouraging to read all the comments, it’s so supportive. Take care.

  4. On 05/22/2019 at 11:56, Feeling_Sleevey said:

    April 8th! Little late posting lol. Anyone else with this date? How are you doing?

    @Feeling_Sleevey I was 10th April.

    Each week things get easier/better with non weight loss achievements, reflux/heartburn. I’m so happy with what’s gone so far, yet still looking forward to more weight disappearing. I feel so much better, I feel a lot more able to be social.

    I so hope everyone is doing well, it’s such a journey and I’m so grateful for this forum.

    Take care, many blessings & love.

  5. On 05/17/2019 at 02:10, I Am Groot said:

    Looks like I'm another slow loser as well. I had hope to be one who could boast about losing 60 lbs in 2 months, but nah. lol. I lost 6 lbs over the last month and 33 lbs altogether. I'll take it (... as if I have a choice 😉).

    I'll kick cardio up a notch next month.

    I hope you’ve been doing well. Write down some non weight achievements!

    You’re doing great.

  6. On 05/17/2019 at 01:36, Sberryblond said:

    Yes I did! Week 3 I was at the same weight for 4 days, lost a pound and stayed there for another 3 days. I’m averaging about 2 lbs/week, which is excruciating for me, but I have to try and look at the big picture. Stay strong!

    Keep at it, a few weeks has passed and as long as it’s on it’s way down. I hope you are feeling well and happy. Take care.

  7. Surgery 10/4/2019

    Since surgery I’ve lost 56.1 lbs...

    So far it’s given me relief from knee pain, can finally put shoes on more comfortably (my stomach/belly has shrunk so I can reach easily now), I’m able to do more during my days physically, still unfit though, very slowly regaining strength in my legs, sleeping better.

    That’s just a few.

    Definitely not hungry.

  8. I’m just wondering how anyone is going with acid reflux/heartburn?

    Dr gave me medication for this for the first month after surgery. And since I’ve finished it, it bothers me a little during the day and then at night time wakes me up. I’m hoping it’s not for life! (Catastrophysing)

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I’m struggling getting Water down over the day. I know I’m dehydrated. Water needs to be attached to you on a camelback backpack.

    I also find it easier to have Protein Shakes than real food as real food still seems to sit a little uncomfortable and I can hardly eat anything if I do (which is obviously the whole point of the surgery!) hehe

    Anyway I’ve written far more than I thought. Take care everyone xo

  9. On 09/03/2018 at 05:35, ryan_86 said:

    I’m just frustrated with dating. Two years after surgery I know I will always need to be vigilant to keep weight off. I can’t be with someone who struggles with food or isn’t active. I’ll get sucked right into their lifestyle.

    It makes me feel shallow, even though I know it shouldn’t, and it limits the dating pool. I guess I didn’t have any expectations concerning relationships after weight loss, but I did/do have aspirations. I’m tired of being single, and when you exclude overweight women, single moms, women 8+ years older than you, people who don’t have their **** together, women who want kids, and people so into Jesus it’s in the first 15 words of their dating profile, it’s like trying to find a specific needle in a haystack-sized pile of needles. It’s frustrating and sometimes it hurts.

    That’s my venting for the day. Off to find something enjoyable.

    I laughed so hard at this, because I relate to the whole dating process. Not that I’ve done much dating in the last couple of years.

    But I’ve certainly said to myself no one will want me while I’ve been larger.

    I’m an odd female, never married no kids. And don’t count/want to have any, just due to being nearly 46. Seems way too crazy to have kids now and not with someone anyhow.

    I sometimes think I’ll be alone forever now. But I do hope I meet someone to have as a special friend that I spend time with who becomes a partner. But I slightly err on the side of I can’t see it happening... since it hasn’t happened thus far.

    And I know I’m someone who has some shit, but it’s mine and I own it. I’m very young at heart and have a lot to give.

    I hope the right person comes along in some random way for everyone at the ‘right’ time or when least expected.

  10. On 05/02/2019 at 09:10, SusieQ2019 said:

    I am up and about, trying to get my Water and Protein in. I am full after 2 spoonfuls of greek plain yogurt with unsweetened apple sauce and a scoop of Isopure unsweetened Protein Powder. I am going to try to go to the gym tomorrow.

    I am really cold and may invest in a small space heater. I am covered up with 3 blankets. All and all pain is manageable and I am not having any gas pains. Knock on wood.

    My cat keep trying to lay down on my stomach smh.

    I am thankful for my sons 20 and 23 yr old. My 9 yr old daughter is to busy playing ROBLOX with her friends.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Oh, @SusieQ2019 glad you’re doing well. Your cat sounds so sweet, trying to look after you and give you comfort.

    Slowly slowly it goes with being able to get food down & H2O.

    Keep up the self care and positive vibes lovely. (Not sure how long since your surgery) I’m 3 weeks.

    Take care.

  11. On 05/01/2019 at 23:47, I Am Groot said:

    Congratulations, everyone!!! We did it! I can't wait for updates over the next few months and maybe even years.

    I second this. I’m loving hearing everyone’s updates. I’m wishing the best for all of us. I’m so glad this forum is here. So lucky to be able to share stories and not feel alone.

  12. On 05/03/2019 at 10:25, Tallymom said:

    My surgeon told me to put Neosporin and a band aid on my incisions and that worked great. Also said to take Benadryl at night. That works great too as mine are still itching.

    Wow, that’s interesting. I didn’t ever scratch in my sleep. Was just worried I might when they weren’t fully closed yet. Also I had oxy each night and slept quite well.

    I hope you’re doing well @Tallymom hope your pain eases up. Mine is nearly all gone. I haven’t taken anything for pain in almost two weeks.

    Starting to get slightly more food in (in terms of being able to get a whole yoghurt down that’s high in protein!)

    I’m also concentrating on getting in my H2O. I feel the odd low on energy feeling which has to be not enough Water not enough calories. I think. But otherwise all feeing well and I’m so happy with the difference in how I feel with the weight that has gone. I feel so lucky, but also too like everyone else, it’s been a plan and doing bits each day to gain success in getting healthier.

    Much love.

  13. On 05/03/2019 at 09:49, KimB7811 said:

    Omg the itching!!!! Is anyone itching like mad on their belly? My surgi-strips are just starting to fall off but the itching is becoming unbearable!

    Oh, and also the elastoplast/bandaids made me itchy I think too, the sticky glue stuff. I ended up with a rash. Which I put Sudocream on, it’s a high zinc nappy rash cream that is really soothing. Wherever you are I’m sure they have something like it. Three weeks out and I still have faint marks from the rash.

  14. On 05/03/2019 at 09:49, KimB7811 said:

    Omg the itching!!!! Is anyone itching like mad on their belly? My surgi-strips are just starting to fall off but the itching is becoming unbearable!

    Hi, yes I got some itching too. But it’s a good sign everything is healing. I was even worried I’d scratch in my sleep and do damage to the incisions. So try to cover them up. 🙂

  15. On 03/14/2019 at 08:36, Liz The New Me said:

    OK so for me...It works. Pre-op was able to swallow all the pills. Post-op not a one. So I did the Patches. The one that did the most incredible work the I noticed right a way was the night time menopausal. The night time hot flash is under control. I put them on my stomach, hips, side or my arms. I change it around. I will wear up to 4 or 5. I figure cover all the basics. LOL hair, Multi, Calcium, sleep, Vitm. D, Anti-aging. I can't hurt. I can now take pills, so I do both. They had a special sale of 50% off and I went to town. Labs are good.

    Which brand of Patches did you use?

    I’m keen to try some as having discomfort taking so many pills.
    Thank you.

  16. Oh man, I wrote the longest msg and then accidentally pressed something and it deleted. 🙄

    @Romanoloser yes, I’ve had the same spot of pain and a few others not far from all scar sites. However not enough pain that I’ve taken anything after the first week.

    I’m struggling to get Water and Protein requirements. I feel so full and slight discomfort after a few sips or mouthfuls. And then I seem to stop/avoid sipping. But I’m just going to push on through.

    Feel a little like I’m taking oodles of tablets. But I’m considering finding the person I saw comment on a thread that uses vitamin patches and she said that her bloodwork was all A ok in follow up appointments. So I’ll try to find the brand she used.

    I had a more ambitious day planned of tidying and cleaning but feeling low on energy, no doubt to probably being dehydrated. So just taking it easy after doing a couple of chores. (Sounds so boring, but I’m usually one to just ignore what I need and at the same time I’m feeling for the people on here who have multiple jobs and having so much to do) Please take care everyone. Xo

    Preop 310.2
    Day of op 294.4 - 15.8lbs
    1 wk. 280.5 - 13.9lbs
    2 wk. 276.3 - 4.2lbs
    3 wk. 272.6 - 3.7lbs

    I still can’t believe this is happening and weight will keep coming off.

    Much love and light to all. Take care.

  17. On 04/30/2019 at 13:30, CajunSam said:

    Has anyone hit the dreaded 3 week stall yet? I have. It’s a HUGE bummer and discouraging but I am trying to remember it’s totally normal. I’ve been stalled for 7 days now and I am 3.5 weeks out.
    Keep going @CajunSam it will happen. Try and list some non weight loss positives. You’ve done such a huge thing for your health and happiness.

  18. Sending love to all the April 2019 lovely people. I hope all are doing well in recovery, liquid & purée stages and onwards.

    Thought I’d share a few non weight loss positives.

    1. I can sleep more on my sides almost on my stomach (I am actually a side sleeper but have noticed how different being able to roll further round with diminishing tummy)

    2. I went to the gym and rode the bike for 32mins this morning. And my legs as in thighs and calves didn’t feel like they were squishing whilst peddling revolutions.

    3. Managed to keep food down that is puréed!

    Thank you to everyone in this thread, I’m grateful to have people on the same journey.


  19. On 04/28/2019 at 20:20, KateBruin said:

    Foamies is the worst. I’ve gotten it twice so far so it’s foods I won’t try for another couple of weeks. Fully threw up once and the second time was just foam. I’m not concerned since most of my food options go down well. I hope yours gets better soon!
    Oh, thank you so much.

    I’ve taken a few steps back to almost liquid as I was so worried.

    It’s reassuring someone else has experienced it and the plan to come back to those foods.

    Thank you so much for commenting xo

  20. On 04/26/2019 at 00:21, Sberryblond said:

    How long post-op are you? Which food stage are you in? If you’re where you should be, you need to call your doctor; if you jumped in ahead of time, a painful lesson learned, I’m afraid. Hope you feel better soon!

    I’m purées, 16 days post op. Haven’t jumped ahead. It’s heartburn pain that went for an hour.

  21. @Tallymom @girlaccountant @LabGoddess @brownymix13 @OhMyGracious!

    I hear all of you on the energy levels going up and down.

    @girlaccountant I don’t know how you are surviving doing two jobs, that’s so incredibly hard and then dealing with energy levels and getting Water and Protein down.

    I had my 2week post op appointment yesterday. I’m allowed to start purées but I have no idea how I will be able to eat 80g of protein via purées and shakes I feel like I’m eating all day. I got quite overwhelmed yesterday and a little this morning that I can quite easily just skip eating (purely because of how annoying the process of it is taking, NOT because I’m trying to avoid eating from a dieting sense - I know that’s not an option and also doesn’t work)

    When I feel low on energy I also get a sweaty thing happen, like a shot of adrenaline that seems to freak me out and then I need to lay down.

    I’ve also been sick now for a few days and that is taking a toll also - not sleeping well, coughing and blocked sinus etc. (I was also sick the week before surgery same thing)

    Trying my best to remind myself that it’s all small steps, you don’t have to be perfect, do what you can.

    Aside from all that I’m happy with how it’s going it’s and been so far. I do feel nervous that I won’t lose weight this week, which really shouldn’t be my worry. Focus more on health an nutrition, however clearly I want to know this works.

    So clearly I’m happy, tired, a little apprehensive and some positivity.

    I feel like such a fool for being so many things at once.

    I’m grateful to read others experience to know we’re going through similar circumstances.

    Much love and happiness to everyone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
